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Routine by Xamine (John Horne) 2010

2 minutes on a foam roller
Hang on the pull up bar to elongate spine and open shoulder capsules.
Dynamic stretches (stretches involving movement)
Static stretches (stretches with limited movement)
Work on specific movements with PVC or a 45# bar

5+ minutes of stretching
5+ minute flush on the foam roller

The Training 411!
Training days follow a pattern of one heavy day (A day) followed by a light day (B day). For
example, one week would be an A day (Heavy leg workout), then the following week would be a
B day (Light leg workout). This of course can be adjusted to how you feel that day.

Cardio sessions should be done 6 hours prior/after lifting to ensure recovery, but it can also be done
post workout. High intensity cardio should last no longer than 20 minutes.

Accessory lifts can be done post workout on any workout as long as they dont interfere with the next
training day. (ex. Biceps before back day)

Weight training should last 1 1.5 hour.

MONDAY; SESSION 1.A (Heavy) - Objective = Lower body.

5 Sets - Squat (Any variant) x 8-15 Repetitions
4 Sets - Glute Ham Raise x 8-10 Repetitions
3 Sets - Stiff-Leg Deadlift x 10 Repetitions
3 Sets - Smith split squat x 15 Repetitions
3 Sets - Seated Calf Raises x 15-20 Repetitions
3 Sets - Standing Calf Raises x 20 Repetitions

MONDAY; SESSION 1.B (Light) - Objective = Lower body.

5 Sets - Leg press x 15-25 Repetitions
4 Sets - 1 Leg Deadlift x 10 Repetitions
3 Sets - Leg Extensions x 10-15 Repetitions
3 Sets - Leg Curls x 10 Repetitions
3 Sets - Seated Calf Raises x 15-20 Repetitions
3 Sets - Standing Calf Raises x 15-20 Repetitions

TUESDAY; SESSION 2.A (Heavy) - Objective = Chest.

5 Sets - Bench Press x 7-10 Repetitions
4 Sets - Incline Bench x 10 Repetitions
3 Sets - Close-grip Bench x 10 Repetitions
3 Sets - *Superset*
Units x 10 Repetitions
Flat dumbbell x AsManyAsPossible

TUESDAY; SESSION 2.B (Light) - Objective = Chest.

5 Sets - Bench Press x 10-15 Repetitions
4 Sets - Incline Bench x 15-20 Repetitions
3 Sets - Close-grip Bench x 10 Repetitions
3 Sets - *Superset*
Tate press x 10 Repetitions
Incline dumbbell x AsManyAsPossible
3 Sets - Crossovers x 7-20 Repetitions

WEDNESDAY; SESSION 3.B (Heavy) - Objective = Back.

5 Sets Deadlift / Rack pull x 3-7 Repetitions
4 Sets - Pull downs (Any variant) x 7-15 Repetitions
4 Sets - Hammer row (Any variant) x 7-15 Repetitions
3 Sets - Seated Cable row x 10-15 Repetitions
3 Sets - Pullovers x 15-20 Repetitions

WEDNESDAY; SESSION 3.A (Light) - Objective = Back.

5 Sets - Bent-over row x 7-10 Repetitions
4 Sets - Pull downs (Any variant) x 7-15 Repetitions
3 Sets - Grappler row (Any variant) x 7-15 Repetitions
3 Sets - Seated Cable row x 10-15 Repetitions
3 Sets - Pullovers x 15-20 Repetitions

THURSDAY; SESSION 4.A (Heavy) - Objective = Shoulders.

5 Sets - Military Press x 7-10 Repetitions
4 Sets - High Pulls x 7-10 Repetitions
5 Sets - Side Raises x 10-20 Repetitions
5 Sets - Band Face pulls x 10-20 Repetitions
5 Sets - Barbell shrugs x 7-15 Repetitions

THURSDAY; SESSION 4.B (Light) - Objective = Shoulders.

5 Sets - DB Press x 10-15 Repetitions
5 Sets - Side Raises x 15-25 Repetitions
5 Sets - Plate Raises x 15-25 Repetitions
5 Sets - Band Face pulls x 15-25 Repetitions
5 Sets - DB shrugs x 15-25 Repetitions

FRIDAY; SESSION 5 - Objective = Arms.

5 Sets - Dips x 10-15 Repetitions
5 Sets - Standing Curls (Any variant) x 7-15 Repetitions
4 Sets Overhead Cable extensions x 10-15 Repetitions
4 Sets - Incline dumbbell curl x 7-15 Repetitions
3 Sets - Cable Pushdowns x 15-25 Repetitions
3 Sets - Hammer Curls x 7-15 Repetitions

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