Photographer Research Part 1

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Digital Photography I Research Project Part 1

Skyline High School, Ann Arbor Public Schools

You will research a famous photographer and present a PowerPoint, Prezi or Comic
Life presentation to the class. You will create a PowerPoint or Prezi presentation that
must have a title page and a bibliography at the end listing your sources. You will need a
minimum of three different sources. *Do not copy & paste from websites or any other
resourcesNo PLAIGERISM!

Your presentation will be a minimum of 5 minutes in length. Each of the following
areas should receive the same amount of attention. Your presentation must include the

___ A minimum of 24 photographs of the photographers workwith title & date taken
typed below it.

___ A short biography of the photographer, explanation of the type of photography they
shot, how the photographers work was affected by the time in which they lived.

___ An explanation of the technical processes the photographer used and how you feel
this photographer has contributed to the field of photography (discuss specific
examplescontent versus process).

___ An in-depth critique of a minimum of three of the photographs shown (use critiquing

___ Bibliographyinclude website address and date info was obtained.

Photo Research Project

Early Photographers & Photo Process Inventors
Jacques Mande Daguerre William Henry Fox Talbot Paul Nadar
Julia Margaret Cameron Eadweard Muybridge George Eastman

Architectural Photographers
Randy Scott Slavin Janie Airey Eddy Joaquim Moby Simon Kennedy
Rut Blees Luxemburg Dirk Reinartz

Landscape Photographers
Ansel Adams Berenice Abbott Lars Van De Goor Philip Hyde
Joseph Holmes Eliot Porter Galen Rowell

Documentary Photographers / Photo Journalism
Timothy OSullivan Jacob Riis Weegee Walker Evans Lewis Hine
Dorothea Lange Margaret Bourke-White Robert Doisneau Helen Levitt
Shiran Neshat Elliot Erwitt

Pictorial Photography
Alfred Stieglitz Gertrude Kasebier Eva Watson-Schutze Oscar Rejlander

Straight Photography
Paul Strand Eduard J. Steichen Imogen Cunningham Paul Outerbridge
Kate Kirkwood

Experimental Photographers
Laszlo Moholy-Nagy Minor White Alexander Rodchencko Man Ray
Harold Edgerton Rinko Kawauchi Edweard Muybridge

Still Life Photographers
Jan Groover David Ashman Sandy Skogland Edward Weston Holly Lackner

Portrait Photographers
Richard Avedon Steve McCurry Bill Owens Cy Jo
Mary Ellen Mark Carrie Mae Weems Jan Meissner Cass Bird
Annie Leibovitz Peter Turnley Gabi Ben Avrahahn Diane Arbus
Brandon Stanton Gordon Parks Steven Meisel Cristina Hoch

Contemporary Photographers
Harry Callahan Jerry Uelsmann Gregory Crewdson Bronek Kozka
Cindy Sherman William Wegman Shelly Corbett Uta Bath Jeff Wall
Hiroshi Sugimoto Holly Andres Andy Goldsworthy Alex Prager

Surreal or Fantasy Photographers
Alex Stoddard Brooke Shaden Kyle Thompson Logan Zilmer
Yutha Yamanake Alessio Albi

Sports Photographers
Bob Martin Tim Clayton Erik Refner Max Rossi Neil Liefer

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