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Statement and Questions from the more then fifty refugees - given temporary protection visas to re-

settle on Nauru.

We, the men living in Fly Camp in the jungle of Nauru are asking the Australian and international
media to expose the truth of our situation.

We are intelligent men. We are mostly Pakistani men and also we are a few Afghani men. Most of us
are well educated. We are men who have good morals. Security was happy with us and give us
positive decision for refugee status but here we are dying slowly. Here the conditions are worse than
the processing centre. Hear our voices.

We are living in a camp in the jungle. This is where they re-settled us. This is no place to live. If we
are refugees why are we not living in community? We have no neighbours here. Our neighbours,
our relatives are mosquitoes and flies and dogs. Please listen to our issues.

We want to tell you that we are here like animals. In a zoo there is different animals from different
countries and people go to look at them. Nauru is a zoo. We are just different animals from different
countries. People come to visit here and then asks some questions then they note it down. But we
know from experience that they are doing just paper work and nothing will happen. They just come to
look at us.

Recently one man called Paris Aristotle came to our accommodation and he said he was from a NGO
in Victoria. He said he is here to help us and to listen to us. On that first day we asked him to take our
problems to the media and he said that he cannot because he has good relationship with the minister!
We are confused. Is this man here for us or immigration? The second day when he came, he came
with Mark who is the deputy chief secretary of immigration and, as he told us, he is in charge of all
detention centres of Australia. When we were talking Paris was supporting Mark, not us. When we
tell them some things they laughed at us. We are confused, is this man, Paris, here for us or for the

When we had meeting with Paris, at that time one of the Nauru government officers was here in the
meeting. We told them if someone will not listen to us then we will do PEACEFUL PROTEST in
front of parliament house. We then said: if still no-one will listen to us then we will do some thing
wrong to ourselves -we will not do anything wrong to the community and we will not do anything
wrong to the accommodation . That Nauru government officer gave message to his government that
the refugees are wanting to do something wrong in NAURU - they want to burn Parliament house. That
is NOT what we were saying but now, because of that negative message, every Nauru people are
abusing us. We are scared.

Our Questions:

1. We ask you why does Scott Morrison say that the refugees in NAURU are very happy and have
good facilities? This is not true.

- Sometime the media take some photos of 3 of our friends who work in the market. Only 3 of us
have a job. The media said that we are happy and have a job. These 3 people are paid $3-$4 an hour
and maybe get $220-$250 a fortnight. Even this is not enough money to really live on and have
accommodation and a future. They also are living with us.

- We ask you, why the media did not come to see our living conditions? Why the media did not
come and speak to us and show the truth?

2. We were given refugee status and the government of Australia says that we are local members of
the NAURU community, but we are confused, if we are local member of NAURU then why are we
told we are not allowed to have job with government of Nauru? One time a Nauru Justice come to see
us and he said if we want a job you are welcome. But when we take our documents to get a job then
they say you cannot work. One of us was a teacher in our country and we went to the Nauru school
and asked about work and they say to us you are too different you cannot work here. We are
confused 75% of people in Nauru work for the Australian detention camps, how can we get work?
If we have no work how can we survive and what is our future?

3. Why, if we are refugee and local member of Nauru, do they put us in jungle away from
community? Why do they not provide a community accommodation? We dont want to resettle in
Nauru but if we are to be here as a temporary why they cannot provide local facilities? We are told
that people are scared of single male refugees so we are living in jungle. If they are scared of us why
did they recognise us as refugees?

4. When we meet with DIAC and ask who is responsible and we ask questions and tell them our
problems they say ask Save The Children. When we ask Save The Children they say ask the Nauru
government. At last everyone says I dont know. We are like a football, DIAC kicks us to STC then
STC kicks us to Nauru government. We are asking you, who is responsible for us?

5. Some days ago a police came and told us that some Nauru people in one and two districts do not
like refugees and decided that we are not to go into some districts. The police told us he will come
back and explain to us in coming days but they have not returned. If we go into this district and we
dont know if the people attack us who is responsible? We are scared.

6 , Almost two weeks ago we told immigration that we need to see change. Mark said he will start
and that he will make sure he will bring us clean water. We gave immigration 1 week deadline for
even one small thing to change. We need freedom from this bad situation. It is now almost 2 weeks
and we have not heard anything from them.
Immigration and the others are playing with us.

Here the word future is not a word. It does not exist. Here there is no future we are just trying to
survive. We came with our hopes and our dreams to build a safe and productive life but now this has
all been taken from us.

We request to you to expose what is happening to us to the Australian and international media.
Morrison and others hide what is happening to us and how we are living as a secret. Please tell the
people that we are living like animals.

7. We came to Australia as asylum seekers for safety and for our future. We stay in Nauru at IDC for
11-12 months. Now we are accepted as refugees and they have given us safety but what can we do
with this if there is no future for us there is no meaning. We all came with our hopes and our wishes to
help our family and ourselves. But now we have no future, no hope.

In our country the Taliban will come onto the bus and they will slash our throat and finish your life. It
will take maybe 10 or 15 minutes for us to die. But the English-Australian men are killing us by pain,
taking our soul and our life slowly. In our countries there is physical torture but here the English-
Australians are torturing us mentally. This is mental torture and soon all of us will be mad. This is too
much pain. We need freedom from this torture.

8. Please answer us 1 month ago one of our friend has died in ocean, but no one took responsibility
for his death and no-one has told us what happened. We are confused that who is the responsible of his

Our friend now he has freedom from this pain.

1. Money is needed to live

We are given $360 per month. Our accommodation (which we will discuss later) is free. This $360
equals $180 a fortnight, $90 a week, approximately $13 a day. This money does not cover our basic
needs of food, transport, clothing, medical treatment and communications.

The money is given us in an envelope that says

FAMILY ID: a number
$180 a fortnight

The cost of buying food for one meal a day is $10 or $11 dollars. When we only receive $13 dollars a
day, how can we feed ourselves properly? This past week when we went to buy some food from the
market the bananas were priced at $2-$3 a kilo how can we have fruit and vegetables when the cost is
so high and our money so low.

If one of us needs medical treatment we cannot get any because we cannot afford it. There is only one
nurse for resettlement. In the IDC, IHMS was not good but now, because we have so little money, we
cannot have any medical treatment.

We cannot buy clean water, clothes, toothpaste, shampoo the basic needs of life, with so little

We do not have any money to call our families. We are called single men here but we all of us have
families mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, wives, or children. They are very worried about us and
we are very worried because we cannot call with them. We would like to tell you this: In the past few
days one mans mother had a heart attack. He needed some money so he could call his family. Tears
start in our eyes for this terrible state we could not give him money to call his family. We gave what
we had but this was not enough for him to call his family and see how his mother is.

All of these situations cause us many problems. We were better off in the IDC because there we were
given free food, water, clothing, toothpaste, shampoo and IHMS was not good but there was some
medical care.

We ask you how are we to survive on this money, in this situation?

2. Clean drinking water is a basic need

Drinking water is a basic need for human life. Here the water we are to drink is not clean. Australia
sends good water for the government workers here but tells us to boil bad water. This water makes us
sick. We have gastro and we have skin problems. Why the minister does not drink boiled water? We
are all human. Why are we treated as less than human? They treat us like we are animal. We have
shared all of this with immigration but they do nothing.

3. Rubbish and Septic Waste

No-one is responsible for rubbish here. Out rubbish we collect and then we must throw into the jungle.
Flies and insects cover this rubbish and we know that this is not healthy. Flies are everywhere.

No-one is responsible for septic waste here. What are we to do?

4. Accommodation is not accommodation for living

Immigration tells the Australian people they give us kitchen. This kitchen is a tent. One tent for alot of
people. Everything is in this one tent here we eat and meet and cook. We clean but we cannot keep
this kitchen tent clean. There is dirt everywhere. It is so dirty we are living our life with insects. Save
the Children Fund came and put some tables in the kitchen tent. They say to us now you have office!
What can we do with this all in one tent?

We are living in containers. 3 people share one container. The container is made into 3 very very small
rooms. 1 room for each person. It is very cramped.

This is no accommodation. This accommodation is not fine.

5. Transport

There is no transport to this jungle camp. DIAC told us Transfield will send one bus each day to this
jungle camp so anyone who wants to can go to the market. There are no buses. Only when
immigration is here do Transfield send a bus to this camp. When immigration is not here there is no
transport because Transfield do not send this bus. We have to walk 2 ! hours on the road to get to the

6. Food

In this island there is shortage of food. Sometimes we cannot get any vegetables and bread. One time
there was no bread in the whole island. so we were just searching around every where to get some
breads to eat something .

So this is the island we have been handed over to, and this is the incapable govt we have been asked to
rely on.

By: Refugees of Fly Camp NAURU .

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