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This is a 200 level course and students are therefore expected to show maturity in their approach
towards their studies. This simply means that the course coordinator largely expects everyone to
conduct allocated readings prior to each session, prompt class attendance and to engage constantly in
interaction and participate in class and group discussions. Attendance in tutorials is essential. You are
strongly advised to attend your once per week tutorial classes. Failure to do so will result in not being
able to follow the programme. It is now compulsory for all students to attend at least 60% of
tutorials. Less than 60% tutorial attendance will lead to fail grades. This requirement is in line
with clause 1.5a of Student Academic Calendar (2013: 444). Mobiles should be switched off and
ear-phones should be removed in tutorials and lectures. Tutorials will commence in week 3. You will
be required to sign up online for one tutorial session only. Details will be given in the first lecture.
Tutorials before the break (weeks 4-7) will be quiz based and will focus on concepts covered in
lectures. From after the break, you will be assessed on your presentation and participation skills. See
moodle for more information on tutorials and marking criteria.
Group membership must be documented, together with contact details and provided to the
lecturer/tutor and all colleagues within your group in week 3 tutorial. Once formed, only the most
exceptional circumstances could permit any changes to be made, and then only after discussion,
negotiation, and ultimately with the written agreement of the Course Coordinator. Everyone will be
part of a group. Group presentation will begin from week 8. Presentation is a group based effort but
marks will be individual performance based to be fair to very presenter. Time limit for the group will
be 30 minutes per group. Students need to make a declaration stating that all members have
contributed equally. Further to this, 60% of tutorials should be met whereby since tutorials begin in
week 3 and ends in week 14 (weeks 3-14 is a total of 12 classes); attendance should be equivalent to
60/100*12 = 7 tutorials.

Presentations in Tutorials
Public presentations are an important method of communication in business. Presentations will
include all the team members (groups of four members) and will be about the major assignment:
your marketing strategy. In week 3, groups will be briefed on what is expected.

Tutorial 10% allocation has 2 parts; 7% for presentation and 3% for participation. Presentation of
the marketing strategy (major assignment) should be for 15 minutes. The following 15 minutes
will be spent on participation which includes individual presenters responding to questions
raised by other students listening to your presentation. The time limit for each session should be
30 minutes including the question and answer session. Each group will be required to present
their marketing strategy in their respective tutorial sessions.

Overall, the marking criteria for presentation and participation is as follows:
Presentation (7%: first 15 minutes)
Good eye-contact, very little reading, overall confidence [3 marks]
Good voice volume, use of voice expressions/tone, appropriate speed of speech [2 marks]
Effective, attractive and creative use of visual aid [2 marks]
Participation (3%: remaining 15 minutes straight after presentation)
Effective and persuasive answering of questions at the end of the session [3 marks]
10 marks
In addition, marks will be deducted if 1) presenters take up more time than allocated 2)
presenters reach the tutorial venue late on the day of their presentation and 3) if presenters
fail to make appropriate bookings for visual aid. The above presentation and participation
marks are based on individual performance, not averaged out group performance. Each student
must participate in their group presentation. Be prepared to answer questions from the students
and lecturer/tutor. You can use power points, etc to present. No presentations are to be read
(note- cards can be permitted as reference guide). Presentations are to be made in a relaxed,
confident and professional manner. Reading, giggling, speaking extremely softly with lots of
details on power-point slides will lead to lower marks.

Presenting students should actively engage in the presentation and discussion (participation) that
follows the presentation. The use of visual aids (laptop/projector; overhead projector, charts,
whiteboard and handouts) is recommended. Note that prior arrangements will need to be made
for those who would like to deliver presentation using laptop/projector. Booking of
laptop/projector should be arranged with the USP Media Centre or School of Management
secretaries. For booking laptop/projector with School of Management secretaries it is advisable
to make bookings through the course coordinator.

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