Or With The Use of Firearm On A Street, Road or Alley. - If The Offenses Mentioned in

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Title Ten


Chapter One

Art. 293. Who are guilty of robbery. Any per!n "h!# "ith intent t! $ain# hall ta%e any
per!nal pr!perty &el!n$in$ t! an!ther# &y 'ean !( )i!len*e !r inti'i+ati!n !( any per!n#
!r ,in$ (!r*e ,p!n anythin$ hall &e $,ilty !( r!&&ery.

Se*ti!n One. R!&&ery "ith )i!len*e !r inti'i+ati!n !( per!n.

Art. 29-. Robbery with violence against or intimidation of persons; Penalties. Any per!n
$,ilty !( r!&&ery "ith the ,e !( )i!len*e a$aint !r inti'i+ati!n !( any per!n hall ,.er/
0. The penalty !( re*l,i!n perpet,a t! +eath# "hen &y rea!n !r !n !**ai!n !( the
r!&&ery# the *ri'e !( h!'i*i+e hall ha)e &een *!''itte+.
2. The penalty !( re*l,i!n te'p!ral in it 'e+i,' peri!+ t! re*l,i!n perpet,a "hen
the r!&&ery hall ha)e &een a**!'panie+ &y rape !r intenti!nal ',tilati!n# !r i( &y
rea!n !r !n !**ai!n !( ,*h r!&&ery# any !( the phyi*al in1,rie penali2e+ in
,&+i)ii!n 0 !( Arti*le 233 hall ha)e &een in4i*te+5 Pr!)i+e+# h!"e)er# that "hen
the r!&&ery a**!'panie+ "ith rape i *!''itte+ "ith a ,e !( a +ea+ly "eap!n !r
&y t"! !r '!re per!n# the penalty hall &e re*l,i!n perpet,a t! +eath 6A
a'en+e+ &y P7 N!. 8389.
3. The penalty !( re*l,i!n te'p!ral# "hen &y rea!n !r !n !**ai!n !( the r!&&ery#
any !( the phyi*al in1,rie penali2e+ in ,&+i)ii!n 2 !( the arti*le 'enti!ne+ in the
ne:t pre*e+in$ para$raph# hall ha)e &een in4i*te+.
;. The penalty !( prii!n 'ay!r in it 'a:i',' peri!+ t! re*l,i!n te'p!ral in it
'e+i,' peri!+# i( the )i!len*e !r inti'i+ati!n e'pl!ye+ in the *!''ii!n !( the
r!&&ery hall ha)e &een *arrie+ t! a +e$ree *learly ,nne*eary (!r the *!''ii!n
!( the *ri'e# !r "hen the *!,re !( it e:e*,ti!n# the !.en+er hall ha)e in4i*te+
,p!n any per!n n!t rep!ni&le (!r it *!''ii!n any !( the phyi*al in1,rie
*!)ere+ &y ,&<+i)ii!n 3 an+ ; !( ai+ Arti*le 23.
-. The penalty !( prii!n *!rre**i!nal in it 'a:i',' peri!+ t! prii!n 'ay!r in it
'e+i,' peri!+ in !ther *ae. 6A a'en+e+ &y R. A. 0=9.
Art. 29-. Robbery with physical injuries, committed in an uninhabited place and by a band,
or with the use of frearm on a street, road or alley. I( the !.ene 'enti!ne+ in
,&+i)ii!n three# (!,r# an+ >)e !( the ne:t pre*e+in$ arti*le hall ha)e &een *!''itte+ in
an ,ninha&ite+ pla*e !r &y a &an+# !r &y atta*%in$ a '!)in$ train# treet *ar# '!t!r )ehi*le
!r airhip# !r &y enterin$ the paen$er? *!'part'ent in a train !r# in any 'anner# ta%in$
the paen$er there!( &y ,rprie in the repe*ti)e *!n)eyan*e# !r !n a treet# r!a+#
hi$h"ay# !r alley# an+ the inti'i+ati!n i 'a+e "ith the ,e !( a >rear'# the !.en+er hall
&e p,nihe+ &y the 'a:i',' peri!+ !( the pr!per penaltie.
In the a'e *ae# the penalty ne:t hi$her in +e$ree hall &e i'p!e+ ,p!n the lea+er !(
the &an+.
Art. 293. Defnition of a band and penalty incurred by the members thereof. @hen '!re
than three ar'e+ 'ale(a*t!r ta%e part in the *!''ii!n !( a r!&&ery# it hall &e +ee'e+
t! ha)e &een *!''itte+ &y a &an+. @hen any !( the ar' ,e+ in the *!''ii!n !( the
!.ene &e an ,nli*ene+ >rear'# the penalty t! &e i'p!e+ ,p!n all the 'ale(a*t!r hall
&e the 'a:i',' !( the *!rrep!n+in$ penalty pr!)i+e+ &y la"# "ith!,t pre1,+i*e !( the
*ri'inal lia&ility (!r ille$al p!ei!n !( ,*h ,nli*ene+ >rear'.
Any 'e'&er !( a &an+ "h! i preent at the *!''ii!n !( a r!&&ery &y the &an+# hall &e
p,nihe+ a prin*ipal !( any !( the aa,lt *!''itte+ &y the &an+# ,nle it &e h!"n that
he atte'pte+ t! pre)ent the a'e.
Art. 298. ttempted and frustrated robbery committed under certain circumstances.
@hen &y rea!n !r !n !**ai!n !( an atte'pte+ !r (r,trate+ r!&&ery a h!'i*i+e i
*!''itte+# the per!n $,ilty !( ,*h !.ene hall &e p,nihe+ &y re*l,i!n te'p!ral in it
'a:i',' peri!+ t! re*l,i!n perpet,a# ,nle the h!'i*i+e *!''itte+ hall +eer)e a
hi$her penalty ,n+er the pr!)ii!n !( thi C!+e.
Art. 29=. !"ecution of deeds by means of violence or intimidation. Any per!n "h!# "ith
intent t! +e(ra,+ an!ther# &y 'ean !( )i!len*e !r inti'i+ati!n# hall *!'pel hi' t! i$n#
e:e*,te !r +eli)er any p,&li* intr,'ent !r +!*,'ent# hall &e hel+ $,ilty !( r!&&ery an+
p,nihe+ &y the penaltie repe*ti)ely pre*ri&e+ in thi Chapter.

Se*ti!n T"!. R!&&ery &y the ,e !( (!r*e ,p!n thin$

Art. 299. Robbery in an inhabited house or public building or edifce devoted to worship.
Any ar'e+ per!n "h! hall *!''it r!&&ery in an inha&ite+ h!,e !r p,&li* &,il+in$ !r
e+i>*e +e)!te+ t! reli$i!, "!rhip# hall &e p,nihe+ &y re*l,i!n te'p!ral# i( the )al,e !(
the pr!perty ta%en hall e:*ee+ 2-A pe!# an+ i(/
6a9 The 'ale(a*t!r hall enter the h!,e !r &,il+in$ in "hi*h the r!&&ery "a
*!''itte+# &y any !( the (!ll!"in$ 'ean/

0. Thr!,$h a !penin$ n!t inten+e+ (!r entran*e !r e$re.
2. By &rea%in$ any "all# r!!(# !r 4!!r !r &rea%in$ any +!!r !r "in+!".
3. By ,in$ (ale %ey# pi*%l!*% !r i'ilar t!!l.
;. By ,in$ any >*titi!, na'e !r preten+in$ the e:er*ie !( p,&li* a,th!rity.
Or i(
6&9 The r!&&ery &e *!''itte+ ,n+er any !( the (!ll!"in$ *ir*,'tan*e/

0. By the &rea%in$ !( +!!r# "ar+r!&e# *het# !r any !ther %in+ !( l!*%e+ !r
eale+ (,rnit,re !r re*epta*le5
2. By ta%in$ ,*h (,rnit,re !r !&1e*t t! &e &r!%en !r (!r*e+ !pen !,ti+e the
pla*e !( the r!&&ery.
@hen the !.en+er +! n!t *arry ar'# an+ the )al,e !( the pr!perty ta%en e:*ee+ 2-A
pe!# the penalty ne:t l!"er in +e$ree hall &e i'p!e+.
The a'e r,le hall &e applie+ "hen the !.en+er are ar'e+# &,t the )al,e !( the pr!perty
ta%en +!e n!t e:*ee+ 2-A pe!.
@hen ai+ !.en+er +! n!t *arry ar' an+ the )al,e !( the pr!perty ta%en +!e n!t e:*ee+
2-A pe!# they hall ,.er the penalty pre*ri&e+ in the t"! ne:t pre*e+in$ para$raph# in
it 'ini',' peri!+.*han r!&le )irt,al la" li&rary
I( the r!&&ery &e *!''itte+ in !ne !( the +epen+en*ie !( an inha&ite+ h!,e# p,&li*
&,il+in$# !r &,il+in$ +e+i*ate+ t! reli$i!, "!rhip# the penaltie ne:t l!"er in +e$ree than
th!e pre*ri&e+ in thi arti*le hall &e i'p!e+.
Art. 3AA. Robbery in an uninhabited place and by a band. The r!&&ery 'enti!ne+ in the
ne:t pre*e+in$ arti*le# i( *!''itte+ in an ,ninha&ite+ pla*e an+ &y a &an+# hall &e
p,nihe+ &y the 'a:i',' peri!+ !( the penalty pr!)i+e+ there(!r.
Art. 3A0. What is an inhabited house, public building or building dedicated to religious
worship and their dependencies. Inha&ite+ h!,e 'ean any helter# hip !r )eel
*!ntit,tin$ the +"ellin$ !( !ne !r '!re per!n# e)en th!,$h the inha&itant there!( hall
te'p!rarily &e a&ent there(r!' "hen the r!&&ery i *!''itte+.
All interi!r *!,rt# *!rral# "aterh!,e# $ranarie# &arn# *!a*h<h!,e# ta&le !r !ther
+epart'ent !r in*l!e+ pla*e *!nti$,!, t! the &,il+in$ !r e+i>*e# ha)in$ an interi!r
entran*e *!nne*te+ there"ith# an+ "hi*h (!r' part !( the "h!le# hall &e +ee'e+
+epen+en*ie !( an inha&ite+ h!,e# p,&li* &,il+in$ !r &,il+in$ +e+i*ate+ t! reli$i!,
Or*har+ an+ !ther lan+ ,e+ (!r *,lti)ati!n !r pr!+,*ti!n are n!t in*l,+e+ in the ter' !(
the ne:t pre*e+in$ para$raph# e)en i( *l!e+# *!nti$,!, t! the &,il+in$ an+ ha)in$ +ire*t
*!nne*ti!n there"ith.
The ter' #public building# in*l,+e e)ery &,il+in$ !"ne+ &y the G!)ern'ent !r &el!n$in$ t!
a pri)ate per!n n!t in*l,+e+ ,e+ !r rente+ &y the G!)ern'ent# alth!,$h te'p!rarily
,n!**,pie+ &y the a'e.
Art. 3A2. Robbery is an uninhabited place or in a private building. Any r!&&ery *!''itte+
in an ,ninha&ite+ pla*e !r in a &,il+in$ !ther than th!e 'enti!ne+ in the >rt para$raph !(
Arti*le 299# i( the )al,e !( the pr!perty ta%en e:*ee+ 2-A pe!# hall &e p,nihe+ &y
prii!n *!rre**i!nal i( any !( the (!ll!"in$ *ir*,'tan*e i preent/
0. I( the entran*e ha &een e.e*te+ thr!,$h any !penin$ n!t inten+e+ (!r entran*e
!r e$re.
2. I( any "all# r!!(# 4!,r !r !,ti+e +!!r !r "in+!" ha &een &r!%en.
3. I( the entran*e ha &een e.e*te+ thr!,$h the ,e !( (ale %ey# pi*%l!*% !r !ther
i'ilar t!!l.
;. I( any +!r'# "ar+r!&e# *het !r &y eale+ !r *l!e+ (,rnit,re !r re*epta*le ha
&een &r!%en.
-. I( any *l!e+ !r eale+ re*epta*le# a 'enti!ne+ in the pre*e+in$ para$raph# ha
&een re'!)e+ e)en i( the a'e t! &r!%en !pen ele"here.
@hen the )al,e !( the pr!perty ta%e +!e n!t e:*ee+ 2-A pe!# the penalty ne:t l!"er in
+e$ree hall &e i'p!e+.
In the *ae pe*i>e+ in Arti*le 29;# 29-# 298# 299# 3AA# an+ 3A2 !( thi C!+e# "hen the
pr!perty ta%en i 'ail 'atter !r lar$e *attle# the !.en+er hall ,.er the penaltie ne:t
hi$her in +e$ree than th!e pr!)i+e+ in ai+ arti*le.
Art. 3A3. Robbery of cereals, fruits, or frewood in an uninhabited place or private building.
In the *ae en,'erate+ in Arti*le 299 an+ 3A2# "hen the r!&&ery *!nit in the ta%in$
!( *ereal# (r,it# !r >re"!!+# the *,lprit hall ,.er the penalty ne:t l!"er in +e$ree than
that pre*ri&e+ in ai+ arti*le.
Art. 3A;. Possession of pic$loc$s or similar tools. Any per!n "h! hall "ith!,t la"(,l
*a,e ha)e in hi p!ei!n pi*%l!*% !r i'ilar t!!l epe*ially a+!pte+ t! the *!''ii!n
!( the *ri'e !( r!&&ery# hall &e p,nihe+ &y arret! 'ay!r in it 'a:i',' peri!+ t! prii!n
*!rre**i!nal in it 'ini',' peri!+.
The a'e penalty hall &e i'p!e+ ,p!n any per!n "h! hall 'a%e ,*h t!!l. I( the
!.en+er &e a l!*%'ith# he hall ,.er the penalty !( prii!n *!rre**i!nal in it 'e+i,' an+
'a:i',' peri!+.
Art. 3A-. %alse $eys. The ter' #false $eys# hall &e +ee'e+ t! in*l,+e/
0. The t!!l 'enti!ne+ in the ne:t pre*e+in$ arti*le.
2. Gen,ine %ey t!len (r!' the !"ner.
3. Any %ey !ther than th!e inten+e+ &y the !"ner (!r ,e in the l!*% (!r*i&ly
!pene+ &y the !.en+er.
Chapter T"!

Art. 3A3. Who are brigands; Penalty. @hen '!re than three ar'e+ per!n (!r' a &an+ !(
r!&&er (!r the p,rp!e !( *!''ittin$ r!&&ery in the hi$h"ay# !r %i+nappin$ per!n (!r the
p,rp!e !( e:t!rti!n !r t! !&tain ran!' !r (!r any !ther p,rp!e t! &e attaine+ &y 'ean
!( (!r*e an+ )i!len*e# they hall &e +ee'e+ hi$h"ay r!&&er !r &ri$an+.
Per!n (!,n+ $,ilty !( thi !.ene hall &e p,nihe+ &y prii!n 'ay!r in it 'e+i,' peri!+
t! re*l,i!n te'p!ral in it 'ini',' peri!+ i( the a*t !r a*t *!''itte+ &y the' are n!t
p,niha&le &y hi$her penaltie# in "hi*h *ae# they hall ,.er ,*h hi$h penaltie.
I( any !( the ar' *arrie+ &y any !( ai+ per!n &e an ,nli*ene+ >rear'# it hall &e
pre,'e+ that ai+ per!n are hi$h"ay r!&&er !r &ri$an+# an+ in *ae !( *!n)i*ti!n the
penalty hall &e i'p!e+ in the 'a:i',' peri!+.
Art. 3A8. iding and abetting a band of brigands. Any per!n %n!"in$ly an+ in any
'anner ai+in$# a&ettin$ !r pr!te*tin$ a &an+ !( &ri$an+ a +e*ri&e+ in the ne:t pre*e+in$
arti*le# !r $i)in$ the' in(!r'ati!n !( the '!)e'ent !( the p!li*e !r !ther pea*e !B*er !(
the G!)ern'ent 6!r !( the (!r*e !( the Cnite+ State Ar'y9# "hen the latter are a*tin$ in
ai+ !( the G!)ern'ent# !r a*D,irin$ !r re*ei)in$ the pr!perty ta%en &y ,*h &ri$an+ hall
&e p,nihe+ &y prii!n *!rre**i!nal in it 'e+i,' peri!+ t! prii!n 'ay!r in it 'ini','
It hall &e pre,'e+ that the per!n per(!r'in$ any !( the a*t pr!)i+e+ in thi arti*le ha
per(!r'e+ the' %n!"in$ly# ,nle the *!ntrary i pr!)en.

Chapter Three

Art. 3A=. Who are liable for theft. The(t i *!''itte+ &y any per!n "h!# "ith intent t!
$ain &,t "ith!,t )i!len*e a$aint !r inti'i+ati!n !( per!n n!r (!r*e ,p!n thin$# hall ta%e
per!nal pr!perty !( an!ther "ith!,t the latter? *!nent.
The(t i li%e"ie *!''itte+ &y/
0. Any per!n "h!# ha)in$ (!,n+ l!t pr!perty# hall (ail t! +eli)er the a'e t! the
l!*al a,th!ritie !r t! it !"ner5
2. Any per!n "h!# a(ter ha)in$ 'ali*i!,ly +a'a$e+ the pr!perty !( an!ther# hall
re'!)e !r 'a%e ,e !( the (r,it !r !&1e*t !( the +a'a$e *a,e+ &y hi'5 an+
3. Any per!n "h! hall enter an in*l!e+ etate !r a >el+ "here trepa i
(!r&i++en !r "hi*h &el!n$ t! an!ther an+ "ith!,t the *!nent !( it !"ner# hall
h,nt !r >h ,p!n the a'e !r hall $ather *ereal# !r !ther (!ret !r (ar' pr!+,*t.
Art. 3A9. Penalties. Any per!n $,ilty !( the(t hall &e p,nihe+ &y/
0. The penalty !( prii!n 'ay!r in it 'ini',' an+ 'e+i,' peri!+# i( the )al,e !(
the thin$ t!len i '!re than 02#AAA pe! &,t +!e n!t e:*ee+ 22#AAA pe!# &,t i(
the )al,e !( the thin$ t!len e:*ee+ the latter a'!,nt the penalty hall &e the
'a:i',' peri!+ !( the !ne pre*ri&e+ in thi para$raph# an+ !ne year (!r ea*h
a++iti!nal ten th!,an+ pe!# &,t the t!tal !( the penalty "hi*h 'ay &e i'p!e+
hall n!t e:*ee+ t"enty year. In ,*h *ae# an+ in *!nne*ti!n "ith the a**e!ry
penaltie "hi*h 'ay &e i'p!e+ an+ (!r the p,rp!e !( the !ther pr!)ii!n !( thi
C!+e# the penalty hall &e ter'e+ prii!n 'ay!r !r re*l,i!n te'p!ral# a the *ae
'ay &e.
2. The penalty !( prii!n *!rre**i!nal in it 'e+i,' an+ 'a:i',' peri!+# i( the
)al,e !( the thin$ t!len i '!re than 3#AAA pe! &,t +!e n!t e:*ee+ 02#AAA pe!.
3. The penalty !( prii!n *!rre**i!nal in it 'ini',' an+ 'e+i,' peri!+# i( the
)al,e !( the pr!perty t!len i '!re than 2AA pe! &,t +!e n!t e:*ee+ 3#AAA
;. Arret! 'ay!r in it 'e+i,' peri!+ t! prii!n *!rre**i!nal in it 'ini',' peri!+# i(
the )al,e !( the pr!perty t!len i !)er -A pe! &,t +!e n!t e:*ee+ 2AA pe!.
-. Arret! 'ay!r t! it (,ll e:tent# i( ,*h )al,e i !)er - pe! &,t +!e n!t e:*ee+
-A pe!.
3. Arret! 'ay!r in it 'ini',' an+ 'e+i,' peri!+# i( ,*h )al,e +!e n!t e:*ee+
- pe!.
8. Arret! 'en!r !r a >ne n!t e:*ee+in$ 2AA pe!# i( the the(t i *!''itte+ ,n+er
the *ir*,'tan*e en,'erate+ in para$raph 3 !( the ne:t pre*e+in$ arti*le an+ the
)al,e !( the thin$ t!len +!e n!t e:*ee+ - pe!. I( ,*h )al,e e:*ee+ ai+
a'!,nt# the pr!)ii!n !( any !( the >)e pre*e+in$ ,&+i)ii!n hall &e 'a+e
=. Arret! 'en!r in it 'ini',' peri!+ !r a >ne n!t e:*ee+in$ -A pe!# "hen the
)al,e !( the thin$ t!len i n!t !)er - pe!# an+ the !.en+er hall ha)e a*te+ ,n+er
the i'p,le !( h,n$er# p!)erty# !r the +iB*,lty !( earnin$ a li)elih!!+ (!r the ,pp!rt
!( hi'el( !r hi (a'ily.
Art. 30A. &ualifed theft. The *ri'e !( the(t hall &e p,nihe+ &y the penaltie ne:t hi$her
&y t"! +e$ree than th!e repe*ti)ely pe*i>e+ in the ne:t pre*e+in$ arti*le# i( *!''itte+
&y a +!'eti* er)ant# !r "ith $ra)e a&,e !( *!n>+en*e# !r i( the pr!perty t!len i '!t!r
)ehi*le# 'ail 'atter !r lar$e *attle !r *!nit !( *!*!n,t ta%en (r!' the pre'ie !( the
plantati!n !r >h ta%en (r!' a >hp!n+ !r >hery# !r i( pr!perty i ta%en !n the !**ai!n !(
>re# earthD,a%e# typh!!n# )!l*ani* err,pti!n# !r any !ther *ala'ity# )ehi*,lar a**i+ent !r
*i)il +it,r&an*e. 6A a'en+e+ &y R.A. 02A an+ B.P. Bl$. 80. May 0# 09=A9.
Art. 300. 'heft of the property of the (ational )ibrary and (ational *useum. I( the
pr!perty t!len &e any pr!perty !( the Nati!nal Li&rary !r the Nati!nal M,e,'# the penalty
hall &e arret! 'ay!r !r a >ne ran$in$ (r!' 2AA t! -AA pe!# !r &!th# ,nle a hi$her
penalty h!,l+ &e pr!)i+e+ ,n+er !ther pr!)ii!n !( thi C!+e# in "hi*h *ae# the !.en+er
hall &e p,nihe+ &y ,*h hi$her penalty.

Chapter F!,r

Art. 302. +ccupation of real property or usurpation of real rights in property. Any per!n
"h!# &y 'ean !( )i!len*e a$aint !r inti'i+ati!n !( per!n# hall ta%e p!ei!n !( any
real pr!perty !r hall ,,rp any real ri$ht in pr!perty &el!n$in$ t! an!ther# in a++iti!n t!
the penalty in*,rre+ (!r the a*t !( )i!len*e e:e*,te+ &y hi'# hall &e p,nihe+ &y a >ne
(r!' -A t! 0AA per *ent,' !( the $ain "hi*h he hall ha)e !&taine+# &,t n!t le than 8-
I( the )al,e !( the $ain *ann!t &e a*ertaine+# a >ne !( (r!' 2AA t! -AA pe! hall &e
Art. 303. ltering boundaries or landmar$s. Any per!n "h! hall alter the &!,n+ary
'ar% !r '!n,'ent !( t!"n# pr!)in*e# !r etate# !r any !ther 'ar% inten+e+ t!
+ei$nate the &!,n+arie !( the a'e# hall &e p,nihe+ &y arret! 'en!r !r a >ne n!t
e:*ee+in$ 0AA pe!# !r &!th.

Chapter Fi)e

Art. 30;. %raudulent insolvency. Any per!n "h! hall a&*!n+ "ith hi pr!perty t! the
pre1,+i*e !( hi *re+it!r# hall ,.er the penalty !( prii!n 'ay!r# i( he &e a 'er*hant an+
the penalty !( prii!n *!rre**i!nal in it 'a:i',' peri!+ t! prii!n 'ay!r in it 'e+i,'
peri!+# i( he &e n!t a 'er*hant.

Chapter Si:

Art. 30-. ,windling -estafa.. Any per!n "h! hall +e(ra,+ an!ther &y any !( the 'ean
'enti!ne+ herein&el!" hall &e p,nihe+ &y/
/st. The penalty !( prii!n *!rre**i!nal in it 'a:i',' peri!+ t! prii!n 'ay!r in it
'ini',' peri!+# i( the a'!,nt !( the (ra,+ i !)er 02#AAA pe! &,t +!e n!t e:*ee+
22#AAA pe!# an+ i( ,*h a'!,nt e:*ee+ the latter ,'# the penalty pr!)i+e+ in thi
para$raph hall &e i'p!e+ in it 'a:i',' peri!+# a++in$ !ne year (!r ea*h a++iti!nal
0A#AAA pe!5 &,t the t!tal penalty "hi*h 'ay &e i'p!e+ hall n!t e:*ee+ t"enty year. In
,*h *ae# an+ in *!nne*ti!n "ith the a**e!ry penaltie "hi*h 'ay &e i'p!e+ ,n+er the
pr!)ii!n !( thi C!+e# the penalty hall &e ter'e+ prii!n 'ay!r !r re*l,i!n te'p!ral# a
the *ae 'ay &e.
0nd. The penalty !( prii!n *!rre**i!nal in it 'ini',' an+ 'e+i,' peri!+# i( the a'!,nt
!( the (ra,+ i !)er 3#AAA pe! &,t +!e n!t e:*ee+ 02#AAA pe!5
1rd. The penalty !( arret! 'ay!r in it 'a:i',' peri!+ t! prii!n *!rre**i!nal in it
'ini',' peri!+ i( ,*h a'!,nt i !)er 2AA pe! &,t +!e n!t e:*ee+ 3#AAA pe!5 an+
2th. By arret! 'ay!r in it 'a:i',' peri!+# i( ,*h a'!,nt +!e n!t e:*ee+ 2AA pe!#
pr!)i+e+ that in the (!,r *ae 'enti!ne+# the (ra,+ &e *!''itte+ &y any !( the (!ll!"in$
0. @ith ,n(aith(,lne !r a&,e !( *!n>+en*e# na'ely/

6a9 By alterin$ the ,&tan*e# D,antity# !r D,ality !r anythin$ !( )al,e "hi*h
the !.en+er hall +eli)er &y )irt,e !( an !&li$ati!n t! +! !# e)en th!,$h ,*h
!&li$ati!n &e &ae+ !n an i''!ral !r ille$al *!ni+erati!n.
6&9 By 'iappr!priatin$ !r *!n)ertin$# t! the pre1,+i*e !( an!ther# '!ney#
$!!+# !r any !ther per!nal pr!perty re*ei)e+ &y the !.en+er in tr,t !r !n
*!''ii!n# !r (!r a+'initrati!n# !r ,n+er any !ther !&li$ati!n in)!l)in$ the
+,ty t! 'a%e +eli)ery !( !r t! ret,rn the a'e# e)en th!,$h ,*h !&li$ati!n
&e t!tally !r partially $,arantee+ &y a &!n+5 !r &y +enyin$ ha)in$ re*ei)e+
,*h '!ney# $!!+# !r !ther pr!perty.*han r!&le )irt,al la" li&rary
6*9 By ta%in$ ,n+,e a+)anta$e !( the i$nat,re !( the !.en+e+ party in &lan%#
an+ &y "ritin$ any +!*,'ent a&!)e ,*h i$nat,re in &lan%# t! the pre1,+i*e
!( the !.en+e+ party !r !( any thir+ per!n.
2. By 'ean !( any !( the (!ll!"in$ (ale pretene !r (ra,+,lent a*t e:e*,te+ pri!r
t! !r i',ltane!,ly "ith the *!''ii!n !( the (ra,+/

6a9 By ,in$ >*titi!, na'e# !r (alely preten+in$ t! p!e p!"er# in4,en*e#
D,ali>*ati!n# pr!perty# *re+it# a$en*y# &,ine !r i'a$inary trana*ti!n# !r
&y 'ean !( !ther i'ilar +e*eit.
6&9 By alterin$ the D,ality# >nene !r "ei$ht !( anythin$ pertainin$ t! hi art
!r &,ine.
6*9 By preten+in$ t! ha)e &ri&e+ any G!)ern'ent e'pl!yee# "ith!,t
pre1,+i*e t! the a*ti!n (!r *al,'ny "hi*h the !.en+e+ party 'ay +ee'
pr!per t! &rin$ a$aint the !.en+er. In thi *ae# the !.en+er hall &e
p,nihe+ &y the 'a:i',' peri!+ !( the penalty.
6+9 HBy p!t<+atin$ a *he*%# !r i,in$ a *he*% in pay'ent !( an !&li$ati!n
"hen the !.en+er therein "ere n!t ,B*ient t! *!)er the a'!,nt !( the
*he*%. The (ail,re !( the +ra"er !( the *he*% t! +ep!it the a'!,nt ne*eary
t! *!)er hi *he*% "ithin three 639 +ay (r!' re*eipt !( n!ti*e (r!' the &an%
an+I!r the payee !r h!l+er that ai+ *he*% ha &een +ih!n!re+ (!r la*% !(
in,B*ien*y !( (,n+ hall &e pri'a (a*ie e)i+en*e !( +e*eit *!ntit,tin$ (ale
pretene !r (ra,+,lent a*t. 6A a'en+e+ &y R.A. ;==-# appr!)e+ J,ne 08#
6e9 By !&tainin$ any (!!+# re(reh'ent !r a**!''!+ati!n at a h!tel# inn#
reta,rant# &!ar+in$ h!,e# l!+$in$ h!,e# !r apart'ent h!,e an+ the li%e
"ith!,t payin$ there(!r# "ith intent t! +e(ra,+ the pr!priet!r !r 'ana$er
there!(# !r &y !&tainin$ *re+it at h!tel# inn# reta,rant# &!ar+in$ h!,e#
l!+$in$ h!,e# !r apart'ent h!,e &y the ,e !( any (ale pretene# !r &y
a&an+!nin$ !r ,rreptiti!,ly re'!)in$ any part !( hi &a$$a$e (r!' a h!tel#
inn# reta,rant# &!ar+in$ h!,e# l!+$in$ h!,e !r apart'ent h!,e a(ter
!&tainin$ *re+it# (!!+# re(reh'ent !r a**!''!+ati!n therein "ith!,t payin$
(!r hi (!!+# re(reh'ent !r a**!''!+ati!n.
3. Thr!,$h any !( the (!ll!"in$ (ra,+,lent 'ean/

6a9 By in+,*in$ an!ther# &y 'ean !( +e*eit# t! i$n any +!*,'ent.
6&9 By re!rtin$ t! !'e (ra,+,lent pra*ti*e t! in,re ,**e in a $a'&lin$
6*9 By re'!)in$# *!n*ealin$ !r +etr!yin$# in "h!le !r in part# any *!,rt
re*!r+# !B*e >le# +!*,'ent !r any !ther paper.
Art. 303. +ther forms of swindling. The penalty !( arret! 'ay!r in it 'ini',' an+
'e+i,' peri!+ an+ a >ne !( n!t le than the )al,e !( the +a'a$e *a,e+ an+ n!t '!re
than three ti'e ,*h )al,e# hall &e i'p!e+ ,p!n/
0. Any per!n "h!# preten+in$ t! &e !"ner !( any real pr!perty# hall *!n)ey# ell#
en*,'&er !r '!rt$a$e the a'e.
2. Any per!n# "h!# %n!"in$ that real pr!perty i en*,'&ere+# hall +ip!e !( the
a'e# alth!,$h ,*h en*,'&ran*e &e n!t re*!r+e+.
3. The !"ner !( any per!nal pr!perty "h! hall "r!n$(,lly ta%e it (r!' it la"(,l
p!e!r# t! the pre1,+i*e !( the latter !r any thir+ per!n.
;. Any per!n "h!# t! the pre1,+i*e !( an!ther# hall e:e*,te any >*titi!, *!ntra*t.
-. Any per!n "h! hall a**ept any *!'penati!n $i)en hi' ,n+er the &elie( that it
"a in pay'ent !( er)i*e ren+ere+ !r la&!r per(!r'e+ &y hi'# "hen in (a*t he +i+
n!t a*t,ally per(!r' ,*h er)i*e !r la&!r.
3. Any per!n "h!# "hile &ein$ a ,rety in a &!n+ $i)en in a *ri'inal !r *i)il a*ti!n#
"ith!,t e:pre a,th!rity (r!' the *!,rt !r &e(!re the *an*ellati!n !( hi &!n+ !r
&e(!re &ein$ relie)e+ (r!' the !&li$ati!n *!ntra*te+ &y hi'# hall ell# '!rt$a$e# !r#
in any !ther 'anner# en*,'&er the real pr!perty !r pr!pertie "ith "hi*h he
$,arantee+ the (,l>ll'ent !( ,*h !&li$ati!n.
Art. 308. ,windling a minor. Any per!n "h! ta%in$ a+)anta$e !( the ine:perien*e !r
e'!ti!n !r (eelin$ !( a 'in!r# t! hi +etri'ent# hall in+,*e hi' t! a,'e any !&li$ati!n
!r t! $i)e any releae !r e:e*,te a tran(er !( any pr!perty ri$ht in *!ni+erati!n !( !'e
l!an !( '!ney# *re+it !r !ther per!nal pr!perty# "hether the l!an *learly appear in the
+!*,'ent !r i h!"n in any !ther (!r'# hall ,.er the penalty !( arret! 'ay!r an+ a >ne
!( a ,' ran$in$ (r!' 0A t! -A per *ent !( the )al,e !( the !&li$ati!n *!ntra*te+ &y the
Art. 30=. +ther deceits. The penalty !( arret! 'ay!r an+ a >ne !( n!t le than the
a'!,nt !( the +a'a$e *a,e+ an+ n!t '!re than t"i*e ,*h a'!,nt hall &e i'p!e+ ,p!n
any per!n "h! hall +e(ra,+ !r +a'a$e an!ther &y any !ther +e*eit n!t 'enti!ne+ in the
pre*e+in$ arti*le !( thi *hapter.
Any per!n "h!# (!r pr!>t !r $ain# hall interpret +rea'# 'a%e (!re*at# tell (!rt,ne# !r
ta%e a+)anta$e !( the *re+,lity !( the p,&li* in any !ther i'ilar 'anner# hall ,.er the
penalty !( arret! 'ay!r !r a >ne n!t e:*ee+in$ 2AA pe!.

Chapter Se)en

Art. 309. Removal, sale or pledge of mortgaged property. The penalty !r arret! 'ay!r !r
a >ne a'!,ntin$ t! t"i*e the )al,e !( the pr!perty hall &e i'p!e+ ,p!n/
0. Any per!n "h! hall %n!"in$ly re'!)e any per!nal pr!perty '!rt$a$e+ ,n+er
the Chattel M!rt$a$e La" t! any pr!)in*e !r *ity !ther than the !ne in "hi*h it "a
l!*ate+ at the ti'e !( the e:e*,ti!n !( the '!rt$a$e# "ith!,t the "ritten *!nent !(
the '!rt$a$ee# !r hi e:e*,t!r# a+'initrat!r !r ai$n.
2. Any '!rt$a$!r "h! hall ell !r ple+$e per!nal pr!perty alrea+y ple+$e+# !r any
part there!(# ,n+er the ter' !( the Chattel M!rt$a$e La"# "ith!,t the *!nent !( the
'!rt$a$ee "ritten !n the &a*% !( the '!rt$a$e an+ n!te+ !n the re*!r+ here!( in the
!B*e !( the Re$iter !( 7ee+ !( the pr!)in*e "here ,*h pr!perty i l!*ate+.
Chapter Ei$ht

Art. 32A. Destructive arson. The penalty !( re*l,i!n te'p!ral in it 'a:i',' peri!+ t!
re*l,i!n perpet,a hall &e i'p!e+ ,p!n any per!n "h! hall &,rn/
0. Any arenal# hipyar+# t!reh!,e !r 'ilitary p!"+er !r >re"!r% (a*t!ry#
!r+inan*e# t!reh!,e# ar*hi)e !r $eneral ',e,' !( the G!)ern'ent.
2. Any paen$er train !r '!t!r )ehi*le in '!ti!n !r )eel !,t !( p!rt.
3. In an inha&ite+ pla*e# any t!reh!,e !r (a*t!ry !( in4a''a&le !r e:pl!i)e
Art. 320. +ther forms of arson. @hen the ar!n *!nit in the &,rnin$ !( !ther pr!perty
an+ ,n+er the *ir*,'tan*e $i)en here,n+er# the !.en+er hall &e p,niha&le/
0. By re*l,i!n te'p!ral !r re*l,i!n perpet,a/

6a9 i( the !.en+er hall et >re t! any &,il+in$# (ar'h!,e# "areh!,e# h,t#
helter# !r )eel in p!rt# %n!"in$ it t! &e !**,pie+ at the ti'e &y !ne !r '!re
6&9 I( the &,il+in$ &,rne+ i a p,&li* &,il+in$ an+ )al,e !( the +a'a$e *a,e+
e:*ee+ 3#AAA pe!5
6*9 I( the &,il+in$ &,rne+ i a p,&li* &,il+in$ an+ the p,rp!e i t! +etr!y
e)i+en*e %ept therein t! &e ,e+ in intit,tin$ pr!e*,ti!n (!r the p,nih'ent
!( )i!lat!r !( the la"# irrepe*ti)e !( the a'!,nt !( the +a'a$e5*han r!&le
)irt,al la" li&rary
6+9 I( the &,il+in$ &,rne+ i a p,&li* &,il+in$ an+ the p,rp!e i t! +etr!y
e)i+en*e %ept therein t! &e ,e+ in le$ilati)e# 1,+i*ial !r a+'initrati)e
pr!*ee+in$# irrepe*ti)e !( the a'!,nt !( the +a'a$e5 Pr!)i+e+# h!"e)er#
That i( the e)i+en*e +etr!ye+ i t! &e ,e+ a$aint the +e(en+ant (!r the
pr!e*,ti!n !( any *ri'e p,niha&le ,n+er e:itin$ la"# the penalty hall &e
re*l,i!n perpet,a5
6e9 I( the ar!n hall ha)e &een *!''itte+ "ith the intenti!n !( *!lle*tin$
,n+er an in,ran*e p!li*y a$aint l! !r +a'a$e &y >re.
2. By re*l,i!n te'p!ral/

6a9 I( an inha&ite+ h!,e !r any !ther &,il+in$ in "hi*h pe!ple are a**,t!'e+
t! 'eet i et !n >re# an+ the *,lprit +i+ n!t %n!" that ,*h h!,e !r &,il+in$
"a !**,pie+ at the ti'e# !r i( he hall et >re t! a '!)in$ (rei$ht train !r
'!t!r )ehi*le# an+ the )al,e !( the +a'a$e *a,e+ e:*ee+ 3#AAA pe!5
6&9 I( the )al,e !( the +a'a$e *a,e+ in para$raph 6&9 !( the pre*e+in$
,&+i)ii!n +!e n!t e:*ee+ 3#AAA pe!5
6*9 I( a (ar'# ,$ar 'ill# *ane 'ill# 'ill *entral# &a'&!! $r!)e !r any i'ilar
plantati!n i et !n >re an+ the +a'a$e *a,e+ e:*ee+ 3#AAA pe!5 an+
6+9 I( $rain >el+# pat,re lan+# !r (!ret# !r plantin$ are et !n >re# an+ the
+a'a$e *a,e+ e:*ee+ 3#AAA pe!.
3. By prii!n 'ay!r/

6a9 I( the )al,e !( the +a'a$e *a,e+ in the *ae 'enti!ne+ in para$raph
6a9# 6*9# an+ 6+9 in the ne:t pre*e+in$ ,&+i)ii!n +!e n!t e:*ee+ 3#AAA
6&9 I( a &,il+in$ n!t ,e+ a a +"ellin$ !r pla*e !( ae'&ly# l!*ate+ in a
p!p,late+ pla*e# i et !n >re# an+ the +a'a$e *a,e+ e:*ee+ 3#AAA pe!5
;. By prii!n *!rre**i!nal in it 'a:i',' peri!+ t! prii!n 'ay!r in it 'e+i,'

6a9 I( a &,il+in$ ,e+ a +"ellin$ l!*ate+ in an ,ninha&ite+ pla*e i et !n >re
an+ the +a'a$e *a,e+ e:*ee+ 0#AAA pe!5
6&9 I( the )al,e !r the +a'a$e *a,e+ in the *ae 'enti!ne+ in para$raph 6*9
an+ 6+9 !( ,&+i)ii!n 2 !( thi arti*le +!e n!t e:*ee+ 2AA pe!.
-. By prii!n *!rre**i!nal in it 'e+i,' peri!+ t! prii!n 'ay!r in it 'ini','
peri!+# "hen the +a'a$e *a,e+ i !)er 2AA pe! &,t +!e n!t e:*ee+ 0#AAA pe!#
an+ the pr!perty re(erre+ t! in para$raph 6a9 !( the pre*e+in$ ,&+i)ii!n i et !n
>re5 &,t "hen the )al,e !( ,*h pr!perty +!e n!t e:*ee+ 2AA pe!# the penalty
ne:t l!"er in +e$ree than that pre*ri&e+ in thi ,&+i)ii!n hall &e i'p!e+.
3. The penalty !( prii!n *!rre**i!nal in it 'e+i,' an+ 'a:i',' peri!+# i( the
+a'a$e *a,e+ in the *ae 'enti!ne+ in para$raph 6&9 !( ,&+i)ii!n 3 !( thi arti*le
+!e n!t e:*ee+ 3#AAA pe! &,t i !)er 2AA pe!.
8. The penalty !( prii!n *!rre**i!nal in it 'ini',' an+ 'e+i,' peri!+# i( the
+a'a$e *a,e+ in the *ae 'enti!ne+ para$raph 6&9 ,&+i)ii!n 3 !( thi arti*le +!e
n!t e:*ee+ 2AA pe!.
=. The penalty !( arret! 'ay!r an+ a >ne ran$in$ (r!' >(ty t! !ne h,n+re+ per
*ent,' i( the +a'a$e *a,e+ hall &e i'p!e+# "hen the pr!perty &,rne+ *!nit !(
$rain >el+# pat,re lan+# (!ret# !r plantati!n "hen the )al,e !( ,*h pr!perty
+!e n!t e:*ee+ 2AA pe!. 6A a'en+e+ &y R.A. -;38# appr!)e+ May 02# 09399.
Art. 322. Cae !( ar!n n!t in*l,+e+ in the pre*e+in$ arti*le. Cae !( ar!n n!t
in*l,+e+ in the ne:t pre*e+in$ arti*le hall &e p,nihe+/
0. By arret! 'ay!r in it 'e+i,' an+ 'a:i',' peri!+# "hen the +a'a$e *a,e+
+!e n!t e:*ee+ -A pe!5
2. By arret! 'ay!r in it 'a:i',' peri!+ t! prii!n *!rre**i!nal in it 'ini','
peri!+# "hen the +a'a$e *a,e+ i !)er -A pe! &,t +!e n!t e:*ee+ 2AA pe!5
3. By prii!n *!rre**i!nal in it 'ini',' an+ 'e+i,' peri!+# i( the +a'a$e *a,e+
i !)er 2AA pe! &,t +!e n!t e:*ee+ 0#AAA pe!5 an+
;. By prii!n *!rre**i!nal in it 'e+i,' an+ 'a:i',' peri!+# i( it i !)er 0#AAA
Art. 323. rson of property of small value. The ar!n !( any ,ninha&ite+ h,t# t!reh!,e#
&arn# he+# !r any !ther pr!perty the )al,e !( "hi*h +!e n!t e:*ee+ 2- pe!# *!''itte+
at a ti'e !r ,n+er *ir*,'tan*e "hi*h *learly e:*l,+e all +an$er !( the >re prea+in$# hall
n!t &e p,nihe+ &y the penaltie repe*ti)ely pre*ri&e+ in thi *hapter# &,t in a**!r+an*e
"ith the +a'a$e *a,e+ an+ ,n+er the pr!)ii!n !( the (!ll!"in$ *hapter.
Art. 32;. 3rimes involving destruction. Any per!n "h! hall *a,e +etr,*ti!n &y 'ean
!( e:pl!i!n# +i*har$e !( ele*tri* *,rrent# in,n+ati!n# in%in$ !r tran+in$ !( a )eel#
intenti!nal +a'a$in$ !( the en$ine !( ai+ )eel# ta%in$ ,p the rail (r!' a rail"ay tra*%#
'ali*i!,ly *han$in$ rail"ay i$nal (!r the a(ety !( '!)in$ train# +etr!yin$ tele$raph
"ire an+ tele$raph p!t# !r th!e !( any !ther yte'# an+# in $eneral# &y ,in$ any !ther
a$en*y !r 'ean !( +etr,*ti!n a e.e*ti)e a th!e a&!)e en,'erate+# hall &e p,nihe+
&y re*l,i!n te'p!ral i( the *!''ii!n ha en+an$ere+ the a(ety !( any per!n#
!ther"ie# the penalty !( prii!n 'ay!r hall &e i'p!e+.
Art. 32-. 4urning one5s own property as means to commit arson. Any per!n $,ilty !(
ar!n !r *a,in$ $reat +etr,*ti!n !( the pr!perty &el!n$in$ t! an!ther hall ,.er the
penaltie pre*ri&e+ in thi *hapter# e)en th!,$h he hall ha)e et >re t! !r +etr!ye+ hi
!"n pr!perty (!r the p,rp!e !( *!''ittin$ the *ri'e.
Art. 323. ,etting fre to property e"clusively owned by the o6ender. I( the pr!perty &,rne+
hall &e the e:*l,i)e pr!perty !( the !.en+er# he hall &e p,nihe+ &y arret! 'ay!r in it
'a:i',' peri!+ t! prii!n *!rre**i!nal in it 'ini',' peri!+# i( the ar!n hall ha)e &een
*!''itte+ (!r the p,rp!e !( +e(ra,+in$ !r *a,in$ +a'a$e t! an!ther# !r pre1,+i*e hall
a*t,ally ha)e &een *a,e+# !r i( the thin$ &,rne+ hall ha)e &een a &,il+in$ in an inha&ite+
Art. 323<A. 7n cases where death resulted as a conse8uence of arson. I( +eath re,lte+ a
a *!neD,en*e !( ar!n *!''itte+ !n any !( the pr!pertie an+ ,n+er any !( the
*ir*,'tan*e 'enti!ne+ in the pre*e+in$ arti*le# the *!,rt hall i'p!e the +eath penalty.
Art. 323<B. Prima facie evidence of arson. Any !( the (!ll!"in$ *ir*,'tan*e hall
*!ntit,te pri'a (a*ie e)i+en*e !( ar!n/
0. I( a(ter the >re# are (!,n+ 'aterial !r ,&tan*e !a%e+ in $a!line# %er!ene#
petr!le,'# !r !ther in4a''a&le# !r any 'e*hani*al# ele*tri*al *he'i*al !r tra*e !r
any !( the (!re$!in$.
2. That ,&tantial a'!,nt !( in4a''a&le ,&tan*e !r 'aterial "ere t!re+ "ithin
the &,il+in$ n!t ne*eary in the *!,re !( the +e(en+ant? &,ine5 an+
3. That the >re tarte+ i',ltane!,ly in '!re than !ne part !( the &,il+in$ !r l!*ale
,n+er *ir*,'tan*e that *ann!t n!r'ally &e +,e t! a**i+ental !r ,nintenti!nal
*a,e/ Pr!)i+e+# h!"e)er# That at leat !ne !( the (!ll!"in$ i preent in any !( the
three a&!)e<'enti!ne+ *ir*,'tan*e/

6a9 That the t!tal in,ran*e *arrie+ !n the &,il+in$ an+I!r $!!+ i '!re than
=A per *ent !( the )al,e !( ,*h &,il+in$ an+I!r $!!+ at the ti'e !( the >re5
6&9 That the +e(en+ant a(ter the >re ha preente+ a (ra,+,lent *lai' (!r l!.
The penalty !( prii!n *!rre**i!nal hall &e i'p!e+ !n !ne "h! plant the arti*le a&!)e<
'enti!ne+# in !r+er t! e*,re a *!n)i*ti!n# !r a a 'ean !( e:t!rti!n !r *!er*i!n. 6A
a'en+e+ &y R.A. -;38# appr!)e+ May 02# 09399.

H*li*% here (!r the (,ll te:t !(

HCli*% here (!r the (,ll te:t !(

Chapter Nine

Art. 328. Who are liable for malicious mischief. Any per!n "h! hall +eli&erately *a,e
the pr!perty !( an!ther any +a'a$e n!t (allin$ "ithin the ter' !( the ne:t pre*e+in$
*hapter hall &e $,ilty !( 'ali*i!, 'i*hie(.
Art. 32=. ,pecial cases of malicious mischief. Any per!n "h! hall *a,e +a'a$e t!
!&tr,*t the per(!r'an*e !( p,&li* (,n*ti!n# !r ,in$ any p!i!n!, !r *!rr!i)e ,&tan*e5
!r prea+in$ any in(e*ti!n !r *!nta$i!n a'!n$ *attle5 !r "h! *a,e +a'a$e t! the pr!perty
!( the Nati!nal M,e,' !r Nati!nal Li&rary# !r t! any ar*hi)e !r re$itry# "ater"!r%# r!a+#
pr!'ena+e# !r any !ther thin$ ,e+ in *!''!n &y the p,&li*# hall &e p,nihe+/
0. By prii!n *!rre**i!nal in it 'ini',' an+ 'e+i,' peri!+# i( the )al,e !( the
+a'a$e *a,e+ e:*ee+ 0#AAA pe!5
2. By arret! 'ay!r# i( ,*h )al,e +!e n!t e:*ee+ the a&!)e'enti!ne+ a'!,nt &,t
it i !)er 2AA pe!5 an+
3. By arret! 'en!r# in ,*h )al,e +!e n!t e:*ee+ 2AA pe!.
Art. 329. +ther mischiefs. The 'i*hie( n!t in*l,+e+ in the ne:t pre*e+in$ arti*le hall &e
0. By arret! 'ay!r in it 'e+i,' an+ 'a:i',' peri!+# i( the )al,e !( the +a'a$e
*a,e+ e:*ee+ 0#AAA pe!5
2. By arret! 'ay!r in it 'ini',' an+ 'e+i,' peri!+# i( ,*h )al,e i !)er 2AA
pe! &,t +!e n!t e:*ee+ 0#AAA pe!5 an+
3. By arret! 'en!r !r >ne !( n!t le than the )al,e !( the +a'a$e *a,e+ an+ n!t
'!re than 2AA pe!# i( the a'!,nt in)!l)e+ +!e n!t e:*ee+ 2AA pe! !r *ann!t
&e eti'ate+.
Art. 33A. Damage and obstruction to means of communication. The penalty !( prii!n
*!rre**i!nal in it 'e+i,' an+ 'a:i',' peri!+ hall &e i'p!e+ ,p!n any per!n "h!
hall +a'a$e any rail"ay# tele$raph !r teleph!ne line.
I( the +a'a$e hall re,lt in any +erail'ent !( *ar# *!llii!n !r !ther a**i+ent# the penalty
!( prii!n 'ay!r hall &e i'p!e+# "ith!,t pre1,+i*e t! the *ri'inal lia&ility !( the !.en+er
(!r the !ther *!neD,en*e !( hi *ri'inal a*t.
F!r the p,rp!e !( the pr!)ii!n !( the arti*le# the ele*tri* "ire# tra*ti!n *a&le# i$nal
yte' an+ !ther thin$ pertainin$ t! rail"ay# hall &e +ee'e+ t! *!ntit,te an inte$ral
part !( a rail"ay yte'.
Art. 330. Destroying or damaging statues, public monuments or paintings. Any per!n
"h! hall +etr!y !r +a'a$e tat,e !r any !ther ,e(,l !r !rna'ental p,&li* '!n,'ent
hall ,.er the penalty !( arret! 'ay!r in it 'e+i,' peri!+ t! prii!n *!rre**i!nal in it
'ini',' peri!+.
Any per!n "h! hall +etr!y !r +a'a$e any ,e(,l !r !rna'ental paintin$ !( a p,&li*
nat,re hall ,.er the penalty !( arret! 'en!r !r a >ne n!t e:*ee+in$ 2AA pe!# !r &!th
,*h >ne an+ i'pri!n'ent# in the +i*reti!n !( the *!,rt.

Chapter Ten

Art. 332. Persons e"empt from criminal liability. N! *ri'inal# &,t !nly *i)il lia&ility# hall
re,lt (r!' the *!''ii!n !( the *ri'e !( the(t# "in+lin$ !r 'ali*i!, 'i*hie( *!''itte+
!r *a,e+ ',t,ally &y the (!ll!"in$ per!n/
0. Sp!,e# a*en+ant an+ +e*en+ant# !r relati)e &y aBnity in the a'e line.
2. The "i+!"e+ p!,e "ith repe*t t! the pr!perty "hi*h &el!n$e+ t! the +e*eae+
p!,e &e(!re the a'e hall ha)e pae+ int! the p!ei!n !( an!ther5 an+
3. Br!ther an+ iter an+ &r!ther<in<la" an+ iter<in<la"# i( li)in$ t!$ether.
The e:e'pti!n eta&lihe+ &y thi arti*le hall n!t &e appli*a&le t! tran$er parti*ipatin$ in
the *!''ii!n !( the *ri'e.

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