Library Services Terms and Conditions

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Services Terms and Condition

Fairview International School Libraries, the schools Hub of Inquires, serves
as the centre for curricular support adhering to the mission statement of the
International Baccalaureate rgani!ation and of Fairview Schools Berhad"
#ollection, programmes and services are therefore e$pected to propel
students to become %nowledgeable, caring and inquiring &oung people" 'o be
able to meet this vocation the librar& shall draw regulations that will provide
as guidelines for librar& usage"
'he purpose of these regulations is to safeguard the common interest of all
librar& users" (ainl&, this is administer to ensure a more e)cient and
e*ective deliver& of librar& services" It is understood that all bona +de
patrons have read and agreed to abide b& the following rules,
Article A
Admission to the Library
-" .n I/ 'ag will be required for 0ntr& in the Librar&" I/ 'ag serves as
Librar& card as well" 12angsa (a3u nl&4
5" Librar& is open for the purpose of stud& and research to current
members of the School and other groups and individuals according to
the Librar&6s admissions polic&"
7" .ll users must register and must obtain a /estin& Librar& (anager
account b& submitting a photo 1in print or electronic format4, +lling in
Librar& 8egistration Forms and signing of agreement with the Fairview
School Librar& 9se 'erms and #onditions"
:" .pplicants for a Librar& account will be veri+ed thru the o)cial rooster
of students enrolled for the current semester"
;" .ll registered account will be deactivated after the end of the semester
and or academic &ear and will be reactivated again upon re<
con+rmation of enrollment in the ne$t semester" /estin& Librar&
(anager access will be set restricted for students and personnel
e$iting Fairview Schools"
Article B
Reading and Consultation
Fairview International School Subang Page 1 of
-" .ll materials loaned for overnight=- wee%=- month should be properl&
processed at the circulation des%"
5" 9pon request for loan<out, a patron should sign his=her name and class on the
date due slip found at the recto<side bac% cover of the boo%"
7" 'he borrowed boo%s will be chec%ed out at the #irculation /es% governing the
#irculation >olic& of Fairview Schools Berhad"
:" 'he boo%s barcodes will be scanned to record their titles under the patron?s
+le and shall be automaticall& removed upon returning at the #irculation
;" 'he librar& sta* will write on the date due slip of the boo%s borrowed the
returning date and time"
-" 8eading materials placed at the 8eserve Section are to be used within the
portals of the librar& onl&" However as the need arises, a patron will be allowed
to bring out the reserve materials for photostat purpose"
5" 9pon request for loan<out, a patron should sign +rst his name and class on the
circulation slip found at the recto<side bac% cover"
7" 'he borrowed boo%s will be chec%ed out at the #irculation /es% under the
#irculation >hotostat >olic&" 'he boo%s barcodes will be scanned to record
them under the patron?s +le and shall be automaticall& removed upon
returning at the #irculation /es%"
:" 'he librar& sta* will write on the date due slip of the boo%s borrowed the
returning date and time"
. patron who wishes to use the loaned materials for an e$tended period of time
should personall& renew them with the librar& sta*" 'he FIS Librar& allows - time
renewal onl& to ma%e the same materials available to as man& patrons as possible"
Article C
Circulation !olicy
-" @o materials at the 8eserve Section of the librar& shall be permitted to loan
for overnight"
5" 'he resources placed therein such as boo%s that are in<demand and with onl&
- cop& and reference sources such as dictionaries, almanacs, atlases, maps,
students? research papers and others li%e serial publications and IB documents
are allowed to use within the librar& portals onl&"
Fairview International School Subang Page 2 of
7" >hotocop&ing=scanning of reserve materials of an& %ind is allowed within 5
hours onl&"
. primar& &ear program student ma& borrow a ma$imum of 5 boo%s at a time
for A da&s and ma& return them on=before 7B7C >"(" on the A
da& of the
loaning period"
. middle &ear program student ma& borrow a ma$imum of 7 boo%s at a time
for 5 wee%s and ma& return them on=before 7B7C >"(" on the -:
da& of the
loaning period"
. diploma student ma& borrow a ma$imum of D boo%s at a time for 5 wee%s
sub3ect to -<time renewal onl& and ma& return them on=before 7B7C on the -:
da& of the loaning period"
. teacher trainee ma& borrow a ma$imum of -C boo%s at a time for a month
and to be returned an&time during librar& service hours"
. classroom primar& &ear program teacher ma& borrow a ma$imum of ;C
boo%s at a time and ma& return the same after the end of each unit of inquir&
program or D wee%s"
SUB*%CT T%AC"%RS # S!%CIALISTS +!Y!, (Y!, $!-
. teacher of the middle &ears program and diploma program ma& borrow a
ma$imum of -C boo%s at a time for - month and ma& return them an&time
during librar& service hours"
. non<teaching sta* ma& borrow a ma$imum of 7 boo%s at a time with a
ma$imum loan period of 5 wee%s"
.ll boo%s returned be&ond the speci+ed due time and date will be considered
overdue" 'he standard basis for computing overdue +nes will be as followsB
>H'S'.' L.@=80S08E0 < 8( "5C=Boo%=Hour
200FLG=(@'HLG L.@ H 8( "5C=Boo%=/a&
verdue +nes be&ond -C"CC (G8 will be paid in the +nance o)ce with a notice
submitted b& the libarian to the cashier indicating the amount" .ll librar& +nes will be
remitted to the Finance o)ce at the end of ever& wee% and deposited in the Librar&
trust fund" #ollected librar& +nes will be used to purchase an&thing that will be
needed b& the librar&"
I'. LOST A$ $A(A)%$ BOO/S
Fairview International School Subang Page 3 of
'he Librar& will not collect an& amount of mone& from an& user" Lost=heavil&
damaged boo%s must be replaced with a new one" If the title is out of print
then purchasing of a new title will be required" It is a must that the boo% to be
replaced must be of the same sub3ect, of the same if not higher price, of the
same te$ture=qualit& and of cop&right which is not less than +ve &ears bac%
of the current &ear" 'he Librar& can help in the selection for the replacement
title, however the concerned patron should be the one to process the
purchasing and submit the new boo% to the librar&" .ll titles submitted for
replacement is still sub3ect for the librarians approval with due consideration
of the above mentioned replacement speci+cations"
Article $
Conduct and Sanctions
-" nl& stationeries, laptops and other valuable devices are allowed items
inside the librar&" 'his is in order to ensure that space provided is
comfortable enough for stud& and reading" .ll patrons are required to
leave other things in the loc%ers and within the entrance of the librar&"
5" 9nder an& circumstances, group wor% must not disturb the tranquillit&
of the librar&" Librar& authorities will give three 174 verbal warnings onl&
and if in an& case the patron chooses to def& then will be as%ed to
leave the librar& portals"
7" 9sers are forbidden to smo%e, drin%, eat, sleep, tal% loudl&, sit on the
table, and remove furniture from its position" It is e$pected that an&
users will push bac% the chairs and return the used furniture in the
librar& in its pristine after use"
:" (usic through headphones ma&be allowed as long as it will not cause
discomfort to other readers"
;" Librar& users should not attempt to reserve stud& places b& leaving
personal things"
D" Librar& authorities ma& as% all librar& patrons for bag inspection upon
e$it" 'his random chec%ing also applies to folders or +le %eepers of an&
A" Librar& users are as%ed to report to librar& sta* an& instances of
defacement to an& librar& materials" .n& %ind of defacement to Librar&
materials is unacceptable" >h&sical conditions of materials selected for
loan<outs should be chec%ed twice b& the borrower for an&
despoilment" .n& undesired condition of the material will be accounted
to the borrower upon its chec%ed<in" (aterials returned not in its
pristine conditioned will be replace"
Fairview International School Subang Page 4 of
I" 2here an item is lost, returned damaged or not returned after a
reasonable period of time, the borrower will be charged for the item at
replacement cost" .n item charged for in this wa& remains the propert&
of the Librar&"
J" It is encouraged to push bac% the chairs and return them in pristine
order before leaving the librar&"
Article %
The Use o0 Com1uters
-" .ll patrons are encouraged to ma%e use of the availabilit& of wireless
internet connectivit& in the school solel& for academic and research
purposes" 'herefore, librar& access point will onl& allow online access
for relevant information and pla&ing games as well as downloading
non<educational movies will not be allowed"
5" #omputer terminals are made available for students use in the librar&"
. request in the circulation counter must be done in order to gain
access to these computers"
7" It is prohibited to change an& ph&sical or virtual set<up of an& librar&
owned computers and peripheral devices"
:" Foreign storage devices ma&be allowed after the required anti<virus
Article .
The Use o0 the $iscussion Area
-" Students who need to wor% on pro3ects, researchers and an& academic
activit& that needs to use librar& resources shall be allowed to use the
discussion area"
5" 'hough discussion is allowed but onl& moderate voices and serious
conversations are permitted"
Article )
The Use o0 'ie2ing # Story Telling Area
-" #lass or Kroup viewing are allowed upon request" However, a
reservation on the use of this facilit& must be made at least a da&
before the schedule"
5" Foreign viewing materials should be presented for previewing a da&
before the schedule" 'his is important in order to ma%e sure that the
material=s can run using the e$isting technolog& of the Librar& and the
material=s adhere to the mission and vision of the school"
7" .ll students will be required to submit to the teacher<in<charge or the
librarian a 80FL0#'I@ assessment at the end of the movie"
Article "
Library Class 'isit
Fairview International School Subang Page 5 of
-" #lass librar& visit of an& %ind are encourage" However, a reservation
must be done at least 5 da&s prior to the scheduled visit" 'his is to
provide librar& sta* ample time to prepare the materials that the class
will need" 9pon reservation important details li%e the time, date,
purpose of visit, materials speci+c, 9I=.I, themes and IB >ro+le must
be identi+ed b& the teacher<in<charge"
5" 'he librar&, in an& of its areas, can be used for academic and
research 1ur1oses @LG" Kroup practices such as dance, drama and
music can be done an&where else in the campus" 'he solemnit& of the
librar& as an academic unit and its terms of use must be treated with
high respect at all cost"
7" #lass viewing in the multi<media room can be done upon request"
However, foreign materials must be previewed a da& before the
scheduled use in order to ensure its compatibilit& with our s&stem"
Revised Library Terms and Condition on the use o0 Com1uters
-" 'he Librar& and (edia #entre will onl& allow the use of wireless internet
access solel& for academic and research purposes" 'herefore, librar& hotspot
will onl& allow access for stud&<related information" >la&ing games as well as
downloading non<educational movies and virtual games will not be allowed"
5" #omputer terminals 18esearch Hub4 are made available for students use" .
request in the circulation counter must be done in order to gain access to
these computers"
7" It is prohibited to change an& ph&sical or virtual set<up of an& librar& owned
computers and peripheral devices"
:" Foreign storage devices ma&be allowed after the required anti<virus scanning"
;" >rinting of an& research wor%=assessment ma&be allowed" . printer is made
available for such purpose however printing rules will appl&"
D" Laptop computers will onl& be used in the librar& within the reading area" .
single laptop per group can be used in the Interactive room to aid important
group discussions and collaboration"
A" Laptops monitors=9ser Interface must be installed facing the
circulation=information counter or within the direct vision of the
librarian=librar& personnel in<charge"
Failure to compl& with the above<mentioned terms and condition would mean
termination of the librar& internet access privileges" 'he following stages of o*enses
will be strictl& observed,
.irst O4ense H 'he librar& will serve up to three 174 verbal warnings onl&"
Fairview International School Subang Page 6 of
It is e$pected that all patrons have clearl& understood and accepted
the above<mentioned .<to<H articles of terms and condition of Fairview
International School Libraries" Fairview School Libraries reserves the
rights to cancel=terminate the librar& privileges of an& patrons who do
not adhere thereof"
Second O4ense < Eiolators will be as%ed to shut<down and will onl& be allowed to
reboot after 5 hours granting that the computer will onl& be used for
assessment and research purpose"
Third O4ense H /e+ant to e$ecute shutdown would require a promissor& letter
addressing that the o*ense will never be repeated"
.ourth O4ence H #omputers=Laptops will be con+scated and will onl& be return on
/ismissal period and or upon a letter of request from a teacher in<
charge" . second promissor& letter will be required"
.i0th O4ence H . reprimand Letter will be sent via the Homeroom .dviser" . third
promissor& letter with a note from the Homeroom teacher will be
Si5th O4ence H 'he case will be forwarded to the )ce of the #entre Head,
.ssistant #entre Head and (G> #oordinator"
1SK/4 (I#H.0L #HI.@
Global MYP Coordinator
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