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HYPNOSIS : 39 MAY 2013 TRANCE : 11

Never Born. Never Died.
Visited Planet Earth between
27th March 1939 13th April 2013
Block S-27 C, Rainbow Flats, Ponnambalam Salai, K K Nagar, Chennai 78
Prof. Rooshikumar Pandya presented a Training Program on
Hypnosis in Chennai in July 1974.
That was the frst scientifc program on Hypnosis in the whole
of India. The participants felt so happy that they thought it ft to
start a Circle to keep the message alive and also pass them on to
a large number of people in the Society.
Thus came in to being our Hypnotique Circle, Madras.
Since 1974, Prof. Rooshi had made it a point to visit Chennai
at least once a year and our Circle had used all those occasions
by organizing a Training Program conducted by him on various
topics like:
Self Hypnosis
Body Language
Dream Analysis
Stress Management
Communication Skills
Assertiveness Training
Setting and Achieving Goals
30 years back, he used to present free introductory lectures on
Hypnosis in Hotel Adyar Gate ( now called Park Sheraton ). More
than 200 people would participate in Mowbrays Hall, the largest hall
of the Hotel. Prof. Rooshi would ask all those participants to ask all
their questions regarding Hypnosis. And there would be minimum
50 different questions on all aspects of Hypnosis. Without noting or
jotting down any of those questions in ink, but keeping them all in
memory, he would start answering all of them one by one without
missing a single one of them in the next 2 hours. Occasionally, he
would point out a participant in some corner and tell him : This
was your question. Now, this is the answer for your question.
Literally and fguratively, every single participant in the hall would
be mesmerized and spell bound by his memory power, knowledge
of the subject, command over language, sense of humour, including
his long, Samson-like, wavy hair style !
Prof. Rooshikumar Pandya is acknowledged by professionals
as Communicator par excellence. He was also affectionately
addressed as Rooshi in his training programs.
A multi faceted personality, in his two days training program,
he used to come attired in western lounge suit on one day and in
Indian Pyjama Kurta the next day. Prof Rooshi enjoyed eating raw
green chillies as snacks; He held a black belt in Judo. An ardent
student and exponent of Sitar, he used to dearly carry the 6 feet
long instrument and place it next to his seat in the fight, buying
one more ticket; brimming with a well timed sense of humour, he
cracked jokes, left, right and center on any topic that he addressed;
found time to spend with all his participants even till midnight after
presenting a full day training program.
Members of Hypnotique Circle have the pleasant memories
of having him as Chief Guest in their 30th and 35th Anniversary
Celebrations. In fact, on those occasions, people have queued
up to take photos with him, when he was hardly left with half an
hour to reach the Airport from T Nagar. Absolutely unperturbed,
Mr S Narayanan and Dr Sumathi Narayanan, Founder Members
of our Circle and Mr Muthiah Ramanathan, President paid rich
tributes to our Founder President Prof. Rooshikumar Pandya and
recalled many poignant instances from their personal association
with him over a period of 30 to 40 years. Major V V Narayanan, our
Secretary few down to Mumbai for his funeral on 13th April and
also attended a homage cum prayer meeting on 15th April 2013
representing our Circle. A large galaxy of disciples, well wishers
and celebrities belonging to the training, management and music
fraternity paid tearful tributes to the Master. Two minutes silence
was observed in his memory in our April meeting.
he was all smiles and was enjoying the whole scenario. When he
was reminded of his fight, he would quip, I know, you will see to
it that I boarded the fight. Such was his trust on all of us !
Muthiah Ramanathan had the personal privilege of making Prof.
Rooshi to take Life Insurance for the frst time in his life, when he
was 50.
Prof. Rooshi was always the center of attraction and the
cynosure of everyones eyes. He will continue to enthrall, enrich
and guide us, albeit invisibly.
Hypnotique Circle misses him dearly.
On behalf of the Hypnotique Circle, Madras
Muthiah Ramanathan Dr Perumal Dr C N Ramgopal Major V V Narayanan
President Vice President Vice President Secretary
After our Womens Day celebrations in March 2013 - which saw
an all-women presentation, the April meeting started from where
it was left.
On behalf of the Womens Team, Ms. Ananthi Karthic welcomed
the gathering, thanked the Election Offcer Mr. R Venkataraman,
and introduced the new team of Offce-bearers one by one. And
then the Womens Team happily handed over the proceedings
to the New Team. A Novel way to begin the New Financial year !
14TH APRIL 2013
President Mr Muthiah Ramanathan informed the G B that the
Circle is in good shape in all respects. Attendance on an average
was above 100. We have had many internal and external Faculty
giving excellent talks on Hypnosis and Self Development. We have
organized 6 Special Conferences in the last 2 years. The Financial
position is also very bright.
To sustain the momentum and also to raise the bar, suggestions
were welcomed from all the participants. The next one hour saw
an exchange of ideas, thoughts, expectations and large scale
appreciation. The new team has promised to start implementing
the suggestions one by one in due course of time.
The event started on an auspicious note with Dr. Shamanna
Ramaswamy, Ms Ananthi Karthic, Ms. Dally Varghese, Ms
Chandrakala and Ms Swarna lighting the Kuthuvilakku ably guided
by Ms Komala.
Dr Shamanna Ramaswamy, HoD, Anatomy, (Retd), an 88
year old youngster and our former President, inaugurated our
Circle, declared open the Flex Banner, NLP and T A Circle and
released our monthly House magazine, Trance Actions. Mr. K
Aravamootham, Corporate Trainer who brought NLP to Chennai and
our former President received the frst copy. Dr Sumathi Narayanan
and Mr. S Narayanan our Founder members offered a Shawl to Dr.
Ramaswamy and took his blessings. Dr Ramaswamy gave a short
and sweet talk about his associations with Hypnosis, T A and NLP.
Suggestions were sought from the Members and based on the
recommendation of Mr. Anand-duly accepted by the majority, it was
decided to have our monthly meetings from 4.00 to 6.30 pm on the
4th Sunday of every month, so that there would be a 2 weeks gap
between both the meetings.
Two one hour talks would be presented, one on NLP and T A.
The idea was to expose 10 major Topics in these two Subjects
by experts in the feld during the course of one year. When it was
suggested to have a membership of 100 as our immediate goal,
Ms. Shanthi, spontaneously stood up and offered Rs.1000/- towards
Annual Subscription. A cascading effect followed with 6 more
members volunteering and registering as Members. At the end
of the inauguration, we had 14 Members and 4 Life Members on
rolls with lot many offering to follow suit. Treasurer Arun and Joint
Treasurer Ms Swarna were all smiles seeing the response, as were
the members themselves.
President Mr. Karthik made an emotional presentation as a votary
and personal benefciary of T A. He also emphasized the need to
have many circles like Lions Clubs and Rotary Clubs providing
NLP and T A in the metropolitan city of Chennai, so that the entire
Society would stand to beneft !
The meeting came to an end with everyone feeling so good,
elated and jubilant.
The nascent NLP and T A Circle commenced its frst meeting
with a big bang. Major V V Narayanan, Vice-President welcomed
the gathering comparing the origin to the seed of the giant General
Sherman tree. We have had 68 participants lining up in queue to
pay the guest fees of Rs.100/- / Annual Subscription of Rs.1000/-.
At the close of the meeting, we had 32 members including 4 life
Mr. Karthik, Founder Director, Apex Laboratories and President
of our Circle gave an excellent talk covering all aspects of Strokes.
He has asked the participants to form several groups and made
them to stroke one another. As almost all of us are stroke craving
people, the whole exercise was well received and well appreciated.
Mr. Shankar, Vice President, Ramco Cements and Founder
President, NLP Circle (India) gave a beautiful talk on Being a
part and not apart. In simple terms he gave an introduction to NLP
keeping a smiling visage and made the participants to interact
with him on the 3 components of Filters in NLP. It was a highly
participative, interesting and lucid presentation.
Mr Muthiah Ramanathan, Director, Mind Dynamics Center and
Secretary of our Circle took all the participants through an Eyes-
closed Transformational Process wherein they were suggested to
choose to become an Animal or Bird or Fish or an Insect. In the de-
briefng he presented the special qualities of the new living beings
and guided them to model those qualities towards well being.
The whole process was in a way shocking, yet scintillating. The
next meting is fxed to take place on sunday, the 26th May 2013 at
Nahar Hall, Whites Road. We request our members to join us in
our quest for mutual enrichment, success and excellence through
NLP and TA.
One day all the employees reached the offce and they saw a
big advice on the door on which it was written:
Yesterday the person who has been hindering your growth in
this company passed away. We invite you to join the funeral which
is about to start in the gym.
In the beginning, they all got sad for the death of one of their
colleagues, but after a while they started getting curious to know
who was that man who hindered the growth of his colleagues and
the company itself.
The excitement in the gym was such that security agents were
ordered to control the crowd within the room. The more people
reached the coffn, the more the excitement heated up. Everyone
thought: Who is this guy who was hindering my progress? Well,
at least he died!.
One by one the thrilled employees got closer to the coffn, and
when they looked inside it they suddenly became speechless. They
stood nearby the coffn, shocked and in silence, as if someone had
touched the deepest part of their soul.
There was a mirror inside the coffn: everyone who looked inside
it could see himself. There was also a sign next to the mirror that
said: There is only one person who is capable to set limits to your
growth: it is YOU.
You are the only person who can revolutionize your life. You are
the only person who can infuence your happiness, your realization
and your success. You are the only person who can help yourself.
Your life does not change when your boss changes, when your
friends change, when your parents change, when your partner
changes, when your company changes. Your life changes when
Once an Emperor called upon all of his wise men and asked
them, Is there any magical saying which works in every situation,
in every circumstances, in every place and in every time. In every
joy, every sorrow, every defeat and every victory? One answer for
all questions? Something which can help me when none of you is
available to advise me?
All the Emperors advisers were baffed by the question. They
all agreed on one solution on the suggestion of a learned scholar.
Who gave them a note to be given to the Emperor. And the note
was to be opened whenever the the Emperor was in trouble.
Just a few days after, he was attacked by the neighboring
country. The Emperor and his army fought bravely but were still
losing the battle & the Emperor was trying to run away on his
mount. The enemies were following him getting closer and closer.
Suddenly the Emperor found himself standing at the end of the
road - that road was not going anywhere. Underneath there was
a rocky valley thousand feet deep.
YOU change, when you go beyond your limiting beliefs, when you
realize that you are the only one responsible for your life.
The most important relationship you can have, is the one you
have with yourself. Examine yourself, watch yourself. Dont be afraid
of diffculties, impossibilities and losses: be a winner, build yourself
and your reality. The world is like a mirror: it gives back to anyone
the refection of the thoughts in which one has strongly believed.
The world and your reality are like mirrors laying in coffns, which
show to any individual, the death of his divine capability to imagine
and create his happiness and his success. Its the way you face
Life that makes the difference.
If he jumped into it, he would be fnishedand he could not
return because it was a small roadthe sound of enemys horses
was approaching fast. The Emperor became restless. There
seemed to be no way.
Then he remembered the note given to him by his loyal advisers
and he opened it.
It read .....THIS TOO SHALL PASS...
The Emperor read it, again and again. Suddenly something
struck him Yes! THIS TOO WILL PASS. Only a few days ago, I
was enjoying my rule. I was the mightiest of all the Emperors. Yet
today, the empire and all its pleasures have gone. I am here trying
to escape from enemies. Like those days of luxuries have gone,
this day of danger too will pass. A calm came on his face. He kept
standing there. The place was full of natural beauty.
The realization of the message had a great impact on him. He
relaxed and forgot about those following him. After a few minutes
he realized the noise of the horses and the enemy coming was
receding. They moved to some other part of the mountains and
were nowhere near him.
The Emperor was brave. He reorganized his army and fought
again. He defeated the enemy and regained his empire. When
he returned to his empire after victory he was received with much
fanfare. The whole capital was rejoicing his victory. Everyone was
in a festive mood. Flowers were being showered on the Emperor
from every house, from every corner. For a moment, the Emperor
said to himself, I am the bravest and the greatest Emperor. It is
not easy to defeat me. With all the reception and celebration he
saw an ego emerge in him.
At that moment something clicked his mind and he opened the
note and read it again. This too shall pass!
Compiled by Mr S. Narayanan
There was a farmer who had a horse and a goat..One day,
the horse became ill. So he called the veterinarian, who said: Well,
your horse has a virus. He mus...t take this medicine for three
days. Ill come back on the 3rd day and if hes not better, were
going to have to put him down. Nearby, the goat listened closely
to their conversation.
The next day, they gave the horse the medicine and left. The
goat approached the horse and said: Be strong, my friend. Get
up or else theyre going to put you to sleep! On the second day,
they again gave the horse the medicine and left. The goat came
back and said: Come on buddy, get up or else youre going to die!
Come on, Ill help you get up. Lets go! One, two, three...
On the third day, they came to give the horse the medicine and
He became silent. His face went through a total change from
the egoist he moved to a state of utter humiliation. If this too is
going to pass, it is not yours. The defeat is not yours; the victory
is not yours. You are just a watcher. Everything passes by. We are
witnesses of all this. Life comes and goes. Happiness comes and
goes. Sorrow comes and goes.
Now as you have read this story, just sit silently and evaluate
your own life. This too shall pass. Think of the moments of joy and
victory in your life. Think of the moments of sorrow and defeat. Are
they permanent? They all come and pass away.
Moral: This life is so temporary, all it enjoyments and
sorrows will fnish one day. The only thing which will remain
is our deeds and how we acted during the times of prosperity
and adversity.
the vet said: Unfortunately, were going to have to put him down
tomorrow. Otherwise, the virus might spread and infect the other
After they left, the goat approached the horse and said: Listen
pal, its now or never! Get up, come on! Have courage! Come on!
Get up! Get up! Thats it, slowly! Great! Come on, one, two, three...
Good, good. Now faster, come on...... Fantastic! Run, run more!
Yes! Yay! Yes! You did it, youre a champion...!!!
All of a sudden, the owner came back, saw the horse running
in the feld and began shouting: Its a miracle! My horse is cured.
We must have a grand party. Lets kill the goat!!!!
The Lesson: Nobody truly knows which employee actually
deserves the merit of success, or whos actually contributing
the necessary support to make things happen.
IS A SKILL!!!! If anyone ever tells you that your work is
unprofessional, remember:
AMATEURS BUILT THE ARK [which saved all the species]
and PROFESSIONALS BUILT THE TITANIC [all died tragically]
An excerpt from
by Mr Jim Fannin
There is one thing for sure in your life. Twelve months from now
you will either be better or worse. You wont be the same. Will it be
a roller-coaster ride to what you want, will it be two steps forward
and one step back, or will you just go straight to your goals and
visions? Whats holding you back from business success, marital
bliss or parenting nirvana? More than likely its under the radar or
below the surface of what you think. Maybe, its like a pebble in
your shoe thats irritating, uncomfortable, nagging and eventually
The average person has thoughts per day.
On the days where life seems out of control and the tail is
wagging the dog, you may have 4,000 thoughts. Most thoughts are
about the past. However, a great proportion of them are focused
on the future. You cannot hold a future and a past-tense thought
at the same time. It is one or the other. And a few thoughts are
locked-in the moment. As you get older, present tense thinking
diminishes. Throw in the cell phone, voicemails, e-mails, Tweets,
Facebook, texts, FedEx, fax and world news in real time, its no
wonder present-tense living is dwindling.
Most pebbles originate from the past - most of them being
negative. You can have experiences as far back as childhood that
still tiptoe into your subconscious mind. They can even penetrate
the consciousness of our daily actions. Over and over, we can play
past tense thoughts that weigh negatively on our mind. They begin
so innocently. Some are based on fact while other thoughts are
based on assumption. Some are not true at all. Most are based
on fear.
You have either positive or negative thoughts, but you
cant think them at the same time. And the best news of all is you
have free will to have any thought you choose. However, some
negative thoughts can creep into your mind like a pebble in your
Like a puppeteer, your thoughts pull the strings of all your
A teacher teaching Maths to seven-year-old Laiq asked him,
If I give you one apple and one apple and one apple, How
many apples will you have? Within a few seconds Laiq replied
confdently, Four!
The dismayed teacher was expecting an effortless correct answer
(three). She was disappointed. Maybe the child did not listen properly,
she thought. She repeated, Laiq, listen carefully. If I give you one apple
and one apple and one apple, how many apples will you
Laiq had seen the disappointment on his teachers face.
He calculated again on his fngers. But within him he was also
searching for the answer that will make the teacher happy.
His search for the answer was not for the correct one, but the
one that will make his teacher happy. This time hesitatingly he
replied, Four
The disappointment stayed on the teachers face. She
remembered that Laiq liked strawberries. She thought maybe he
doesnt like apples and that is making him loose focus. This time
with an exaggerated excitement and twinkling in her eyes she
asked, If I give you one strawberry and one strawberry and one
strawberry, then how many you will have?
Seeing the teacher happy, young Laiq calculated on his fngers
again. There was no pressure on him, but a little on the teacher.
She wanted her new approach to succeed. With a hesitating smile
young Laiq replied, Three?
The teacher now had a victorious smile. Her approach had
succeeded. She wanted to congratulate herself. But one last
thing remained. Once again she asked him, Now if I give you
one apple and one apple and one more apple how many will you
have? Promptly Laiq answered, Four!
The teacher was aghast. How Laiq, how? she demanded in
a little stern and irritated voice. In a voice that was low and
hesitating young Laiq replied, Because I already have one apple
in my bag.
Moral: When someone gives you an answer that is
different from what you expect dont think they are wrong.
There may be an angle that you have not understood at
all. You will have to listen and understand, but never listen
with a predetermined notion.
Ever walk into a room with some purpose in mind, only
to completely forget what that purpose was? Turns out,
doors themselves are to blame for these strange memory
Psychologists at the University of Notre Dame have discovered
that passing through a doorway triggers whats known as an
Event Boundary in the mind, separating one set of thoughts and
memories from the next. Your brain fles away the thoughts you
had in the previous room and prepares a blank slate for the new
Thank goodness for studies like this. Its not our age, its those
2.15 pm : Registration
2.29 pm : Welcome Address
2.35 pm : Self In(tro)duction by Members and Guests
2.45 pm : Its my Choice - Respond Vs React
- Ms Usha Rao, Corporate Trainer
4.15 pm : Tea
4.40 pm : Creative Problem Solving
- Mr G.Ganesan, Joint Secretary
5.10 pm : Magic of Merrily Making Mistakes
- Major V V Narayanan
5.40 pm : Mass Relaxation
Hypnotique Circle (Madras)
Cordially invites all its Members and Guests for the Monthly
Meeting on Sunday, the 12th May 2013 at
Hotel Palmgrove, Kodambakkam High Road, Chennai - 34
* Free for Members * Guest Investment Rs 150/-
If undelivered, please return to :
Mr. J.UMEDMAL BAFNA, Old # 2, New # 3, Akbar Sahib St, Triplicane,
Chennai - 600005. Mobile : 98415 34999
Printed at Shakthi Printers - 94449 20003
T A Study Circle (Madras) Celebrates its 35th year
Invites you to May meeting Friday May 17, 2013.
at 6.45 p.m. Nahar Hall, Fee: Rs. 150/-
The Power of Thoughts by Mr SURESH PADMANABHAN
Powerful Speaker & Author of International Bestseller I Love Money
Call and Confrm with: Dr Sumathi Narayanan # 98410 14626.

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