English Q.B

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DTE I Year English Source Book

Unit - 1

1. Name some of the countries where English is widely used?

2. In many states of India, English is used as an ..................
language and Hindi speaking states communicate with the other
states in…………….
3. The ultimate aim of English teaching is to cultivate the students'
ability of ............ and ......................

Unit - II - Oral Skills

4. Why is listening in the classroom important?

5. What is a mime story?
6. Why are rhymes important in the primary classes?
7. What is Classroom English?
8. Why do we give importance to dialogues in English Language
9. Write any two expressions that a teacher can use to stop the
work when the time expires
10. Write any two forms of the language for approval and
11. Give any two language samples to say good bye.
12. Stories help in language learning how?
13. What is an interview?
14. How will you introduce yourself over telephone?
Unit - III - Listening and Speaking

15. What is the difference between hearing and listening?

16. What are the basic stages of listening?
17. Which is the first and foremost important skill in acquiring the
second language?
18. What are the different ways to improve listening?
19. What are the basic language skills?
20. Write any four simple instructions to give before the prayer
21. Write any four instructions to give before the beginning of the
22. Give four commands to be given in the play ground.
23. Give two examples for one letter producing different sounds.
24. Write two examples for different letters producing the same
25. Give four examples for silent letters.
26. How many vowels and consonant sounds are in English?
27. Name any four organs of speech.
28. Write the fricatives.
29. How are the plosives produced?
30. Give examples of words with the sound /l/ at initial, medial and
final position.
31. Write four words having silent 'ℓ'
32. Through which organ are the nasal sounds uttered? Give two
33. What are the nasal sounds?
34. Write examples for nasal sounds.
35. What are semi vowels? Give two examples.
36. When is 'r' pronounced? Give two examples.
37. When is 'r' silent? Give two examples.
38. Explain voiced and voiceless sounds.
39. Describe vowel sounds. Give two examples.
40. Describe consonant sounds. Give two examples.
41. Explain diphthongs
42. How many monophthongs are in English? give two examples
43. How many pure vowels are in English? Give two examples.
44. How many vowels are similar to Tamil vowels? What are they?
45. What are the familiar English vowels to Tamil speaking people?
46. What are the English vowels unfamiliar to Tamil speaking
47. What is the position of lips in the production of the sound /: /
48. Which are the two long vowels produced with open rounded
49. Which sound is called "Schwa"? Give two examples.
50. Write two examples to differentiate the sounds - /: / /):/
51. Write two examples to differentiate / / and/: /
52. Explain 'diphthongs'.
53. give examples to /i∂/, е∂/ and /u∂/
54. Give examples to /ei/ /ai/ and /)i/
55. Write two words to differentiate /∂u/ and /u/
56. Transcribe the following words
bun, good, fool, pass
57. Write English spelling for the following

/ƒi: l /, /,ƒul/, /p):s/, /b3:d/

58. Define 'Syllable' and 'Word'

59. What is called consonant cluster?
60. Define consonant cluster with examples.
61. Pck out the cluster from the following words
(1) crow (2) chat (3) close (4) church
62. What is stress?
63. Define Primary Stress and Secondary Stress
64. How do you mark the primary and secondary stresses?
65. Stress changes the meaning. Give an example
66. Put stress mark for the following
Noun - conduct, object
Verb - conduct, object
67. What is 'connected speech'?
68. What is intonation?
69. Give an example for falling intonation
68. Name the most common intonation patterns.
69. What are tonal marks? Give any two tonal marks
70. Define falling intonation and give an example.
71. Define rising intonation and give an example.
72. Give two examples for Falling-Rising intonation.
73. Write two examples for Rising-Falling intonation.
74. Write any four para linguistic features.
75. /∂/ never occurs in initial position -True/False
/h/ occurs in final position - True / False
76. /ŋ/ never occurs in initial position. Semi vowels never occur in
the .................... position
77. Diphthongs have ........................... (Single/ Double) Sound
Monophthongs have ............................. (Single/ Double) Sound
78. (a) /∂/ never occurs in ...................... syllables.
(b) /l/is a …………..sound.
79. (a) All vowel sounds are ........................... (Voiced / Voiceless)
(b) English allows .......................... consonants to begin a
80. (a) Rhythm is the result of sentence……………………
(b) Consonant clusters refer to a group of consonant sounds but
not ............................
81. (a) Structural words of one syllable are
always................................ (Stressed / Unstressed)
(b) The use of weak forms is one of the features of spoken………
82. (a) Phonetic symbols are not written in capital letters-
(b) For giving exposure to the students the teacher should speak
the target language in the ........................
83. (a) In English one letter produces .................... sounds.
(b) In English the same sound is produced by
............................. letters.
84. (a) There are silent letters in English words - True / False
(b) In English 26 letters represent ....................... sounds.
85. (a) English is an/a ........................ phonetic language /un-
phonetic language,
(b) Tamil is a phonetic language - True / False
86. (a) The orgons helpful in the production of speech are called
(b) All the phonetic symbols are written within
87. (a) The plosives are ........................ in number.
(b) /f/, /o/ and /s/ are voiceless ..........................
88. (a) /v/, /∂/ /z/ are voiced .................
(b) The fricatives are continuants - True / False
89. (a) The plosives are continuants - True / False
(b) /h/ is produced at the glottis - True / False
90. How can one maintain voice quality?

Unit - IV - Methods of and Approaches to Teaching English

91. What is Language Acquisition?
92. What is S-O-S Approach?
93. What is ESL?
94. What is GTM in the Teaching of English?
95. Explain - 'The Direct Method'.
96. What is the Bilingual Method?
97. What is the Eclectic Approach?
98. What are the steps involved in the Bilingual Method of teaching
99. What are the traditional methods of teaching English?
100. What is the S.O.S. Approach?
101. What is Communicative Language Teaching (CLT)?
102. What are the Demerits of S.O.S Approach?
103. List out the objectives of CLT?
104. What is Activity Based Learning?
105. What are the special features of ALM?
106. List out the Merits of Active Learning method.
107. What are the Drawbacks in CLT?
108. What are the Logos used in the ladder to teach English to
Primary school children?
Fill in the blanks with correct answers:
109. Children within ................ years of age learn their mother
tongue through acquisition.
Complete the following sentences with suitable answers:
110. Speech habits are cultivated by .................
111. In Direct Method grammar is taught .....................
Fill in the blanks with correct answers:
112. In Britain scholars like .................. and .......................
advocated the Communicative Language Teaching.
113. What are the limitations of CLT?
114. 'The Structural Approach' – Define.
115. What are the merits of Structural Approach?
116. What is the Audio-lingual method?
117. What are the Modern Methods of teaching English?
118. What is the Michael West's method of teaching English?

Unit - V - Teaching Vocabulary

119. What are two types of vocabulary?

120. Give any two criteria for the selection of vocabulary for teaching
in the early stage
121. Children learn pronunciation through ............... and ...........
122. A ready reckoner to refer to a word is a ...........................
The .................. is a role model for pronunciation in the
123 Add affixes to the following words
understand, connect.
124 Add affixes to the following words
Invisible, regular
125 Match column I with Column II Attempt any two
Column - I Column – II
Mono acting a plane figure with 3 or more sides or
2 Bicycle three different events
3 Polygon one man performance
4 Triathlon a vehicle with two wheels

126. The terms ....................... and .................. should be \

known to the teachers of English
127. Connotate the following words with an example
slim, thin
Fill in the blanks with suitable noun forms of the verbs.
128 The policeman enquired the culprit of the theft. They could
not trace anything from the ........................
129 The post man delivered the letters. The .......................
started from 10 am.

130 Form two words for each category with the given letters
(eq.) ir-irregular
en- dis,
-in -im

131. Substitute the correct word from the list for the underlined words.
a) cite, site, sight b) former, farmer
Arun is seeking a suitable place to build a house.
The man works hard in the fields for the good harvest.

132. In what aspects does a dictionary help in improving vocabulary?

Unit VI - Teaching of Prose

133.What are the two heads under which aims of teaching prose lesson
are classified?
134.State any two general aims of teaching prose.
135.State any two specific aims for teaching a story?
136.Enumerate any two specific aims for teaching an Essay.
137.List out any two specific aims for teaching a biography .
138.Tabulate any two specific aims for teaching plays.
139Mention the two processes while introducing a prose lesson.
140.What two things should we primarily achieve while presenting a
new structural item?
141.Define - Extensive Reading.
137 Mention two advantages of Extensive Reading?
142.Mention any two activities to be followed to encourage writing?
143.Define -‘Paragraph’.
144.What are the Components of a Paragraph?
145.Explain ‘Topic Sentence’.
146.State the of a Paragraph?
147.What are different kinds of Paragraph?

Unit VII - Teaching of Poetry

148.Why is preparation stage important in the teaching of a poem?

149.Mention the role of rhyming words in a Poem.
150.Define a rhyme.
151.Define a Poem.
152.Give four pairs of rhyming words.

Part A – Content
(a. Practical Language Skills)

153.What greeting you would use for the following occasion:

When you meet somebody at night ______________
When you depart from somebody at night _________

154.Fix an occasion for the following greeting.

Happy Anniversary
Many Many happy returns of the day
155.You are trying to get a bank loan for your friend in a distant place.
It is confirmed that your friend can be given Rs.1,00,000/- from the
bank. Prepare a telegram to inform him of the matter.
Part A – Content
(b. Grammar and Usage)

156.Ramu said, "I am playing now". (Rewrite in the reported speech)

157.Arun said, "My younger brother wants to be an IAS officer". (Rewrite
in the reported speech)
158.They told me that they had been waiting for me for two hours.
(Rewrite in the Direct speech)
159.Balu said, "I went to Delhi yesterday". (Rewrite in the reported
speech) Radhika said that her mother had gone to Kolkatta to attend a
seminar. (Rewrite in the Direct speech)

160.He said to me, "Are you writing a letter”?(Rewrite in the reported

161.The Police Officer enquired the man why he had stolen the silver
candles sticks. (Rewrite in the Direct speech)
162.Raju said to Radhika," Please don't interfere in my work". (Rewrite in
the reported speech)
163.He said, "What a huge Cobra!" (Rewrite in the reported speech)
164.The chairman ordered them to begin the enquiry. (Rewrite in the
Direct speech)
165.Define ‘article’.
166.Mention the types of article with examples.
167.Define zero article.
168.How is indefinite article 'an' different from indefinite article 'a'?
169.Fill in the blanks with suitable articles.
Galileo, __________ astronomer, studied _______ stars with his Telescope.
170.Mention the three different pronunciationsof definite article 'the'
171.Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles.
.................... empty vessel makes _________ lot of noise.
172.Define preposition
173.Explain the meaning of ‘prepositions’.
174.Illustrate the use of prepositions.
175.List the kinds of preposition with suitable examples.
176.Define ‘‘prepositional phrase”.
177.Illustrate the use of compound phrases
178.Give a list of prepositions denoting time
179.Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions
Rani travels ______ train to reach the government hospital ______
180.What is Modal auxiliary?
181.What is Semi / Quasi Modal? give examples.
182.Mention the significance of the Modal 'dare'.
183.Mention the significance of the Modal ' Must'.
184.Mention the prime uses of the Modal "could ".
185.Rewrite the sentences using Modals.
186.Obeying the laws of a nation is mandatory for the citizens.
187.All citizens______ obey the laws of a nation and ______ practise them
188.As a girl, Sita walked a long distance to fetch water.
189.When Sita was a girl, she ______ walk a long distance to fetch water.
190.During practising rhymes, children are not allowed to clap or tap the
191.The children _____ avoid clapping or tapping the desk
192.Frame sentences using the following Modal auxiliaries
a. can b. will
193.Complete the following sentences using suitable Modal auxiliaries
I __________ go now
194.People ________ drive more carefully
195.G. Madhavan Nair, ISRO Chairman declared, "This is the beginning
of our long journey to the moon". (Rewrite into Indirect Speech)
196.He said,” Every thing went perfectly”. (Rewrite into Indirect speech)
197.M. Annadurai, Project Director, Chandrayan-1 observed," We have
just delivered the space craft into orbit”. (Rewrite into Indirect Speech)
198.S. Ramakrishnan, Director, Vikram Sarabai Space centre,
Thiruvananthapuram said, "This is India’s first planetary mission".
(Rewrite into Indirect Speech)
199.T.K. Alex, Director, ISAC said, "Finding the spacecraft’s position in
orbit is the most important challenge”. (Rewrite into Indirect Speech)
200.S.Ramakrishnan, Director, VSSC said that they would command
respect in the international community.(Rewrite into Direct Speech)
201.M. Annadurai, Project Director, Chandrayan.1 said that studies had
shown that the moon could serve as a source of economic benefit.
(Rewrite into Direct Speech)
202.Former President A.P.J. Abdul Kalam said that they would go closer
to the moon, then land on the moon. (Rewrite into Direct Speech)

203.Mention the four types of sentence.

204.Give two examples for declarative sentence
205.Give an example for each type of interrogative sentence.
206.Give an example for each type of imperative sentence.
207.Give two examples for exclamatory sentence.
208. Rama sings an old song (Convert into Negative of Yes or No type
209.She was buying vegetables (Change into ‘Wh’ type question of
Negative sentence)
210.She did not go to her house (Change into affirmative sentence of ‘wh’
type question)
211.Mayilsamy Annathurai is an eminent scientist. (Change into
Exclamatory sentence or interrogative sentence)
212.Define Declarative sentence or interrogative sentence.
213.Define imperative sentence or exclamatory sentence.
214.Define adjective
215.State the three forms of adjectives.
216.Define Regular and Irregular adjectives.
217.Name any two kinds of adjective.
218.Give two examples of irregular adjective.
219.Pick out the adjectives and mention their kind;-
220.Every man has his duties.
221.The hand has five fingers.
222.Rewrite the following sentences using the opposite adjectives
a. I love cold weather
b. I want to be a good Teacher.
223.Pick out the nouns and classify them
c. Rabindranath Tagore was a great poet of India
d. Birds can fly.
224.Write the collective noun for the following
e. roses b. sheep
225.Change the following verb forms to noun forms
f. Permit b. Collect
226.Change the adjectival forms to noun forms
g. beautiful b. sever
227.Change the adverbial forms to noun forms
h. regularly b. comparatively
228.Complete the sentences with noun forms.
i. Arvind Adigar got an _________ for his book ‘White
j. Recently India sent Chandryaan I to_________
229.Write any two situations for the use of simple present tense
230.Fill in the blanks with correct tense forms
k. If I _________ (be) a hockey player, I ______ (will) like
to score goals like Dhanraj Pillai.
231.Rewrite in the comparative and positive degree.
l. Abhinav Bindra is the best performer in shooting.
m. No other chess player in the world is as popular as
Viswanathan Anand.
232.xplain transitive verbs with example.
233.Explain intransitive verbs with example.
234.Rewrite the sentence in the comparative and positive degree:
Very few attacks in India were so severe as the Mumbai
attack in the recent time.
235.Write any two uses of simple Present tense.
236.What are the four forms of present tense?
237.What are the four forms of Past tense?
238.What are the four forms of Future tense?
239.Explain one of the uses of present continuous tense with an
240.Write one of the uses of present perfect tense with an example
241.Write one use of present perfect continuous tense with an example.
242.Define simple past tense and give an example
243.Define past continuous tense and give an example
245.Define simple future tense and give an example.
246.Define future continuous tense and give an example.
247.Explain future perfect tense with an example.
248.Fill in the blanks with suitable examples.
n. I __________ (read) this novel for the past one hour.
o. Mary ________ (operate) the computer yesterday
249.Change the past tense into past continuous tense.
p. Latha wrote a letter yesterday
250.Frame two questions using simple present tense.
251.Change the following into negative sentence
q. I have bought a car b. I have a car.
252.Change the following into an affirmative statement
r. Mala has not bought a computer
s. Maharani does not have a lap top.
253.Write two sentences on what you were doing last evening
254.Write two sentences in future tense using the following objects
t. Ball b. Computer
255.What is an adverb?
256.What are the uses of an adverb?
257.Write a verb and its adverbial form.
258.Write an adjective and its adverbial form.
259.Give the adverbial form of a verb and use it in your own sentence.
260.Give the adverbial form of an adjective and use it in sentence.
261.Use the adverb of the adjective to fill in the blank.
He is clever. He behaves .................
262.Underline the adjective and use it as an adverb in the given
The girls wear different dresses. They dress ......................
263.Pick out the adverbs
Ajith speaks English fluently.
Usually he meets me on Sundays
264.Write any four types of adverbs.
265.Write any four adverbs which can be used in the play ground.
266.Match the following:

1. Always - 0 percent of the possible instances

2. Never - 20 percent of the possible instances
3. Usually - 100 percent of the instances
4. Sometimes - 70 percent of the possible instances
267.Write two sentences using adjectives related to your habits
268.Complete the following sentences by writing about yourself.
u. I never ...........................
v. Sometimes I ..............................
269.Fill in the blanks with suitable adverbs
w. Do you ever paint a picture
No .........................................
x. Do your ever go to temple?
Yes .........................................
270.Add suitable adverb
y. Ranjith talked with his friends ......................
z. The arrangements were made for the function


Unit - 1
1. Why is English considered a world language?
2. English is updating knowledge and career choices - why?
3. What is the position of English in India?

Unit - II - Oral Skills

4. Discuss the importance of developing oral skills among students.

5. What are black board activities?
6. What are the qualities required of a story teller?
7. What are the elements of a good story?
8. What are the advantages of story telling?
9. Write some common instructions which the class can easily
10. Write some instructions that can be used at the end of a
11. When can we use language games?
12. What are the advantages of using language games in the
13. What are the expressions that you can use for parting?
14. You are unwell. You want to fix an appointment with
Dr.Ram. Talk to his personal Assistant. Prepare a dialogue
15. Choose a tourist spot in your locality. You are going to
travel to that place on an education tour the next weak end.
Prepare a telephonic conversation to the nearby school for
accommodation of the students following:
• educational tour for two days
• accommodation for 50 boys and 50 girls
• food and boarding
• bus services and distance from the school
Unit - III - Listening and Speaking
16. Write about effective listening.
17. Write five important aspects of the activities to improve
listening skill
18. Write the fricatives with examples.
19. Write one sentences five times with sentence stress on
different words giving different meanings.
20. What is intonation? What are the most common
patterns? Give an example for each
21. Write about the falling tone with examples
22. Write about the rising tone with four examples
23. Add words 'fall or 'rise' to the following
a. WH questions -
b. Yes / No questions -
c. Enumeration of things -
d. Commands -
e. Rhetorical questions -
24. Name and define the Para linguistic features.
25. Write any ten expressions that can be used in the class
26. Write down five possible barriers in using English socially
how can you overcome them?
27. Draw and label the organs of speech

Unit - IV - Methods of and Approaches to Teaching English

28. What are the important distinctions between Language

Acquisition and language learning?
29. Why was the Grammar-Translation Method was
questioned and rejected?
30. Explain the steps involved in teaching of English through
31. What are the salient features of the Direct Method?
32. Explain the stages involved in the Direct Method.
33. The Bilingual Method is a combination of the Direct
Method and GTM - Explain
34. What are the principles involved in the Bilingual Method?
35. Techniques in Structural Approach - Explain

Unit - V - Teaching Vocabulary

36. Write any five objectives of learning vocabulary

37. Write the four techniques which can be used by a teacher
in higher classes.
38. Write one word substitutes from the list in the blank

dairy, stationary,
stationery, diary, alter

a. Ramu bought cheese and curd from the .................

b. Veena has the habit of writing ................
c. The bus dashed against a ............................ van
d. Raju wanted to ....................his plans
e. Rani bought pencils and paper from a .........................
39. Finish each sentence with a word from the word box

Patriot, Participant,
Peculiar, Patron, Partner

a. A person who has odd or strange behaviour

b. A person who gives financial support to another person is
c. A person who loves his country is..................
d. A person who takes part in something is
e. A person who takes part in an activity with another
person is ..........................
40. As a teacher how will you improve your students' spelling
41. Name some of the steps in learning to spell a word.
42. Suggest some of the spelling games to practise spelling
43. Suggest some of the activities taken in the class to
practise spelling
44. How do word puzzles help in practising correct spelling.
Give examples
45. How does a composite picture help in practising spelling?

Unit – VI Teaching of Prose

46. Enumerate the different sections in Teaching Prose

47. Explain Intensive Reading.
48. State the general aims of Teaching Prose.
49. What steps are involved in the Teaching of a Prose
50. Explain Activity based Learning.
51. Explain Active Learning Methodology.
52. What are the characteristics of Extensive Reading.
53. What are the advantages of Extensive Readers?
54. Mention the steps in teaching a lesson in the
Supplementary Reader.
55. What are the steps involved in prewriting paragraphs?
56. Mention the steps involved in 'editing paragraphs'.
57. Define - Paragraph.
58. Explain the Description Paragraph with an example.
59. Enumerate ‘Do’ and ‘Don'ts ‘in dealing with a
supplementary Reader.
Unit – VII - Teaching of Poetry

60. Write an activity for the students at discussion stage in

the teaching of a Poem.
61. How can children be guided to appreciate a poem in 5th
62. How does tongue twisting practice remove the difficulty in
pronunciation of rhymes?
63. List suggestions for the process of teaching a rhyme for a
primary class.
64. Illustrate the differences between rhyme and poem.

Part A – Content
(a Practical Language Skills)

65. Here is a table of Annual Term fee particulars of a

Matriculation School. Read the table and answer the questions.

VI to
Rs.1100- Rs.1580- Rs.1780- Rs.1840- Rs.2300- Rs.2800- Rs.3600-

a) What is the fee prescribed for a student in PKG/LKG/UKG Class?

b) Is there any increase or decrease in the fee for a student who is
promoted to Std X?
c) Is there any change in the fee structure for the students who are
studying in Std III to V?
d) How much does a student in Std II pay as fee?
e) The difference between the I Std and II Std fee structure is
Rs.200/- Do you agree with this statement?
66. Write a Paragraph using the topic sentence.
Swimming is good for health
67. Here is a label on a product in a shop. Look at the label
and answer the questions that follow.


Washing Powder for all fabrics that can be

used in any washing machine.

D.O.M. May 2007

MRP Rs. 84/-
Net Weight: 1 Kg.

1. What is the name of the product?

2. Can it be used in any washing machine?
3. What is the net weight of the product?
4. When was it manufactured?
5. What is the MRP of the washing powder?

68. Rewrite the following sentences into a cohesive

A man was stranded in the woods. He couldn't cross the stream as
a crocodile was waiting to swallow him. At that juncture, the honey
dripping from a bee-hive overhead sweetened his mouth. He was chased
by an angry elephant. On climbing the tree on the river bank, he came
across a python, threatening to coil around him.

69. Choose from the word bank and write a letter to your HM,
apologizing for being late.
Word Bank
1. Prayer hall, auditorium
2. morning, evening
3. cycle, car
4. workshop, cycle Shop
5. faithfully, obediently

Respected Sir / Madam,

I was given the duty of bringing flowers to decorate the __________

and to be fastened into the flag. I collected sufficient followers of
different varieties early in the __________. Unfortunately, my ______ had a
flat tyre. I had to wheel it to the ___________ and set it right. I took two
hours to repair the damage. I really apologise that I couldn't bring the
flowers in time.

Yours ____________

70. Make notes on the following passage:

Many famous breeds of dogs come from Germany. The Alsation or
the German Shephered, the Doberman pinseher and Dachshund are
three of the most popular breeds. The other name of the Alsation gives
us a clue about the work performed by this dog in olden day. Now, this
dog is seen very often as the "Seeing Eye" on the streets in the west.
Along with the Doberman, this breed is often selected for security and
Police-work. Dachshund, the national dog of Germany, which is small
and narrow-bodied, is an excellent hunter.
71. Look at this report from ‘The Hindu’, dated 05.01.2009
titled "Infant" found dead". Read this report and answer the
following questions.


A two-day old baby boy was found dead at Ooilamplayam

Village, near Punjai Puliampatti , on Sunday morning. According
to the Punjai Puliampatti Police, the baby was found dead in a well
in the village.

Not even the umbilical cord was removed, the police said and
added that they have registered a case following a complaint by the
village Administrative Officer, C.K. Gopalakrishnan.

a. Who was found dead?
b. Where was it found dead?
c. Is the presentation clear and accurate?
d. Who complained the fact to the Police?
e. What is the purpose of this report?

72. Choose from the word bank and write a letter to your
friend describing your visit to a holiday resort.

1. Wealth, health
2. enjoyed, traveled
3. boring, pleasant
4. records, regards
5. obediently, sincerely
Dear friend,

I hope that this letter finds you in the best of _________ and
happiness. Last week I had been to Ooty. I _______ very much. We
went for boating. We visited Doddapetta. The climate was
_____________. I wish you were with me.
Please convey my best ___________ to all at home. Please do reply.
Yours ____________,

73. Choose from the word bank and write a letter to the
Postmaster of your town asking him to redirect your letters to
your new address.

Days, vocation
The post master,
Send, Re-direct
Address, place

From To
R. Ravi ________________
20 VOC Nagar, Tirupur.

I am leaving for my native place on summer ____________. Please
_____________ my letters to the following _____________ till 31.05.09.

R. Ravi,
C/O R. Muthu,
40 Anna Nagar,

Theni, Yours
74. Study the pie chart given below and answer the

Annual expenditure of Mr.Robert's family

Food, 13%

Clothing, Taxes,
12% 38%


House Mic., 12%

Rent, 18%

1. The Roberts spent .......................... for taxes per year
(a) Rs.38000/- (b) Rs.18240/- (c) Rs.18000/-

2. In which item did Robert spend the least?

3. How much amount did he save?
4. The amount Mr.Robert spent on house rent was more than the
amount he spent on food - True / False
5. This pie-graph shows that .......................
a) Mr.Robert was a spend thrift.
b) Mr.Robert was a miser
c) Mr.Robert pays a huge amount as tax.

75. Look at the bar diagram and answer the following

Forest land in selected states

Bihar U.P M.P Kerala T.N Assam


1. Which state has the largest forest land?

2. Which state has the second largest forest area?
3. Has Bihar the least forest area?
4. Forest area is not very much in Tamilnade - True / False
5. Choose the best option and fill in the blanks
Madhya Pradesh has ..........................................
(a) more forest land than Kerala
(b) Less forest land than Kerala
(c) the same forest land as in Kerala
Part A – Content
(Grammar and usage)

76. Illustrate the uses of definite article ‘the’.

77. List the Major differences between definite article and
indefinite article with examples.
78. List the uses of indefinite articles ‘ an’ and ‘a’ with
suitable examples
79. Design two activities for the teaching of definite article
80. Design two activities to teach ‘ indefinite article ‘a’
81. Design two activities for the teaching of indefinite article
82. Design two activities for the teaching of two simple
83. Prepositional phrase is useful in transformation of
sentences. Establish prove
84. Illustrate types of preposition
85. List out the uses of Modal auxiliaries
86. Design two activities to teach Modal auxiliaries.

87. Here is a conversation between two students in the class.

Classify and tabulate the different types of sentence that
occur in the dialogue.

Pradeesh: Why are you waiting outside? Come in. When did you
return from Chennai?
Prasanna: Fine, thank you. How are you?
Pradeesh: Then go home and take rest.
Prasanna: Oh! it was horrible. Infact I am not well because of
this. But now pleasant it is here!
Pradeesh: Hai, Prasanna, How are you?
Prasanna: Yes, I think. I should excuse myself from the class to
day. I will meet the teacher and seek permission to go
Pradeesh; Did you have good weather on your trip?
Prasanna: Just this morning.

88. The following is a conversation between a teacher and a

student. Identify the different types of sentence occuring in
the conversation:-

Student: Good Morning. May I come in, Sir?

Teacher: Please do. How was your Picnic yesterday?
Student: How nice it was!
Teacher: So you had a good time . All right. I hope you have
done your home work.
Student: Did you give us any home work, Sir?
Teacher: Haven’t you done the sums I gave you?
Student: Oh! how forgetful I am!

89. How are adjectives classified? Explain with examples.

90. Pick out the adjectives in the following sentences and

match each with its kind:
a) Take care of your health Demonstrative adjective
b) Calcutta is a large city Quantitative adjective
c) Every student should do Possessive adjective
d) The hand has five fingers Distributive adjective
e) That man is from Chennai Qualitative adjective
91. Classify nouns with examples
92. List out the genders of noun with examples
93. Classify verbs with an example for each.
94. Design some tasks to teach present perfect tense.
95. Give five activities to teach present continuous tense.
96. Fill in the blanks with correct tense form:

Chandrayaan I __________ (launch) on 22nd October 2008.

The space craft _______ (take) about 6 days ________ (go) round the
earth once. One of the main objectives of the mission ______ (be)
locating minerals in the moon soil. It ________ (orbit) for two

97. Write the four forms of present tense and their uses.
98. Write the four past forms of past tense and their uses.
99. Write the four future forms and their and their uses.
100. Write the four forms of present tense and frame,
questions using the situations.
101. Write the four forms of past tense and frame questions
using any two forms.
102. Write the four forms of future tense and frame questions
using any two forms.
Unit - III - Listening and Speaking

1. What are the classification of English speech sounds? Illustrate

with examples
2. Comment on the following components of speaking skill. Illustrate
with examples.
a. Stress
b. Pause
c. Intonation

Unit - IV - Methods of and Approaches Teaching English

3. What are the characteristic features of S.O.S Approach? - Explain

4. Comment on the following:
a. Grammar Translation Method
b. The Direct Method
5. What are the special features of communicative Language Teaching
6. Describe the following approaches:
a. Activity Based Learning (ABL)
b. Active Learning Method (ALM)

Unit - V - Teaching Vocabulary

7. What are the various techniques adopted to introduce new words.
8. List out any ten activities with examples from "Kids Wall

Unit – VI - Teaching of Prose

9. Explain in detail the steps involved in Teaching a Prose Lesson.

10. Prepare a lesson plan from the text book of upper primary
classes for the teaching of a Prose Lesson.
11. Write a note on Active Learning Methodology?
12. Enumerate the various steps to teach a supplementary
13. Classify and explain in detail the different kinds of
14. What are the specific aims of teaching various items
found in a Prose Lesson?
Unit VII - Teaching of Poetry

15. Describe the process of teaching a Poem.

16. Mention the procedure in the teaching of a rhyme for a

primary class.

17. Write a lesson plan for the teaching of a poem in a

primary class.

Part A
(Grammar and Usage)

18. Write a lesson plan to teach simple present tense.

19. Design some activities to teach nouns (Proper and
common)/abstract and concrete
20. Write a lesson plan to teach present perfect tense.
21. How will you teach Degrees of Comparison through
22. Write a lesson plan to teach adjectives

23. Write a lesson plan to teach present continuous tense

24. Make 20 meaningful sentences using the following
substitution table:

When do you have lunch on Wednesdays

Where does he go to bed in the afternoon
will she get home
at night/ at the week end


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