1 Thar Diary Daily Update Day 1-4

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Thar Diary

March 22-26, 2014

Day 1: (22-03-2014)
(Team Members: Dr Zahoor, Hassan Shah, Nasir Hussain & Saleemullah Baig)
First day was arrival to Karachi from Islamabad, the flight was a bit late due to VIP air trafficking
and we reached Karachi at around 2 pm.

My team has suggested that we send daily updates to core office and relevant people to keep all
of us, including myself, up-to-date with whats happening in field.
After reaching Karachi the meeting was done with Director Food & Beverages Mr. Waseem
Baig in PC hotel Karachi where all the food packaging details and delivery modes were
discussed. It was agreed that the final order will be placed after the local market survey of
Mitthi, Tharparker. Whereas the quotation from PC hotel management will be shared on
Monday, March 24, 2014. The second meeting was done with PC admin staff that includes Mr.
Asif Ur Rehman & Mr. Atif Ahmed Khan. A very fruitful discussion was done and available
clothing stuffs were shown, it was examined that available clothes includes childrens wearing,
track suits & and simple trousers and the whole stuff consists of 72 cottons. It was agreed that
the clothing material will be supplied to the affected areas when requested. After the meeting
we moved towards hotel for next day planning and rest and thus concluded the first day in
Karachi..until tomorrow.
Day 2: (23-03-2014)
Second day we moved from Karachi to Mitthi, Tharparkar, Sindh.

There was a call of strike from GIKSM (Nationalist Party) in Sindh on Sunday because of killing
of their workers, so we reached our destination at 8:00 pm. After reaching Tharparker safely
we met the Banhn Beli team at their Mitti office , where we met many of the people working
there and we discussed the current famine and drought situation, current government and
NGO response and logistics issues involved in the next few weeks. Specifically, issues regarding
the identification of beneficiaries, food parcels, recruitment of health staff, hiring vehicle for
mobile health unit, our transportation around the district as well as the issue of female health
staff who can take care of MCH issues, which will be necessary in order for maternal and child
care in remote villages.

The whole agenda on this relief initiative and proposal was discussed and Baan-Beli team was
requested to help in field activities that include identification of vulnerable people and
distribution of food packs. It was agreed that Baan-Beli team will assist us in field activities and
all possible support will be provided.
Day 3: (24-03-2014)
Third day was started with meeting with DCO Tharparkar Mr. Imran Bhatti and other local
government officials. It was expressed by the local administration that three Tehsils of the
District Tharparker are severely affected by the famine and drought, those includes, Islamkot,
Mitthi and Diplo, whereas government had distributed 50 kg wheat bags to approximately
259,000 families but still people lack basic food items. DCO requested HF team to work in the
above said three highly affected Tehsils and to distribute food items to poor and vulnerable
families. After the meeting with DCO a meeting with the team of Muslim Hands International
was conducted to know their interventions and to analyze the existing gaps which could be
fulfilled. It was analyzed that Muslim Hands International is working on food security issue of
migrated people, whereas the people who are living in their houses are not in their domain. It
was also advised by the Muslim Hands team that HF must focus on the far areas of three highly
affected Tehsils instead of focusing the nearby areas which had already received from some
NGOs. Another meeting was conducted with the staff members of Helping Hands and it was
identified that they are working on safe water distribution and basic health units since 15
March. In this comprehensive meeting different ideas related to HF-Mobile Health Unit and
food distribution were shared and it was also suggested by HF team that a cluster meeting of all
working NGOs must be called, this will help to analyze that which areas needs more focus and
which areas are still deprived with aid as well as who is doing what. Similarly from the meetings
with governmental and non-governmental organizations it was suggested that HF must made his
own Warehouse where food bags can be stored and that would also be declared as food
distribution point, because it is very difficult to take the trucks to the local community areas as
roads and infrastructure is not present and the population is very much scattered, so it was
decided that food ration cards will be given to deserving and vulnerable people and they will be
asked to collect food bags on a specific date from a specific place, that would be our
warehouse. While the team was involved in meeting with governmental and nongovernmental
officials Mr. Saleem was visiting the local markets to take quotations of food items which we are
supposed to distribute by Sunday. Quotations from the local venders were collected and rates
were compared.
After the meeting with Helping Hand team along with the volunteer from Baan-Belli moved to
the affected areas of Mitthi.

Focus group discussions were done to assess the basic problems and needs of people and it
was evaluated that malnutrition is the main issue for the common people.

Many of them are currently suffering of severe food insecurity and further loss in their livestock
due to fodder scarcity as most animal also died;

these are heartbreaking stories of children dying of malnutrition and infectious diseases and on
and on.

Similarly our team moved door to door and examined the socio-economic situation of
community and almost 50 vulnerable families were give food ration cards after filling their bio
data form.

A focal person was assigned in the community and he was requested to communicate the
decided date and venue, as decided by HF team, to those people who had received the food
ration cards.

We left the Tehsil Islamkot field area as the sun was setting on the world largest desert and
finally the team moved back to hotel and have a short meeting regarding next day agenda and

Day 4: (25-03-2014)
Wait till night.
25-3-2014: (Day 4)
Tuesday, March 25, 2014, a hot sunny day gave a new strength to the team. After the breakfast the team
was divided into two groups, first group consisted me (Dr. Zahoor) and Mr. Saleem Baig whereas the
second group includes Mr. Hassan Shah and Mr. Nasir Hussain.
First group was supposed to meet with the local property dealers to identify and select the best suitable
and feasiable place that can serve as warehouse and food distribution center for the beneficaries. Such
place is needed that is safe according to security point of view and on the same side easily assessable to
selected beneficaries to collect their food bags. Similarly the second agenda of first team incudes to
finalize the most suitable vender/supplier after having a comparative price statement analysis.
Second group was supposed to move to field to select the most affected and vulnerable people that are
severly affected by the drought. As discussed in the early report, three Tehsils (Mitti, Islamkot and
Diplo) are badly affected by drought and today team was suppose to focus on one Tehsil i.e. IslamKot
which is 45 kilometer away from Mitti. On the same side this team had to identify, register and
distribute the food cards to selected vulnerable community members.

Second team reached Tehsil Islamkot and with the help of a volunteer Mr. Cheetan we visited the two
worse affected villages, that includes village Shehmir Vickya and Darailo Paro. After initial discussion
with community elders the team moved door to door and assesed the condition of the villigers. During
the course of time HF team observed some heart touching stories of poor and vulnerable people of the

Their socioeconomic conditions reflectes their disparity and backwardness, even in this 21
they dont have access to basic needs of life like food, health facility, safe drinking water etc. Almost 120
vlunerable and poor households were identified and registered for food assiatnce .

While Hassan and Nasir were busy in the identification of vulnerable people me and Saleem examined
the food samples, obtained final quotations from local venders of food and finally made the comparative
statements of all quotations received from PC Karachi and two local venders.

That comparative price statement was shared with the higher management at core office and finally
purchase order was issued by the respective department. After this key activity we met the local
property dealers for the arrangement of warehouse.

Three buildings were visited and they were critically evaluated to ensure security and accessibility issues.
Up till now the final place has not been finalized and tomorrow some more suitable buildings would be
We also observed that the recent displacement from remote areas of Tharparker has reached half
million and 70% of them are children and 20% women and elderly (some men have stayed back to look
after their elderly terminal ill patient or have already gone to other cities to work.) and the biggest
concentration of migrated population is in district Badeen and district Nawabshah but they have also
spread up to Hyderabad and Karachi.

The major accomplishment of today is that we manage to take some short heartbreaking stories with
the help of volunteers to interpret for us these heart touching stories. This volunteer, Cheetan,
helped translate for the team that put together the previous case histories, and is,
therefore, very familiar with the culture, language and the villages we will be visiting.

Raai Chand a poor old man of 70 years age lost his six buffalos and twenty sheep in this drought. Last
year due to the unavailability of basic health facilities he lost his young son and wife, both initially were
suffering from high grade fever and malaria and ended in cerebral Malaria. Last week someone told him
that government had sent relief trucks to nearby roads, when he visited the site he saw that it is not
possible for him to get these goods in this rush and mismanagement so he decided to come back. When
HF team visited his home and he was persuaded that he will get food without humiliation then he was
very happy and a ray of hope emerged on his face.

Cattle and livestock is the main source of survival for the Thar people, but after the drought the cattle
had been severely affected and most of the people are now living a miserable life. An old women
Ranno lost all of her cattles in drought, these were the main source of survival for her as she use to sell
the milk of her goats and cows. Raano is also raising the family of her widow daughter and after the loss
of cattle she had now started stitching the handmade bed sheets. It takes almost a week to stitch one
bed sheet from hand whereas the wage is only five hundred which is very meager to run such a huge
family. HF team provided him the food ration card which will be helpful in mitigating her sorrows and

People of Tharparker are facing serious food insecurity and health issues. Maai Jothoo is suffering from
muskeloskeltal problems and muscle wasting from the last 2 years and now she has also developed
muscular dystrophy and she is unable to do anything, but due to unavailability of health facilities she is
living a miserable life. Muscle wasting is one of the worst indicators of severe malnutrition in which body
muscles are damaged. Her son, a father of eight children, is a poor daily wager and he is unable to
finance the costly health services. According to medical science Muscle wasting is the worse condition of
malnutrition and in this disease body muscles cramps, aches and patient is unable to move.
Finally almost 120 vulnerable beneficiary families were identified by the team and food rations cards
were given to those identified families. Volunteers also played a commendable role in this whole process
and they served as communication and other facilitating factor for the HF team. On the same side team
is in search of safe, secure and accessible warehouse to store the food parcels and to make that place as
food distribution point.
Following the 120 registrations of family and some detailed interviews the team felt too drained and
exhausted but at the same time they were thrilled and excited that shortly these vulnerable families
would be getting relief from HF emergency relief and the process of registering the families will be
continue in next two days. Together we make a difference
To be continued

26-3-2014: (Day 5)
Temperature in Thar Desert is increasing day by day along with the enthusiasm of HF relief team.
Another bright sunny day was started with an internal meeting and agenda point was discussed. We had
a quick overview of our targets and goals and briefly discussed the plan and after that headed out for
Team members were agreed to be the same as yesterday. The first team that includes me and Saleem
was supposed to visit the surrounding areas for the selection of suitable and accessible warehouse, on
the same side team has to take the quotations for the HF Mobile Health Unit (MHU) and ambulances.
Similarly the second team that consists of Hassan and Nasir was supposed to move in field to identify
the poor and vulnerable people, for this Tehsil Diplo was selected which is badly affected by the drought
and infectious diseases and it is approximately 70 Km away from Tehsil Mitthi.

First of all village Khenroi of Tehsil Diplo was visited by the second team. In meetings with governmental
and nongovernmental organizations it was evident that Tehsil Diplo is worst affected by the present
drought and in ground it was personally observed by HF team. Many miserable and heart-touching cases
were seen and it was made sure that no deprived and vulnerable family is left without food ration card.
Door to door assessment was done by the HF team and people were inquired about their needs,
problems, common prevailing communicable
and non communicable diseases and animal
morbidities and causalities. It was assessed
that a huge portion of the population is
heavily affected, epidemics of infectious
diseases had causes losses of precious
human life and on the same side livestock
(cattle) which is the main bread and butter
of these poor people, is also profoundly
affected. Most of the people are spending
miserable life and they even dont have the
basic food to eat.
After detailed assessment, food ration cards were issued to every deserving and most affected family
head after filling detailed bio data form by HF team.
When Hassan and Nasir with support of volunteers were busy in identification of vulnerable and poor
people of affected areas, I and Saleem had a coordination meeting with all NGOs working in Tharparkar
district. As I mentioned in day 2 daily update report that we tossed the idea of having a cluster meeting
in Tharparkar where all the stakeholders sit on one table and discuss the current situation and plan of
action. In pursuance of this idea we had a meeting with representative of PDMA Sindh, Al-Mustafa
Welfare Society, Helping Hands, Falah Insaniat Foundation, Pakistan Rangers and Muslim Hands this
morning. We discussed the situation of the Tharparkar affectees and their current dire needs. We also
informed them that HF is in the process of setting up a base camp/warehouse in Tehsil Mitti and our
focus is on helping the most vulnerable food insecure population and malnourished women and children
immediately with food ration and mobile health interventions. The PDMA is willing to work with us but
after they have declare it emergency but there is some political vested interest. The current situation we
discussed is follow,
Many poor Thari families were moving to barrage areas, along with their livestock. The recent
displacement from remote areas of Tharparker has reached half million and 70% of them are
children and 20% women and elderly (some men have stayed back to look after their elderly
terminal patient or have already gone to other cities to work.)
The biggest concentration of migrated population is in Badeen and Nawabshah but they have
spread up to Karachi.
There is no registration process started by provincial Ministry of Social Welfare.
Some organizations are providing uncooked food on per month per family basis in main Mitti
city without any survey in remote villages and other organizations like Muslim Hands
International and Al-Mustafa Welfare Society has established a central kitchen where food is
cooked and distributed in migrated population.
Harsh weather conditions and the temperature goes up with every passing day
Immediate needs identified during the discussion
Food Parcels
MCH services & Medicines
Animal Fodder
Water & Hygiene kits
Long term needs identified
Livelihood projects(Livestock/Honeybee farming projects)
Skill enhancement/trainings
Water Sector

Jamna an old emaciated women, explaining her
condition to the HF team

Focus group discussions (FGD) and door to door visits of village remained the core essence of field
activity. At first we felt somewhat uncertain about how to approach this deprived community members
for FGD, but their smiles, humble gestures and contented behavior invited us with no hesitation. We
conversed with community elders for about one hour about so many various topics that we did not
even notice at the time of commencement were also brought into light.

Dhepeka, a cute little doll of age 2.
During the FGDs the people of the community were smartly provoked and their needs and problems
were identified. This helped the team to identify and analyze the socioeconomic and demographic
condition of that community. Different question were asked to the community members in a very
interactive way and very prompt and positive replies were noted.
The first priority that was identified is to obtain the food ration and water to mitigate hunger and
malnutrition. The next two greatest assistance needs are securing access to clean drinking water and
access to basic health services and livestock saving interventions. The Respondents also identified
treatment for acute illnesses, followed by child health care and care for chronic illnesses as their top
health priorities.

District Tharparker had highly affected by the drought and after media coverage to this sensitive
issue many governmental and nongovernmental organizations sent their relief fleets to facilitate Thar
destitute people. But it is noticed that those relief fleets concentrated their services to main cities or the
areas which are connected with main road and far-flung areas were seriously ignored, although those
were highly affected.
Realizing this reality, and proving the real meaning of Tharparkar (Thar means sand region and Parkar
means "to cross over), HF team decided to move into desert and planned to reach those areas that are
out of access for normal car, truck or local transport. For this reason a Potohar Jeep was hired and
team moved towards Village Arjak, which is about 30 Km inside desert from Diplo city.

People of Village Arjak even havent received wheat from government and this is the most deprived
community of district Tharparkar. After traveling about an hour HF team reached Arjak village and after
the visit of village it was evaluated that this area received no rain, except a little drizzle in the beginning
of the current season. Almost all reservoirs have dried up and Arjak is facing a famine-like situation,
causing severe shortage of food, resulting in malnutrition, diseases and death and children and pregnant
women are affected the most.

In the last HF team moved village Sabrhi which is the residence of Kohli Hindu tribe. People
belonging to Kholi tribe are traditionally regarded as untouchable and they are also among the most
vulnerable segment of society and they are also badly affected by the drought. People are living
miserable life and they dont have basic resources for survival. The main source of their income is cattle
grazing and daily waging. HF team visited the whole village and identified the most affected people of this
community and food ration cards were distributed. It was observed that provision of this food items
would be a great supporting factor for this deprived community and it will also help them to ease their
household budgetary issues.
Below is the summary of our 3 days work at field,
Summary of Identified Families up till 26
March 26, 2014
Date No of families Villages Tehsil District Distance
from Mithi
24-03-2014 50 Baraj Mithi Tharparkar 32 km
25-03-2014 120 Shehmir Vickya and
Darailo Paro
Islamkot Tharparkar 45 km
26-3-2014 130 Khenroi, Arjakh and
Diplo Tharparkar 70 km

By the time we were done, it was night time and we had to leave for Tesil Mithi. In another 1 hours of
Sandy/Windy/Bumpy jeep driving and talking about scary stories of snacks and reptiles in the Tharparkar
desert and inspired by the dark sandy dooms of surroundings, we safely reached at Tharparkar guest
house at 9:00 pm.
And sorry for the long update ... I promise tomorrows will be shorter! Together we make a difference

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