Dolphin and Lion

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This booklet is dedicated to all the men

whose hearts are filled with love, and to the

women who long to experience that love.
Published by
Ever Evolving
Copyright 1998 - 2000
2493 Valley Meadow Drive
Ojai, CA 93022
The warmth of the sun had mellowed her-that and the crying. So much
crying lately. The beach seemed a safe refuge. How much more could she
endure, Melissa wondered? Then she slept...
She was walking toward the sound of a waterfall. She stepped through
the lush tropical foliage, the pathway barely visible. Cool, moist air trapped
in the canopy of greenery transported her to another world. The earth
cushioned her bare feet, and the silky plants that hugged the path tickled
her legs, depositing moisture that had been waiting on the tips of the leaves.
The path curved and a choice was placed before her. Straight ahead,
or turn right toward the sound of water? A voice from within said, The
water, and more, waits for you there.
Obeying, she followed the gentle decline and, moving from beneath
the parasol of trees, was bathed in sunshine. A luminous pool of water
ringed with thirsty ferns waited, beckoning her onto the sandy beach. As
she walked toward the water a movement caught her eye. She turned and
saw her husband. But somehow he was different. As she studied him she
realized that he was looking at her with more love than she'd felt in a very
long time.
They stared in silence, then he reached out to her. She walked toward
him and without hesitation put her hand in his.
"David, why are you here?"
"I'm here because you need me to be." Then he folded her into his
arms and softly said, "Melissa, I'm here to love you." She absorbed his
strong embrace, and felt his love filling her.
She stepped back and looked into his eyes, wanting to see his face
once more. Her heart swelled. "I never knew you could love me this way."
"Melissa, I've always loved you, but I've never known how to express
it to you. Don't you know that?"
"I guess I expected it to happen naturally. I've considered giving up.
It seems we've just drifted apart. I never thought it would happen to us."
"Melissa, it doesn't have to be that way. I'm here to show you what's
possible so you'll be inspired to guide us back to the love we shared in the
beginning. I want that for us...if you do." He searched her eyes for an answer.
"Oh, David, I do. If I didn't, I would have already left But how can
we make it different? I feel so helpless."
"The only thing I know is that you must go back and continue to
follow the path. The answer lies beyond. More than that, I can only guess."
. . .
Once again Melissa moved through the tropical garden which shimmered
green as the sun peeked in and out. After a time the path continued up a
hill; anticipation pushed her on.
Bursting through the trees into the sunshine, she found herself standing
at the edge of a grassy field littered with wildflowers. The path led toward
a slight incline, where she could see someone sitting.
As she drew closer, she saw a jovial woman waving at her. But beside
the woman was an awesome sight-a lion with a full mane.
The woman patted the blanket next to her. "Come, sit by me. We've
been waiting for you."
As Melissa neared the woman, the lion stood up. He seemed quite
calm but it made Melissa more than nervous.
The woman laughed. "Welcome to our hilltop. Although my friend
here won't ever be totally domesticated-and I wouldn't want that-he
won't harm you. He's just happy to see you. My name is Tiana."
Melissa allowed the beautiful beast to come close to her, then walked
to the blanket. The lion immediately sat beside Melissa, making Tiana laugh.
"His name is Solomon," said Tiana. "He's been a good friend for a
very long time." She watched him snuggle closer, obviously enjoying the
Then Tiana looked directly into Melissa's eyes. "Your heart has been
aching. Am I right?"
"Yes," she responded with surprise. "How did you know?"
"Never mind that. Tell me about it."
"I've been seriously considering leaving my husband. We've been
married for nine years and it seems like we just. ..coexist The love and
passion we used to enjoy is gone."
"If it could be like it was in the beginning, would
you want to stay with him?" Tiana leaned closer. "You
know, he loves you very much."
"I'd forgotten how it was to feel his love. But then
I met him at the pool beneath the waterfall. It was so
good to be in his arms and have him look at me that
way." Melissa felt her heart warming again.
"You can have that, but you must first embrace
your powers as a woman. Solomon can help you, if you're interested."
"Of course I am. I've invested over 9 years in my marriage; plus if
David can love me like I felt by the pond, I'm willing do whatever I can.
So, yes, please, what do you want to tell me, or does Solomon talk?"
Tiana laughed. "No, Solomon can't talk, but he can teach you a few
things, can't you, boy?
"Your husband is a lot like my friend here. Comparing Solomon and
David will give you a new perspective on your relationship with David,
and actually, with all men.
"You see, men and lions are pretty simple beings. They're content
with little, and not particularly complicated. It doesn't take much to know
what will make them happy and if you keep doing those things, their hearts
are yours." She reached out and roughed Solomon's mane. "Women try to
make it so complicated. But men need you to keep it simple.
"With David, once the original 'best behavior' phase was over, was
the next phase pretty much what you have now?"
"Well, yes, pretty much. He's the way he was back then, except he
couldn't get enough of me. Now, he hardly notices I exist." Tears began to
form in Melissa's eyes.
"You were starry-eyed, you paid attention to what he liked, and
couldn't do enough for him. Am I correct?"
Melissa nodded.
"Well, that's who he thought he was marrying. But after you got
married, life got busy, and you probably got comfortable in the relationship
and didn't feel the need to do as much. Think back now, isn't that about
when he quit showing as much interest?"
Melissa nodded.
"Because of the potential for boredom it's actually necessary to do
To have what
you want, you
must embrace
your powers
more to keep the love and romance alive after you're married. Otherwise
daily life takes over and the love and passion fades. Even with a lion, you'd
get into a predictable routine after a period of time.
"The difference between lions and men, however, is that you expect a
lot more from men. But, like lions, most men will settle into a comfortable
routine that's easy but not very exciting. It's just the way they are.
"You may not like to hear this, but a relationship
is not a focus for men like it is for women. It is when
he's trying to win you over, but that's the goal-oriented,
success-driven hunter. Once the goal of finding
someone to love has been achieved, he goes on to his
next goal, which is to be successful at providing for
"To a woman, that's the time it seems the man loses interest. What's
really happening is that his focus shifts to providing for you, which is his
interpretation of making you happy. This makes a woman less happy with
him and she usually begins to try to improve things by attempting to change
him. This is one of the worst things a woman can do. When a man thinks a
woman is trying to change him, resentment and defensiveness builds up
and his heart begins to harden."
Tiana stopped, noticing that Melissa was no longer paying attention,
lost in thoughts of her own.
"Did I hit a chord?"
"Yes, it's as if you've been watching me in my relationship with David.
Everything you said is precisely what happened with David and me."
"Well, I'm going to teach you insights that will help you change how
you interact with David.
"Men instinctively know that women are the relationship experts, so
they react to what you do. Like Solomon here,
he follows my lead. You expect David to pay
attention to the nurturing of your relationship,
but he won't, unless you do. You're the leader,
he responds.
"David really does want to make you
happy, but complaining, nagging, and trying to
change him is the best way to push him away. Nagging is probably the
most unattractive thing a woman can do. What he wants more than anything
is for you to tell him-simply, directly, and clearly-what will make you
happy. And don't ask for anything he shouldn't or can't provide. That's
another thing that drives men crazy. They need to feel successful. If you
is not a focus
for men like it
is for women.
Men instinctively
know women are
the relationship
give them unattainable requests, they want to run the other way. Clear
communication is what he wants...and achievable goals.
"As with lions, men respond beautifully to training with love, attention,
rewards, and positive feedback. They like it simple.
"Their list of desires is pretty short, which makes
them fairly predictable.
"Actually, neither lions nor men are very
comfortable with change. When you introduce
something new to David you know right away
whether or not he likes it. If he does, he's in heaven
if you do it for him once in a while. Am I right?"
Melissa nodded her head.
"Men are direct. They don't make you guess what they'd like, and
they're not afraid to ask for what they want. So men understand when women
are direct in their requests. It's like you're speaking their language. But,
there are women who want so much that they become a bottomless pit.
Men run from this kind of woman because they never feel successful if
they can't make a woman happy, and a woman who wants more and more
and more is never happy.
"David is not going to judge you for saying what you want. Actually,
he wants more than anything to make you happy and
he'll be ecstatic if you tell him simply and clearly what
you want. Making you happy makes him happy."
"I don't know. I always hope he'll...just know. It
doesn't seem very romantic for me to tell him."
"His concept of romantic is different than yours,
Melissa. For most men, being romantic means getting you ready for sex.
They don't realize that romance for a woman is all the little things that tell
her he cares, which gets her emotionally ready for lovemaking. They have
to make a conscious effort to do the kinds of things women want. If you
don't tell him what will make you feel romanced, things will stay the same
and you'll be on your way to a divorce. Is that what you want?"
"No, of course not. It will take some getting used to, but I know I can
do it...You know, I never noticed it before, but compared to me, David
really doesn't have many needs. I feel like I've been pretty demanding.
And here I am wanting more."
"Well, some men can be demanding, but it's usually more about
control. Some men who control do so because they saw their fathers treat
their mothers that way, some because they're insecure and have no power
in their lives, some because they don't like or respect women, and some
Men respond to
love, attention,
rewards, and
positive feedback.
Making you
happy makes
him happy.
because they're just mean. Fortunately, the controlling man is the exception.
"Let's talk about love, shall we?" Tiana smiled, obviously enjoying
herself. "A big reason David fell in love was because, in the beginning of
your relationship, you were fascinated by his intellect, bravery, strength,
sense of humor, and overall masculinity. Sadly, somewhere along the way,
you lost that adoration. Your respect made David feel like a man, which
made him feel loved, and in return he delighted in you.
"David needs to see that respect in your eyes," Tiana explained. "He
needs to know you think he's wonderful. It makes him feel like a man
which is when he feels most alive. It makes him feel whole and complete,
powerful, and successful. That's when he's most able to love you. Through
your womanness you can give that to him, and in return
he'll cherish, adore, and love you more deeply than
you ever dreamed possible. That's what was going on
when you two first fell in love, and you can bring it
back again, even more powerfully, because you're
wiser now. You can do it consciously, and fulfill both
of your hearts' desires. I respect Solomon because he's
a lion and all that that means. Respect David because he's a man."
Tiana was silent for a moment. "Melissa, do you hear what I'm saying?
You are the key to unlocking all the love that David is aching to shower on
you. It's an awesome power. It's the power to create love."
Melissa's eyes filled with tears. "Oh, Tiana, I can feel it. I feel like
I'm bursting with it. I never realized."
"It's beautiful, isn't it? That awe in a woman's eyes has a lot to do
with a man's desire to seek a new woman. Women belittle it as simply ego
gratification but, as you're beginning to see, it runs more deeply than that.
At his core, a man needs to feel important and necessary to the woman he's
involved with, so he can feel like a man. That does not mean you demean
yourself, not in any way. Just appreciate and respect him as a man and all
his masculine qualities. It's that simple."
Tiana's eyes became gentle. "Melissa,
David needs that from you. No one else can
give it to him. When that admiration was
replaced by the daily chores of life, his interest
began to wane. The key to getting the romance
and love you desire is to make him feel good
about being a man."
Melissa felt her heart aching. "I understand."
"Women expect more from men than men are able to give. Women
To feel whole
and complete a
man must feel
like a man.
The key to getting the
romance and love
you desire is to make
him feel good about
being a man.
make the mistake of assuming that men think and feel like women do, but
men and women are really quite different. Men aren't
particularly emotional. Men have strong emotions-
they are human, after all-but they don't spend a lot
of time thinking about what they're feeling. When
they do succumb to an emotion, they express it, then
let it go. Mostly they're pretty unaware of what's
going on inside of them."
"Hearing that makes me feel sad for David. I
get so much pleasure out of feeling my emotions and talking about them."
"You're beginning to see that it's not easy being a man. Solomon
doesn't roar that often, but when he does, I pay attention. Most men are
like that too. It's not their way to talk just to talk. Of course, when you and
David were getting to know each other David wanted to know everything
about you. You were new and exciting."
"Yes, David and I used to talk for hours at a time. I miss that," Melissa
said as a sadness came over her face.
"Yes, I know. It's a woman's way of connecting with others. If you
explain that to him, and save the talking for when you really need it or
when you'll both enjoy it, he'll be responsive. What shuts a lot of men
down is that women like to talk about the little details, and too much of that
makes men kind of crazy. Notice when you do this and try to hold back.
Talk to another woman about all the fun little tidbits."
"Yes, I see what you mean. How boring it must be for David
"Just pay more attention, that's all. You still
n e e d
to be you, and he enjoys some of the details. Now, if
we're going to talk about men we can't skip this next
"David has a few basic needs that only you, his
romantic partner, can fulfill. One of the most
important is sex, which for most men is the only way
they know how to be intimate. Society doesn't really give them any other
outlets. Women often complain that sex is all a man cares about and they
resent it
"We don't physically neuter men like we do our male pets, but there
are many ways in which a man can be emasculated."
"What do you mean?" Melissa looked somewhat defensive.
"Every time a woman belittles a man, every time a woman points out
how a man isn't providing enough, or when a woman rudely rejects a man's
Women expect
more from men
than men are
able to give.
Sex is the only
way most men
know how to be
interests, and especially every time a wife rejects her husband sexually,
he's emasculated, little bits at a time. These kinds of things make a man
feel less than a man. When that happens, he shuts down-and a shut-down
man cannot love." Tiana noticed Melissa's pained expression. "What's
"Oh, as you were speaking, I thought about the times I've turned
David down. I never realized how significant it was. I hate that I've hurt
"Well, that's an easy one to fix. He'll get over it if you start loving sex
again. And don't turn him down unless you have a really good reason-
and be terribly sensitive, because it hurts him at his core.
"When a man meets a woman, he's hopeful that she likes sex. Most
women do a lot to look attractive, alluring, and even seductive, so there's
no reason he should think she's not interested in sex. But because many
women are not honest in their "packaging"-women do know what most
men are looking for-men have learned to be skeptical. When a man finds
out that a woman really does like sex, his interest skyrockets. That doesn't
mean he'll act on it' because in most cases he doesn't-unlike lions-but
he can't help but be attracted, even if she's not his type of woman. Don't
stop looking and behaving like a lady, but a woman who likes sex puts out
a different kind of signal. Men just know.
"When you first were with David you were probably more interested
in sex than you are now, am I correct?"
"I really don't know why, but I'm afraid you're right."
"Well, most women, even those that are not that sexual, are more
interested in sex with a new love. It's partly hormones, but partly because
women instinctively know that sex is almost always the best way to hook a
man. And it usually works.
"Of course, if a man is interested in a woman enough to marry her,
that means there are a lot of things besides sex that intrigue him. Men know
that sex after marriage often becomes less frequent
and passionate, but they always hope it won't happen
to them. The best way to keep a man interested is to
be enthusiastically available for sex. Little surprises
can add a lot of spice to the mix and most men are
thrilled when a woman takes the initiative
"You're right. In the beginning, I loved having
sex with David. Lovemaking was a top priority. But, like you said, I guess
the daily chores and work moved to first place. You know, I'm getting
When you love
having sex with
him he cant
keep you off of
his mind.
excited to go back and do what I can to make my relationship with David
passionate again."
"I'm glad to hear that, because it really is up to you. Women forget
that a lot of the intense love and romance that occurs in the beginning of a
relationship has to do with the sexual energy that's being shared. There's
no one else you share that with, and it should be cherished. You have the
power to make David a very happy man and you'll get what you've been
missing because his interest in you will grow tremendously. You'll find
David being more romantic because when you love having sex with him
he'll have difficulty keeping you off his mind. When you make a man that
happy, he wants to make you happy in return.
"If a woman is enthusiastic about sex but her partner isn't, that usually
means that he's feeling emasculated in other areas of the relationship, or
possibly in his work. It may take some time, but
if belittling and complaining is replaced by
appreciation, he'll come around. You can counter
most outside forces by making him feel
successful at home. You've got to be the proactive
one in this arena, but he'll respond if you give
him a chance...Especially if you match his
interest in sex." Tiana winked.
"David loves having you in his life but he's insecure about the
relationship because he knows you expect a lot. But he trusts you to know
what to do. He did his part, which was to pursue and win you over, but
beyond that' he's at a loss when you say you want more romance, or intimacy,
or love. He needs your gentle, feminine guidance. That's the way to get
what you want.
"If you don't let David know what to do, he'll trust that it's going
fine, and you'll be disappointed if he falls short of your expectations. Or, if
you complain and don't let him know how to solve
the problem, he'll pull away and avoid you more
and more. You must lead by example. Trust me on
this. Treat him the way you want to be treated and
he'll do the same for you. But you'll need to be
"Thank you, I feel like I'm seeing David for
the first time and I'm certain I can make our
marriage exciting for both of us. Is there more I need to know?"
"Oh heavens yes! But first, let me say that lions in the wild can be
mean and unpredictable. Some roam off, some turn on you for no explainable
You can counter
most outside forces
by making him feel
successful at home.
Treat him the
way you want to
be treated and
he'll do the same
for you.
reason. You have to be smart and stay away from the ones you think might
hurt you. But Solomon here is easy to have around and he gives me a lot of
pleasure. But, I don't ignore him and I do my part so I get what I want from
our relationship. That's what it takes to make a man happy, and a happy
man is a loving man.
"Melissa, if you use this information wisely, it can make a difference
in your entire future. But I haven't really explained how you're going to
make all these changes occur. Let's go for a walk and I'll tell you more."
. . .
Melissa followed Tiana as Solomon led the way down the back side of the
hill. The ocean was sparkling a short distance below.
"To me, men are special because they have great big hearts and they
just want to love us." Looking directly at Melissa, Tiana said it again, more
slowly, allowing each word to hang in the air. "They just want to love us."
Melissa felt goosebumps because she realized Tiana was right.
"As you can see, comparing men and lions makes some sense. But
the closest comparison I've found for women is dolphins."
"Oh I like that Yes, dolphins are wonderful." Melissa laughed at the
playful comparison.
"Both women and dolphins are sensual and flowing and they move
with spellbinding grace. Aesthetically they're both beautiful, but womanly
curves are especially lovely. Men are in awe of those soft curves, and a
woman's skin. Everything a woman does can be graceful. Simply walking
across a room can practically stop a man's heart.
"Dolphins and women are both relationship-oriented. In the open sea,
dolphins live in a community with other dolphins, and in captivity they
become quite attached to humans. They've even been known to physically
harm themselves at the idea that they will be separated from humans they
care about.
"Your relationships are an extension of who you are as a woman. Your
attachments to the men, women, and children you love are strong. Most
women are nurturers by nature, gaining deep satisfaction from caring for
others. They're drawn to please others, often
sacrificing their own needs and desires. Because
women are givers, others take that for granted and
don't realize that women need to be appreciated.
Consequently, women often let resentments build
"Yes, I do that. I give and I give, but I don't feel
like I get much in return."
"I have two things to say about that, Melissa. First, you've already
said you don't ask for what you want, that you think David should 'just
know.' And, second, I suspect you don't do much to take care of and nurture
yourself. Giving is wonderful, but not at the expense of your own needs. If
you do that, you're not much good to anyone, including yourself.
"To be the most powerful woman you can be, you must be in integrity
with yourself. You cannot put your own needs aside. It will backfire on you
every time. Plus, you must give those people who love you an opportunity
to give to you. Your relationships get out of balance otherwise."
"You're right. I don't ask for what I want and I don't always take care
of myself. Maybe it's guilt."
"Just think of it as another form of giving, rather than taking. That
will shift your attitude. You're giving others the opportunity to have the
pleasure of giving to you.
"As significant as relationships are to dolphins, they're also
independent, autonomous, and curious-enjoying the pleasures of learning
new things. It's important that you have a strong sense of independence
and autonomy. Too many women give themselves away to a man, and to
their relationship. They forget about their own
"Stay curious, continue to grow and learn. One
of the things that you and David enjoyed about each
other when you were first getting to know one
another-and talking for hours on end-was
discovering what was new and different about each
other. If two people become "cookie cutters" of each other, sharing all the
same interests and activities, they no longer hold the fascination that they
did in the beginning. If you give up part of who you are to please David, he
can't possibly respect you. And Melissa, to be fully in your womanly power
you must have David's respect. And it goes without saying that you must
respect yourself.
You must have a
strong sense of
and autonomy.
Your relationships
are an extension
of who you are as
a woman.
"Have separate friends, separate interests, take classes, make a point
to spend time apart. Encourage him to do the same, and to spend time with
his male friends. Then you have new and interesting things to discover
about each other. Does that make sense?"
"Yes, actually. I can see where I've dropped some of the activities I
enjoyed before I met David. I used to love horseback riding but, because
David didn't' I quit. And I don't spend as much time with my women friends
as I used to. I miss them."
"Women and dolphins are communicators," Tiana went on, "chattering
back and forth with each other. Talking is the glue that holds women's
relationships together. When you talk with
women it fulfills a need within you. It's important
that you understand how differently men and
women communicate. With David, you must
speak more directly, concisely, clearly, and-
especially-keep it simple. That is, if you want
him to hear you. When you talk just to talk, he's
usually only going to listen halfway.
"We women enjoy the little details, the subtle nuances that make life
beautiful and interesting. Men want solid, cognitive information. They want
you to get to the point' but there may not be a point. You can go ahead and
give David the details if it feels right, but don't blame him for not listening
one hundred percent The best thing to do is let him know that you need to
talk to him just to be talking, and that it's okay if he doesn't listen intently.
When you do need his full attention, be sure and let him know that's what
you need and that you want him to be able to focus completely. It may
mean you have to select another time that works better for both of you. It's
all part of the dance of give and take.
"Dolphins are beloved around the world and considered highly-
evolved, loving-almost spiritual. We know they
communicate with each other, and one of the most
important attributes we think they have is a well
tuned sense of intuition. I believe women are highly
evolved too. We have lofty goals regarding
relationships. We know deep within us that
relationships can take us to high places, places of
love and spiritual connection. Because women see
their romantic relationship as a vehicle for some of
their highest aspirations, they must be the caretakers
and nurturers of that relationship. Melissa, use your intuition to help you
When you talk
with women it
fulfills a need
within you.
We know deep
within us that
can take us to
places of love
and spiritual
nurture your relationship. With a belief in the magic of a heart-and-soul
connection, you and David will be transported to the heights of loving.
"Your feminine intuition is the key to creating magic between you
and David. Your intuition is where your deep knowing exists. Learn to
trust that voice within by slowing down...and
"Be thoughtful before you react and before you
speak. When you have an issue with David, clarify
to yourself what your complaint is, why you feel
the way you do, and how you want him to react. To
do that, pretend to be David. Ask yourself how he
would react. Rehearse different ways to phrase what you need to say, so
you get it just right. You owe it to yourself to put your message across the
way you intend it. Then, very carefully, choose exactly the right words and
the right moment to approach him. He'll pay attention and listen to you.
He'll respect you and respond in ways that will amaze you.
"Dolphins are highly regarded by most
cultures. Women have not always been.
Consequently, women are sometimes unable to
realize how magnificent they are. To help you,
imagine yourself as a dolphin; gentle, free, loving,
and yet, oh so powerful. There's a calmness about
dolphins too. You must calm yourself before you react to David."
Melissa smiled. "I know what you mean. There's a kind of grace
about them. Partly because of the way they look and move, but even when
they're being playful, there seems to be love coming from their hearts."
"With feminine grace you can have that kind of love, Melissa. Even
if you were a welder, you could do it with grace. When a woman loves
being a woman, she's comfortable with herself,
she embraces her sensuality, she encourages her
creativity, she enjoys sex, she genuinely likes
men, and, most importantly, she's happy from
within. A self-confident man feels more of a man
in the presence of a woman like that. You can be
like that kind of woman."
"I don't know. It sounds really
intimidating. I feel pretty good about myself most
of the time, but in some situations I don't."
"It takes time, but with a belief in yourself you can grow and change.
I know you have it in you. The only way to have a deeply loving relationship
Be thoughtful
before you react
and before you
Women cant see
how magnificent
they are.
The only way to
have a deeply
loving relationship
is to respect each
is to respect each other. To gain David's respect, you must become your
most natural self and be like the dolphin. A quiet woman can be magnificent
too. Feminine grace is all manifestations of womanness.
"To respect David, look beyond the petty complaints and see into his
soul. If what you see there is good and decent, feel it in your heart and
make that your focus."
"I feel inferior to David sometimes, which makes me angry at him
and t hen I want t o belit t le him. Now I feel bad."
"Don't do that to yourself, Melissa. You've been brought up in a culture
that has not valued women or how women have contributed to the world.
Men are more outward and action oriented. It's
been easy to see their accomplishments. As a
backlash, women have been angry at men for
some time. You can become part of the forward
movement toward releasing the anger. If you
think of yourself as a dolphin, with all those lofty
characteristics, you'll become an amazing
woman. Then the love and passion between you
and David will reignite. And be playful like the dolphin."
"Oh Tiana, it sounds too good to be true. I'm afraid I won't know
what to do."
"Use your intuition. You already know everything I've told you; it's
there, within you. But because you were brought up in a patriarchal society,
you've lost touch with your feminine intuition. It's been denigrated, and
it's time to celebrate it as the magical gift that it is. As you begin to trust
your intuition more and more, you'll become an expert at knowing what to
do, and how to do it in the most effective way possible. Your feminine
intuition is a gift that can be expanded by trusting it.
"Once David feels your sincerity, he'll begin to respond and love you
the way you experienced him by the water. Isn't that what you want?"
"Of course, very much."
"Because you know each other better it's
likely that you'll be able to create even more love
and passion than you experienced in the beginning
of your relationship. Deep love comes from
knowing each other well. And because you've seen
how easily the love can be lost in the routine of
daily life you're more likely to guard against that
happening again. Just remember this: slow down and be thoughtful before
you react, lead with love and respect, and keep it simple. You'll be a natural
You can become
part of the forward
movement, toward
releasing the
Slow down, lead
with love and
respect, and keep
it simple.
at it in no time."
Melissa kissed Tiana on the cheek. "Thank you, for everything. And"-
she leaned down to scratch Solomon behind the ears "thank you, Solomon.
You were a perfect teacher."
Solomon purred in appreciation.
. . .
Melissa woke to the sound of waves breaking on the beach. The sun was
low in the sky and she was chilled, but she felt refreshed and excited. She
lay still, trying to piece together her dream.
That dream came from within me, Melissa thought to herself. Tiana
was right, I already know what to do.
"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!"
Melissa jumped up, grabbed her blanket' and ran to her car, excited to
get back to David and begin the process of reigniting their love.
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