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Social Science 103

Alicor Panao, PhD

1. For the following prole!" #"e the $ata gi%en in EXAM.D&A. &he $ata contain"
infor!ation on the pa""age of ill" fro! the '
to the 1(
)ongre"" *1+',-.010/.
0e want to a"certain which "ocioecono!ic an$ political factor" $ri%e the pa""age
of ill". Specificall1 we want to i$entif1 which %ariale" fro! the $ata"et wo#l$
"trongl1 facilitate the pa""age of ill". *.0 pt"/
a. A""#!e that the "pee$ in which a ill i" pa""e$ "ignifie" legi"lati%e
attention an$ can e otaine$ a" the $ifference etween the $ate a ill i"
pa""e$ into law *%ariale e/ an$ the $ate the ill wa" fir"t propo"e$
*%ariale "/. )reate "#ch %ariale, call it ti!e, then r#n a regre""ion with
the following pre$ictor" pertaining to the i""#e foc#" of ill"2 "3#l
*creating an$ re"tr#ct#ring "chool"/, ho"pital *creating ho"pital"/, ta4 *ta4
law"/, an$ laor *laor relate$ law"/. I" there an1thing "#rpri"ing in the
. Appl1 a logarith!ic tran"for!ation to 1o#r ti!e %ariale then r#n the
"a!e !o$el. 0hich of the %ariale" i" con"i"tent5
c. 6#n a !o$el that "how" the attention that !ea"#re" the ti!e it ta3e" to
pa"" a ill *1o#r ti!e %ariale/ a" a factor of the following political
%ariale"2 "3#l, ho"pital, ta4, laor, a$!7#rg *a ill i" certifie$ #rgent 1
the pre"i$ent/, p7all1 *the a#thor i" an all1 of the pre"i$ent/, #ne!rate
*#ne!plo1!ent rate/. 0rite the re"#lt in the #"#al for!at. 0hich of the
%ariale" "er%e" a" the "tronge"t pre$ictor of congre""ional attention5
$. It i" "ai$ that when a ill i" certifie$ #rgent 1 the pre"i$ent it en8o1"
priorit1 of "ort". I" there e%i$ence to "#ch pre!i"e in the !o$el5
e. 9ow $o 1o# e4plain the relation"hip etween #ne!plo1!ent rate an$ the
attention )ongre"" "pen$" on ill"5 *note2 caref#l on thi" one. Do not
forget that ti!e pertain" to the n#!er of $a1" it ta3e" for a ill to pa""/.
.. :"e the $ata 0A;E1.D&A for the following prole!" *.0 pt"/2
a. E"ti!ate an <LS e=#ation #"ing log*wage/ a" $epen$ent %ariale, an$ the
following %ariale" a" pre$ictor"2 e$#c, e4per, an$ the "=#are$ for! of
e4per. 6eport the re"#lt in the #"#al for!at
. I" the "=#are$ for! of e4per "tati"ticall1 "ignificant at the 1 percent le%el5
Are oth e4per an$ it" "=#are$ for! 8ointl1 "ignificant5
c. Fin$ the appro4i!ate ret#rn to the fifth 1ear of e4perience5 0hat i" the
appro4i!ate ret#rn to the .0
1ear of e4perience5
$. At what %al#e of e4per $oe" a$$itional e4perience act#all1 lower pre$icte$
log*wage/5 9ow !an1 people will not li3el1 or will not 1et e4perience
"#ch prole!5
e. 9ow $o 1o# e4plain the relation"hip etween e4perience an$ wage in the
3. >o# $o not nee$ to appl1 an1 !ath, Stata co$e or "tati"tical te"t for the"e
prole!". &here are no right or wrong an"wer" #t tr1 to e a" hone"t a" po""ile.
a. &here are plan" to re%i"e the Political Science #n$ergra$#ate c#rric#l#!
an$ one of tho"e in the offing i" the re!o%al of the Soc Sci 103 co#r"e
eca#"e Political Science !a8or" ahor n#!er" an$ will not e writing a
the"i" an1wa1. 0hat $o 1o# thin3 of the propo"al5 *? pt"/
. ;i%en that 1o# will proal1 procee$ to law or an1 career that entail"
getting filth1 rich in the f#t#re, what ha%e 1o# learne$ in thi" co#r"e which
1o# elie%e ha%e the greate"t retention an$ #tilit1 %al#e *!eaning, that
which will li3el1 enefit 1o# in f#t#re en$ea%or"/5 *? pt"/

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