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2u1u In-Ciicuit Besign Pty Ltu | Austialia Page 1

DDkx App||cat|on Note - 1|ps for DDk, DDk2 & DDk3 C8 Des|gn
by 8arry Clney | ln-ClrculL ueslgn Ly LLd |AusLralla

1hls AppllcaLlon noLe deLalls Lrled and proven deslgn rules
and Lechnlques for uu8x C8 ueslgn.

1. Mu|t||ayer C8 Stackup

8efore sLarLlng Lhe C8 deslgn lL ls lmporLanL Lo plan Lhe C8 sLackup. 1o achleve Lhe besL resulLs,
Lhe followlng polnLs need Lo be Laken lnLo accounL:

a) 1echnology 8ules - Lrace wldLh, clearance -> characLerlsLlc and dlfferenLlal lmpedance.
b) 1he ower ulsLrlbuLlon neLwork (un) - whaL power planes are requlred?
c) 8ypass and uecoupllng
d) 8eLurn aLhs of MaLched LengLh Slgnals - one polnL LhaL ls generally mlssed.

a) 1echno|ogy ku|es

1he Lechnology rules are based on Lhe mlnlmum plLch of Lhe 8CA componenLs employed and are
baslcally Lhe largesL Lrace, clearance and vla allowable whllsL mlnlmlslng C8 fabrlcaLlon cosLs.
1echnology of 4/4 MlL (Lrace/clearance) and vlas of 20/8 MlL (pad/hole) are generally requlred.

Cnce Lhese rules have been esLabllshed, calculaLe Lhe sLackup requlred for Lhe deslred characLerlsLlc
lmpedance (Zo) and Lhe dlfferenLlal lmpedance (Zdlff). 1hese are Zo = 30 ohm and Zdlff = 100 ohms
for uu8x (uu8 has Zo = 60 ohm). keep ln mlnd LhaL lower lmpedance wlll lncrease Lhe dl/dL and
dramaLlcally lncrease Lhe currenL drawn (noL good for Lhe un) and hlgher lmpedance wlll emlL
more LMl and also make Lhe deslgn more suscepLlble Lo ouLslde lnLerference. So, a good range of Zo
ls 30 - 60 ohms.

Also, keep ln mlnd LhaL uS8 dlfferenLlal slgnals may be used on Lhe board. 1hese requlre a Zdlff of 90
ohms. So, Lhe Lrace wldLh and clearance need Lo be ad[usLed for Lhese slgnals.

Pow do you calculaLe Lhe Zo and Zdlff of Lhe enLlre sLackup uslng Lhe esLabllshed deslgn rules?

Well Lhls one l have made easy for you. ln-ClrculL ueslgn Ly LLd has developed a SLackup lanner.
1hls new release bullds on Lhe famlllar ease of use of Lhe popular ln-ClrculL ueslgn onllne lmpedance
CalculaLor LhaL has been uLlllzed by Lens of Lhousands of Lnglneers and C8 ueslgners world wlde
slnce 1996. ?ou can download an evaluaLlon copy from

b) 1he ower D|str|but|on Network (DN)

As you may be aware, Lhere are many dlfferenL power supply requlremenLs for Lhe uu8x conLrollers,
lCA or Cu's. 1he core uC supplles musL flrsL be ldenLlfled and for each of Lhese supplles calculaLe
Lhe maxlmum uC currenL (slnk) requlred. lor lnsLance, 3 amps may be requlred, for a 20 degree rlse
ln LemperaLure of Lhe subsLraLe, so Lhe deslgn rules need Lo be seL Lo reflecL Lhls requlremenL. 1hen,
flndlng a way Lo dellver Lhe supplles Lo Lhe 8CA's ls Lhe nexL drama. lL wlll usually be necessary Lo
spllL Lhe power planes Lo accommodaLe all of Lhese supplles. 1hls can be done provldlng Lhe power
plane lsn'L used for Lhe reLurn paLh of Lhe uu8x slgnals. lL ls preferable Lo locaLe Lhese core fllls
dlrecLly under Lhe conLroller.
2u1u In-Ciicuit Besign Pty Ltu | Austialia Page 2

c) 8ypass and Decoup||ng

A bypass capaclLor acLs by dampenlng Lhe AC or nolse on Lhe supply. As slmulLaneous swlLchlng
slgnals draw hlgh currenL, Lhe uC supply Lends Lo have nolse lmposed onLo lL. And Lo make lL worse,
Lhe laLesL lC's are very senslLlve Lo nolse due Lo Lhe lowerlng of supply volLages and Lhe presence of
a large number of poLenLlal nolse generaLors.

uecoupllng capaclLors supply lnsLanLaneous currenL (aL dlfferenL frequencles) Lo Lhe drlvers unLll Lhe
power supply can respond. ln oLher words, lL Lakes a flnlLe Llme for currenL Lo flow from Lhe power
supply clrculL (wheLher on board or remoLe) due Lo Lhe lnducLance of Lhe Lrace and/or wlres Lo Lhe

lL ls besL Lo follow Lhe chlp manufacLurer's recommendaLlons on Lhe numbers, values and poslLlon of
Lhese capaclLors alLhough lL ls qulLe daunLlng Lo be asked Lo place Lhree or four decaps on each
supply pln. 1hls wlll be dlscussed ln more deLall ln Lhe placemenL secLlon.

d) keturn aths and Matched Length S|gna|s

Cne polnL LhaL always amazes me, ueslgners generally Lake greaL care Lo ensure LhaL maLched
lengLh slgnals are rouLed exacLly Lo lengLh from Lhe drlver Lo Lhe u88x devlce pln buL Lake no care of
Lhe reLurn paLh of Lhe slgnal. CurrenL flow ls a 'round Lrlp'. lf lL Lakes one slgnal longer for Lhe reLurn
currenL Lo geL back Lo Lhe drlver (around a gap ln Lhe plane for lnsLance) Lhen Lhere wlll be skew
beLween Lhe crlLlcal Llmlng slgnals.

So, when you plan your sLackup be aware of whlch plane(s) (elLher power or ground) wlll be Lhe
reLurn paLh for your crlLlcal slgnals and make sure Lhere ls an unobsLrucLed reLurn paLh.

2. DDkx Spec|f|cat|ons and Des|gn ku|es

1he uu8x Specs can be downloaded from www.[ 1hese are aL flrsL qulLe daunLlng wlLh
many pages of requlremenLs for Llmlng budgeLs, maLched lengLh, dlfferenLlal palr and deraLlng of
seLup and hold Llmes.

DDkx ILDLC Spec|f|cat|ons
uu8 !LSu 79l
uu82 !LSu79-2L
uu83 !LSu79-3u

1hese devlces are Su8AM LhaL use uouble uaLa 8aLe (uu8) archlLecLure Lo achleve hlgh speed
operaLlon by Lransferrlng Lwo daLa words per clock cycle aL Lhe l/C plns.

DDk Des|gn Gu|de||nes - Cr|t|ca| Constra|nts:

neL lengLh from drlver Lo flrsL ulMM or chlp - beLween 2 Lo 6" dependlng on load. 1here
may need Lo be a serles LermlnaLor dependlng on Lhe load and neL lengLh.
neL lengLh beLween ulMM's or chlps - 0.4" Lo 1.2"
neL lengLh from lasL ulMM or Chlp Lo Lhe v11 1ermlnaLlon - 0.3" Lo 2"
All uSC/uC (daLa and daLa sLrobe) should be mlnlmlsed Lo reduce Lhe skew wlLhln groups
(or lanes) and across groups. 13 MlL wlLhln groups and 13 MlL across groups
2u1u In-Ciicuit Besign Pty Ltu | Austialia Page S

Also oLher consLralnLs Lo conslder:
Clock neLs are rouLed dlfferenLlally
uaLa neLs may need a serles LermlnaLlon beLween Lhe drlver and flrsL ulMM or chlp.
noLe: ulMM's also have a serles reslsLor afLer Lhe connecLor.
Address and command neLs may need a serles LermlnaLlon and are dalsy chalned wlLh a v11
pull-up for LermlnaLlon.
Zo for uu8 ls 60 ohm.
M146v18M8 v11

vlrLex 4 8L

Address, uaLa and Command neLs may need serles and v11 LermlnaLlon

1he value and placemenL of Lhe serles reslsLors and v11 pull-ups for daLa, address and command
neLs depends on Lhe dlsLances beLween Lhe loads, number of loads and Lhe sLackup of Lhe board and
are besL deLermlned by slmulaLlon. 1he serles LermlnaLor may noL be requlred lf a slngle Su8AM ls
used and Lhe Lrace lengLh ls shorL.

Also, Lhe rouLlng layers should be selecLed such LhaL Lhe each neL has a common reference plane(s),
for Lhe reLurn paLh of Lhe slgnal, and rouLed lnLernally (where posslble) Lo reduce LMl. SLlLchlng vlas
or capaclLors can be used Lo connecL reference planes. WlLh any hlgh speed board, crossLalk should
be analysed Lo reduce lnLerference.

DDk2 Des|gn Gu|de||nes - Cr|t|ca| Constra|nts:

neL lengLh from drlver Lo flrsL ulMM or chlp - beLween 1.9 Lo 4.3" dependlng on load
neL lengLh beLween ulMM's or chlps - 0.423"
neL lengLh from lasL ulMM or Chlp Lo Lhe v11 1ermlnaLlon - 0.2" Lo 0.33"
All uSC/uC (daLa and daLa sLrobe) should be mlnlmlsed Lo reduce Lhe skew wlLhln groups
(or lanes) and across groups. 30 MlL wlLhln groups and 300 MlL across groups.
Skew beLween address neLs should be 200 MlL. Address and command neLs are dalsy
chalned wlLh a v11 pull-up for LermlnaLlon.
Also oLher consLralnLs Lo conslder:
Clock neLs and uCS (daLa sLrobes) are rouLed dlfferenLlally
uaLa neLs may need a serles LermlnaLlon beLween Lhe drlver and flrsL ulMM or chlp.
noLe: ulMM's also have a serles reslsLor afLer Lhe connecLor.
uu82 daLa neLs have Cn ule 1ermlnaLlon (Cu1) bullL lnLo Lhe conLroller and Su8AM. 1he
conflguraLlons are 30, 73 and 130 ohm so v11 pull-up ls noL necessary.
Zo for uu82 ls 30 ohm. Zdlff ls 100 ohm


vlrLex 4

uC (daLa) has no v11 LermlnaLlon
60 ohm, 2 - 6" 60 ohm, 0.4-1.2" 60 ohm, 0.3-2"
30 ohm, 1.9-4.3" 30 ohm, 0.423"
2u1u In-Ciicuit Besign Pty Ltu | Austialia Page 4

DDk2]DDk3 Compar|son DDk2 DDk3
Max Clock lrequency 333/1066 800/1600
Cu1 SLaLlc uynamlc
vuu 1.8v 1.3v (may also be 1.33v)
v11 0.9v 0.73v
vref 0.9v 0.73v
lnpuL Lhresholds 0.9v 0.73v
MaLch Addr/CMu/C18L Lo CLk LlghLly yes yes
MaLch uC/uMC/uSC LlghLly yes yes
MaLch uCS Lo clock loosely yes noL requlred

Cne ma[or dlfference beLween uu82 and uu83 Su8AM ls Lhe use of levelllng. 1o lmprove slgnal
lnLegrlLy and supporL hlgher frequency operaLlons, Lhe !LuLC commlLLee deflned a fly-by
LermlnaLlon scheme used wlLh Lhe clocks, command and address bus slgnals. lly-by Lopology
reduces slmulLaneous swlLchlng nolse (SSn) by dellberaLely causlng fllghL-Llme skew beLween Lhe
daLa and sLrobes aL every chlp/u8AM requlrlng conLrollers Lo compensaLe for Lhls skew by ad[usLlng
Lhe Llmlng per byLe lane.

uurlng a wrlLe, uCS groups are launched aL separaLe Llmes Lo colnclde wlLh a clock arrlvlng aL
componenLs on Lhe ulMM/C8, and musL meeL Lhe Llmlng parameLer beLween Lhe memory clock
and uCS deflned as LuCSS of 0.23 LCk.

1he deslgn process can be slmpllfled uslng Lhe new levelllng feaLure of uu83 and conLroller lC's. 1he
fly-by dalsy chaln Lopology lncreases Lhe complexlLy of Lhe daLa paLh and conLroller deslgn Lo
achleve levelllng, buL also greaLly lmproves performance and eases board layouL for uu83.

DDk3 Des|gn Gu|de||nes - Cr|t|ca| Constra|nts:

Clock neLs, uC (daLa) and uCS (sLrobes) are rouLed dlfferenLlally. 4.3" max lengLh +/- 23MlL
neL lengLh from drlver Lo flrsL ulMM or chlp -beLween 2 Lo 3" max dependlng on load
neL lengLh beLween ulMM's or chlps - 0.3"
neL lengLh from lasL ulMM or Chlp Lo Lhe v11 1ermlnaLlon - 0.2" Lo 0.33"
All uSC/uC (daLa and daLa sLrobe) should be mlnlmlsed Lo reduce Lhe skew wlLhln groups
(or lanes) and across groups. 30 MlL wlLhln groups and 800 MlL across groups.
Skew beLween address neLs should be 200MlL. Address and command neLs are dalsy
chalned wlLh a v11 pull-up for LermlnaLlon.
Also oLher consLralnLs Lo conslder:
uu83 daLa neLs have dynamlc Cn ule 1ermlnaLlon (Cu1) bullL lnLo Lhe conLroller and
Su8AM. 1he conflguraLlons are 40, 60 and 140 ohm so v11 pull-up ls noL necessary.
Zo for uu83 ls 30 ohm. Zdlff ls 100 ohm

2.373<x<2.632" uu83 Lopology uslng levelllng
2u1u In-Ciicuit Besign Pty Ltu | Austialia Page S

3. re-|ayout Ana|ys|s

l can'L emphasls enough Lhe lmporLance of pre-layouL analysls. WlLhouL whlch, you are [usL relylng
on luck - whlch ls noL a deslgn parameLer. 1he pre-layouL slmulaLlon ls used Lo predlcL and ellmlnaLe
slgnal lnLegrlLy lssues early, proacLlvely consLralnlng rouLlng and opLlmlslng clock, crlLlcal slgnal
Lopologles and LermlnaLlons prlor Lo board layouL.

As prevlously menLloned, Lhe value and placemenL of Lhe serles reslsLors and v11 pull-ups for daLa,
address and command slgnals depends on Lhe dlsLances beLween Lhe loads, number of loads and Lhe
sLackup of Lhe board and are besL deLermlned by slmulaLlon. 1he serles LermlnaLor may noL be
requlred lf a slngle Su8AM ls used and Lhe Lrace lengLh ls shorL - buL how do you know lf you don'L
slmulaLe Lhe proposed layouL?

Cenerally, Lry Lo keep Lhe Su8AM as close as posslble Lo Lhe conLroller buL someLlmes LhaL ls noL
posslble because of oLher physlcal consLralnLs. Also, lf Lhere are Lwo or more Su8AM chlps Lhen Lhls
becomes more dlfflculL requlrlng exLended slgnal lengLhs LermlnaLors. 8uL where should Lhey be
placed and whaL values should be used?


vlrLex 4 8s



1he serles LermlnaLor would normally be placed close Lo drlver. 8uL surprlslngly, ln Lhe above case,
Lhe slgnal lnLegrlLy was much beLLer wlLh a long lengLh (4.3 lnches) from Lhe drlver, Lhen Lhe slgnal
spllL Lhrough Lwo serles reslsLors and lnLo each bank of uu82 Su8AM. 1hls ls unusual buL
demonsLraLes Lhe lmporLance of slmulaLlon ln order Lo achleve Lhe besL posslble ouLcome. 8y Lhe
way, Lhls deslgn ran aL full raLe wlLh no rework requlred.

4. |acement

lf you have compleLed Lhe pre-layouL analysls Lhen placemenL ls a maLLer of followlng Lhe
consLralnLs deLermlned for lengLh and placemenL rules. Serles LermlnaLors are normally place ln
8LSnL1 1206 (4 reslsLor packages) or 0402 on Lhe boLLom of Lhe board as Lhe Lop ln normally Laken
up by large acLlve devlces.

uecaps should be placed dlrecLly beneaLh Lhe devlces where posslble uslng 20 MlL Lraces connecLed
Lo Lhe supply plns Lo reduce lnducLance. lL ls someLlmes posslble Lo use Lhe vlas comlng down from
flne plLch 8CA supply plns as one pln for Lhe 0402 uecap (an ocLal pad ls placed dlrecLly on Lop of
Lhe vla - Lhe oLher ocLal pad ls ground).
30 ohm, 4.3"
2u1u In-Ciicuit Besign Pty Ltu | Austialia Page 6

S. Matched Length and D|fferent|a| a|r kout|ng

SeLLlng up Lhe deslgn rules ls a llLLle Ledlous ln any C8 Lool buL once done, on Lhe flrsL deslgn, you
can exporL Lhem lnLo Lhe nexL deslgn Lo save Llme. 8elow ls an example of uu82 Plgh Speed ueslgn
8ules for AlLlum ueslgner.

Rule Name Rule Type Scope Atttribute



(InNetClass('Lane0') AND
InNetClass('Lane1') AND
InNetClass('Lane2') AND

Min Length = 500mil
Length = 1000mil
Parallel Segment Parallel Segment All - All Gap = 4mil Limit =
Layer - Same Layer
USB Data and Control Matched Net
InNetClass('USB_length') Tolerance = 100mil
Diff Pair USB Matched Lengths Matched Net
InDifferentialPair ('USB') Tolerance = 25mil
Diff Pair Matched Lengths Matched Net
Differential Pairs'))
Tolerance = 25mil
DDR CLK Matched Lengths Matched Net
Tolerance = 25mil
DDR2 CTL Matched Net
InNetClass('DDR2_CTL') Tolerance = 200mil
DDR2 Addr Matched Net
InNetClass('DDR2_Addr') Tolerance = 200mil
Lane3 Matched Net
InNetClass('Lane3') Tolerance = 50mil
Lane2 Matched Net
InNetClass('Lane2') Tolerance = 50mil
Lane1 Matched Net
InNetClass('Lane1') Tolerance = 50mil
Lane0 Matched Net
InNetClass('Lane0') Tolerance = 50mil
All Lanes Matched Net
(InNetClass('Lane0') AND
InNetClass('Lane1') AND
InNetClass('Lane2') AND
Tolerance = 500mil
l normally reduce Lhe Lolerance wlLhln uaLa Lanes 0-3 Lo 23 MlL lf posslble Lo geL a LlghLer maLch
alLhough Lhe !LuLC Spec ls 30 MlL. 1hese speclal hlgh speed deslgn rules should be glven Lop prlorlLy
ln Lhe deslgn rule hlerarchy.

6. I|na| ost Layout Ana|ys|s

1he flnal posL layouL analysls lncludes a baLch mode slmulaLlon of all Lhe neLs. 1hls flags slgnal
lnLegrlLy, crossLalk and LMl hoL spoLs. So baslcally, look carefully Lhrough Lhls reporL Lo see any
lssues LhaL may have Lo be dealL wlLh.

1he baLch mode slmulaLlon reporLs:
Slgnal lnLegrlLy lssues lncludlng over/under shooL.
neLs LhaL are Loo long and need LermlnaLlon.
CrossLalk from mulLlple aggressor neLs.
osslble LMl sources.
2u1u In-Ciicuit Besign Pty Ltu | Austialia Page 7

Co Lhrough Lhese lLems one aL a Llme and look aL wheLher Lhere needs Lo be acLlon Laken. lor
lnsLance a long '8eseL' slgnal or a slgnal golng Lo a sLaLlc pull-up may be reporLed as belng Loo long
buL we can obvlously lgnore Lhese parLlcular warnlngs. AnoLher case may be: a crlLlcal slgnal LhaL ls
rouLed over Lhe ManhaLLan lengLh and needs LermlnaLlon - Lhls needs Lo be addressed.

CrossLalk ls qulLe common ln hlgh speed deslgns because of Lhe cramped real esLaLe, slgnals have Lo
be packed LlghLly lnLo a small area. CrossLalk can be mlnlmlsed by lncreaslng Lrace spaclng and by
reduclng Lhe slgnal layer Lo reference plane separaLlon. 1ry Lo keep prepreg Lhlckness Lo 3 MlL Lo
LlghLly couple Lhe slgnals Lo Lhe plane. Also, lL may be necessary Lo add addlLlonal planes, Lo Lhe
sLackup, Lo lsolaLe Lhe offendlng aggressor slgnals. 8ouLlng ad[acenL slgnal layers orLhogonally also
helps reduce nolse coupllng.

CrossLalk problems can cause lnLermlLLenL operaLlon due Lo Llmlng gllLches and lnLerference
dramaLlcally reduclng your producL's rellablllLy. So, lL ls besL Lo address Lhese lssues aL Lhe source.

lf a good [ob has been done rouLlng Lhe hlgh speed slgnals, on Lhe lnLernal layers and away from Lhe
edges of Lhe board, Lhen LMl should be mlnlmal. Powever, lf Lhere ls an LMl lssue Lhen dlfferenL
rouLlng sLraLegles can be Lrled Lo ellmlnaLe Lhe problem. LMC can be measured, durlng Lhe deslgn
process, Lo lCC, ClS8, vCCl Class A & 8 sLandard - Lhls alone saves mulLlple lLeraLlons of a deslgn.

All crlLlcal hlgh speed slgnals should be lndlvldually checked. Slgnal fllghL Llmes need Lo be wlLhln
spec and eye dlagrams need Lo have eyes wlde open ,-)

Cbvlously, Lhe Lools for dolng Lhe board level slmulaLlon are qulLe expenslve, Lhere ls a lengLhy
learnlng curve plus exLenslve experlence ln PSu ls requlred buL Lhere are alLernaLlves Lo purchaslng
Lhe sofLware:

1. 8oard Level SlmulaLlon Servlces - analysls and guldance durlng Lhe deslgn process.
2. C8 ueslgn Servlces - compleLe deslgn or parLlal (uu8x only) deslgn uslng AlLlum ueslgner,
AuS or LxpedlLlon C8

8y uLlllzlng ln-ClrculL ueslgn's C8 SlmulaLlon and/or ueslgn Servlce, you can be assured LhaL your
C8 layouL wlll be of Lhe hlghesL quallLy and wlll pass Lhe relevanL LMC LesLs savlng you Llme, money
and frusLraLlon for a fracLlon of Lhe cosL of board lLeraLlons and mulLlple compllancy LesLlng. lus,
Lhe slmulaLlon can be done before Lhe deslgn ls flnallsed (before Cerber ouLpuL or even earller ln Lhe
deslgn process) Lo furLher reduce producLlon Llme and cosLs.

lor furLher lnformaLlon, please conLacL 8arry Clney | +61 4123 14441 | b.olney[

Advanced ueslgn for SM1 - 8arry Clney, ln-ClrculL ueslgn Ly LLd
!LuLC SpeclflcaLlons !LSu 79l, !LSu79-2L & !LSu79-3u
AlLera 8oard LayouL Culdellnes, LMl_lan_8oard

All cooslJetotloo bos beeo tokeo to eosote tbot tbls Appllcotloo Note ls occotote, boseJ oo tbe lofotmotloo ooJ Joto ovolloble. 1be lloblllty
of lo-cltcolt ueslqo lty ltJ ls llmlteJ to cottectloq ooy oofoteseeo ettots ooJ tevlsloq tbe Appllcotloo Note to meet tbe speclfleJ
tepoltemeots. lo oo eveot sboll lo-cltcolt ueslqo lty ltJ be lloble fot loJltect, speclol, loclJeotol, pooltlve ot coosepoeotlol Jomoqes
locloJloq bot oot llmlteJ to wbetbet occoslooeJ by tbe oct, bteocb, omlssloo, Jefoolt ot oeqllqeoce of lo-cltcolt ueslqo lty ltJ, lts
employees, coottoctots ooJ sobcoottoctots, ooJ sboll locloJe wltboot llmltotloo, loss of bosloess, teveooe ot ptoflts, loss of ose ot Joto,
loss of sovloqs ot ootlclpoteJ sovloqs, loss of lovestmeots, loss of qooJwlll, loss of tepototloo ot cost of copltol ot loss of extto
oJmlolsttotlve cost, ot ecooomlc loss, wbetbet ot oot foteseeoble, ooJ otlsloq oot of ot lo coooectloo wltb tbls Appllcotloo Note. All
ttoJemotks ote teqlsteteJ ttoJemotks of tbelt tespectlve owoets. &O

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