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Chicken Recipes

1. Breaded Pepper Chicken

5 Boneless Chicken Breasts
4 Tbsp Black Soy Sauce
2 Tbsp Ajinomoto (Monosodium Glutamate
!" ! !#2 Tbsp Salt
4 Tbsp Coarsely Ground $epper
%ash o& Chilli Sauce
'il &or &ryin()
Preparation method
!) Cut chicken into thin pieces o& any shape you desire)
2) Marinate o*erni(ht +ith Soya Sauce, Salt, Ajinomoto, $epper and Chilli Sauce)
-) .oll in Breadcrumbs and &ry till (olden bro+n)
Ser*e +ith sauce or ra+ salad
2. Butter Chicken
Chicken " -// (rams, cleaned and cut into small pieces
Cinnamon" 20 pcs
Salt " to taste
Cashe+ 1 almond paste " a hand&ul (round smoothly
Gin(er 1 (arlic paste " 2 tspns
'nion " one chopped
Turmeric po+der" !#4 tsp
Chilly po+der " 2 tsp
Coriander po+der" ! tspn
'ran(e colour " ! !#2 tsp
Butter " - tspn
'il " 2 tspn
Tomato puree " 2 tomatoes blended smoothly
Preparation method
!) 2ry onions in oil till transparent) Add cinnamon and let it &ry) Then add (in(er and (arlic paste
alon( +ith a little +ater) Stir continuously)
2) Add turmeric, chilly, coriander po+der +ith salt and mi3 +ell) $our in tomato puree, cashe+ 1
almond paste " mi3 +ell +ith +ater)
-) 4hen it starts to boil add the chicken +hich should be mi3ed +ith a little colour) Then add
su&&icient +ater &or the chicken to boil)

4) The (ra*y should (et thick or accordin( to your re5uirement) Be&ore s+itchin( o&& add butter)

Ser*e hot +ith parathas)
3. Butter Chicken Fry
Boneless chicken " 2lb
Garam masala " - tsp
Gin(er"(arlic paste " 2"- tsp
Chilli po+der " - tsp
Turmeric po+der " ! tsp
6ine(ar " -"4 tsp
.ed &ood colour " - tsp
$epper po+der " 2 tsp
Salt " accordin( to taste
'il " 4 tsp
Cream or malai " !#2 " cup
Cashe+ nut po+der " !#2 cup
Preparation method
!) Marinate chicken +ith the abo*e in(redients e3cept &or cream and cashe+ po+der &or atleast
a min o& 7 hrs or pre&erably o*erni(ht)
2) $ut the pan on &ire, add oil) 4hen the oil reaches its smokin( point then add the chicken
pieces) Mi3 +ell and co*er the pan +ith a lid)
-) 4hen the chicken pieces are cooked then add the cream and cashe+ nut po+der)
4) 2ry until the mi3ture is completely dry)
Ser*e hot (arnishin( it +ith cilantro )
4. Chicken Kebabs
Boneless skinless Chicken " ! pound
2 $otatoes
2 Tomatoes
2 Bell $eppers
Bamboo Ske+ers
For Masala
8o(urt" !#4 cup
Gin(er and (arlic paste " ! tsp) each
Green chilly paste " ! tsp)
Cumin po+der" ! tsp)
Coriander po+der " ! tsp
Aniseed " ! tsp)
Turmeric po+der " !#4 tsp)
Chilly po+der to taste
Garam masala " !#4 tsp)
Salt to taste
9ime juice " 2 tsp)
.ed#'ran(e Color
Preparation method
! Mi3 all masalas in the yo(urt and keep &or about !/ minutes)
2) Marinate the chicken and *e(etables +ith the mi3 &or about an hour and store in the
-) $ierce throu(h the ske+ers alternate pieces o& chicken and *e(etable )
4) $lace on a barbecue (rill or bake in the o*en &or !5 minutes)
5) .emo*e &rom heat and coat the pieces +ith the remainin( marinade) :o+ turn the '*en to
;Broil; &or another 5 " !/ minutes until the chicken is cooked and &ried +ell)
Ser*e hot)
5. Chicken Biryani
For Marinating
Chicken !#2 <(
2 tbsp) Curd
! tsp Turmeric po+der
- tsp Chilly po+der
! tspTandoori masala po+der
Salt to taste
Basmati .ice" - Cups
For Grinding
4 'nions
!/ Green chillies
!2 $ods (arlic
! s5 0 Gin(er
- Tomatoes
Preparation method
!) Marinate the meat in the marinadin( in(redients and keep aside (pre& in 2rid(e &or about an
=our to >/ minutes)
2) =eat *e(etable shortenin( or oil in a pan (- tbsp) Add 4 clo*es, -"4 cinnamon sticks, 2
elaichis , and &ry +ell )Add the (round paste and &ry till oil comes up)Add the marinated
chicken and &ry ) Co*er &or some time)
-) Then add the rice and &ry) Add coriander and mint lea*es and cook in the rice cooker) Add
+ater just enou(h to submer(e the rice and chicken)
4) Add +ater, close the pan and cook on lo+ &lame till rice is cooked)
Ser*e +ith 'nion .aita)
6. Chii Chicken
5// (ms boneless chicken
2// (ms onion
!/ (ms (in(er
5 bi( (reen chillies
! cup oil
! tea spoon Soya sauce
2 tea spoon Tomato sauce
! table spoon (reen chilli sauce
! small capsicum
9ittle china salt
! tea spoon *ine(ar
Salt &or taste
2 ?((s
!#2 cup corn &lour
Preparation method
!) Mi3 the chicken small pieces +ith salt, china salt, ! tea spoon *ine(ar and ! tea spoon soya
sauce) 9et it marinate &or one hour)
2) Then cut the onions into small pieces and pill the (in(er and mash it) Cut the capsicum into
small pieces and keep it separate) Cut the (reen chillies in its middle and keep it aside)
-) Break the e(( in a small utensil and mi3 corn &lour to it and add little +ater and salt to make
the batter)
4) =eat the oil in a kadai or &ryin( pan) Take out the chicken pieces one by one and deep it
inside the batter and so&t &ry it in the oil)

5) $ut the Green chillies in the oil and then add onions and &ry &or sometime till the onion
becomes so&t and not red) Then add mashed (in(er and &ry &or sometime till you (et the smell
o& mi3ed (in(er and onion)

@) Then add capsicum to it and &ry) Then add chilli sauce and o& tomato sauce to it) Mi3 the &ried
chicken and mi3 it thorou(hly) Add salt &or taste and let it come to a boil
Ser*e +ith mi3ed &ried rice or :oodles)
!. Chicken Curry
! lb chicken cut into small pieces
! cup coconut (rated
! medium onion, sliced len(th+ise
! tbs coriander lea*es
!"2 tsp chilly po+der
! tsp coriander po+der
!#4 tsp turmeric po+der
4 clo*es, !0 cinnamon
A"7 clo*es (arlic, 20 piece (in(er
! medium tomato
Grind all the abo*e in(redients)
!) Bn a skillet pour 5 tbs spoons o& oil, slice one medium onion and &ry till (olden bro+n)
2) Add one medium tomato and &ry until so&t, then put the (round masala and &ry till the ra+
smell (oes o&&)
-) Then put the chicken, +ater and salt and brin( to a boil)
4) Garnish +ith coriander lea*es)
". Chicken Curry in C#c#nut $ik
5// (ms boneless chicken)
4// ml coconut milk)
2/ baby onions)
@ (reen chillies)
Curry lea*es)
Mustard seeds)
Salt to taste)
Coriander lea*es
Preparation method
!) Cut chicken into small piece) Bn a hea*y bottom pan &ry chicken till it becomes tender, keep
the chicken aside)
2) Bn the remainin( oil &ry baby onions and (reen chillies) 4hen onions and chillies becomes
so&t, remo*e &rom the pan) Then (rind it in a mi3er)
-) Bn the same pan pour some more oil and put some mustard seeds, +hen it starts poppin( add
some curry lea*es) A&ter that add chicken and rest o& the in(redients)
4) Mi3 it +ell, add coconut milk )Cook on lo+ &lame)
5) 4hen chicken curry is done (arnish +ith coriander lea*es)
%. Chicken Fry
Chicken !k(
Chilly po+der 4tsp
Gin(er (arlic paste !tsp
6ine(er 2tsp
Salt to taste
'nion !, &inelly chopped
'il ! tbsp
Preparation method
!) Marinate the Chicken +ith chilly po+der, (in(er"(arlic paste, *ine(er and salt &or !#2 hour)
2) 2ry onions till (olden bro+n) Add chicken to this and mi3 +ell) %o not add any +ater) Cook in
a lo+ &lame till the chicken becomes tender +ith closed lid)
-) :o+ open the lid and cook in hi(h&lame till +ater drys and it turns little black)
4) Garnish +ith corriander)
Ser*e +ith =ot %rinks)
1&.Chicken 'aryai
Spinach ! bunch
<asuri Methi 2 Tsp
2 Tbsp beaten curd
Chicken 2 $ounds
2 TBsp 'il
Salt and pepper to taste)
2or 4et Spices
About a hand&ul o& Coriander lea*es
4 Green chilies
5"@ clo*es o& (arlic
! !#2 Tsp (in(er paste
2or dry Spices
2 !#2Tsp Coriander po+der
!#2 Tsp Chat masala
!#4 Tsp Cinnamon $o+der !#2 Tsp Clo*e $o+der
Preparation method
!) Make a paste o& +et spices and keep aside)

2) Take oil into a skillet and add chicken piecesCli(htly &ry them till (olden) Add +et spices and
saute &or a minute)
-) Add spinach that is coarsely chopped and saute) Add dry spices as spinach +ilts saute a(ain
4) Add curd and about a !#2cup o& +ater)
5) Co*er skillet and let it cook till chicken is tender and +ell cooked) Add salt and pepper)
Ser*e hot)
11. Chicken (te)
! <( Chicken meat "Cut into bite siDe pieces
! k( o& mi3ed *e(etables (potatoes, carrots, peas, cabba(e, beans
5 (reen chillies, slit len(th +ise
! bunch coriander lea*es
2 lar(e onions chopped
! tablespoon each chopped (in(er and (arlic
2 cups coconut milk (thick '. ! tin coconut cream
7 pieces (reen cardamom
7 pieces +hole clo*es
Salt and pepper to taste
2 tablespoons o& oil
Preparation method
!) =eat the oil in a pan and add (reen chillies, (in(er, (arlic and +hole spices) Stir &or 2 to -
minutes) Add the chicken pieces and stir &or 5 minutes)
2) :o+ add the potatoes and carrots) Stir +ell and add the coconut cream or coconut milk and !
cup +ater) Co*er and cook till potatoes are nearly cooked (about -/ minutes)

-) :o+ add the rest o& the *e(etables and the coriander lea*es, salt and pepper) Cook &or
another 2/ minutes so till meat and *e(etables are all cooked)

4) Add a little more +ater i& the li5uid le*el is lo+)
Ser*e +ith .ice)
12.Chicken Kh#apuri
2 lbs Chicken pieces
! 'nion to slice and bro+n)
! 'nion chopped &inely)
!#2 cup chopped Tomatoes)
Garlic and Gin(er $aste)
!Tbsp <hus <hus
!Tbsp 4hite sesame seeds
4 Tbsp Coconut dessicated
Turmeric po+der
Chilli po+der
Garam Masala po+der
Salt to taste)
Preparation method
!) Marinate the chicken pieces in !Tbsp each o& (arlic and (in(er and !tsp o& Turmeric p+d &or
!#2 to ! hr)
2) %ry &ry khus khus, sesame seeds and coconut until bro+n)
-) =eat little oil and &ry sliced onions until bro+n) Grind the bro+ned onions and <hus <hus
mi3ture and set aside)
4) :o+ in a bi( *essel, heat oil and add chopped onions and &ry a +hile, add !#2 tsp each o&
(in(er and (arlic paste and &ry) :o+ add chili po+der and &ry) Add the chopped tomatoes and
&ry until oil separates)

5) Add the chicken pieces and mi3 , add lot o& +ater and allo+ couple o& boils) :o+ add the
(round coconut paste , add salt and (aram masala po+der and co*er and cook until done)
Ser*e hot +ith rice or rotis)
13.Chicken *i+er Fry
! lb chicken li*ers
! medium siDed onion chopped
! tsp (in(er paste
! tsp (arlic paste
$inch o& turmeric
Salt to taste
! tsp coriander po+der
!#2 tsp cumin po+der
!#2 tsp (aram masala po+der
! medium siDed tomato
2resh coriander lea*es
'il about 5 tbsp
.ed chili po+der
Preparation method
!) Clean the chicken li*ers and pressure cook it alon( +ith some salt 1 +ater) 2our +histles on
hi(h heat should be enou(h) Take the li*ers out &rom the cooker but retain the +ater

2) :o+ in a &ryin( pan heat the oil and &ry the onion and (arlic paste till (olden bro+n) Then add
the (in(er paste and &ry &or another 2 minutes)
-) Add the (aram masala po+der, chili po+der, tomato, cumin po+der, coriander po+der, salt
and turmeric po+der to the onion paste and keep &ryin( till you (et the aroma o& the &ried
4) :o+ add the cooked li*ers to the pan and &ry &or another 2 to - minutes) Garnish +ith
coriander lea*es)
Ser*e hot +ith parathas or rotis)
14.Chicken ,ni#n
!#2 k( Chicken
! k( 'nion, thinly chopped
2 bay lea*es
2 cinnamon
!5 &lakes o& (arlic
- tbsp (hee
2 tsp chilli po+der
!// (m tomatoes
!0 (in(er
!#4 cup curds
!#2 tsp haldi
=and&ul o& coriander lea*es
2 clo*es
! caradamom
Salt to taste
!#2 cup +ater
Preparation method
!) Clean, +ash and cut chicken into !0 pieces) Grind (arlic and (in(er) Add this paste to chicken
pieces and marinate &or -/ mins)
2) =eat (hee, add onions and &ry till (olden bro+n Add bay lea*es, clo*es, cinnamon,
-) :o+ add tomatoes, haldi and chilli po+der

4) Add chicken pieces and !#2 cup o& +ater

5) Add beaten curd) Cook on slo+ &ire
@) Sprinkle coriander lea*es on top)
15.Chicken Pak#da
!#2 k( chicken (+ithout skin 1 bones
!// (rams corn &lour
!// (rams custard po+der
Salt and chilli po+der to taste
Clo*e and elaichi po+der
Preparation method
!) Make semi li5uid paste o& corn &lour and custard po+der by addin( +ater and salt, chilli
and elaichi clo*e po+der )

2) Mi3 the chicken pieces +ith the semi li5uid paste and keep aside &or -/ mts and later &ry
in oil)
16.Chicken 65
2 chicken breasts"skinned, cut bite siDed! tsp chilli po+der! tsp salt!#2 tsp black pepper po+der2
e(( +hites2 tbsp corn&lour2 tbsp maida! cup butter milk2 tbsp (in(er"(arlic paste2 tbsp oil! !#2
tbsp lemon juiceoil &or deep"&ryin()
Preparation Method
!) Mi3 the chicken, salt, black and red pepper and keep aside &or hal& an hour then mi3 in
the corn&lour, maida and e(( +hite)
2) =eat the oil &or deep"&ryin( and &ry chicken pieces &irst o*er hi(h heat, then medium, till
cooked throu(h and a li(ht bro+n)
-) =eat t+o tablespoons o& oil and add (arlic and (in(er pastes and &ry till bro+n) 9o+er
the heat to medium and add butter"milk, and salt to taste)
4) Brin( to a boil and add the chicken pieces) .aise heat to hi(h and cook, +hile stirrin(
periodically, until the li5uid is absorbed #e*aporated and the chicken looks dry)
1!.Chicken -ikka $asaa
Chicken " 5// (ms boneless pieces
For Marinating
Gin(er and (arlic paste " 2 tsp
Turmeric po+der " !#4 tsp
Chilly po+der " !#2 tspn
Coriander po+der " ! tspn
Garam masala " ! tspn
Cumin po+der " !#2 tspn
Curd " !#2 cup beaten +ell
2or the (ra*y
'ne onion chopped
Tomato puree 2 tspns
Turmeric po+der" !#4 tspn
Coriander po+der 2 tspn
Chilly po+der "! !#2 tspn
Gin(er and (arlic paste " ! tspn
Salt to taste
'il - thsp
Garam masala po+der " !#2 tspn
Coriander lea*es &inely chopped &or (arnish
Cream ! tspn optional &or (arnish
Preparation Method
!) Marinade &or one hour) Then put this on ske+ers and (rill till cooked) 'r you can put it on a
pan and let the &lame be lo+ or e*en bake it till done)

2) =eat oil in a *essel, &ry onions and add (in(er and (arlic paste) 9et it &ry +ell till the oil

-) Then add all the po+dered masala, and the tomato puree, salt to taste add a little +ater and
let the (ra*y thicken)
4) Then add the chicken pieces and cook &or a +hile, &inally +hen the (ra*y is thick, remo*e
&rom &ire)
5) Garnish +ith coriander lea*es and cream)
1".C#c#nut Chicken
! to 2 lb chicken, boneless
! tb sour cream
! small onion
%essicated Coconut or 2resh coconut
2 Bay lea*es
- Tomatoes
Garlic po+der
4 to @ &resh (arlic
2 tsp (aram masala
!#4 turmeric po+der
Chilli po+der as needed
!#2 tsp sesame seeds
4 to 5 clo*es
5 to A black pepper
Preparation Method
!) 4ash and marinate the chicken in sour"cream, (arlic po+der, (aram masala, turmeric, chilli
po+der and salt and set this aside &or 2 to 4 hours)
2) Cut the onion &ine and &ry it in oil till (olden bro+n, keep it aside in the same oil &ry the
coconut till li(ht bro+n put the &ried onion and coconut in a blender alon( +ith 2resh (arlic,
clo*es, bay lea*es, pepper, sesame seeds and (rind to a *ery &ine paste)
-) =eat oil in a hea*y bottom *essel and add the (round paste to it )Cook &or !/ minutes add cut
tomatoes and cook &or another - minutes)
4) Add (aram masala, turmeric and chiili) 2ry the mi3ture +ell) Add chicken , salt and +ater)
Co*er ti(htly +ith lid let cook till the chicken is really tender) 4hen done season +ith
Corriander lea*es)
1%.C#riander Chicken
! pound chicken (boneless cut into !;; cubes
@"A pods o& (arlic
2 bunches o& Coriander lea*es
@"A (reen chillies
2 tbsp thick curd
4 tbsp butter
!#2 tsp o& jeera
2 cardamom
2 clo*es
! small cinnamon piece
7"!/ Cashe+ pieces
Salt to taste
Preparation Method
!) Clean the chicken pieces, +ash thorou(hly and drain the +ater) Grind (arlic pods, coriander
lea*es and (reen chillies to a &ine paste) To the (round paste add curd and mi3 +ell, to make
a thick marinade)
2) Marinate the chicken pieces in the marinade &or -/"45 minutes)
-) Bn a pan add butter, +hen butter is hot add jeera, cardamom, cinnamon, clo*es and the cashe+
pieces and &ry +ell) Add the marinated chicken and &ry &or sometime)

4) Add !#4th cup o& +ater and salt to taste) Co*er pan +ith lid) Cook on slo+"medium &ire till
chicken is +ell done and the (ra*y becomes thick)
5) Garnish +ith boiled e((s cut len(th"+ise)
Ser*e hot +ith roti or rice)
2&.Curd Chicken
! <ilo Chicken, cut into medium siDed pieces
5"@ tbsp curd
Coarsely (round pepper (!"2 tsp as per taste
Salt to taste
$reparation Method
!) Clean the chicken)
2) $ut oil in a pan)
-) Take the chicken pieces and (ently put in the oil so that it turns a li(ht bro+n on both sides)
4) Add the curd) Add the coarsely (round pepper and the salt)
5) Co*er and allo+ to cook &or hal& an hr) &irst on hi(h heat and then on simmer till &ully cooked)
21.Curd .inger Chicken
! lb boneless chicken
! cup plain yo(urt
! small root o& (in(er
! tbsp o& tomato puree
! tbsp o& *e(etable oil
Salt and black pepper
Preparation Method
!) $eel the (in(er root and cut it in small pieces) 2ry (in(er in *e(etable oil)

2) Mi3 rest o& in(redients once (in(er is (olden bro+n)
-) Co*er the pan and let chicken cook until it is tender) <eep stirrin( in bet+een)
Ser*e hot +ith &resh cut parsley on it)
22./a Chicken
Chicken 2)5 lbs
Toor dal ! !#2 cup
'nions -
Tomatoes -
Tamarind pulp
For Masala .ed Chillies 2/
$epper Corn 25
%hania $+d ! !#2 tsp
Eeera $+d ! !#2 tsp
Mustard ! tsp
Green chillies @
Gin(er"(arlic paste - tsp
Cinnamon 5 pieces
Clo*es 5
Cardomom !/
Cilantro ! bunch
Preparation Method
!) Grind all the in(redients o& Masala to a smooth paste)
2) Bn a pan cook dal) Add hin(, salt and one chopped onion to the dal and cook until dal is so&t)
Clean the chicken and cut into medium siDed pieces)
-) Add a little +ater and a chopped onion and cook on lo+ heat, until the juices &rom the chicken
run clear)
4) A&ter both the dal and the chicken are cooked, use the stock &rom the chicken to thin the dal)
@) 2ry 2 sliced onions in oil until they bro+n) Add the (round masala and &ry) Add - tomatoes, the
dal and the chicken) Simmer &or !/ minutes) Add a little tamarind pulp)

Ser*e hot +ith rice or rotis)
23./u0 Chicken
! chicken (cut into 7 pieces
!5/ (ms yo(hurt
! tbsp Coconut ((rated
- 'nions
! tbsp (aram masala po+der
2 tsp .ed chilli po+der
! tsp Turmeric
Salt to taste
! tbsp Gin(er"Garlic paste
!#2 tsp Black pepper
!#2 tsp :ahari po+der
!#2 tsp Ajinamoto
! pinch Sa&&ron colour
2e+ strands o& sa&&ron
2inely chopped coriander
-"4 tbsps 'il
Preparation Method
!) 4ash the chicken pieces and drain the +ater)
2) 2ry the onions until bro+n, remo*e &rom oil and spread on a plate) Crush it a&ter it cools)
-) .oast almonds, cashe+nuts and coconut and (rind to a &ine paste)
4) $repare a marinade o& the (i*en in(redients (e3cept oil)
5) Mi3 all these +ith the chicken pieces) Marinate &or about !#2 an hour)
@) Bn a *essel put this mi3ture and the oil) Cook on medium till the chicken is done)
24.Fried Chicken Curry
!#4 cup &lour
!#2 tsp salt
!#4 tsp pepper
- 9b) &ryin( chicken, cut up
2 Tbsps) oil
! chopped onion
!#4 cup raisins
2resh corriander lea*es
! !#2tsp cumin and corriander po+der
- tsp chilli po+der
!#2 tsp salt
! (reen bell pepper, chopped
- (arlic clo*e, minced
7oD tomato sauce
Preparation Method
!) Bn a bo+l, combine &lour, !#2 tsp salt and pepper, stir to mi3) Add chicken pieces, ! or 2 at a
time, to mi3ture in bo+l)
2) =eat oil in +ok) Bro+n chicken in hot oil, turnin( to bro+n all sidesC $ut chicken in another pan)

-) Bn that oil, &irst &ry the (arlic then add onion) Stir &or 2 min) :o+ add remainin( in(redients) Also
add the chicken)

4) Cook &or -/ to 45 minutes or until chicken is tender)
Ser*e +ith rice)
25.'ungarian Chicken
Butter "" -tbs
Ghee "" !tbs
Chicken "" @// (ram
Coriender "" 7tbs (chopped
Tomato sauce "" 4"5 tbs
'nion "" - (cut into lon( thin pieces
Cream "" 4 tbs
Salt ""-#4 ts
Chilli po+der "" !ts
Preparation Method
!) =eat the (hee 1 butter in a pan) $ut the onion and &ry till li(ht bro+n) A&ter that keep hal& o& the
onion in a plate and add chicken in the pan) Co*er the pan and cook till the chicken is hal&
2) 4hen the chicken is hal& done add the onion +hich u kept in the plate) Co*er the pan and cook
till the chicken is &ully cooked)
-) At the ser*in( time heat the chicken a(ain and add salt, chilly po+der 1 tomato sauce)
4) Garnish +ith cream 1 chopped coriander)
26.'yderabadi Chicken
! chicken deboned,
!tb each o& (in(er (arlic paste
!#2 tsp haldi
!tsp or more red chilli po+der
!#2 cup curd
.ed colour &e+ drops)
Curry lea*es " &e+ spri(s
5"@ (reen chillies
2tb corn&lour
Salt to taste
Preparation Method
!) Marinate chicken +ith (in(er"(arlic paste, salt, red chilli po+der, haldi and corn&lour &or &e+
2) =eat oil and &ry chicken pcs on lo+ &lame till cooked and +ell bro+ned)
-) .emo*e the chicken pieces and keep aside)

4) Mi3 colour +ith curd)
5) Take little oil add curry patta and diced chillies, stir add beaten curd, cook &or &e+ secs, then
add chicken and cook till all curd tries up and chicken is +ell coated)
Garnish +ith coriander lea*es and lime)
2!.1eera Chicken
@ chicken pieces
2 lar(e onions chopped
2 tsp jeera
2 medium (reen chillie
! tsp soya sauce
! tsp seasame oil (til oil
! tsp Garam masala
!#2 tsp black pepper po+der
2 tbsp oil
Salt to taste
Preparation Method
!) %eskin chicken pieces and keep it aside)
2) Bn a hea*y bottom pan &ry th onions till bro+n)

-) 4hen done take out some &or (arnishin( and in the rest add chicken and mi3 &or 2 minutes)

4) Add rest o& the in(redients and mi3 +ell)
5) Co*er and cook till chicken is done on lo+ &lame)

@) $ut in a ser*in( dish and (arnish +ith &ried onions)
2".*e0#n .aric Chicken
6ine(ar" ! tbl spn
Garlic $aste"! tbl spn (&reshly made
Cream !// (m
Salt"!)5 tsp
'il"! tbl spn
Su(ar"hal& tsp
.ed pepper"hal& tsp
.ed &ood color" pinch
2 lemons
Preparation Method
!) Take a chicken @//"A// (ms) 4ash thorou(hly, mop dry +ith a clean to+el)

2) Add the marinade and keep aside &or ! hour)
-) =eat in a saucepan o*er medium heat &or about !5"2/ minutes co*erin( it)
4) 4hen the chicken is sli(htly done, remo*e the lid and let the chicken (o little dry but
not completely)
5) Add &resh lemon juice) =eat a little more) Add 2 tablespoons o& cream and stir a little
to (i*e the chicken a little coated look)
@) Add coarsely (round Black $epper)
Ser*e +ith Garlic Bread and Spicy 'nion Salad)
2%.$asaa Chicken
- nos) potatoes
2 lbs chicken cut into pieces
@ nos) medium onions chopped
4 nos) medium tomatoes chopped
@ nos) (reen chillies slit
2 tbsp) (arlic chopped &ine
2 tbsp) (in(er chopped &ine
!2 nos) peppercorns
7 nos) clo*es
@ nos) dry red chillies
2 inch cinnamon stick
'il to cook
Salt to taste
Preparation Method
!) .emo*e the skin &rom potatoes and cut them into lon( chips #+ed(es)
2) =eat the pan and add oil to it) 2ry the potato chips #+ed(es and set aside)
-) Add all the remainin( in(redients e3cept chicken to the pan and &ry till it is bro+n)
4) Then add chicken pieces and cook till done)
5) :e3t add &ried potato chips #+ed(es and cook on the slo+ &lame &or &e+ minutes)
Ser*e hot +ith parathas)
3&.$ethi Chicken
!// ml oil
- clo*es
2 split bro+n cardamoms
- sliced onions
! tbsp chopped (arlic
! tbsp chopped (in(er
seeded (reen chillies
@// ml +ater
2 tbsp kasoori methi
! chicken +ithout skin F jointed
!// ml yo(urt
! tsp red chilli po+der
! tsp turmeric
salt to taste
Preparation Method
!) =eat oil in a lar(e pan) Add clo*es and cardamoms) A&ter !/ seconds stir in onions,
(arlic, (in(er and (reen chillies) Allo+ onions to so&ten)
2) Add !5/ ml +ater and brin( to a boil) Allo+ it to reduce by hal& be&ore addin( methi
-) $our in 5/ ml +ater and cook until in(redients colour)
4) Add chicken, yo(urt, chilli po+der and turmeric) Season +ith salt and pour in
remainin( +ater) Simmer until chicken is tender) Ser*e hot)
31.,range Baked Chicken
4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts, hal*ed
2 Tbsp butter, melted
!#2 tsp salt
2reshly (round pepper
- Tbsp &lour
!#4 tsp dry mustard
!#2 tsp cinnamon
!#7 tsp (round (in(er
!1!#2 cups oran(e juice, boilin(
Preparation Method
!) $reheat o*en to -A5 de(rees) $lace chicken breasts in bakin( dish) Brush +ith melted
butter) Sprinkle +ith salt and pepper) Bake !5 minutes, unco*ered)
2) $ut remainin( butter in small saucepan) Add &lour, salt, mustard, cinnamon, and (in(er)
Cook stirrin(, 2 to - minutes)
-) .emo*e &rom heat and pour on boilin( oran(e juice, beatin( *i(orously +ith a +ire
4) Cook, stirrin(, 5 minutes or until thickened) $our o*er chicken and bake another !5

5) Set o*en to broil and bro+n chicken &or 2 to - minutes be&ore ser*in()
32.Pepper Chicken
Chicken 5// (ms
Turmeric $o+der - tsps
4hite 6ine(ar 4 tbsps
Gin(er 5/ (ms
Garlic 7 clo*es
Saun& ! tsp
'nion ! medium
Soy Sauce - tbsps
.ed Chilli $o+der !#2 tsp
Curry 9ea*es 2 Strands
$epper po+der - tbsps
Preparation Method
!) 4ash chicken pieces +ith 4hite 6ine(ar and ! tsp turmeric po+der)
2) =eat oil in the pan, add in order saun&, (in(er, (arlic, curry lea*es, onion) Saute them until mild
-) Add 2 tsps turmeric po+der, chilli po+der and saute &or -/ seconds) Add chicken, soy sauce,
remainin( *ine(ar, salt and mi3 them +ell)
4) Cook the chicken in lo+ heat until it is done) A&ter this add pepper po+der, mi3 +ell and lea*e it
&or 5 more minutes)
Ser*e the pepper chicken hot )
33.R#ast (#ur Chicken
@// (ms) boneless chicken pieces
!#2 cup curd
! cup tomato puree
! tsp tomato paste
- tblsp (in(er (arlic paste
2 tblsp *ine(ar
2 tblsp tandoori masala
2 tblsp oil
Preparation Method
!) Marinate the chicken +ith the abo*e in(redients and keep aside)
2) =eat oil in a non"stick pan and arran(e the marinated chicken)
-) Co*er and cook till the (ra*y dries up and the chicken is +ell coated +ith masalas)
Ser*e +ith steamed basmati rice or +ith hot butter parathas)
34.(hahi Chicken
2 pounds chicken ( skinless 1 boneless
2 tablespoon oil)
! lar(e onion &inely chopped)
2 Tsp tomato paste)
2 Tsp poppy seeds po+der)
2 Tsp cashe+nut po+der)
!/"!5 strands o& sa&&ron)
2 Tsp milk)
! cup hot +ater)
For marinating
2 table sp thick curd)
2 Tsp dhania po+der)
2 Tsp cumin seed po+der)
! Tsp (in(er paste)
! Tsp (arlic paste)
!#2 Tsp turmeric po+der)
2 Tsp red chilli po+der)
Salt )
Preparation Method
!) Marinate the chicken pieces in marinade &or 4"5 hrs)
2) =eat oil in *essel 1 add onions) Stir &ry until onion become li(ht bro+n in colour) A&ter onion
&ried add tomato paste, cashe+nut po+der, poppy seed po+der 1 &ry &or 2"- minutes on lo+
-) A&ter that add chicken 1 keep on mi3in( chicken +ith the masala) 4hen chicken +ill dry add
hot +ater) Cook the chicken on lo+ &lame &or 2/"25 minutes or till chicken is +ell done) <eep
stirrin( occasionally)
4) Melt the sa&&ron in milk 1 mi3 +ith chicken, keep on lo+ &lame &or 2 minutes)
5) 2or (arnishin( sprinkle some chopped coriander lea*es 1 some &ried onion)
35.(picy Chicken
Chicken 5//(
Tomato !
'nion !
Gin(er paste 2 tsp
Garlic paste 2 tsp
$epper po+der - tsp
Chilli po+der ! tsp
Tumeric po+der !#2 tsp
Garam masala po+der ! tsp
'il 2 Table spoon
Preparation Method
!) Cut the chicken and tomato into small pieces) Grind the onion into &ine paste
2) Mi3 the onion paste, tomato pieces and all the other in(redients e3cept oil in to the chicken
-) $ut the chicken mi3ture into a pan, co*er it +ith a lid and cook &or 2/ min +ithout addin( any
+ater in a lo+ &lame
4) Bn a separate pan heat the 2 tbs oil and add the cooked chicken mi3ture and &ry till it becomes
dark bro+n)
Ser*e hot +ith rice)
36.(picy $int Chicken
Chicken breast " 5// (ms
'nion " ! Medium siDed
Tomato " ! bi(
'il " -"4 tbsp)
Chopped mint lea*es " ! tbsp)
For Wet Grinding
Mint lea*es " 2 cups
Coriander " ! cup
Green Chillies " 5
Gin(er paste " !tbsp)
Garlic paste !"!#2 tbsp)
2or %ry Grindin(
Aniseeds " !"!#2 tsp)
Cumin " ! !#2 tsps)
Clo*es " 5
Cinnamon stick " ! inch
4hole peppercorns " - tsp)
$oppy seeds " ! tsp)
Preparation Method
!) 4ash and keep aside the chicken)
2) Mi3 the +et (round paste +ith the dry (round po+der)
-) Add this paste to the chicken and rub +ell on all the pieces) Marinate &or an hour)
4) =eat the oil in a pressure pan)
5) Saut the onions and add the tomatoes and &ry &or a +hile) :o+ add the chicken and salt and
stir &ry &or !/ min) 'n simmer be&ore pressure cookin()
@) Garnish +ith a little chopped mint)

Ser*e hot +ith chapatis, kubus or rice)
3!.-#0at# Chicken
! !#2 lb) chicken cut into small pieces
! tsp red chilli po+der
! tsp cumin po+der
! tsp turmeric po+der
4 medium onions sliced &inely
2"- tbsp curd
2 tsp red"chilli p+d
2 "- tsp coriander po+der
! tsp cumin p+d
2 tbsp coconut, roasted and (round into a &ine paste
- tomatoes, pureed
2"- clo*es
! 0 cinnamon
2"- cardammoms
2 tbsp cashe+nuts, (round +ith a little +ater to a paste
A bunch o& coriander lea*es, chopped
Cookin( oil
Preparation Method
!) Marinate the chicken +ith cumin po+der, chilli po+der and turmeric po+der and bake it in the
o*en or shallo+ &ry in a little oil till +ell done) %rain and set aside)
2) %eep &ry the sliced onions in oil till they are properly bro+ned) %rain them, add the curd and
blend the mi3ture +ith the cinnammon, clo*es and cardammoms till smooth) Set aside)
-) =eat some oil in a pan and &ry the abo*e onion#curd masala till the oil be(ins to seperate)
:o+ add the dry po+ders and &ry &or about !#2 a minute)
4) Add the pureed tomato and the chicken pieces) Add some +ater and simmer till the chicken
is cooked) Add the cashe+nut and coconut paste and brin( to a boil) Garnish +ith the
chopped coriander lea*es)
Ser*e hot +ith rice or roti)
3".Chicken Chettinad
24 medium siDed pieces (about 24// (rams o& chicken
24 curry lea*es (bi(
@ medium onion(s chopped
@ lar(e tomato(es chopped
- teaspoon(s each o& red chilli and turmeric po+ders
@ tsp(s lemon juice
@ tbsp(s oil
@ cup(s +ater
salt to taste
&inely chopped coriander lea*es &or (arnishin(
For the Paste
@ tsp(s poppy seeds (khus khus
!7 +hole red chillies
!7 tbsp(s (rated coconut (optional
- tsp(s each o& coriander, cumin and &ennel seeds
-0 piece cinnamon broken
@ clo*es and (reen cardamoms each
@ tsp(s each o& chopped (in(er and (arlic
Preparation Method
!) Bn a little hot oil roast all the in(redients &or the paste e3cept &or (in(er and (arlic) Allo+
to cool and (rind to a paste alon( +ith (in(er and (arlic)
2) =eat oil in a hea*y"bottomed pan on medium le*el till hot and &ry the chopped onions till
they are (olden bro+n)
-) Add the curry lea*es, the (round paste, turmeric and red chilli po+ders) 2ry &or some
more time) Add the chopped tomatoes and &ry &or about 4 minute(s or till the oil lea*es
the sides o& the pan)
4) Add the chicken and mi3 +ell) Cook on medium le*el &or about !/ minutes) Add the
lemon juice and +ater) Sprinkle salt to taste) Mi3 +ell) Co*er and cook on lo+ heat &or
about 42 minutes or till the chicken is &ully tenderised) Garnish +ith &inely chopped
coriander lea*es)
3%.Chettinad Pepper Chicken
5// (m chicken
A5 ml oil
!5/ (m onions
!// (m tomatoes
/2 (m cinnamon sticks
/2 (m clo*es
/2 (m cardamoms
/5 (m cumin
/2 (m curry lea*es
!/ (m turmeric po+der
25 (m coriander lea*es
!// (m onions
5/ (m (in(er
5/ (m (arlic
5/ (m &ennel seeds
2/ (m cumin seeds
25 (m peppercorns
!/ (m red chillies
!// (m coconut
Preparation Method
!) Grind the in(redients &or the paste) Clean and cut the chicken into !@
pieces) Marinate the chicken +ith the paste)
2) Chop the tomatoes, coriander lea*es and the onions) =eat oil and add the
cinnamon, cardamom, clo*es and cumin, SautG) Add the chopped onions
and the curry lea*es)
-) SautG until the onions are (olden) Add the tomatoes and sautG &or 5 minutes)
4) Add the marinated chicken and turmeric po+der) SautG &or !/ minutes,
sprinklin( +ater at inter*als)
5) Add enou(h salt, co*er +ith a lid and cook until done) Add more chilli or
pepper i& re5uired)
Ser*e (arnished +ith coriander lea*es)
4&.Chettinad Chicken Curry
!)2 k( +hole chicken
A/ ml *e(etable oil
2//( onions, sliced
2/ curry lea*es
! tsp red chilli po+der
! tsp each (round coriander and turmeric
4// ml coconut milk
H tsp salt or to taste
!//( tomatoes, chopped
2 tbsps chopped coriander lea*es
Spice Paste
! tbsp chopped root (in(er
2 tbsp chopped (arlic
- clo*es
!/ black peppercorns
!H tsp &ennel seeds
2)5cm cinnamon stick
Preparation Method
!) Eoint the chicken into ei(ht pieces and remo*e the skin) To make the spice paste
put all the in(redients into a blender or mini processor +ith - tbsps +ater and +hiDD to a
&ine paste)
2) =eat the oil in a lar(e, deep, saute pan) Add the onions and saute until so&tened and li(ht
-) Add the curry lea*es and spice paste and saute &or 2"- minutes) Stir in the (round
spices and cook, stirrin(, &or -/ seconds)
4) Add the chicken pieces and saute &or a &e+ minutes until (olden) Add the coconut milk,
salt 1 chopped tomatoes and brin( to a simmer) Continue to simmer &or 2/ minutes,
or until the chicken is cooked) Sprinkle +ith the chopped coriander lea*es to ser*e)
41.Chicken Curry )ith -#0at#es
4 medium onions, chopped
2 tablespoons curry po+der
!#2 cup butter or cookin( oil
! cup tomato sauce
2 teaspoons salt
! &ryin( chicken (2 to - pounds
-#4 cup hot +ater
$reparation Method
!) Ise a casserole or lar(e skillet +ith lid) Cook onions and curry po+der in butter &or !/ to !5
minutes) Add tomato sauce and salt)
2) %isjoint and skin chicken, and place in sauce) Cook, unco*ered, o*er medium heat, turnin(
&re5uently until sauce becomes 5uite dry and chicken tests done +ith &ork, about !5 minutes)
-) Add hot +ater, co*er pot, and cook o*er lo+ heat &or 5 minutes)
42.$urgh /# Pia2a
! k( chicken"skinned and cut into 7 pieces
J cup ghee ,
! tbsp cumin seeds! bay lea& ,
4 +hole peppercorns
4 clo*es
H tsp &enu(reek seeds"roasted and po+dered
! tsp &ennel seeds" roasted and po+dered
! tsp (in(er paste
! tsp (arlic paste
! cup (rated onions
H cup yo(urt ,
! tsp garam masala
salt to taste ,
H tsp turmeric
! tbsp coriander po+der
! tsp chilli po+der
2"- (reen chillies"slit
2 cups onions"sliced a little thick
2 tbsp chopped coriander lea*es"to (arnish
Preparation Method
!) =eat the (hee in a hea*y"based saucepan, and add the cumin seeds, bay
lea&, peppercorns, clo*es, po+dered &enu(reek and &ennel seeds) 4hen the
seeds be(in to splutter, add the (arlic and (in(er paste and the onions)
2) SautG o*er hi(h heat till bro+n) Add the yo(urt, stir"&ryin( *i(orously so that it
blends +ell and does not curdle) Cook till &at separates)
-) Add the (aram masala, salt, turmeric, coriander and chilli po+der)
4) <eepin( the heat hi(h, add the chicken pieces and stir till they look a little
opa5ue and are coated +ith the masala)
5) 9o+er the heat, unco*er and simmer &or about !/ minutes) Add the (reen
chillies and sliced onions)
@) Continue cookin( o*er lo+ heat, till the chicken is cooked throu(h and &at
separates) Takes !/"!5 minutes) The onions should be crunchy) Ser*e hot,
(arnished +ith chopped coriander lea*es)
43.Chicken /iruba
2 medium onions
! cup milk
2 tbs) chopped &resh (in(er root
2 Tbs $unjabi (aram masala
@ tbs) butter or *e(etable oil
! tsp) (round turmeric
-"4 lb) chicken, skin remo*ed, cut
2"- &resh (reen cayenne peppers, minced, into small pieces or serranos#jalapenos as substitute
! cup &resh plain yo(urt
Salt and (round cayenne to taste
!#4 cup almonds, (round A &e+ strands +hole sa&&ron, soaked in 2 tbs) +arm milk
!#4 cup +alnuts, (round
Preparation Method
!) Minced &resh cilantro and +hole !#4 cup melon, pumpkin or s5uash seeds almonds#cashe+s
&or (arnish (optional, (round)

2) $ut the onions and (in(er in a blender or &ood processor and process into a smooth paste
(consistency o& apple sauce)
-) =eat the butter or oil in a hea*y, deep skillet and (ently bro+n the onion"(in(er mi3ture,
stirrin( o&ten) Add the chicken and yo(urt) Combine +ell and cook o*er medium heat until the
mi3ture becomes rather dry and the chicken be(ins to bro+n)
4) Grind the almonds, +alnuts and melon seeds until 5uite &ine) Stir them into the milk, then add
the mi3ture to the chicken alon( +ith the (aram masala, turmeric, chili peppers, salt and
(round cayenne)
5) Cook o*er medium heat, stirrin( o&ten, until the chicken is *ery tender and the sauce is *ery
thick (about !/"!5 minutes) Stir in the sa&&ron#milk mi3ture and cook !"2 minutes lon(er)
44.-and##ri Chicken Breasts
4 +hole boneless, skinless chicken breasts
!#4 c) (@/ m9 &resh lime juice
! Tbsp) (!5 m9 coarse salt
! (A5/ ( tub plain !K or 2K yo(urt
!"!#2 Tbsp) (25 m9 (rated &resh (in(er root
5 tsp) (25 m9 purGed (arlic
! tsp) (5 m9 (round cardamom
! tsp) (5 m9 (round cumin
!#2 tsp) (2 m9 cayenne
!#4 tsp) (! m9 coarse black pepper
! tsp) (5 m9 red &ood colourin( (optional
Preparation Method
!) Trim any &at &rom the breast pieces and cut each in hal&) Slash each piece dia(onally and
place in a non"metallic shallo+ baker) Sprinkle +ith lime juice and coarse salt) .ub in +ellC
co*er and let stand +hile you prepare the rest o& the recipe)
2) Mi3 to(ether the remaining in(redients and pour o*er the chicken) Turn chicken pieces to &ully
coat) Co*er and re&ri(erate at least 5 hours (o*erni(ht is best)
-) $reheat barbecue to lo+ and use ton(s to place chicken pieces on (rill) (Bt is a (ood idea to
spray the (rill +ith *e(etable cookin( spray &irst) %iscard remainin( marinade)
4) Grill about 2/ minutes, turnin( hal&+ay throu(h) 4hen chicken is cooked, ser*e desired
amount &or that mealC co*er and re&ri(erate the remainin( breast hal*es &or the ne3t day;s
45.-and##ri Chicken Pi22a
2 onions, thinly sliced
2 tart apples, thinly sliced
Bro+n su(ar
! (!20#-/ cm piDDa shell
2resh basil lea*es
$lain yo(urt
Preparation Method
To make pizza:
!) =eat a little butter in a lar(e skillet and cook the onion and apple, stirrin( o&ten until so&t)
Sprinkle +ith bro+n su(ar and increase heat to carameliDe the onion and apples)
2) 4hen the mi3ture is darkened and *ery so&t, spread on a !20 (-/ cm piDDa shell) Shred the
le&to*er tandoori chicken o*er the piDDa, co*erin( the onion"apple mi3ture)
-) Sprinkle (enerously +ith rou(hly chopped &resh basil and driDDle +ith a little plain yo(urt) $op
into a preheated 4//L2 (2//LC o*en &or about 7 minutes or until bubbly) Cut into 7 pieces) A
+onder&ul li(ht piDDa idea)
46.-and##ri Chicken
! (2 to - pound chicken, skinned and 5uartered
2 Tbsp lemon juice
! tsp salt
4 tsp (round allspice
2 Tbsp plain yo(urt
2 Tbsp lemon juice
2 Tbsp *e(etable oil
2 tablespoons distilled +hite *ine(ar
Preparation Method
!) Make cuts in the chicken &lesh, almost to the bone) $our 2 tablespoons o& the lemon juice
o*er the chicken and rub in the salt)
2) Combine the tandoori spice, yo(urt, 2 tablespoons lemon juice, oil and the *ine(ar) Coat the
chicken +ith the mi3ture, rubbin( +ell into the cuts)
-) $lace the chicken in a !-3> inch pan, co*er +ith &oil and re&ri(erate o*erni(ht, turnin(
occasionally) $reheat o*en to -5/ de(rees 2 (!A5 de(rees C)
4) Bake co*ered chicken at -5/ de(rees 2 (!A5 de(rees C &or ! hour) .emo*e &oil the last !5
minutes o& bakin()
4!.-and##ri $urghi 3.ried Chicken (ke)ers4
For marinade:
2 tsp cumin seeds
- +hole clo*es
!#4 cup plus 2 Tbsp plain +hole"milk yo(urt
- Tbsp chopped (arlic
- Tbsp chopped peeled &resh (in(erroot
! !#4 tsp chili po+der
! !#4 tsp paprika
! tsp salt
'ne"pound boneless skinless chicken breasts
-@ (A"inch bamboo ske+ers
Preparation Method
!) Bn an electric co&&ee#spice (rinder &inely (rind cumin seeds and clo*es) Bn a blender blend
(round spices +ith remainin( marinade in(redients until smooth)

2 Cut chicken breasts cross+ise into !#4"inch"thick strips and in a lar(e sealable plastic ba(
combine +ith marinade) Seal ba(, pressin( out e3cess air and turn ba( se*eral times to coat
chicken +ell) Marinate chicken at least ! day and up to 2)
-) 4hile chicken is marinatin(, soak ske+ers in +ater at least ! hour) $repare (rill (or preheat
o*en to its hi(hest temperature, 5// de(rees to 55/ de(rees)
4) .emo*e ske+ers &rom +ater and pat dry) Thread ! piece chicken len(th+ise onto each
ske+er and (rill on an oiled rack set 5 to @ inches o*er (lo+in( coals, turnin( o*er once, until
just cooked throu(h about 5 minutes) (Alternati*ely, in a li(htly oiled shallo+ roastin( pan
arran(e ske+ers in one layer and roast in middle o& o*en)
Ser*e ske+ers +ith raita and lime +ed(es)
4".Chicken $anchurian
-5/ (ms) chicken, cut into bite siDed pieces
2 tbsp) 'il
5"@ &lakes (arlic, chopped &ine
20 piece (in(er, chopped &ine
H onion (small, chopped &ine
2"- (reen chillies, chopped &ine
H tbsp) tomato sauce
2 tbsp) soya sauce
!"2 tsp) sherry (optional
! tsp) black pepper
! H tsp) 6ine(ar
H tsp) ajinomotto (optional
! tbsp) corn&lour, dissol*ed in 4"5 tbsp) 4ater
! tbsp) chopped coriander lea*es)
Preparation Method
!) Bn a dish, mi3 oil, (in(er, (arlic, onion, (reen chillies and chicken) Mi3 +ell)
2) Micro hi(h unco*ered - mins) Add tomato sauce, soya sauce, pepper and sherry) Mi3 +ell)
Micro hi(h co*ered - mins)
-) Add corn&lour paste, *ine(ar, salt, chopped coriander lea*es and ajinomotto) Micro hi(h
unco*ered ! minute or until sauce boils) 9et stand !"2 mins) Mi3 +ell be&ore ser*in()
4%.Chicken $asaa R#ast
Chicken " ! about (! <(
'nions " ! cup, sliced
'il " H cup
Gin(er " 2 cm
Grated coconut " ! tbsp
Green chilies " 2
Coriander lea*es " 2 tbsp, chopped
$epper corns " H tsp
Cardamoms " 2
Cinnamon " - cm piece
Chili po+der " H tsp
Curds " H cup
Salt " to taste
Preparation Method
!) Clean the chicken, +ash and +ipe dry)
2) 2ry the onion slices in hot oil till bro+n and crisp) %rain and reser*e)
-) Grind all the in(redients &rom (in(er to chili po+der to a smooth paste) Combine this paste
+ith curds, salt and &ried onions)
4) .ub some o& this mi3ture inside the chicken and pour the rest o*er it) Co*er and marinate in
&ri( o*er ni(ht)
5) $lace the chicken in a bakin( dish) Cook in a moderate o*en,( !7/ de(rees C brushin( it at
re(ular inter*als +ith the oil in +hich onions +ere &ried) 4hen the top side is done, turn the
chicken and cook the other side)
Ser*e hot +ith .oti and %al)
5&.Chicken *#yp#p
Chicken, +in(s +ith skin 7 nos
?((s 2 nos)
Green chilies, (round @ nos)
Ajinomoto J tsp)
$epper po+der J tsp)
Garam masala Jtsp)
Chili sauce H tsp)
Soya sauce H tsp)
4orcestershire sauce ! tbsp)
2lour ( maida 5/ (ms)
Gin(er, paste ! tsp)
Garlic, paste ! tsp)
8ello+ colour or red colour A pinch
4ater H cup
'il &or deep &ryin( As re5uired
Salt H tsp)
Preparation Method
!) Cut the chicken +in(s into t+o, chop the end bone, pull the &lesh up +ith the skin and remo*e
the thin bone and mould into a lollipop)

2) Boil the lollipops +ith H cup +ater, H tsp)salt &or 5 minutes and +ith !tbsp 4orcestershire
sauce &or 5 minutes) .emo*e and cool)
-) Mi3 all in(redients thorou(hly, e3cept lollipops and prepare a thick batter)

4) =eat oil in a deep pan, dip lollipop into the thick batter and &ry on medium heat to a li(ht
bro+n colour)
Ser*e hot +ith sDech+an sauce)
51.Paak Chicken
Chicken " ! k(
$alak " H k(
'nions " A medium siDed
Tomatoes " 2 medium siDed
Salt " as desired
Green Masala
! H tbsp " (in(er, (arlic and (reen chillies paste
! tbsp " onion paste
Dry Masala
.ed chilly po+der " 2 medium spoon
Coriander po+der " ! bi( spoon
Turmeric " as re5uired
Chicken masala " J tbsp Mpre&er usin( home made masala +hich should include saun& alsoN
Whole Garam Masala
! piece o& dalchini
B (reen elaichi
2 bay lea&
-"4 clo*es
9ittle Deera
Preparation Method
!) 4ash thorou(hly the chicken pieces +ith lots o& +ater) Bn the last +ash apply a mi3ture o& hal&
a lemon and salt to the chicken pieces and mi3 thorou(hly Mthis +ill remo*e the &oul smellN)
Then a(ain +ash +ith &resh +ater) %rain it completely)
2) Clean +ell the palak and take only the lea*es) Cut into small pieces and keep aside)

-) =eat some oil in a kadhai and add the +hole (aram masala) Then add the onions and &ry till
the colour chan(es)
4) Then add the chicken pieces and &ry &or some !/ mins) Then add the (reen masala and &ry till
the aroma comes) Add all the dry masala and salt and &ry till the oil separates)
5) :o+ add the tomatoes, mi3 +ell and co*er the kadhai +ith a lid) The chicken +ill no+ start
lea*in( +ater) 9et it cook in that +ater and there is no need to add any +ater)
@) :o+ add the cleaned and cut palak and allo+ the chicken to (et cooked +ell) Take care that
the chicken should not be o*ercooked) 4hen the +ater dries up lea*in( enou(h (ra*y the
dish is ready &or ser*in()

$alak chicken can be eaten +ith rotis or steamed rice)

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