JCN Mayan Birthname Year Part Two

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Good morning all,

My friend Gary-replied to me about the MAYAN SUN / BIRTHDATE/NAME formula's

I intuited yesterday and shared on my groups. I have included his posting to me.

You can imagine- wow again....I just sat stupified as I read this.
What does it all mean? I know the 5th of November comes with a heavy vibe for some
reason. I know 1957 does as well. But, to learn that the Mayan sun of 5125 - 1957 = 3168
which is the number for Lord Jesus Christ- and the coordinates (numerically) for
Bethlehem, are amazing.

At first, it confused me. Of all the places on earth for me to line up with numerically- I
wouldn't think it would be Bethlehem. I have long believed based on the numbers, and
my gut, that Jesus Christ was a manufactured name (for the numbers 666) and that
Bethlehem was the birth of the second Christ - possible son of Magdalene and James -
brother of Jesus - either through a relationship after the death of Jesus, or by forcible
rape- for a agenda that is playing out right now (imo).

I have believed that the Jesus of love and peace was born in Nazareth. And, for the
record, I do believe he was born, and lived, and taught- but was NOT baptized (as we
define it today)- as claimed- and would not father a child. Once you awaken and see what
is going on here, you would not bring children into this grid. I also believe he told his
mother and Magdalene things that he told no one else. Why is there no written history to
speak of on these women?

Jesus knew he did not carry the seed of Joseph. He knew his spiritual home was not
called FATHER. But, these are words, and carry many other meanings- and most we are
unaware of.

The Virgin birth was real and for a reason. The birth was in fact very important in the
scheme of human history. But, the spiritual mother of this child was ID Lilith /Hathor-
which means a Child of the Galaxy - for all. It would take a birth without the seed of the
race of beings who activated the birth of Isaac. Imo.

I digress.....

Then, it came to me why I align with 3168.

It is because my primary interest of the last year has been to

illuminate the lie. That is why I align with Bethlehem, because that is where the child was
born whose bloodline would someday become known, and this bloodline would own the
world. At least, that is the agenda. So, while at first, it confused me, now it makes perfect
And, it also confirms that I am not effing crazy !!! lol

The Jesus Family Tomb documentary done by James Cameron

(James Camera On) was missing only one ossuary. It was the James ossuary. Evidently it
was sold to someone, but later retrieved and placed back in the tomb. Hmmmm. With all
those other ossuaries in that tomb, to include Yeshua- son of Joseph, and Joseph, and
Mary, and another small box with the name Juda(h) - son of Jesus, ---one would think
there would be FAR more money to be made on those other ossuaries yes? I call it a
scam. But, it will be used to prove bloodline of Juda(h) later. But, the James ossuary dna
had to be *fixed* - cleaned- so as not to give it away that he was the father of this child.
Not Yeshua. The whole scene was contaminated- and James Cameron knows it.

O little town of Bethlehem, sounds like

O bama



Ba Ma has numerical alignments with Lilith and Eve.

I sent some numbers the other day. They are impressive.

--- On Fri, 6/19/09, CodeUFO@aol.com <CodeUFO@aol.com> wrote:

From: CodeUFO@aol.com <CodeUFO@aol.com>

Subject: Re: wow wow wow
To: slivermoon22@yahoo.com
Date: Friday, June 19, 2009, 9:50 PM

Hi Sheree!
When I saw "wow wow wow" I knew you must have found something really cool. When I
saw the number 3168 I immediately recognized it. If you google "3168, jesus" you'll find a
bunch of stuff including it being the Greek gematria for Kurios Isesous Xristos (Lord Jesus
Christ). It is also said to be the latitude of Bethlehem (31.68 degrees). There is some
dispute over the latitude because for some reason there seems to be little consensus
among various maps as to the precise latitude of the city of Bethlehem. One explanation
is that the shifting of the earth's crust is responsible. I dunno. You should research it and
see what you can find.

Here's one page I had bookmarked:

And here's some interesting stuff. I put together this graphic for a podcast
interview last year. You can find similar illustrations at various sites on the

Diameter of Moon = 2160 miles

Greek gematria for LORD JESUS CHRIST = 3168
English gematria for NINE IS THE KEY = 144
144 x 3168 = 456,192
4x5x6x1x9x2 = 2160 (The diameter of the Moon)
31.68 is (according to some sources) the Latitude of Bethlehem, the birth place of Jesus.
English gematria for JESUS CHRIST = 151 = BETHLEHEM NUMBER

Radius of Moon = 1080 miles.

Greek gematria for THE HOLY SPIRIT = 1080

One more thing about 117:

There are 594 chapters before the middle chapter of the King James Bible and 594 after
the middle chapter. Since there are 1189 chapters then that means the middle chapter is
the 595th chapter which is Psalms 117 (not Psalms 118 as some have claimed).
It's pretty well explained with a chart of the chapters here:

What you found is really outstanding. I can imagine how excited and yet baffled you must
have been when those numbers started rolling out. :-)


In a message dated 6/19/09 8:46:07 AM, slivermoon22@yahoo.com writes:

Good day everyone...

I have no way to know what thee

heck is going on, but I am getting
lots of guidance the last week or so
and some dreams - and more.
Odd times.

I have to share this with you. I can't

explain how this came to me except
to say it feels like a *spark* of info
that flashes SO QUICKLY in my mind.
If I don't write it down right away, I
forget it within seconds. It has been
that way mostly- in intuiting JCN.
What I am about to share though is
probably the most intense of the math
that I have received. I'll be honest: I
don't understand it myself, but the sync
is just to stunning not to share. I sense
it is important. Hang in there.


Here is how you use JCN to do your


I was born Nov. 5, 1957

11051957 = 29 h 1973 v 2002 hv (22)

(see my screen name - not to mention that
my daughter passed in utero on 4/22)

In 2002, my son became very ill and his

journey took me to the pendulum, Reiki
and more....which ultimately led to right here.
I call it the year of my *true* awakening. So,
it's stunning enough to see that my own
birthdate adds up to 2002 CROSS NUMBER.
117 H 207 V 324 HV (+423= 747)

please remember that 117

moving along...

I was thinking about this Mayan sun

of 5125 years. I felt the urge to subtract
my birth year from it. That had to be
inspired. I have other things to do. lol

5125- 1957 = 3168

Did the reverse: + 8613 = 117 81

hmmm- It reminds me of the birth of Isaac

in 2117 - and the next Venus Transit that
takes place in 2117 AD----which happens
HATHOR 2340----which was a major catalyst
for how I got here in the first place.


117 H 234 V 351 HV




117 X 3.14 = 367.38

207 X 3.14 = 649.98
--------------- 1017.36


5125 Mayan Cal years - 1957 birth year = 3168
3168 + 8613 = 117 81

117 is everywhere.....
I then feel the urge to add the numbers
to the right of those two- don't ask me why.

81 + 36 = 117
Ok, weird.

Now, I am shown to subtract it.

81-36 = 45

then I am shown to add that 45 to

my birthYEAR....1957


This is so far out past my pay grade, I

can't stand it. But, someone will see this-
and they will Know more - and maybe
someday, someone brilliant and intuitive
will know how this happened.

Why don't
you try this formula with your own numbers
and let me know.


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