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Understand the Basics

Browser Based Applications
Client/desktop based applications
Client server applications
n-tired applications
Basic Server Concepts
RDBMS Concepts
HTML, Static HTML, Dynamic HTML, JavaScript, AJAX
Server side development
Web Service
Basic difference between Windows service and Web Service
Web Service Components
WSDL (Web Service Description Language)
UDDI (Universal Description Discovery Integration)
DNS, Protocols, Ports, Protocols
Difference between a Web Service and WCF

2. Database Concepts
What is DBMS
What is RDBMS
Difference between DBMS and RDBMS
Normalization & Denormalization
SQL Joins
3. .NET Basic Concepts
OOPS Concepts
Architecture of .NET Framework
Components of .NET framework
CLR (Common Language Runtime)
.Net Framework Class Library (FCL) or BCL (Base Class Library
Common Type System (CTS)
Common Language Specification (CLS)
4. Silverlight
What is Microsoft Silverlight?
Why use Silverlight?
Which platforms does Silverlight support?
Which browsers does Silverlight support?
What are the system requirements for Silverlight?
Is Silverlight free?
What is the Silverlight plug-in?
What is Silverlight Runtime?
What is Silverlight SDK?
What are the tools required to develop Silverlight applications?
Which tool to use - Expression Studio or Visual Studio?
What are the Silverlight versions available so far?
What is a .xap file?
How does XAP work?
How do I use a .xap file?
Can we add a reference to a Class Library project in a Silverlight application
What is a Silverlight.js file?
What is the use of the ClientBin folder?
How to change the default page of a Silverlight application?
What is XAML?
What is the AppManifest.xml file?
What files are contained within a .xap file?
What is app.xaml?
What is the Silverlight official name?
What are the main features and benefits of Silverlight?
What is MainPage.xaml?
Which language is Silverlight developed in?
Can I consume WCF and ASP.NET Web Services in Silverlight?
What are Deep Zoom and Deep Zoom Composer?
What is the difference between WPF and Silverlight?
What is the difference between Silverlight and Flash?
What is the difference between Silverlight and ASP.NET AJAX?
What are the different Layout controls available in Silverlight applications?
Are XAML files compiled or built at runtime?
What is the long-term goal or vision for Silverlight?
Do I need to have the .NET Framework installed in order to use Silverlight?
What are the design files and the code-behind files in Silverlight?
Who is using Silverlight?
What features are missing from Silverlight presentation markup that will be
supported in WPF?
Will I need more memory, a faster processor, or a better Graphics Processing
Unit (GPU)?
How does Silverlight make the Microsoft development system better?
What is the relationship and difference between Silverlight and ASP.NET?
When to use Silverlight, ASP.NET, or both?
What are the new features of Silverlight 4?
5. MVVM Architecture
What is MVVM pattern?

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