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Request To Saferindia



Please kindly do go through my day to day some incident information written on my Blogs- as how we are slow poisoned and were trapped
under conspiracy and due to wrong decision by Investigation SI on dt incident afterwards had
ruined our life in each or every steps. You would to found afterwards on our complain no timely
action was taken only time was passed, if on our complain that may be via phone or by written
timely action would be taken the guilty would be booked. My guardian previously before never
complain as they though when there are two steel plates they would strike and make noise but
they never thought of these conspiracy and Political involvement so afterwards they had
regularly updated the Local Police Station about the slow poising under different way under
cover going on too but no timely action.

Sir/Madam You might see in my Blogs, I had mention they used to torture us in the month of
April – June and October To December cause - distract us from our exam?????3yr lost valuable
and mentally & physiologically………..Sir OC sir is Genuine and good but I understood
political pressure which several time in Nagric Committee meeting its Lower cadets had openly
said and same we had found. So if any unto wards incident occurs in our family for these Politics
and dt incident wrong judgments by influence, the Investigation SI would be held responsible.

1. Criminal conspiracy
2. Deliberately spreading false information
3. Acts done by several persons in furtherance of common intention.
4. Causing hurt physical, sentimental & thus leading day-to-day disturbance & so on…
5. Wrongful confinement
6. Destroyed Several Important letters……… & Sabotage*….
7. Provocations……..??/
8. Forced a Government Officer to implement His official power under wrongful strategy………whatsoever………


Society Creates an Environment for crime to occur and after then

with influence as in group dissocialize the family and thus….???

A Statement among some members of the group told in March 2007

to me- “Investigate a flat just opposite the Bizarre or just opposite
Hindustan Stoppage, there a Person like Your Father Lived… Straight
forward, honest never to fall on other’s term- what’s the result? he died
to Heart attack due to provocation…. and as his son’s ,daughter…. were
not established like You they sold the flat and left the place “….We
would create same environment and You too have to face the same
consequence…….do same is not being occurred or going on with
us……Moreover How could I no about these matter as I have no
friend’s or roaming with other’s locally due to the Information of that
night incident with elasticity - Mirch & Salt Mixed in sweet voice-
politically spread….. Just on new coming……
My Guardian are self made and straight forward so as same we too can
not cope with these others twisted sweet version with face value and
other whatever act as trained…ALL thinking of themselves & there
wards security Then Why not we for our For Future…Conspiracy
or Hurting ……is a Criminal Offence that too involving Government
Machinery…. were is Justice…. when all against us charges framed was
found false…///???? Do as state in is not true-

Family environment totally disturb with other personal problems and had
lead to several medical problem which is occurring due to these regular
these that mainly created by Papyia Acharyia(Lizard who changes color
with environment and no one to stop her) problems and others …yah she
had too keep ignite the fire otherwise others would again Put her again
one side as per her Back ground & character----Moreover Her father is
an EX(rtd) Oc of same Police station where our locality all matters comes
& has strong influence there & other place…. were as everyone is
using their influence regarding these….. but undercover….& Under
Secret Meeting Future Provocation whatsoever plans are workout
…..Doesn’t wants to hurt anyone’s feelings or morality… But due to
signature value of dt incident in favor of Mr Debroy & Mr Sengupta
hiding their wrong doing after then you would found both are being
black mailed by these group in many ways underneath but no open
version & thus to keep these group in hand they had to obey in many of
their unwanted demands or so on……if that’s not so they are real &
united why & for what purpose the flat position is day by day
detoriating(Hope if IAS,IPS or other strong hold Post are given to
uneducated or some person who haven’t did hard labor or as per sweet
voice or face value or received it as God gift or ancestor family
tradition …..what would happen….).Papyia Achariya two side politics if any
1 would not pay for water I will not or same version in other matter but
as per her personal benefits on that statement or point if……. Mouli Das I
am not living in flat why I would pay maintenance(do she doesn’t know
the rule’s of or after purchasing a flat there are some rules……do as she
had other property or flat or as heard as told by Dilip Dey(Secretary)
she is not paying there maintenance though not living but here why
saying so……But in all meeting she attain in as a leader(that dt incident
she was provided Chair as stated in Complain in my 1st email to
Saferindia while other were standing in a half row but both facing
their front)-----using the value of Signature in favors of both…..& Reba
Rai would not pay as Guard had Once Insulted Her….wah what a
policy…..when these same Guard RAM along with other guard’s for more
than 3yr had regularly insulted my mother in various ways & same did to
a rented flat 2E women working in Hotel HAYAT & she & my mother had
several time complained to secretary & we too to ……. secretary & Police
but no timely or any action but as per only one day version of guard
she(REBA RAI) felt as insulted & humiliated –what’s the strategy-do these
game plan is not planned by Papyia Acharyia---please Stop her
someone is needed to Stop her…who had Increased these guard
Moral……why in pick hour Pump was tried to stolen or as other many
things…but were never an FIR’s were Launched why guard were
safeguarded…as if they tell all happening real against these groups done
to us & some other’s…….please do see my all Blogs……..tired…wants’
peace & in all these behind is Mrs Papyia Achariya within seconds
phone’s & keeps herself neutral .The main dated Conspirator of dt
incident were Prabal sen & his wife Mrs Kalyani Sen along with Mrs
Sengupta & Papyia Acharyia & Mouli Das & Mr’s Ranjana Dutta & other’s
involved as per situation & environment or support as per relation or
misunderstanding… for these they had made an strategy of regularly
provoking my mother & let her make noise & as we are never or nor do
hi hello with other’s but they did & with their sweet & cunning voice
wrongly place the matter & too formed an ring outside…..but after 2008*
Bhai Phota as one of the outside ring leader Pandeshwar Mukherjee
Smaller brother had caught them red handed as these flat group were
doing wrong with us & is misleading them so after then they never
intervened…….An Ex-Suppose you had cut or got hurt on some place of
your body you would notice people with knowingly or unknowingly would
touch that part & make your pain enlarge as after that dt wrong
judgment by the SI Under Influence & for personal benefit had did & for
these we are suffering & an another Example is:-Suppose You are
standing & around you some group is too standing with sweet voice &
beautiful face & all of a sudden one after another in such a way start
pinching you that other present there can’t view or get to you & you
started quarrelling what’s the impression other get..When this other had
previously wrongfully had spread rumored against us…….as we are being
suffered & till when GOD Knows…..

Please wants to lead a normal and peaceful life than from these sweet
daily-daily poisoning or mental torture….or regularly created problems to
distract us from making a fruitful career……Is there any one to help &
Investigate Spyly……

Moreover all think can’t be expressed in written or can’t be proved but is

real and a sufferer only can tell its impact……Do not want any
controversy …as per Democracy - Right and Freedom to Speak* and to
write the truth …I have brought your attention to these points…pls
investigate…..and go through previous two email send to Respected
Police Commissioner Sir with their attachments there and two*
complain send From Safer India(4015000101000 & 4015000101000447)
To Respected DGP Sir and other several SI till dt investigation afterwards
result???.Please Saferindia I request you as per RTI have all Investigation
Please investigate the committee old Treasury(account) record and old
meeting register which they had hidden and if any page torn or damage
found would be investigate strictly and all truth would be lime lighted
and the Committee Present Secretary Mr Dilip Dey would be Personally
Grilled but alone and please don’t allow all the group to form –there
main strong point is group otherwise if grilled separately with trick all
real matter along with dated incident would be lime lighted… we are
ordinary family not framed industrialist or well known persona list so
proper through investigation is not done-Sir/ Madam I No Police Could
Do Anything……….. as when totally* Under Political influence to
hamper our career but I think - I no those Officer who had made
themselves to achieve the Post with hard labor Knows there dignity and
keeps there Honor.

Please whatever You do it’s my kind request, do under cover and

keeping some month in hand for investigation… quick judgment or
Investigation as what is now shown is nothing what was till Nov 2007 or
till June or May 2008-with open front…wait for election* to over…….A

Hope for Justice & not slow poisoning! Tired…wants’ peace …& everything
should be written with all *,. etc & no Hidden clause & no with verbal
statement as stated by OC '‘Sorry………….” or other’s but no written
document given as same did by these committee –many times……forget
the past & in order to down us themselves uses the dt incident or so to
twist from current investigation or so on…….it’s to remember we were
never 1st to go to Police as my father doesn’t like all these or intervene
of 3rd party but see they did conspiracy…they went 1st to Police,2ndly to
political party,3rdly to Criminal….,4thly to Tantric or other use of black
magic methods person’s laps*…or so on too they had went to Women’s
wings & had told in there wrong influential voice many thing unspoken
able about my Mother character but though these women wings had
never came to us as they had investigated that my mother did never
wrong activity but a true God Worshipper’s but too never supports wrong
doing or wrong side..uses his mind as well as her sense to know the real
fact & then give’s her view but not as per majority or group & while they
say’s a proverb-Elephant’s moves on his way through a dog barks.…rule’s
if made should be for all not for some while ignoring the other’s who
support’s them but these supporting if true cause should be
investigated????But we did or face all thinking legally as a defense till
dated, we know were went for any unlaw full support as we know the
impact of 3rd party or person involvement as person to compromise are
rare found than to ignite the issue or so …

See from March 2006 to May-June 2008 we were tortured 1stly with open
front but after some political person brain involvements till dt as they
were given the brain “ do whatever do quietly “ see within these 3 yr or
so the things which in these 32 years haven’t happen had happened or
twisted in these 3years-----Public too had given their silent Casting
Right & had adopted these rulings politician version……….as outside
person had seen how we were torture from March 06 & in dt 11/10/06
and so on but nor they dare to speak out of fear & Police etc trouble
whenever we try to speak as like in Parliament other tried to make noise
in group & doesn’t let us to place our matter & now I know it’s delay as
we were stopped from taking legal timely action as per threads…do any
father could see his son Killed**** or…….when Law under their hand &
No one to speak ……if not see all letters submitted to police Station or
top law authority- do any timely action……Time Was killed & was let
other Moral increased…thinking as we are in-group no action could be
taken…….Please have a view to all my blogs & action request as per
after going through all Blogs or email’s-cause mention in one of the
blog’s. & many attachments sends along with some or many emails to
the different authority sended.

Just wanted a person or women but a real leader who could hear all
view at ease & come to a conclusion & stop all these without igniting the
fire and makes a peaceful end to these all these stuff with a solution nor
supporting a one as per group or majority but as per matter fact true
investigation ……..& Logic………


Thanking You

Yours Sincerely

Subhojeet Dey

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Subhojeet Dey | 5/18/2009 10:12:00 AM


Mr. Dey,

Please refer to your mail dated 06.04.09. This is for your information that Sonarpur P.S falls under the jurisdiction
of Superintendent of Police, South 24-Parganas. You are, therefore, requested to take up the matter with
Superintendent of Police, South 24-Parganas vide e-mail Yours Faithfully, Commissioner of
Police Kolkata.

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