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Problems with the System-Blame Approach Sometimes Individuals are the Problem Blaming the

system also presents problems for social scientists as well, the system is made up of people.
Society results from the interaction of individuals. Systemic explanations for social problems is
only part of the truth. The system-blame approach may, therefore, absolve individuals from
responsibility for their actions.
Slide 7
Blame Reinforce Stereotype Person blame also has the potential to reinforce stereotypes. The
person-blame approach tends to support the Social Darwinist position that people are placed in
the system according to their ability or inability. There are many different reasons why poor
people are poor.
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System- Blame: A Dogmatic Approach Blaming the system is only part of the truth. Blaming the
system tends to assume a very rigid dogmatic approach to the understanding of society. It tends
to present a picture that people have no free will (Eitzen, 2000:15).
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Why use the System- Blame Approach Most people tend to blame individuals. Since institutions
are human creations, we should change them when they no longer serve the will of the people.
Democratic conceptions of society have always held that institutions exist to serve people, not
vice versa.
Slide 10
Why use the System- Blame Approach Cont. Therefore, they are to accountable to the people
whose lives the affect. When any institution, even the most socially valued is found to conflict
with human needs, democratic thought holds that it ought to be changed or abolished. (Eitzen,
2000: 15-16). Accepting the system-blame approach is a necessary precondition to restructuring
society along more human needs.
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Conclusion Blaming the individual varies on different things. It could be the individual or the
system the society the person lives in and what the person is use to or have been around.
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Bibliography 1. Eitzen, S. D., Baca-Zinn, M., & Eitzen-Smith, K. (2009). Social Problems
(11th). Boston: Allyn and Beacon. Retrieved from /requir
ed-readings/why-are-people-po or/the-consequence-of-blaming-the-in dividual/
Slide 13
Bibliography Cont. Julius-Wilson, W., & Aponte, R. (1985). Urban Poverty. Annual review of
sociology, 11, 231-258. Retrieved from Bullough, B.
(1972). Poverty, Ethnic Identity and Preventive Health Care. Journal of Health and Social
Behavior, 13(4), 347-369. Retrieved from

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