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TOEFL Test (Paper Based Test) terdiri atas 3 section :
- Listening Comprehension (50 Pertanyaan)
- Structure & Written Expression (40 Pertanyaan)
- Reading Comprehension (60 Pertanyaan)
Seluruh soal (150 soal) harus anda selesaikan menjawabnya dalam 100 menit.
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Time : 30 Minutes
50 Questions
Part A
For Each Problem in Part A, you will hear a short statement. The statement will be
spoken just one time. They will not be written out for you, and you must listen carefully
in order to understand what the speaker says.
When you hear a statement, read the four sentences in your test book and decide which
one is closest in meaning to the statement you have heard. Then, on your answer sheet,
find the number of the problem and mark your answer.

a. We may cause Mary to be late
b. Mary will be here shortly
c. We will probably be late if Mary doesnt arrive soon.
d. Mary probably forgot the appointment
a. The program will begin at 20 minutes to 9.00
b. The president is supposed to make a speech soon.
c. The program cut off the presidents speech.
d. The program began at 9.20
3. .
a. We will go to a party either Friday or Saturday night.
b. We will go to a party if the weather is good.
c. We will go to a party on both Friday and Saturday nights.
d. We will not go to the party because of the weather.
4. .
a. Helen hates fish
b. Helen often fishes with her husband, but she doesnt like it.
c. Helen hates her husband after he has been fishing.
d. Helen likes fish, but her husband likes to fish too much.
5. .
a. It was hard for me to learn so much material.
b. I learned the difficult extremes.
c. I wasnt able to materialize the difficulties.
d. I found the material after a difficult search.
6. .
a. Bob studied because it was a nice day.
b. Bob didnt study because it was a very nice day.
c. Bob studied in spite of the beautiful weather.
d. Bob likes to study when the weather is nice.
7. .
a. Susan found a hard seat because the theater was dark.
b. Susan couldnt find a seat in the dark.
c. Because the theater was dark, Susan couldnt seat her friends.
d. Susan had some difficulties finding a seat.
8. .
a. Rick enjoys painting puzzles.
b. Ricks expression puzzled the girl.
c. Rick was somewhat confused by the girls expression.
d. Rick expressed the girls face in a puzzle.
9. .
a. After the class had begun, some of the brazen students entered the room.
b. There were three dozen students in the class after it had begun.
c. There were 24 students in the class after it had begun.
d. The dozen people in the room were doubling as students.
10. .
a. Alice was in a grocery store.
b. Alice was on the highway.
c. Alice was in a car repair shop.
d. Alice was on a farm.
11. .
a. George likes listening to all kinds of music.
b. George prefers music to studying rocks.
c. George prefers beethoven to Rock music.
d. George doesnt like beethoven as much as he likes Rock music.
12. .
a. John must exhaust the runner.
b. John was probably very tired after running.
c. The rum made John sleepy.
d. John must run after the thief.
13. .
a. Bill expected the professor to contradict himself.
b. Bill had expected the professor to cancel the class.
c. Bill was contrary with the professor.
d. Bill hadnt expected the professor to cancel the class, but he did.
14. .
a. You can probably see Dr. Jones tomorrow afternoon.
b. Tomorrow at noon Dr. Jones will see you.
c. Dr. Jones may see you now, but he will be too busy tomorrow.
d. You must pay for your last bill if you want to see Dr. Jones.
15. .
a. Suzys friends have very bad habits.
b. Suzy doesnt have many friends because she is spiteful.
c. Suzy has many friends although she has bad habits.
d. Bad people are avoided by Suzy.
16. .
a. The houses are too simple to cost so much.
b. It is easy to pay for a nice house.
c. We dont have enough money for a new house because of the high prices.
d. We can afford a new house now, but not next year.
17. .
a. Bob bought an expensive stereo from the catalog.
b. Bob could have saved a lot of money if he had bought the stereo from the catalog.
c. Bob didnt buy a stereo because it was too expensive,
d. Bob bought a cheap stereo but now he wishes he had bought a better one.
18. .
a. George is an art dealer.
b. George is a baker.
c. George is a car salesman.
d. George is a pharmacist.
19. .
a. Registration should have closed yesterday, but it will close in two days.
b. Registration closes two days from now.
c. Registration closed two days ago.
d. Registration for the class is late.
20. .
a. Jane didnt know that we had changed plans.
b. Our change in plans didnt affect Janes plans.
c. Jane didnt tell us when she changed plans.
d. Jane didnt know that they had changes the schedule of planes.

In part B, you will hear 15 short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each
conversation, a third voice will ask a question about what was said. The question will be
spoken just one time. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the
four possible answers and decide which one would be the best answer to the question
you have heard. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the problem and mark
your answer.

21. .
a. Mark is fond of rare meat.
b. Mark is angry at the chef.
c. Mark dislikes rare meat.
d. Mark doesnt want his meat cooked medium rare.
22. .
a. The man doesnt like skim milk.
b. The milk has turned bad.
c. The mans check-cashing card has expired.
d. The milk may turn sour if we dont drink it within the next five days.
23. .
a. in a butcher shop.
b. in a bakery
c. in a drugstore
d. in an ice-cream store
24. .
a. Henry won the trophy.
b. Henry fell of a bicycle.
c. Henry sprained his ankle.
d. Henry broke his arm.
25. .
a. He has other plans.
b. He has a bad personality.
c. He thinks it will be frightening.
d. He doesnt have enough time.
26. .
a. in the winter
b. in July
c. in September
d. in April
27. .
a. It has been in her family a long time.
b. It is a family disgrace.
c. Her mother doesnt like it.
d. Her boyfriend gave it to her.
28. .
a. It was cleaned.
b. There was a large sale
c. The employees had to work very late.
d. There was a robbery.
29. .
a. skip his lunch.
b. go to a game.
c. be a bad boy
d. eat too fast.
30. .
a. He thinks she has good taste in clothes.
b. He doesnt think her choice is suitable for the occasion.
c. He thinks the skirt is pretty, but he doesnt like the blouse.
d. He thinks it is too elegant.
31. .
a. Louie is at school.
b. Louie is playing baseball.
c. Louie is bowling.
d. Louie doesnt like sports.
32. .
a. Jack didnt visit them.
b. Jack will not visit them because it is not on his way.
c. They hope Jack will visit them.
d. They are sure that Jack will visit them if he doesnt run out of time.
33. .
a. Shell count the votes on the proposal.
b. She will support the mans proposal.
c. Shell make the proposal herself.
d. Shell back out of the proposal.
34. .
a. playing the piano
b. making a photocopy
c. typing
d. taking a picture
35. .
a. At the jewelry store
b. from the purchaser
c. from a machine
d. down the hall

Part C.
In this part of the test, you will hear several short talks and/or conversations. After each
talk or conversation, you will be asked some questions. The talks and questions will be
spoken just one time. They will not be written out for you, so you will have to listen
carefully in order to understand and remember what the speaker says.
When you hear a question, read the four possible answers in your test book and decide
which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. Then, on your
answer sheet, find the number of the problem and fill in the space that corresponds to
the letter of the answer you have chosen.

a. a duck
b. a skunk
c. a chameleon
d. a rabbit
37. .
a. their bite
b. their pigmentation
c. their odor
d. their quills
38. .
a. claws
b. sting
c. bite
d. pigmentation
39. .
a. There was not much wind.
b. There was no way of controlling them
c. It was hard to get off the ground.
d. They were too heavy.
40. .
a. Germany
b. France
c. United States
d. England
41. .
a. a French clockmaker
b. von Zeppelin
c. Hindenberg
d. Blimp.
42. .
a. Germany
b. England
c. United States
d. France
43. .
a. The airships were used for wartime purposes.
b. They were afraid because of the tragedy of the Hindenberg.
c. The newer models were too small.
d. They were difficult to control.
44. .
a. elephants
b. rabbits
c. bears
d. tigers
45. .
a. butterflies
b. snakes
c. spiders
d. turtles
46. .
a. disease
b. speed
c. size
d. fur
a. beasts
b. herbivorous
c. carnivorous
d. dinosaurs.
48. .
a. 150 years ago
b. 60 million years ago
c. 16 million years ago.
d. 150 million years ago.
49. .
a. by excavating sites
b. by reconstructing skeletons
c. by observing them closely
d. by living with them
50. .
a. Scientists have studied them for centuries.
b. they were meat eating as well as plant eating.
c. They wandered the earth for millions of years.
d. They lived on land, in the sea, and in the sky.

Time: 25 Minutes
40 Questions

Part A
Question 1 15 are incomplete sentences. Beneath each sentence you will see four
words or phrases, marked (A), (B), (C), and (D). Choose the one word or phrases that
best completes the sentences. Then on your answer sheets, find the number of the
question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have
chosen. Fill in the space so that the letter inside the oval cannot be seen.
1. George didnt do well in the class because _________________________
A. he studied bad
B. he was not good study wise
C. he was a badly student
D. he failed to study properly
2. The universitys programs _______________ those of Harvard.
A. come second after
B. are second only to
C. are first except for
D. are in second place from
3. The more she worked _______________
A. the less she achieved
B. she achieved not enough
C. she didnt achieve enough
D. she was achieving less.
4. ______________ the best car to buy is Mercedez Benz.
A. Because of its durability and economy
B. Because it lasts a long time, and it is very economical
C. Because of its durability, and its economical,
D. Because durably and economywise it is better than all the others.
5. When Henry arrived home after a hard day at work, ______________
A. his wife was sleeping.
B. his wife slept
C. his wife has slept
D. his wife has been sleeping.
6. He gave ________________
A. to the class a tough assignment
B. the class a tough assignment
C. a tough assignment for the class
D. an assignment very tough to the class.
7. People all over the world are starving _______________
A. greater in numbers
B. in more numbers
C. more numerously
D. in greater numbers
8. It was not until she arrived in class ________________ realized she had forgotten
her book.
A. and she
B. when she
C. she
D. that she
9. John has not been able to recall where ______________________
A. does she live
B. she lives
C. did she live
D. lived the girl
10. Ben would have studied medicine if he ____________ to a medical school.
A. could be able to enter
B. had been admitted
C. was admitted
D. were admitted
11. He entered a university _______________
A. when he had sixteen years
B. when sixteen years were his age
C. at the age of sixteen
D. at age sixteen years old
12. The jurors were told to _________________
A. talk all they wanted
B. make lots of expressions
C. speak freely
D. talk with their minds open
13. Those students do not like to read novels _____________ text books.
A. in any case
B. forgetting about
C. leaving out of the question
D. much less
14. He __________ looked forward to the new venture
A. eagerly
B. with great eagerness
C. eagernessly
D. in a state of increasing eagerness.
15. The families were told to evacuate their houses immediately _________
A. at this time when the water began to go up.
B. when the water began to rise
C. when up was going the water
D. in the time when the water raised

Part B
In question 16 40 each sentence has four underlined words or phrases. The four
underlined parts of the sentence are marked A,B,C,D. Identify the one underlined word
or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct. Then, on your
answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to
the letter of the answer you have chosen.
16. Most Americans would not be happy without a color television, two cars, and
........A................................................... B ....C
working at an extra job.
17. The lion has long been a symbol of strength, power, and it is very cruel.
.......A ...............B ..........C.................................................... D
18. All the scouts got theirselves ready for the long camping trip by sending their
......A ............................B .......................C
weekends living in the open.
19. Nobody had known before the presentation that Sue and her sister
.......................A ...................B
will receive the awards for outstanding scholarship.
20. In 1927 Charles Lindbergh was the first to fly solo nonstop from New York to
..............................................A ................B
Paris in such short time.
........C......... D
21. Until his last class at the university in 1978, Bob always turns in all of his
........A .............................................................................B ..........C
assignments on time.
22. When I last saw Janet, She hurried to her next class on the other side of the
..................A ............................B ......................................C
campus and did not have time to talk.
23. Before we returned from swimming in the river near the camp, someone
had stole our clothes, and we had to walk back with our towels around us.
.....B ......................................................C............................. D
24. Patrick was very late getting home last night, and unfortunately for him, the
..........................................A .......................................................B
dog barking woke everyone up.
..C ...................................D
25. He has been hoped for a raise for the last four months, but his boss is
...................A .......................................B
reluctant to give him one.
.................C........... D
26. After driving for twenty miles, he suddenly realized that he has been driving in
.............A ......................................................B ...........................C............D
the wrong direction.
27. The Department of Foreign Languages are not located in the new building
.......A ....................................................B.................. C
opposite the old one.
28. The Nobel Prize winning candidate, accompanied by his wife and children, are
...........................................................................A ................................B
staying in Sweden, until after the presentation.
..............................C..... D
29. Neither of the scout leaders know how to trap wild animals or how to prepare
...................A ..........................B .......................................C
them for mounting.
30. Those of you who signed up for Dr. Daniels anthropology class should get
...........A ..................................B
their books as soon as possible.
..C ..............................D
31. I put my new book of zoology here on the desk a few minutes ago, but
...................................A........................ B ...............................C
I cannot seem to find it.
32. Marta being chosen as the most outstanding student on her campus
.........A ...............B ........................C
made her parents very happy.
33. Jane said she would borrow me her new movie camera if I wanted to use it
......................................A..... B ..........................................C
on my trip to Europe.
34. When Cliff was sick with the flu, his mother made him to eat chicken soup
...................A ........................................................B.... C
and rest in bed.
35. My cousin composes not only the music, but also sings the songs for the
.................................A .............................B .........................C
major Broadway musicals.
36. The geology professor showed us a sample about volcanic rock which dated
.......A .........................................B................. C
back seven hundred years.
37. The girl whom my cousin married was used to be a chorus girl for the
.......A ..........B ...................................C .......................................D
Rockettes in Radio City Music Hall in New York.
38. Ralph has called his lawyer last night to tell him about his problems, but was
....................A...................................... B
told that the lawyer had gone to a lecture.
........C ......................D
39. Some bumper stickers are very funny and make us laugh, yet another can
........................................A ......................................B .............C
make us angry because of their ridiculousness.
40. The results of the test prove to Fred and me that we needed to study harder
.......A...................................... B...............C
and watch less movies on television if we wanted to receive scholarships.

Time : 45 Minutes
60 Questions
Part A
In questions 1-30 each sentence has an underlined word or phrase. Below each sentence
are four other words or phrases, marked A,B,C,D. You are to choose the one word or
phrase that best keeps the meaning of the original sentence if it is substituted for the
underlined word or phrase. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question
and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter you have chosen. Fill in the space so
that the letter inside the oval cannot be seen.
1. Mr. Jacobs sole objective is to make his firm a Fortune 500 company
A. only
B. principal
C. important
D. immediate

2. The president of the company will resign at the end of the fiscal year,
A. quit
B. relocate
C. reserve
D. get a raise

3. Professor Johnson has a thorough knowledge of Egyptian Hiegrolyphics.
A. complete
B. hazy
C. wonderful
D. scientific

4. The detectives resourcefulness helped him solve the mystery.
A. assistance
B. skill
C. family
D. money

5. They have been vacationing in the country recently.
A. suddenly
B. quietly
C. lately
D. formerly

6. The Johnsons new garage was not wide enough for the camper to fit.
A. too new
B. too big
C. too long
D. too narrow.

7. The old utilities building was demolished and a new highrise took its place.
A. renovated
B. razed
C. remodeled
D. reconciled

8. Perhaps the customer has overlooked his monthly statement and not paid the bill.
A. perused
B. confused
C. neglected
D. not received

9. The current edition of that magazine discusses the ancient civilization of Latin
A. latest
B. first
C. running
D. special

10. He is a person who understands his obligations and attends to them.
A. restrictions
B. annoyances
C. observations
D. duties

11. He was refused admissions to the restaurant for not wearing a tie.
A. granted
B. denied
C. acqiesced
D. appealed

12. John was not promoted because his work did not meet the managers expectations.
A. anticipations
B. expenditures
C. expertise
D. gaudiness

13. Joyce is loved by all her friends because she is very congenial.
A. pleasant
B. wealthy
C. courageous
D. sensitive

14. The students were given complimentary passes for the new movie.
A. inexpensive
B. free
C. expensive
D. good

15. Prehistoric cave art portrayed animals in motion.
A. enhanced
B. hindered
C. criticized
D. depicted

16. She discarded the cores after Nellie had baked the apple pie.
A. peels
B. seeds
C. centers
D. cartons

17. Victoria Holt and William Shakespeare are prolific writers.
A. productive
B. famous
C. esteemed
D. celebrated

18. After receiving her check, Suzy endorsed it and took it to the bank.
A. destroyed
B. signed
C. folded
D. deposited

19. After the rope had broken, the mountain climber was left dangling freely.
A. swinging
B. falling
C. sliding
D. wrinkling

20. The professors introductory remarks concerned the development of the laser beam.
A. preliminary
B. final
C. suplementary
D. interminable

21. The speaker was asked to condense his presentation in order to allow his audience to
ask questions.
A. abbreviate
B. expand
C. continue
D. delay

22. Fragments of the dead sea scrolls have been found in recent years.
A. aromas
B. pieces
C. drawings
D. writers

23. We were caught in deluge while returning from our vacation.
A. hailstorm
B. downpour
C. sandstorm
D. blizzard

24. The daring rescue of those stranded on the mountaintop was truly a creditable deed.
A. hard to believe
B. praiseworthy
C. unusual
D. risky

25. The driver of the car was liable for the damages caused to the passenger.
A. arrested
B. liberated
C. legally responsible
D. proposed

26. That he should asked her to marry him was rather presumptuous on his part.
A. audacious
B. stupid
C. brave
D. nice

27. The Lucas family emigrated from Switzerland before the war.
A. departed
B. arrived
C. was exiled
D. resided

28. The pianist was adept at playing the arpeggios.
A. proficient
B. adjustable
C. awkward
D. careful

29. The company asked for additional information.
A. certain
B. emphatic
C. further
D. enchanting.

30. The presidents compassion for the refugees caused him to admit a very large
number of them.
A. friendship
B. respect
C. pity
D. hostility
Part B
Questions 31 through 36 are based on the following passages.
Although the period that we call Renaissance began in Italy in the fourteenth century,
this idea of rebirth in learning characterized other epochs in history in different parts of
the world.
In 800 A.D, Charlemagne became king of the Franks and initiated the Carolingian
Renaissance, a period which saw beautiful and more modern cities patterned on Roman
architecture. His improvements in instruction for boys expanded the educational system,
helped maintain Roman culture, and continued a society in western Europe, as well as
created libraries ( a carryover from Alexandrian Egypt of 323 B.C.).
Kievan Russia also enjoyed a period of rebirth some 200 years later under the able rule
of Yaroslav the Wise. Like Charlemagne, he founded schools, established libraries, and
brought about many architectural achievements.
31. which was the earliest period of rebirth mentioned?
A. Russian
B. Italian
C. Carolingian
D. Roman

32. Which city did Charlemagne look upon as a model for his architectural improvements
A. Kiev
B. Rome
C. Carolingian
D. Frank.

33. Which of the following was not mentioned as the characteristic of the Renaissance
movement ?
A. maintaining the status quo
B. improved education
C. architectural advances
D. creation of libraries

34. How many centuries separated the Kievan and the Italian Renaissance ?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5

35. What can we assume about Yaroslav?
A. He was demented
B. He was a competent leader
C. He was inept
D. He was cruel

36. The word carryover in this selection most nearly means
A. remnant
B. residue
C. innovation
D. barbarism
Questions 37 through 40 are based on the following reading.
Gelatin is a protein substance that comes from the skins and bones of animals. most
people know it as a substance used to make a jellylike salad or dessert. Not only it is
useful in making these foods, but it is also beneficial to consumer because of its high
protein content. Gelatin is also commonly used in the photographic industry and in
making medicinal capsules.
The process for producing gelatin is a long and complex one. In the processing of gelatin
made from bones, which varies slightly from that of gelatin made from skin, the grease
first must be eliminated. Then, the bones are soaked in a solution of hydrochloric acid in
order to rid them of minerals and are washed several times in water. Next, the bones
are placed in distilled water, and then heated again at a little over 900 F for a few hours,
placed in fresh distilled water, and then heated again a little over 1000 F. A fluid forms
from this heating, and it is concentrated, chilled, and sliced. Finally, it is dried and
ground. In its final form, gelatin is white, tasteless, and odorless.
37. What can we assume from this reading passage ?
A. One could easily make gelatin at home.
B. It is necessary to add minerals to gelatin.
C. Fat aids in making good gelatin.
D. Gelatin is useful for elderly and ill people because it is easy to chew and high in

38. Which of the following is true?
A. Gelatin made from skin is produce in the same way as that made from bones.
B. Grease probably doesnt aid in producing gelatin.
C. The chemical used in making gelatin comes off the surface of the bones by rinsing
with water.
D. When the gelatin is dried, it is in powder form.

39. Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?
A. The process of making gelatin
B. Protein foods
C. Uses for Bones
D. A great Dessert

40. Which of the following industries is not mentioned as using gelatin?
A. lawn care
B. photographic
C. pharmaceutical
D. food
Questions 41 through 45 are based on the following reading.
In recent years, scientific and technological developments have drastically changed
human life on our planet, as well as our views both of ourselves as individuals in society
and of the universe as a whole.
Maybe one of the most profound developments of the last decade is the discovery of
recombinant DNA technology, which allows scientists to introduce genetic material (or
genes) from one organism into another.
In its simplest form, the technology requires the isolation of a piece of DNA, either
directly from the DNA or the organism under study, or artificially synthesized from an
RNA template, by using a viral enzyme called reverse transcriptase. This piece of DNA is
then ligated to a fragment of bacterial DNA which has the capacity to replicate itself
independently. The recombinant molecule thus produced can be introduced into the
common intestinal bacterium Escherishchia Coli, which can be grown in very large
amounts in synthetic media. Under the proper condition, the foreign gene will not only
replicate in hte bacteria, but also express itself, through the process of transcription and
translation, to give rise to large amounts of the specific protein coded by the foreign
The technology has already been successfully applied to the production of several
therapeutically important biomolecules, such as insulin, interferon, and growth
hormones. Many other important applications are under detailed investigation in
laboratories throughout the world.

41. Recombinant DNA technology consists primarily of
A. producing several therapeutically important biomolecules
B. giving rise to large amounts of protein
C. introducing genetic material from one organism into another
D. using a viral enzyme called reverse transcriptase

42. Recombinant DNA technology has been used in the production of all of the following
biomolecules except
A. growth hormones
B. Escherishchia Coli
C. interferon
D. insulin

43. Which of the following is not true?
A. The foreign gene will replicate in the bacteria, but it will not express itself through
transcription and translation.
B. The bacterium Escherishchia Coli can be grown in large amounts in synthetic media.
C. Research continues in an effort to find other uses for this technology.
D. Recombinant DNA technology is a recent development.

44. Expression of a gene in Escherishchia Coli requires
A. the viral enzyme reverse transcriptase
B. the processes of transcription and translation
C. production of insulin and other biomolecules
D. that the bacteria be grown in a synthetic media

45. The term recombinant is used because :
A. By ligation, a recombinant molecule is produced, which has the capacity of replication.
B. The technique requires the combination of several types of technology.
C. by ligation, a recombinant protein is produced, part of whose amino acids come from
each different organism
D. Escherishchia coli is a recombinant organism.
Questions 46 through 50 are based on the following passage :
Italy enjoyed a highly developed and specialized civilization from about 264 B.C. until
the fall of Roman empire in 476 A.D. Important contribution were made in art, science,
education, religion, and architecture. Remains of Roman aqueducts and amphitheaters
can still be seen in various parts of Africa and Europe today. Probably the most lasting of
Roman heritage to the world can be found in laws based on Roman legal principles as
found in England, Latin America, and The United States, as well as the Roman Alphabet
which forms the basis of many languages among which are English, Spanish, and

46. During how many centuries did Italy enjoy an advanced civilization?
A. 3
B. 4
C. 6
D. 8

47. Which of the following is considered to be the most enduring heritage of the
A. art
B. science
C. law
D. education

48. Where can we still find evidence of Roman architecture today?
A. Latin America
B. Africa
C. Germany
D. United States

49. All of the following are true, except
A. Roman law was so advanced that other nations adopted Roman Legal Principles.
B. some Roman-built structures are still standing
C. Roman superiority began to decline in the fourth century A.D.
D. the ancient Romans were talented in many areas.

50. Which of the following languages is not given as using the Roman alphabet?
A. English
B. German
C. Russian
D. Spanish


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