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Incontinence Care: Better Products for Better

Incontinence is a chronic and frustrating disorder that affects people of all ages, and in
different ways. Unfortunately, in this day-and-age, there are many unfair stigmas associated
with incontinence that have made it a seemingly ta!oo" su!#ect to discuss. $s a result,
people dealing with this condition are often em!arrassed !y their symptoms, and feel
limited in their a!ility to lead a normal life.
If incontinence is hindering your self-esteem, the most important thing to reali%e is you&re
not alone. 'early () million $mericans e*perience !outs of incontinence, in addition to the
(++ million adults worldwide who also struggle with this pro!lem. Rather than shying
away in shame, it&s important to remain proactive and map out a plan of recourse.
,*plore what options are availa!le to facilitate a positive change in your life. -ee. out
support groups to help you cope with the struggles of incontinence/ e*periment with
various incontinence supplies and undergarments to ensure peace of mind when you&re on-
the-go. 0hen you repurpose your intentions and set into motion a long-term management
plan, you can start strides towards a healthier, happier you.
What Causes Incontinence?
1here are many factors that can contri!ute to incontinence, !ut the most common is
!rought on !y the following:
Bladder2Urethra 3isorders
Chronic Constipation
Irrita!le Bowel -yndrome
4edication23rug $!use
4uscle 3amage
-pinal Cord In#uries
5aginal Birth2Uterine Prolapse
Warning Signs
$s we get older, occasional !outs of incontinence come as part of the aging process.
6owever, fre7uent incontinence can !e indicative of an underlying medical condition, so it&s
important you tal. to your physician if you suffer from any of the following symptoms:
Blood in Urine or -tool
Chest Pains
0eight 9oss
What Are My Relief Options?
9iving with incontinence doesn:t have to lessen the 7uality of your life. If you&re coping with
fre7uent !outs of incontinence, try to remain positive - nearly ;+ percent of people have
managed to eliminate or greatly reduce their symptoms. By harnessing appropriate
resources and incontinence supplies2e7uipment, your current woes will !e a thing of the
Speak with Your Doctor: 'o matter how uncomforta!le the topic may !e, it is
strongly advised that you consult with your physician a!out any changes in your
!owel or urinary ha!its. If you are struggling with !outs of incontinence, there are
medical tests availa!le to determine the cause<s= of your symptoms. >nce you:ve
uncovered the root of your pro!lem, you can start towards a solution - and
regaining control over your health and well!eing.
Support Manageent: Communicating your stresses is an essential part of the
coping process. ?ou don&t have to suffer in silence/ there are a num!er of in-house
and online support groups that can set you on the right trac. towards properly
addressing your condition. In particular, the International 8oundation for 8unctional
@astrointestinal 3isorders is a great resource that covers a variety of treatment
alternatives for your own speciAic needs.
Incontinence Supplies:Consider a!sor!ent products that safeguard you during
those une*pected moments of incontinence. -upplies li.e diapers, liners and
underpads serve as that e*tra layer of protection to ensure that odor, lea.age and
!acteria are properly controlled. Remem!er - it:s always important to select
incontinence products that accommodate your uni7ue circumstances.
$t one time, living with incontinence restricted your livelihood. 'ot anymore.
'owadays, management options can lessen the load of your condition/ ena!ling you
to reclaim your freedom, even in spite of occasional episodes. earnestly
with a healthcare professional, in-person or online support, and utili%ing
appropriate incontinence supplies can all help to cur! the draw!ac.s of your
condition. 3on&t let incontinence get you down/ turn to 4agic 4edical for all of your
e7uipment needs, and starting living without limits.
Article Source: http:!!a"ult"iapers#org!$log#htl

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