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The Hidden Reality of Solar Light (part 1)

This article by Dr. Mitchell Gibson tells how the hidden nature of sunlight holds an important key
to higher human evolution. Part 1 of this article looks at the five major components of unlight!
"nformation #actors$ %niversal #orces$ &nergetic #actors$ &volutionary #actors$ and
&nlightenment #actors.
The 'idden (eality of olar )ight
Dr. Mitchell Gibson
My investigation into the hidden nature of the human light body led to a strange and intriguing
aspect of our reality. There is a hidden aspect to the light of the un. Mystical and spiritual
traditions from nearly every culture have linked the un to man*s higher evolution. +ultures as
diverse as the &ssenes$ The Mayan$ ,-tecs$ .uddhists$ 'indus$ /ceanic tribes$ and 0ative
,mericans all link the power of the un to man*s higher nature. ,ccording to these ,ncient
Traditions$ the hidden nature of sunlight holds an important key to higher human evolution. "n
this chapter$ " will summari-e the major findings of these traditions as they relate to the hidden
nature of the un.

The True 0ature of olar )ight
unlight and eyesight are actually linked in an interesting way. The human eye is actually a
miniature sun and like the sun of our solar system$ it has the ability to absorb and radiate light. "t
absorbs energy through the retina from where it is redistributed to the brain and nervous
system. 1e know that these energy particles are the carriers of various %niversal #actors of
&nergy that are capable of doing predetermined and specific work. "n short$ the un is a living
entity and the )ight of the un is a comple2 carrier wave that encodes several levels of
information and energy that we use to sustain life on this world.
There are at least five major components that make up the light of the un. "n the early stages
of our evolution$ we are affected primarily by the negative factors within these components. ,s
we evolve and become more knowledgeable of the true nature of olar )ight$ we then learn to
take full advantage of the hidden power of this )ight. The five major components of unlight are!
,. "nformation #actors
.. %niversal #orces.
+. &nergetic #actors
D. &volutionary #actors
&. &nlightenment #actors
The ,ncients believed that these energies affect humans in a variety of ways. Their knowledge
of these energies was e2tensive. )et us e2amine each of these factors in turn.

"nformation #actors
"nformation factors are intelligent packets of energy that are somewhat analogous to digital bits
of information that are transmitted via sunlight. &ver wonder where all the information in the
world came from3 1here did calculus come from3 1here did the idea of flowers come from3 ,ll
of it came from the un. To be honest$ all of it came from God$ but it came to us more directly
from the +orpus of the un. "n truth$ God is constantly streaming out billions of gigabytes of
data every second of every day. 'e is literally pouring out everything that he knows into our
world. .ut for the most part$ we ignore the data. cientists are only now learning that light can
carry information. &very day$ billions of bits of data are encoded into computers$ televisions$
radio$ and then streamed out to us in the form of light. ,ccording to the ,ncients$ God has been
doing this for a much longer period of time. "nformation factors may be downloaded into the
brain and used as a source of knowledge. The &ssenes perfected the downloading of
information from the un in a process called Gnostic solar transmission.
uffice it to say at this time$ information factors provide a plethora of opportunities for self4
advancement and growth. "nformation factors are created by God and as such$ contain the
divine spark of creation. The eyes are able to absorb these factors and later pass them on to the
brain where they are further processed.
"nformation factors may be stored within the cells of the body for later use. They may also be
transmitted from one person to another.

%niversal #orces
%niversal #orces are among the most powerful energies radiated by the un. There are at least
five main universal forces that are transmitted via the un throughout the olar system. These
forces are ,4factor$ .4#actor$ 54factor$ 64factor$ and 74factor. &ach of these factors play a
specific role in our daily dimensional e2istence.
,4factor is the prime generative force. "t caused the first propagation of matter to be e2pelled
from the un into the third dimension. ,ctually$ it is the principle force that God uses to create
dimensional reality as we know it. This force is constantly being emanated from the un.
1henever we grow our hair$ mend a bone$ digest our food$ the action of ,4factor is responsible.
The ,4factor is also a secondary cause of the aging process. "t leads to growth and maturation
within its sphere of influence. The overall action of ,4factor allows a person to develop the ego
and to embrace the idea of needing to e2press himself as a being separate from God. This force
is necessary because without it$ nothing would e2ist. God would be complete within himself with
no need to create us$ reality$ or anything else. 1ith the advent of the ,4factor$ Primordial
'umans got the chance to create souls and e2perience karma. ,4factor then creates growth$
change$ karma$ and the need for self4e2pression on a personal level.
"n the course of fulfilling its activity$ ,4factor also contributes to the force of death. ,4factor also
creates human thought. "t is the primary impelling force that generates what we call human
thinking. &ver try to stop your thoughts3 "t is among the hardest of things that you can do. The
force that pushes your thoughts into your brain is the ,4factor. "n the truest sense$ your thoughts
come from God$ but ,4factor is how he e2presses thoughts throughout the universe
God thinks on multiple planes of reality$ but the human plane of thought manifests as ,4factor.
/vercoming the urge to e2press a separate e2istence from the +reator is a major step in the
process of &nlightenment.
.4#actor acts on the dormant D0, molecules within the human genome and helps to initiate the
development of certain paranormal abilities. .4factor is a very powerful force. The force of .4
factor is primarily dormant during the vast majority of human lifetimes. .4factor is released
primarily around sunset and is active in releasing two special sets of genes from within the body.
cience has discovered that the paranormal powers that we all possess are controlled by two
sets of genes called Psi Genes. The Psi , genes turn on the paranormal potential that we all
have. Psi . genes turn off our paranormal potential.
The interesting thing about Psi . genes is that they occur in a position which is very close to a
set of genes called the oncogenes. /ncogenes cause cancer in humans. /ddly enough$
increased Psi . gene activity can lead to greater activation of the genes that cause cancer.
.4factor turns off the Psi4. gene and turns on the Psi4, gene. "n effect$ it supercharges the
human genetic system. The problem with .4factor is that it is only released for e2ceedingly brief
periods of time$ 8a few minutes at most9. This release occurs at sunset and may be seen as a
green flash of energy.
.4factor is e2tremely active in the fifth dimension and is the primary energy released by the un
in that dimension. The action of .4factor in the fifth dimension allows for the creation of a 'igher$
More &volved version of the 'uman )ight .ody. Through the action of the .4factor$ the )ight
.ody becomes one with God and the individual is no longer able to reincarnate in physical form.
.4factor allows one to become self4generating. This is the ability to create a physical form
without the need for parents or traditional incarnation. .4factor may also be stored within certain
precious stones and activated by the use of mantras.
54#actor acts on the dormant D0, molecule to create a permanent form of the physical body. 54
factor is released primarily at sunrise and for about one hour. "t is also released during the hour
before sunset. Most of the D0, in the human body is inactive. ,s a matter of fact$ more than
:;< of the D0, of your body has no known function. 14=< of our D0, is necessary for the
encoding of proteins. cientists call the remainder junk D0,. 54factor is an e2tremely powerful
force that may be stored within the brain$ certain precious stones$ and activated by mantra.
54factor is an e2tremely powerful force that may be stored within the brain$ certain precious
stones$ and activated by mantra.
The activation of 54factor causes a great change within the body. ,s the D0, strands necessary
for the building of the )ight .ody are gradually decoded$ a great deal of energy is released from
the physical body. The un provides an abundant supply of this energy in the form of Primary
)ife #orce energy. /ne of the main functions of 54factor is the activation of the Primary )ife
#orce centers within the human body. "n most people$ the chakras control the flow of the life
force within the body.
,s the energy of 54factor increases within the body$ the energy flow within the chakras
increases and the dormant energy of the )ife #orce +enters is released.
The ,ncients believe that the )ight .ody is powered by four main force centers. They are
formed from the combined energy of each of two chakras. +hakras one and two form the first
force +enter. +hakras three and four form the second force +enter. +hakras five and si2 form
the third force +enter. +hakras seven and eight form the fourth force center. ,s the human mind
evolves and enlightens$ the planes of awareness e2pand and the 'igher Mind gradually takes
up residence within the physical body. The action of the 54factor makes this transition possible.
,s the D0, is transformed and decoded$ the body and mind are transformed as well. The
resultant entity is called the >ajra .ody. There have been tens of thousands of instances of the
successful transition of humans from the physical body into the >ajra .ody or )ight .ody. This
happens through the use of the 54#actor.
/nce a human takes full advantage of the 54factor and transforms himself$ he?she may still
return to physical life through the process of reincarnation. 'owever this is a choice and not a
necessity. This return is often for a specific purpose and usually serves to teach some hidden
aspect of spiritual life to humans. "f the "nitiate takes advantage of the activity of .4factor after
generating the )ight .ody$ they can become self4generating.
"t can however manifest itself on multiple levels of reality simultaneously.
64factor is the primary force of aging and decay in this dimension. "t is carried via the ultraviolet
portion of sunlight during the midday and afternoon hours. 64factor is necessary because all
things must follow the natural flow of time and reality. &nlightened beings that have generated
the )ight .ody live outside the accepted realms of time and space.
"n order for a god to generate a )ight .ody form$ they must become human. Gods live for
e2tremely long periods of time and may even appear to be immortal. 'owever$ after a time$
even gods are subject to the force of 64factor and eventually die. 64factor originates within the
fourth dimension and results from the action of ,4factor on that plane.
The action of 64factor creates the unconscious mind and thus the process of death. .eings that
have no unconscious mind are not subject to the force of death. The action of the creation of the
unconscious mind creates a repository for the storage of 64factor. This storage process creates
a series of chain reactions that leads to the event of physical death.
The unconscious mind creates breathing as a result of the action of 64factor. 64factor also
creates secondary life force. .eings that live in the higher Dimensions are not subject to the
force of the 64factor. They do not breathe$ they do not have an unconscious aspect to their
minds$ and they do not die. #ourth dimensional beings do not have a subconscious component
to the mind. ,s a result$ fourth dimensional beings live much longer life spans than third
dimensional beings.
The action of 64factor on the third dimension creates another negative emanation from the un$
the 74factor.
74factor is another negative radiation released by the un and it primarily causes cellular and
genetic mutation in living species. 74factor causes the creation of the subconscious mind in
humans. ,s such$ this force may be stored within the physical form. The physical body acts as
the storehouse for the energy released by the subconscious mind. The cumulative action of 74
factor upon the human body causes aging and death. The combined forces of 6 and 7 factor act
as a lethal combination for the demise of the human body. The 74factor is primarily released by
the un in the form of midday and late afternoon radiation.

&volutionary #actor
There are certain energetic components to sunlight that specifically help to initiate
+onsciousness and intelligent thought. The ,ncients teach that this factor is a new creation that
was first released by the un less than @AB$BBB years ago. Primarily$ it allows humans to evolve
and move forward as a species. &volutionary factor is released continuously by the un. There
are specific techniCues and olar Mudras that will allow humans to take advantage of this factor.

&nergetic #actors
This is the main function of sunlight that humans about which humans are most knowledgeable.
This aspect of sunlight carries the electromagnetic spectrum and certain nourishing energy
freCuencies that are capable of sustaining life. ,ll of the elements that are necessary for life
emanated originally from the un. 1ater$ air$ fire$ earth$ and all of the necessary nutrients for life
came to us from the un. &ach and every second$ billions of tons of matter are released from
the un and hurled toward the planets. This matter forms the basis for all life in our olar
ystem. The &nergetic factors that the un releases are able to sustain life all on their own.
The Hidden Reality of Solar Light (part 2)
This article by Dr. Mitchell Gibson tells how the hidden nature of sunlight holds an important key
to higher human evolution. Part @ of this article looks at how the body absorbs and uses the
energetic factors of the un through the human body*s brain and glands.

The 'idden (eality of olar )ight
Dr. Mitchell Gibson
'ow can the body take in energetic factors in such a manner as to sustain life3 "s it possible
that some of our dormant DjunkE D0, may become active and allow us to utili-e olar &nergetic
#actors in the same way that plants do3 )et us e2amine a possible method.
There is a pathway from the retina$ to the hypothalamus$ called the retino4hypothalamic tract.
This brings information about the dark Flight cycles to supra4chiasmatic nucleus 8+09 of the
hypothalamus. #rom the +0$ impulses along the nerve travel via the pineal nerve
8ympathetic nervous system9 to the pineal gland. These impulses inhibit the production of
melatonin. 1hen these impulses stop 8at night or in dark$ when the light no longer stimulates
the hypothalamus9 pineal inhibition ceases$ and melatonin is released. The pineal gland is
therefore a photosensitive organ and an important timekeeper for the human body.
The une2plored process of energy absorption$ transformation$ and processing from the un
may occur here. The activation of pineal gland is a key step in psychic$ spiritual and energy
transformation processes. uffice it to say that in this gland$ energy processing and distribution
can take place. The pineal gland is the subtle controller of all endocrine glands$ therefore
controlling the endocrine system. Through secretion of melatonin$ it also regulates the circadian
rhythm$ sleep wake cycle and it also slows down aging process. "t has psychic properties and it
is said to be the seat of soul or mind.
unlight may enter the eyes and be directly stored in the pineal gland. Pineal activation and
charging through solar energy could be a vital step in higher evolution. /nce activated and
charged by the Pineal gland$ olar &nergetic factors may be transformed into electrical$
magnetic or chemical energies in body. /nce processed$ this energy must be transported F
must be stored somewhere. "f the initial processing of this energy starts in the pineal gland$ how
does it get to the rest of the body3
The 'ypothalamus is the controller of autonomic nervous system. The pineal gland is
connected to it through a net of autonomic nerves. The new energy that is derived from the un
may be transported via this system of nerves into the hypothalamus.
The role of temporal lobe and limbic system also may be important. "t may work as a regulator$ if
not receptor and may be psychically involved in directing the energy in proper pathways. The
medulla oblongata contains many centers vital to life and may also store some of this energy.
/ther parts of the brain may play as yet undiscovered roles.

&nlightenment #actors
There are specific energy factors released by the un that are designed to awaken and enliven
the human mind. There are specific mudras and mantras designed to selectively guide these
energies into the human mind. These energies raise the "G$ enhance creative abilities$ enhance
musical gifts$ enliven the body$ and empower the process of &nlightenment.
The Hidden Reality of Solar Light (part 3)
This article by Dr. Mitchell Gibson tells how the hidden nature of sunlight holds an important key
to higher human evolution. Part = of this article looks at the spiritual and multi4dimensional
nature of the un itself.
The 'idden (eality of olar )ight
Dr. Mitchell Gibson
The piritual un
"n addition to the plethora of information regarding the hidden radiations of the un$ the ,ncients
wrote e2tensively about the piritual 0ature of the un itself. They wrote that the un which we
see each day is only a small part of a much larger entity. This entity is part of a larger universe
that feeds and nourishes our smaller physical domain. )et us e2amine this information.
The ,ncients taught that the un is part of a constellation of olar &ntities connected to the
Primordial un. The Primordial un is the archetypal blueprint for all the uns of the physical
universe. The e2pansion of the physical universe is caused by the 6 factor and occurs in parallel
with the contraction caused by the 7 factor. ,ll uns emanate from a central Primordial un.
The Primordial un is e2tra4dimensional in nature. This Primordial un forms around the
ource. The ource is the collection point for all of God*s energy that empowers and creates
this universe. The energy that collects in this point is massive and forms itself automatically into
a huge Primordial un. ,ll souls enter into this universe first through the Primordial un. The
seeds for all our )ight .odies are said to e2ist within the Primordial un. "t is in essence the
physical representation of the ource. The appearance of the Primordial un as a ource of
)ight is an illusion.
The Primordial un emits Primordial Matter. The action of ,4factor on the Primordial un impels
the release of Primordial Matter. This is the first state of matter in our universe. "t is this matter
that is the genesis of all the elements in our universe. "n the 'igher Dimensions$ the worlds are
made mostly of primary matter.
/rbiting the Primordial un are the Primordial 1orlds. These are also called the #irst 1orlds
and they are home to The &lders. The &lders are the oldest created beings in e2istence. ,ll
living beings are descended from the &lders$ even humans.
,s the , factor impels the creation of the lower dimensions$ Primordial Matter is pushed into
lower and lower states of being. "n dimensions nine through five$ Primordial Matter is not subject
to the forces that create mortal forms. The Primary #orces working on Primordial Matter at these
levels are ,4factor$ .4factor$ and 54factor.
,s Primordial Matter approaches the fourth dimension$ it falls under the influence of 64factor.
The action of this factor creates the lower elements and ultimately physical matter. The fourth
dimension has little physical matter in comparison to the third dimension. The third dimension is
more than :A< physical matter as a result of the combined actions of the 6 and 7 factors. There
are small amounts of Primordial Matter in e2istence in all created worlds below the fourth
This Primordial Matter is responsible for the healing factors$ intelligence$ spiritual growth$ and
enlightenment that is possible on these worlds. #rom the Primordial un$ the energy of ource
enters into 1orlds of +reation. These 1orlds gradually e2pand due to the action of the ,4factor.
The Primordial un creates Galactic uns which provide power for each gala2y in e2istence. ,t
the core of our Gala2y is a huge Galactic un around which our un rotates.
The Galactic un is an illusion just as the Primordial un is an illusion. (emember$ the
Primordial un is a convergence point for all of the energy of the +reator in this universe. The
Galactic un is a convergence point for all of the energy of the +reator in this gala2y. The
Galactic un is fifth dimensional in nature$ as are all stars in our universe.
The Galactic un is millions of light years across and is the ource for our un and all of the
stars in our gala2y. "t is made of more than :B< Primordial Matter and is the 'ome of the most
advanced beings in our gala2y. Galactic uns connect directly to the Primordial un in the ninth
/ur un is a +osmic un. "t too is an optical illusion. The un is the convergence of all the
Divine +reative #orce within our olar ystem. "t is fifth dimensional by nature as are all stars.
The bright light and energy that we see when we look at the un is a result of a great number of
forces that are vectored within a single point in space. This point is called a focal release point.
Through this point$ all the energy of the +reator reaches our olar ystem. The physical matter
that streams through the point is only a small fraction of the total energy available from the
Galactic un. ,ll +osmic un ystems 8tars9 carry the %niversal #orces into the local
planetary systems that we call home. Through the un$ we are connected to the ource$ the
Primordial un$ the Galactic un$ and the Primordial 1orlds.
The un is an intermediary$ a catalyst between the macrocosmic and microcosmic universes.
The cell is composed of atoms which$ in turn$ are composed of light wave?particles. The light
wave particles oscillate in the same way that the un does. (emember$ the un oscillates on a
regular basis. /rdinarily$ one may not be able to see the microcosmic pulsation$ but the
pulsation is clearly visible to the eye on the macrocosmic level when you begin using the olar
practices. This pulsation is e2actly the same as that of your heartbeat. The force for the beat of
your heart comes through from the Primordial 1orlds$ into the un$ and finally to &arth. The
energy of your universe is in constant motion and reveals a distinct pattern of motion$ light and
dark. There is also a third vibration$ a link between space and time. This link is called
+onsciousness. Though it cannot be seen$ +onsciousness is the vehicle through which we can
see and know the universe.
The un is home to the #ifth Dimension in our olar ystem. The physical light and matter that
we see emanating from the un is in effect the reflection of #ifth Dimensional matter onto the
third dimension. Through the un$ we are connected directly to the #ifth Dimension and thus to
the 'igher .eings that live there. These beings guide and influence all life on our plane of
reality. "t is through their guidance that we develop &nlightenment and the ability to develop
civili-ation$ art$ music$ science and culture.
Through our connection with #ifth Dimensional .eings$ we can access a direct source of power$
knowledge$ and evolutionary potential. ,ll beings are able to access this knowledge given the
correct techniCues and training. .y learning how to connect directly with the energy of the un$
the "nitiate can learn to communicate directly with the Gods themselves.
What is the Energy That Causes Spiritual Enlightenment
.y Mitchell &arl Gibson MD
Many people have noticed that a great tide of change is sweeping across the planet. ,s in
nature$ this tide does not follow a linear path. 1e are e2periencing on &arth a massive
environmental and human crisis$ a reflection of the collective shadow of an unenlightened
humanity. 1hat does this mean from an evolutionary perspective3 ,re we evolving or
1e can focus on the global crisis as the end product of long centuries of human ignorance$
arrogance$ and greed$ the final chapter of an ,ge of Darkness. 1e are certainly de4evolving
from this perspective$ despite all the seeming advances of modern civili-ation. 'owever$ the
same global crisis can also be seen as a reflection of a much bigger cyclical process$ a pro4
evolutionary process directed by a network of vast and benign intelligences whose goal is to
create a new species of humanity far beyond our current consciousness and capabilities.
&nlightenment is not merely an individual phenomenon. 1hen one person e2periences
enlightenment$ they not only change themselves$ but the world around them as well. /ver the
past two years$ our spiritual course has allowed more than one do-en people living in the %nited
tates to e2perience a phenomenon normally reserved for Masters and savants of the #ar &ast.
The hard work$ focus$ and dedication that is reCuired to evoke this state of consciousness has
many rewards. Most notably$ it allows the recipient to enter into a state of peace$ serenity$ and
higher consciousness that is not easily put into words.
The energy of enlightenment$ also called Deeksha$ is an evolutionary cosmic energy whose
purpose is to work with the biological intelligence inherent within our D0, in order to create a
new species of humanity. "t comes from a vast ,vataric consciousness that interfaces with the
collective consciousness of humanity. The purpose of this consciousness is to activate a
possibility that has not e2isted in the human species before. &nlightenment is not just a spiritual
awakening that affects individual human lives$ but a genetic and cellular shift that affects our
entire species and its role in the planetary and galactic ecosystems.
'ow does this relate to enlightenment through the deeksha process3 Too often when people
receive a deeksha$ their e2pectations of enlightenment as being eCuivalent to states of bliss or
cosmic highs get in the way of a fuller e2perience of Honeness*$ which by definition transcends
the duality between light and dark. The dark night of the soul then follows in order to shatter
these e2pectations and create room for greater e2pansion and oneness.
&nlightenment brings the energy of the +reator into the body as never before. %nder the
influence of this light$ the body is likely to e2perience manifestations of accumulated karma. This
built up residue creates an aspect of being called the shadow self. The shadow self is home of
all our fears$ doubts$ and an2ieties that build up during successive incarnations. The release
and destruction of the shadow self is an integral part of the evolutionary process. The shadow
self blocks the e2perience of cosmic union$ heart4opening and joy. The process of receiving
deeksha accelerates the reception of the energy of the +reator that leads to enlightenment and
the dissipation of the shadow self.
,fter receiving deeksha$ one may e2perience what is called the dark night of the soul. This
happens as the shadow self reveals its darkest and most fear4ridden contents to the conscious
mind. "t is a time of great purging$ and the purpose is to take us down to the very pits of hell.
#rom here$ suddenly$ the light of grace can illuminate all the dark corners and take us eCually
powerfully to the highest heavens. 'aving surrendered to death$ we discover the fullness of life.
"n our fear of the dark side$ we imagine that we are somehow Hlosing* our enlightenment and
many people try to hang on to a peak e2perience. This inevitably plunges them deeper into the
pit. "f we embrace our pit e2perience$ parado2ically$ we soon find our way out into a greater
embrace of the unified state where we are attached to neither dark nor light$ but e2perience
ourselves beyond either$ and therefore as allI
Many people are conditioned by ideas of Hinstant* enlightenment. 6es$ deeksha empowerment
greatly accelerates this process$ but nevertheless it is a process$ and takes time to unfold. Don*t
e2pect to live in states of perpetual bliss$ at least not at first$ and don*t e2pect to become an
overnight saint. This is not realistic$ and is a denial of the dark side. The dark side is not to be
feared but acknowledged$ and in this acknowledgement a deep healing becomes possible.
ome people do however e2perience long periods of great bliss after the empowerment. This is
not common however.
"f we are to awaken$ and if the &arth is to be healed$ these denials have to be brought to light. "
believe we are collectively going through a dark night of the planetary soul. ,ll of this needs to
be seen and embraced so that we can emerge from the deep hell of our own creation into a
heaven on &arth and a higher state of consciousness.
1e must get beyond the faddish need for Hinstant enlightenment* into a deeper spiritual maturity.
The energy of Deeksha gradually floods the cells of the body with the energy of the +reator.
This energy is not immediately released into the body. ,t first$ it is stored within the brain and
the chakras. ,s the individual processes the energy over a period of months$ the energy of
Deeksha is released into the body.
/ver the last few years$ " have received hundreds of reCuest and inCuiries from people who
have had a variety of genuine spiritual e2periences. These e2periences often leave the
individual shaken to the core. 'owever$ one overriding factor remains$ they will often want to
know three things!
1. 1hat happened to me3
@. 1hat does it mean3
=. 1here do " go from here3
"n our society$ we do not have access to the ancient traditional systems of spiritual awakening.
Psychiatrists have replaced shamans and as a result$ spiritual e2periences are often relegated
to the world of psychopathology.
" have received several Major Divine initiations during my life. /ne of them came at the hands of
ri Matajhi "ndira Devi in Pune$ "ndia.
Dwhen she laid her hands upon my forehead and the back of my head$ " immediately felt a surge
of energy that felt like a combination of running water and electricity. " was transfi2ed both by its
power and almost indescribable beauty. he held me firmly in that position for over ten minutes.
1hen she was done$ " remained in a state of bliss for two months.E
My second major initiation took place in Mesa ,ri-ona shortly after " finished my residency.
During an e2ceptionally intense visionary e2perience$ " was transported to a cave that was
covered with emerald. "t was the home of the God Thoth.
D"n the center of the chamber$ where there was once only an empty space$ now stood a large
raised stone structure. The material that formed the base looked like obsidian or black marble.
The structure had a rectangular platform on its surface. The platform was covered in a
substance that was neither silver nor gold$ but appeared to contain properties of each. (esting
upon the platform$ which was perhaps si2 feet across and more than four feet tall$ was the
biggest book that " had ever seen. " walked closer to the platform to take a closer look. " used
both hands to open the book. ,s " looked at the first page before me$ the entire book came
alive. The symbols leaped into my brain like a living fire. The images and shapes moved like
living lightning bolts that e2ploded past my eyes and burned themselves into my mind. " could
feel the raw energy move past my optic nerves and settle into my cortical structures. The back
of my head began to grow hot and my brain cells throbbed under the pressure. " instinctively
touched the letters with my fingertips$ and the energy filled my body with twin rivulets of
electricity and heat. " heard music such as " had never beheld in my entire life. &ntire
symphonies rose and fell in my mind$ brilliant choral productions$ haunting piano melodies$
technically perfect violin and vocal pieces played to full completion in seconds and moved me to
" saw paintings of geometric forms that danced and writhed upon writhing canvases. The colors
and te2tures of the pigments planted themselves upon my consciousness and da--led my inner
vision with their radiance and comple2ity. " touched one of the geometric shapes within one of
the paintings$ and the image began to sing to me. " did not recogni-e the language$ but the
words and music were so beautiful that " thought my heart would burst. The song evoked
images of my grandmother*s kiss$ hot biscuits baking in the oven$ the first snowflake that fell on
my cheek$ my first conversation with Jathy$ the first time " laughed out loud in public$ and the
first time that " hugged my mother. " drew my hand away from the symbol before the emotions
and images overwhelmed me. " turned another page and the energy intensified. " looked down
at my body and " saw that it was glowing. My entire being had become infused with a white hot
luminosity that coruscated through every cell in my body. " forced myself to turn another page.
, robed figure sat alone shivering in a cave. 'e was old$ perhaps one hundred years by human
reckoning. 'is robe was a beautiful olive green and blue material that looked like silk. 'e stared
at me vacantly and turned slowly to look toward the ceiling of the cave. , vivid white light sprang
from his forehead and illuminated the shallow darkness of the dwelling. ,fter a few seconds$ the
light completely enveloped the old man. 'is entire body glowed with an e2Cuisite inner
luminescence that illuminated the entire cave. 'e turned his ga-e back to me and smiled. "
turned another page.
, small group of children stood floating above the abyss of a tall cliff. ,s they floated$ they
chanted a prayer that sounded something like Kapanese$ though it was a dialect that " had never
heard before. Their faces beamed as " watched them. /ne of the children vanished from the
group and appeared briefly by my side on the podium. he whispered the words of the prayer
into my left ear and vanished as Cuickly as she appeared. The children continued to float over
the cliffs and disappeared into the hori-on. Trailing behind them like some submissive
manservant$ " saw several miles of screeching and crackling thunderstorms. " turned the page
,n impossibly large figure floated in front of a stadium full of winged beings. The large figure
was more than one mile tall. "t floated gently on in front of the throng and turned briefly to
acknowledge my presence. 'e then returned to his previous administrations. " understood every
word he was saying even though " could not name the language that he spoke. 'e was lecturing
to a group of enior angels about the mechanics of temporal displacement and the intricacies of
manipulating time to favor the presentation of certain desirable events.
The ne2t set of symbols immediately adjacent to this image seemed to have a much lower
energy content than the preceding forms. " touched these nine symbols and immediately was
transported to a place of incredible power. " tried to focus my ight$ but the intensity of the light
was far too strong. "t was as though " was trying to stare directly into the heart of the un. #or a
moment$ " thought " could make out a few human shapes milling about in the distance. .ut just
as Cuickly as they appeared$ they were gone. The place was permeated by a thunderous
booming sound that almost deafened me. " could not reasonably relay in words the intensity of
the power that " e2perienced in this place. " withdrew my fingers from the last of these symbols$
closed the .ook$ and stepped away from the platform. " reali-ed that " had only looked at three
pages. &ven though " was determined to see more$ " could not bring myself to open the .ook
These and other e2periences greatly Cuickened the growth of my Divine park. The Divine4
park e2ists in everyone. This Deeksha empowerment transmits the force of the divine spark of
the +reator to the recipient inducing the innate divine spark in the recipient to awaken and
enhance its influence over the lower self. The power of this Deeksha divine4spark transmission
helps to remove the thick psychic veils that hinder divine awareness. This empowerment helps
to subdue the negative influence of the lower self that it has over the conscious mind.
The !eys to Effe"ti#e $rayer
.y Mitchell &arl Gibson MD
Prayer is one of the oldest pursuits of mankind. 1e can only assume that it has been with us as
long as humans have been around. Prayer was probably right on the tip of the tongue of the first
caveman who saw lightning strike a tree. 0o one ever teaches us how to pray. Most of us fall
into it and mimic the prayers of others. "f you go to a religious service$ you will hear the leaders
pray in a certain way. #or most of us$ that is what we end up doing for the rest of our lives.
There is however a great deal more to the process of prayer that we can learn. urprisingly$ this
technology is not very well publici-ed.
"magine going back two hundred years into the past with a baseball$ a bat$ and nine gloves. "f
you sat these implements down in a field and instructed a random group of boys to go play with
them without any instruction$ you might get them to play something that resembled baseball.
'owever$ if you showed them the rules of the game and how to play it properly$ you would get
an entirely different outcome. 6ou might even discover some very talented players you might
otherwise have missed.
That is how prayer works. 1e are asked to pray for things in the same way that our ancient
friends are asked to play baseball. )et us first e2amine the mechanics of what happens when
we pray so that we can then understand the rules.
The Mechanics of Prayer
"f we want to e2amine the mechanics of prayer$ we have to turn to an unlikely ally$ Cuantum
physics. Guantum physics is the study of matter and energy at the deepest and most subtle
levels possible. "t is one of the most rigorous and challenging sciences in e2istence. "n the last
twenty years however$ this science has been shaken to its very foundation by a series of
startling discoveries.
Guantum physicists keep finding that certain kinds of feeling affect their own e2periments. "t is$
of course$ known and accepted by Cuantum physicists that the observer of the e2periment
affects the e2periment. This is a basic law of Guantum Mechanics. The degree to which it
affects the e2periment is the key we are talking about here.
(esearchers in microbiology have found$ for e2ample$ that human feeling either tightens or
loosens the stranding of human D0, on a microscopic slide outside the body. "n other words$
researchers would be looking through a microscope at D0,$ and the Cuality of the feeling in the
room$ the observersL feelings$ would wind that D0, tighter$ or would unwind it to a looser state.
Guantum science is beginning to bear out$ through study and e2perimentation$ this relationship
between human emotion and feelings and the outer world. #or e2ample$ recent research says
the magnetic nature of human emotion is directly linked to weather patterns and the barometric
" am aware that these are outrageous statements to make$ because there is nothing in my
formal academic background preparing me for these kinds of relationships. /n the other hand$
they are showing up and are being recorded in our world today. &2amples are the studies by
(oger D. 0elson at Princeton %niverse in his paper called$ M1ishing for Good 1eather! ,
0atural &2periment in Group +onsciousness$M and also )auri K. (obinsonLs work at #ranklin
Pierce +ollege$ showing that human interaction with cloud formation?dissipation indicated
results that were Msignificantly greaterM than those predicted by chance.
Dr. .ryd$ a cardiologist with an #rancisco General Medical +enter completed a research study
involving =:= patients between ,ugust 1:N@ and May 1:N=. 'e divided the group into 1:@
patients who were prayed for$ and @B1 who were not prayed for. 'e reported that among other
things$ the people who were prayed for were five times less likely to develop pulmonary edema$
pneumonia$ or other post4surgical complications. They also died five times less often than the
patients in the control group.
These findings are directly related to our discussion on the mechanics of prayer. Guantum
physics has shown us that we change the basic nature of matter just by thinking about it. The
human mind releases an energy radiation that is capable of interacting directly with matter.
Prayer releases an energy that emanates from the human mind that has a direct effect on the
This energy comes directly from the soul and is filtered through various parts of the mind. 1e
will call this energy divine creative force. This force can take various forms. )et*s e2amine those
The #ive #orms of Prayer
There are a number of ways to categori-e the forms of prayer. #or the purposes of our
discussion$ we will e2amine the following four main types of prayer.
1. +onscious Prayer @. %nconscious Prayer
=. Positive Prayer O. 0egative Prayer
A. Miraculous Prayer
P +onscious Prayer is one of the most common type of prayer. During conscious prayer$ the
conscious mind conceives of a need and directs energy toward a source of higher aid and
P %nconscious Prayer is probably the most common type of prayer. During unconscious prayer$
the unconscious mind takes over the process of prayer$ without the aid of the conscious mind$
and directs the energy for its own purposes. This happens without the knowledge or awareness
of the individual.
P Positive Prayer uses the positive aspects of the divine creative force in order to bring about a
desired positive outcome. Positive prayer is directed by positive thoughts and feelings.
P 0egative Prayer uses the negative aspects of the divine creative force in order to bring about a
desired negative outcome. 0egative prayer is directed by negative thoughts and feelings.
P Miraculous Prayer uses the force of the miraculous to bring about a desired result. This type of
prayer generally embodies the use of a specific tool or object to empower the energy of the
prayer beyond that which the human mind is capable of generating.
The Jeys to &ffective Prayer
0ow that we have a basic understanding of the mechanics of prayer$ we can use this knowledge
to help us pray more effectively.
Jey /ne.
,dding positive emotion to the energy of a prayer improves the outcome of the prayer.
1hen you pray$ think about and event that is positive and emotionally meaningful. This event
should be something that makes you feel good no matter what you were thinking about before
the prayer. (esearch shows that this type of positive imaging improves the power and focus of
the prayer.
Jey Two.
(epeat a prayer mantra focused on your desired outcome.
Mantras are ancient tools that are designed to empower the force of prayer. The rosary is one
good e2ample of a prayer mantra. (epetition amplifies the force of a prayer and gives it more
power. ome mantras have been repeated millions of times and have a great deal of standing
force attached to them. ,dding your prayer to this standing force field can greatly increase the
chance that it will be answered. The mantra need not be long and you don*t even have to speak
the language for it to be effective. 'ere are some e2amples that you might find useful.
M,%M G%M G,0,P,T&6& 0,M,E
This is the Ganesh Gayatri Mantra. "t has been spoken for thousands of years as a tool for
removing obstacles to progress and achievement.
D,%M '(" ',0%M,T& 0,M,'M
This is the 'anuman Gayatri Mantra. This mantra is ancient and is reported to be associated
with a particularly helpful and friendly divine entity named 'anuman.
D/m Gam Gannpataye Gam 0amahE
This ancient mantra has the power to fulfill wishes.
There are countless e2amples of mantras in the world. These are only a few. The fact that the
above mantras are in anskrit has not diminished their effectiveness over the centuries.
Jey Three
Memori-e a miraculous prayer and repeat it once before and after your prayer.
Miracle prayers are words of power that condense the force of the miraculous into the form of a
phrase or group of phrases. The energy of a miraculous prayer can turbocharge the power of a
normal prayer and turn it into a miracle. #or e2amples of miracle prayers$ see our #ree Mantra
and Prayer section. /ur product The Miracle Prayer is an e2cellent e2ample of a miraculous
prayer. This prayer condenses the energy of the name of God into a seven line phrase.
Jey #our
Pray for othersQ especially strangers.
1hen you pray for others$ the energy of the prayer automatically benefits you. Most people do
not know this and tend to pray only for themselves and those that they know. Praying for others$
especially those that you do not know$ releases a powerful force from the unconscious that
benefits you as well as the recipients of the prayer.
Jey #ive
Pray while meditating.
1hile you are meditating$ the mind is much calmer. The calm and focused mind generates a
great deal of positive divine creative force. .y praying while meditating$ we take advantage of
this force and make our prayers much more powerful and effective.
True Enlightenment
.y Mitchell &arl Gibson MD
&0)"G'T&0M&0T is the goal of human life$ for the individual and for the race. &nlightenment is
awakening to the presence of God as the /ne4in4all and ,ll4in4one and then e2pressing that
non4dual reali-ation in every aspect of your e2istence. imply put$ enlightenment is God4
reali-ation$ i.e.$ making God real in the totality of your being.
&nlightenment$ therefore$ is a developmental process$ not a one4time event. "t is the highest
aspect of our human potential for self4directed growth in body$ mind$ and spirit. That human
potential can change the human condition.
&nlightenment is not purely psychological. "n the course of higher human development$ physical
changes also occur$ most dramatically in the later phases of the enlightenment process. "n the
final phase$ according to various sacred traditions$ the body is alchemically changed into light.
&nlightenment becomes literally so$ through the transubstantiation of flesh$ blood$ and bone into
an immortal body of light. Through a combination of personal effort and divine grace$ a person
attains a deathless condition through the alchemical transmutation of his or her ordinary fleshly
body. This transubstantiated body is called various names in the traditions$ such as light body$
solar body$ diamond body$ or resurrection body. "Lll e2pand on that below.
"f involution is the materiali-ation of pirit and evolution is the spirituali-ation of matter$ then the
end of evolutionfinal enlightenmentis the complete return of matter to pirit as humans attain full
e2pression of their inherent divinity and become Godmen and Godwomen. "t is the conCuest of
death. "t is the return to the condition of Mthat which never dies and that which was never born.M
"f there is an inner unity or transcendent common core to world religions and sacred traditions$
we should e2pect that the human potential for transubstantiation would be understood by all of
them. "ndeed$ that is just what we find.
ome of the names given to the body of light are as follows!
"n the Kudeo4+hristian tradition$ it is called Mthe resurrection body M and Mthe glorified body.M The
prophet "saiah said$ MThe dead shall live$ their bodies shall riseM 8"sa. @R!1:9. t. Paul called it
Mthe celestial bodyM or Mspiritual body M 8soma pneumatikon9 8" +orinthians 1A!OB9.
"n ufism it is called Mthe most sacred body M 8wujud al4aCdas9 and Msupracelestial body M 8asli
"n Taoism$ it is called Mthe diamond body$M and those who have attained it are called Mthe
immortalsM and Mthe cloudwalkers.M
"n Tibetan .uddhism it is called Mthe light body.M
"n Tantrism and some schools of yoga$ it is called Mthe vajra body$M Mthe adamantine body$M and
Mthe divine body.M
"n Jriya yoga it is called Mthe body of bliss.M
"n >edanta it is called Mthe superconductive body.M
"n Gnosticism and 0eoplatonism$ it is called Mthe radiant body.M
"n the alchemical tradition$ the &merald Tablet calls it Mthe Glory of the 1hole %niverseM and Mthe
golden body.M The alchemist Paracelsus called it Mthe astral body.M
"n the 'ermetic +orpus$ it is called Mthe immortal body M 8soma athanaton9.
"n some mystery schools$ it is called Mthe solar body.M
"n (osicrucianism$ it is called Mthe diamond body of the temple of God.M
"n ancient &gypt it was called Mthe luminous body or beingM
"n /ld Persia it was called Mthe indwelling divine potentialM 8fravashi or fravarti9.
"n the Mithraic liturgy it was called Mthe perfect body M 8soma teilion9.
"n the philosophy of ri ,urobindo$ it is called Mthe divine body$M composed of supramental
"n the philosophy of Teilhard de +hardin$ it is called Mthe ultrahuman.M
There probably are other traditions that have analogous terms$ and " would be glad to be
informed of them. ,s " see it$ these are different terms for the same ultimate stage of human
evolution. 8" feel Cuite tentative about Teilhard de +hardin because he is not specific in his
writings about the somatic changes which lead to the evolved human. " have e2cluded
0iet-scheLs ubermensch altogether for that and other reasons.9
The traditions speak of the process in different ways. "s the immortal body created or released$
attained or manifested3 "s it pree2istent within the individual and the gross matter of the body
simply Mburned M away3 /r is the gross matter of the body altered through a process not yet
recogni-ed by physical science$ which changes the atoms of flesh into something unnamed on
the Periodic Table of &lements3 "s there more than one route to the final$ perfected form of the
human body4mind3 "s it necessary to actually die biologically$ or is there an alternate path to the
light body that bypasses physical death3 These are provocative Cuestions which remain to be
e2plored. 'owever this state is achieved$ the perfected individual is then capable of operating
within ordinary space4time through that altered vehicle of consciousness which is immortal. That
vehicle of consciousness is no longer carbon4based as is biological flesh. (ather$ it is composed
of a finer$ more ethereal form of energy4substance unknown to conventional physics$ but long
known to metaphysics and higher mysticism. That condition is$ for the individual$ the most
e2alted stage of higher human developmentQ for humanity in general$ it is the final stage of
ri ,urobindo$ a great "ndian teacher and mystic$ stated that Ddivine bodyE is the ultimate stage
of human evolution. 'e felt that a deathless condition resulting from transubstantiation of the
fleshly body could be attained by personal effort$ meditation$ and divine grace.
The seeds of this immortal form are said to e2ist within each of us. /ne can understand this
analogy as a metaphor. The butterfly emerges from the caterpillar and the two look nothing
alike. The caterpillar contains all the information within its genome necessary for its
transformation into a butterfly. "n the process$ there is a complete transubstantiation of its fleshly
body into something totally unlike its birth form. ,ccording to the ancients$ all humans possess
this transformative ability.
/nly three percent of the three billion base4pair genome of our D0, encodes the physical body.
0inety4seven percent of our three billions D0, base pairs appear to be totally inactive during
the normal course of a human life. "s it possible that the vast dormant potential represented by
these billions of base pairs forms the basis for the formation of a higher state of physical
e2pression for the body3 "s it possible that the human body acts as a cocoon for a higher$ more
comple2 longer lived form which has the potential for immortality. "n the process of my research
" found a number of well documented historical cases that seemed to bear out the reality of a
multiplicity of a spiritual forms$ including the )ight .ody$ that are connected to the human body
in everyday human e2periences.
/ne such incident was reported by an "talian writer name (icardo .andini in 1:A1 in his Posito
super virtutibus. 'e wrote that in the summer of 1:=B he was visiting ,ssisi around the last day
of Kune or the first of Kuly.
,t the acro +onvento of aint #rancis " ran into aSSSSSSSS.
#ranciscan a rather tall fellow with a beard$ nice lookingSS..S.eeing that he wore a beard "
imagined he was a missionary$ something " had desired but which problems with my eyes had
made impossible. " asked him if he worked in the missions and he replied affirmatively and
introduced himself as #ather Ma2imilan Jolbe. 'e conversed with me about the MadonnaSS
peakingSwith great enthusiasm$ he became$ as " watched$ transfigured$ in a diaphanous
form$ almost transparent$ and surrounded by a halo of light$ all of which lasted while he
spokeSS" found myself trembling with a sort of fear$ filled with confusion4so moved that tears
came to my eyes.
"n 1N:: Moslem and +hristian )ebanese officials received reports of a great shining light that
emanated from the grave where Maronite monk +harbel Makhlouf had been buried. The monk
had died on December @O$ 1N:N. The body had been half4buried in mud$ unembalmed$ and
without the benefit of a coffin. (eligious pilgrims even tried to steal pieces of his remains during
this time. The phenomenon continued for OA days and officials were prompted to e2hume the
holy man. The body was found floating in the mud but was itself completely free from signs of
deterioration Das if it had been buried the same day.E "n 1:AB ister Maria ,bdel Jamari was
taken to the gravesite while suffering from a serious intestinal problem. he could not keep food
down$ had been bedridden for 1O years and she had already received the sacrament of e2treme
unction three times. 1hile she prayed at the grave she suddenly felt a powerful surge of energy
and was able to stand unaided. ince that time ister Maria ,bel Jamari has been completely
free of her previous ailments. /n Kanuary @1$ 1::= 0ouhad &l4+hami$ a A: year old )ebanese
woman saw the holy man appear to her in a body made of light. he stated that she tried to see
his face but she couldn*t because the light coming from his body and eyes was too blinding and
powerful. Pope Paul >" canoni-ed +harbel Makhlouf on /ctober :$ 1:;; and since that time he
has been known as aint +harbel Makhlouf.
"n another similar story$ +lement .occardi$ secretary to The >enerable >incent Morelli$
archbishop of /tranto$ wrote the following account of his employer DThe ervant of GodE.
1hile " was with the ervant of God during a visitation of the diocese of +astignano dei Greci*im
house of the deceased Mr. ,ntonius Marini$ "ooked one morning into the ervant of God*s
bedroom$ which contrary to his usual ways$ he had not left yet. " observed the room illuminated
with a radiance which to me appeared to be neither candle nor daylight444especially not
candlelight owing to my observation in the course of the night that no candle had been lit
because " slept in the adjoining room. The scene held a surprise for me$ but " kept my counsel
and reflected whether the light emanating from his person might not be supernatural in nature.
Presently$ " was approached by the master of the house$ and told that he had looked through a
keyhole of another door$ and had observed the ervant of God on his knees surrounded by
light. This convinced me that the illumination which " had seen in the room had not been due to
the light of day or candlelight$ nor some other natural source but to a supernatural action. The
master of the house was a prudent man$ highly esteemed for his moral rectitude$ and
possessed of a capacity for clear judgment.
The bestselling author +arlos +astenada wrote that following the death of his spiritual teacher
and mentor Don Kuan 0aguel$ he witnessed the transformation of the old man*s body into a
#orm of pure light. The #orm then ascended into the air where it was joined by a number of
similar )ight #orms that hovered above. The beings then drifted away toward the neighboring
hills and disappeared through an opening in space itself. The literature was teeming with
records of many such transformations in all the major religions and spiritual sects.
There was much more to the reality of human evolution than Darwin had ever suspected.
These people had gone through years of spiritual training$ meditation$ and discipline. /ne of the
fruits of these endeavors appears to be a gradual transformation of the body into a form unlike
that of the physical. The key to the transformation of the remaining :;< of the human genome
seemed to lie at least in part in the persistent application of will and focus in the meditative
arena. (esearch has shown that the human body emits a variety of electromagnetic radiations
across the emission spectrum. D0, has been shown to have the ability to conduct electricity
and displays bioluminescent properties when bombarded with laser light. ,t a very real level$
D0, is probably capable of storing a great deal more information related to light and
electromagnetic energy than to solid physical matter.
,uthorLs .io
Dr. Mitchell &. Gibson is a modern enlightened master and board certified medical doctor. Dr.
Gibson received his medical degree at the age of @A from the %niversity of 0orth +arolina at
+hapel 'ill. 'e then completed his residency training at the ,lbert &instein Medical +enter in
Philadelphia. During his last year of residency he served as +hief (esident in Psychiatry and
received the ,lbert &instein #oundation (esearch ,ward for his work in leep Disorders. Dr.
Gibson is a former +hief of taff at the &ast >alley +amelback 'ospital in Mesa ,ri-ona.
Dr. Gibson received the first of his three major spiritual initiations from ri Matajhi "ndira Devi in
1::O. ,t that time he was granted clairvoyant vision$ knowledge of the soul$ and heightened
intuitive healing abilities. Dr. Gibson has since then lectured e2tensively throughout the world as
a noted public speaker on various topics including knowledge of the soul$ astrology$ the spiritual
causes of mental illness$ human potential$ cosmobiology$ art$ and creativity enhancement.

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