Adjective Order: How Questions

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137 Grammar Bank

How questions
Use How + adjective ? to ask for information about price, age,
distances, etc.
How questions answers
How long is the journey to Snowdon? Its an hour.
How old is the Colosseum in Rome? Its 2,000 years old.
How far is the London Eye from Big Ben? Its 500 metres.
How high is the Eiffel Tower? Its 320 metres tall.
How much is an Adult ticket? Its 21.00.
>> Now go to exercise 2.1 to practise.
adjective order
Use adjectives to describe people and things.
Put an adjective before a noun. A pretty village. A white village.
Put adjectives of opinion before adjectives
of fact.
A pretty white village.
>> Now go to exercise 2.2 to practise.
comparative and superlative adjectives
Use comparative + than to compare two things.
one-syllable adjectives + er or r old > older large > larger
one-syllable adjectives
that end vowel +
double the
consonant + er
big > bigger hot > hotter
adjectives that end y y + ier heavy > heavier pretty > prettier
adjectives with more than
one syllable
more + adjective famous > more famous
interesting > more interesting
irregular adjectives good > better bad > worse
Use the + superlative to compare more than two things.
one-syllable adjectives the + est or st old > the oldest large > the largest
one-syllable adjectives
that end vowel +
the + double the
consonant + est
big > the biggest hot > the hottest
adjectives that end y the y + iest dry > the driest
pretty > the prettiest
adjectives with more
than one syllable
the most +
famous > the most famous
interesting > the most interesting
irregular adjectives good > the best bad > the worst
>> Now go to exercise 2.3 to practise.
past simple
Use the past simple to talk about actions that are fnished.
+ ?
I / You / He / She / It /
We / They visited Spain.
I / You / He / She / It /
We / They didnt visit
Did you / we / they visit
Where did he / she / it visit?
short answers
Yes, I / you / he / she / it / we / they did. No, I / you / he / she / it / we /
they didnt.
For a list of irregular verbs, see >> p.148.
Spelling note: -ed endings
most verbs + ed visit > visited
verbs that end e + d live > lived
verbs that end consonant + y y + ied study > studied
one-syllable verbs that end one
vowel + one consonant
double the consonant
+ ed
stop > stopped
>> Now go to exercises 2.4 and 2.5 to practise.
2.1 Complete the how questions.
Example A How far is New York from Moscow?
B Its 7,557 kilometres.
1 A How is the Great Wall of China?
B Over 2,000 years.
2 A How is the journey to Rome?
B Its two hours.
3 A How is a return ticket to Brighton?
B Its 24.
4 A How is the London Eye?
B Its 135 metres.
2.2 Put the green words in the correct order to complete the
Example Theyre visiting a lovely little village . (village little
1 This is an . (interesting castle old)
2 Portugal has some . (beaches long
3 We live in a . (village English pretty)
4 Its a . (sunny beautiful day)
5 It was a . (town dirty horrible)
6 There are some in Greece. (ruins old
2.3 Complete the sentences. Use a comparative or superlative form.
Add other words you need.
Examples Is France the biggest country in Europe? big
The USA is bigger than Britain. big
1 July was month this year. wet
2 Tokyo is Sydney. expensive
3 Do you think hot weather is cold weather? bad
4 What are places to visit? good
5 Yesterday was today. warm
6 Whats place in the world? dry
7 I think the car is way to travel. comfortable
8 Spring is winter. nice
2.4 Write the sentences in the past.
Example Bernie lives in Prague. Bernie lived in Prague.
1 I have coffee for breakfast.
2 Jaime gives me a t-shirt for my birthday.
3 We buy souvenirs on holiday.
4 Clara doesnt like her present.
5 We go to Cuba in the summer.
6 Does it snow in winter?
7 Petra doesnt want a carpet.
8 Do they get up at seven oclock?
9 The journey takes an hour.
10 Jen buys the train tickets on the Internet.
2.5 Put the words in order to make questions.
Example he holiday did his enjoy ? Did he enjoy his holiday?
1 poster that get did where you ?
2 Chile did what do they in ?
3 buy you souvenir a did ?
4 castle did the visit they ?
5 to she did when Sydney go ?

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