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141 Grammar Bank

have to / dont have to
Use have to / dont have to to talk about obligation.
Use dont have to to show its not necessary to do something.
+ ?
I / You / We / They have to
start work now.
You / We / They dont
have to start work now.
Do I / you / we / they have
to start work now?
He / She / It has to start
work now.
He / She / It doesnt have
to start work now.
Does he / she / it have to
start work now?
>> Now go to exercise 6.1 to practise.
past simple: irregular verbs
regular verbs end with -ed
(see 2D)
change > changed open > opened
close > closed print > printed
irregular verbs be > was / were lose > lost
drive > drove run > ran
For a list of irregular verbs, see >> p.148.
>> Now go to exercises 6.2 to practise.
past continuous
Use the past continuous to talk about actions in the past which
were in progress at a particular time.
+ ?
I / He / She / It was sitting
in the garden.
I / He / She / It wasnt
sitting in the garden.
Was I / he / she / it sitting
in the garden?
You / We / They were
playing tennis.
You / We / They werent
playing tennis.
Were you / we / they
playing tennis?
short answers
Yes, I / he / she / it was. No, I / he / she / it wasnt.
Yes, you / we / they were. No, you / we / they werent.
>> Now go to exercise 6.3 to practise.
past continuous and past simple
Use the past continuous and the past simple together to describe
two things that happen at the same time in the past.
Use the past continuous to describe a longer action which started
frst, and was in progress.
past continuous past simple
I was driving in the rain and I crashed.
Were they having dinner when you arrived?
>> Now go to exercise 6.4 to practise.
clause linking with when
Use when to join actions in the past continuous and past simple.
I was waiting for the train.
It started to rain.
I was waiting for the train when it started to rain.
When it started to rain, I was waiting for the train.
>> Now go to exercise 6.5 to practise.
past time expressions
Use a past time expression with a past tense to say when
something happened.
last night / month / Friday / weekend I saw a car accident last month.
yesterday, yesterday morning They caught the criminal yesterday.
the day before yesterday
the week before last
Somebody knocked down Miss
Setter the day before yesterday.
two days / a week / a month / a year ago We bought this car two years ago.
>> Now go to exercise 6.6 to practise.
6.1 Complete the sentences. Use have to, dont have to, or mustnt.
Example You have to arrive at the station early.
1 You cant buy a ticket on the train, so you buy it
before you travel.
2 You book a seat, but its a good idea.
3 You smoke on the train.
4 You talk to the train driver.
5 You can buy food before you travel, so you buy
it on the train.
6 There is a place for large bags, so you carry
them with you all the time.
7 When the trains are busy you sometimes stand.
8 You put your feet on the seats.
6.2 Write the infnitive form of these verbs.
Example broke break
1 brought
2 drove
3 heard
4 made
5 put
6 ran
7 rang
8 sat
9 took
10 think
6.3 Complete the sentences. Use the verbs in the past continuous.
Example We were waiting for the bank manager. wait
1 What you ? do
2 She to her friend. not / talk
3 They for a train. wait
4 he his new car? driving
5 We computer games. not / play
6 I along Bridge Road. cycle
7 You . not / work
8 the dog in the park? run
6.4 Underline the correct tense, past continuous or past simple.
I had a terrible day yesterday. First of all, I was
dropping / dropped my coffee when I
was making / made
breakfast. Then, when I
was walking / walked to work, it
was starting / started to rain. I was late for work and I was
wet. Then my computer
was breaking / broke when I
using / used it. At lunchtime I
was eating / ate my sandwich in
the park, when a cyclist
was crashing / crashed into me!
6.5 Join the sentences with when.
Example I had an accident. I was driving to the hospital.
I had an accident when I was driving to the hospital. OR
When I was driving to the hospital, I had an accident.
1 We got lost. We were going to London.
2 It started to snow. I was cycling home.
3 The phone rang. They were leaving the house.
4 She was working in a bank. She met her future husband.
5 You were running along the High Street. I saw you.
6.6 Which event happened frst? Look at the past time expressions,
and order the events.
a There was an accident last night.
b We got married two months ago.
c The day before yesterday someone stole my purse.
d Yesterday morning she lost her keys.
e The week before last they were on holiday.
f 1 He passed his driving test last year.
g She started her new job at the bank three days ago.

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