CLPE Certification Test Prep - Sept 2014

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, SE Southport, NC 28461
(offce) 954.999.0414 (cell) 954.806.2123
Preparing for the
IAI Latent Print Examiner
Certifcation Test State-of-the-Art Training for the Modern Forensic Professional
Welcome to
Ft Lauderdale Beach!
To register for the course, contact our Training
Director, Phil Sanflippo at 954.999.0414 or by
email at
IAI Latent Print Certfcaton
Update on recent changes to
the certfcaton test
Test taking strategies
Overview of the three
components of the test
Patern recogniton refresher
Fingerprint classifcaton refresher
Required reading (book) review
Advanced latent analysis techniques
designed to improve speed include:
Latent print orientaton
Detailed patern analysis
Distnguishing thumbs
from fngers
Understanding from what
hand a print originated
How to use creases to
improve speed
How to create a basic
shape search
Distorton factors
Analysis of level 2
and level 3 detail
Practce Test
DATE: September 15-17, 2014
TIME: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
LOCATION: Davie Police Department
1230 S. Nob Hill Road
Davie, FL 33324
Kathleen Farrell, CLPE
TUITION: $529 per student
One of the recommendatons of the
NAS report, Strengthening Forensic
Science in the United States: A Path
Forward, was that forensic science
practtoners atain certfcaton in their
respectve felds. Recent developments
in the legislatve branch of the federal
government indicate movement toward adoptng these recommendatons.
There are many people qualifed to take the IAI Latent Print Examiner
certfcaton exam who have not done so. Recent improvements to the
certfcaton test have made certfcaton more atainable than ever before.
The goal of this three-day workshop is to give examiners the motvaton and
confdence to take the frst step. This class will guide examiners through the
certfcaton requirements, applicaton process and preparing for each of the
four parts of the examinaton (patern interpretaton, writen exam, latent
comparisons and case for review).
Through lecture and group exercises examiners will learn how to increase their
speed in order to successfully complete the exam. The instructors will equip
the students with knowledge, strategies, and helpful tps that will enable the
students to approach the exam with confdence and an enhanced chance for
success. See the course topics to the right.
Content of a fve-day training
course presented in three days!
Preparing for the
IAI Latent Print Examiner
Certifcation Test State-of-the-Art Training for the Modern Forensic Professional
To register for the course, contact
our Training Director, Phil Sanflippo
at 954.999.0414 or by email at
Students requiring lodging may make a
reservaton at the:
Hyat Place Ft Lauderdale/Plantaton
8530 W. Broward Blvd.
Plantaton, FL 33324
This hotel is approximately a 5 minute
drive from the course locaton and 15
minutes from Ft Lauderdale Beach. We
have arranged for a block of rooms at
this hotel at the special rate of $110 per
night single/double occupancy. Students
providing a State of Florida tax exempton
and making payment by appropriate
means are exempt from paying the local
tax rate of 11% on hotel rooms.
Remember to reference the name of this
course when making your reservaton.
Our room block expires 30 days prior
to the beginning of the course, so make
your reservaton early!
Students wishing to atend this course
must have a minimum of one year of
experience working as a latent print
Mack Brazelle, CLPE, CCSI
Mack currently serves as a Fingerprint Specialist working in the Forensic
Science Laboratory of the United State Treasury Inspector General for Tax
Administraton. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Mount Olive
College, and is recognized by the IAI as both a Certfed Latent Print Examiner
and Certfed Crime Scene Investgator.
Along with teaching at over a dozen natonal and regional IAI conferences,
Mack has instructed on the subject of fngerprint identfcaton at the Federal
Law Enforcement Training Center and at the Council of the Inspector General
annual training conference. Mack has taught hundreds of latent print examiners
how to prepare for IAI certfcaton, and in 2013 he was hired by West Virginia
University to develop a book review for the IAI latent print certfcaton test.
Kathleen Farrell, CLPE
Kathleen is the Lead Fingerprint Specialist for the Treasury Inspector General
for Tax Administraton where she has been employed as the Latent Print
Supervisor of the Forensic Science Laboratory since 2004. Prior to that, she
was a Latent Print Examiner as well as Crime Scene Technician for the
Fayeteville Police Department in North Carolina. She has over seventeen
years of experience in the feld of forensics, and has been an IAI Certfed
Latent Print Examiner since 2003. She is also a Certfed Technical Assessor
for the American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors Laboratory
Accreditaton Board.
Kathleen has served as adjunct instructor with Fayeteville Technical
Community College where she taught Fingerprint Classifcaton and
Comparison and Footwear and Tire Evidence Collecton. As an actve member
of the IAI Kathleen serves as the Chair of the Latent Print Certfcaton
Commitee for the Chesapeake Bay Division. She has provided instructon
to other examiners at over a dozen natonal and regional IAI conferences on
how to prepare for the IAI certfcaton exam. In 2011, she was awarded
honorary life membership by the Georgia Division of the IAI for her support to
their educatonal conferences.
A leader in the forensics market, TRITECHFORENSICS provides evidence
collecton and crime scene investgaton products and training to crime labs
and crime scene investgators throughout the world. With over 30 years of
experience, we are the natons most profcient developer and manufacturer of
forensic kits. We are commited to providing our customers with state-of-the-
art forensics products and services at afordable prices. It is our goal, through
our research and development program, to contnue to develop superior
products and training to aid in all aspects of crime scene investgaton and
crime lab analysis. We know how important our products and training are to
the forensics community, from investgaton to prosecuton that is why our
slogan, Identfy. Collect. Preserve., represents the mission of our customers.
To ensure that we can accommodate
persons with special needs who wish
to atend our courses, please be sure
to identfy the accommodaton needed
when you register, or if applicable, at the
tme you register by phone.

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