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Exp-1 Getting Started with LabVIEW Basic Mathematical

Operation, Control and Indicator

o Simple and Compound arithmetic operation
o Complex number function
o Conversions
o Scaling operations

1. Simple and Compound arithmetic operation
(a) Simple arithmetic operation

I. (a + b)3 = a3 + b3 + 3ab(a + b);
II. (a b)3 = a3 b3 3ab(a b);
A and B are the inputs. (User defined variable)
Not more than 2 control or constant
Use one indicator to display output data
Use toggle switch to make simple program.

(b) Compound arithmetic operation

I. Find the given X value is even (or) odd accordingly make the LED ON for even Values and LED OFF
for the odd Values.
II. You want to write a logical expression that makes three individual comparisons:
Is A less than B?
Is B less than C?
Is C less than D?
Ifthe condition is satisfied make the LED ON.
A, B, C and D are the inputs. (User defined variable)
Use three Boolean indicators (LED) to display the result
III. Make comparision of X value with Y value
If X is not equal to Y ; Add X with 5 and Y with 10
If X is equal to Y ; Subtract X with 5 and Y with 10
If X is Greater than or equal to Y ; Multiply X with 5 and Y with 10
If X is Lesser than or equal to Y ; Divide X with 5 and Y with 10

IV. Create a program for calculating body mass index(BMI) using cluster functions

Exp-1 Getting Started with LabVIEW Basic Mathematical
Operation, Control and Indicator

2. Complex number function

I. Make multiplication of two complex numbers

"FOIL" method
(a+bi)(c+di) = ac + adi + bci + bdi
FOIL method
= ac + adi + bci - bd (because i
= (ac - bd) + (ad + bc)i
Display result as Real and Imaginary parts (Use two numeric indicators)

II. Make division of two complex numbers

Do this Division:

2 + 3i

4 - 5i
Multiply top and bottom by the conjugate of 4 - 5i :

2 + 3i

4 + 5i
8 + 10i + 12i + 15i

4 - 5i 4 + 5i 16 + 20i - 20i - 25i

Now remember that i
= -1, so:

8 + 10i + 12i - 15

16 + 20i - 20i + 25
Add Like Terms (and notice how on the bottom 20i - 20i cancels out!):

-7 + 22i

We should then put the answer back into a + bi form:


41 41

3. Conversions
I. Conversion of Temperature:
From Celsius convert to Fahrenheit and Kelvin
When the temperature of Celsius is between 0 to 20 C display Cool weather
When the temperature Celsius is between 21 to 30 C display Warm weather
When the temperature Celsius is between 31 and above C display Hot weather

Exp-1 Getting Started with LabVIEW Basic Mathematical
Operation, Control and Indicator

III. C x 9/5 + 32 = F
IV. C = K-273

One input for give C data..
Two output to display F and K
One string indicator for display the condition of weather

II. Convert analog to digital values ( Hint : Use number to boolean array)
III. Convert meter to centimeters
IV. Convert transfer function model to state space model (Hint : Use Control Design & Simulation)

4. Scaling operations
I. Half Adder
II. Full - Adder

Aim, objective, icon used, results
Copy and paste Front panel and Block diagram pic.
Just the program and result in two windows.
Use proper size for visibility.

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