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First Run the standard Create workorder page from the jdeveloper.

Copy the eam folder from java_top/classes into my_class folder in client m/c
Copy the workorder folder from eam_top/mds into my_projects folder in client m/c
Once the standard page is running then create new workspace , new projects test
!o to createupdate"g.#ml$structure pane$%o&ainRn$'etnewcontroller$paste the
code$run page
(ew workspace$new project$createupdate"g.#ml$structure
pane$%o&ainRn$'etnewcontroller$paste the code$run page
)nter the *sset num+er and work order type $ "ress ta+
%ip *ccounting Class is automatically populated with the two fields concatenated
&ove the test folder from my_classes folder in client m/c to server java_top
Run and test the Create %orkorder page on server.
(ow, we are having one more to complete.
ie to assign the 'hift timing. 'hift timing should +e from ,.-- am to ,.-- pm and from
,.-- pm to ,.-- am
.t would +e divided in two shifts ie. /ay 0 (ight.
For doing this, we have to create one /FF named 1'hift2 and attach it to our )*& page.
3elow documents shows the creation of /FF.
For this navigate to )nterprise *sset &anagement Responsi+ility$%ork Order.
Click on /FF ta+.
'elect /escriptive Fle#fields in the 3lock ta+.
(ote down the value. .e /iscrete 4o+ 5%ork in "rocess6
(ow navigate to78
)nter the value that we have earlier note down in the *pplication ta+ and 9itle ta+.
'elect !lo+al /ata )lements$'egments
(ow Click on 'hift$Open
9his will create your /FF ie 1'hift /FF2.
(ow the ne#t task is to attach the /FF into your O*F.
For this go to your O*F page and run the page.
*lso note down some of the essential re:uired values that are needed while attaching the
;alues are78
*pplication (ame78 %ork .n "rocess.
9itle78 /iscrete 4o+s
(ame78 'hift
Reference Field78 *ttri+ute<-
"rompt78 Conte#t
;alue 'et78 'hift
(ow go to your O*F page and run the page.
Click on *+out this page
!o to "ersonali=e page ta+.
Click on Complete ;iew and !o to Create .tem.
>ere in the ?evel ta+, select 'ite and in the .tem 'tyle ta+ select Fle#.
(ow enter the re:uired values that are asked in the form.
.d78 'hift
*pplication 'hort (ame78 %."
(ame78 'hift
Read Only78false
Rendered78 true
*fter entering the values Click on *pply.
(ow Click on 1Reorder2 ta+ and ena+le the check +o#es.
@ou can see the 1'hift2 is coming in our page.
Click on *pply.
(ow go to your O*F and run the page again.
9his is how we can attach the /FF in our page.

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