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Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Name of the degree Programme : B.Tech Computer Science and Engineering

Programme Objectives

- To produce competent and quality Computer Science Engineers to adapt to ever changing societal
needs in global arena.

- To inculcate professional behavior, strong ethical values in the young minds so as to work with a
commitment to the progress of the mankind.

- To strengthen the state-of-the-art technical skills of the learners in facing the challenging
industrial careers, pursuing the post graduation and innovative research in their field of interest.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Scheme of Study and Syllabi for III Semester B.Tech. - Computer Science & Engineering
(For the students admitted from the year 2011-12)


Subject Code Subject Title
Periods of
BCSCMA 301 R02 Engineering Mathematics - III 3 1 0 4
BCSCCS 302 R03 Theory of Computation 3 1 0 4
BCSCCS 303 R03 Data Structures 3 1 0 4
BCSCCS 304 R01 Digital Electronics 3 1 0 4
BCSCEI 305 R01 Control Systems 3 1 0 4
BCSDCS XXX DE - 1 3 0 0 3
BCSCCS 306 R02 Digital Electronics Lab 0 0 3 2
BCSCCS 307 R03 Data Structures Lab 0 0 3 2

Total 18 5 6 27


BCSDCS 303 R01 Linux Programming 2 0 2 3
BCSDCS 305 R01 Multimedia Systems 3 0 0 3


BCSDCS 301 R02 Programming in C 3 1 0 4
BCSDCS 304 R03
Programming in C Lab 0 0 3 2

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Semester number: 3
Learning outcome for BCSCMA 301 R02 : ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS - III
(Common for CSE, IT and ICT)

Course Objective: To help the learner in understanding various transform techniques used in Engineering
disciplines and Analytic function theory in engineering computations.
3 1 0 4

Unit I (15 Periods)
Laplace Transforms: Laplace Transform - definition - Conditions for existence - Transform of standard
functions - Properties - Transform of derivatives and integrals - Derivatives and integrals of transforms.
Inverse Laplace transforms - Convolution theorem - Transform of periodic functions, Unit step function
and Unit impulse (or dirac delta) function.
Applications to solve higher order ordinary differential equations and Simultaneous differential equations
with constant coefficients and integro-differential equations. Simple Engineering Applications: Bending
of Beams, Whirling of Shafts and Electric Circuits.

Unit II (15 Periods)
Complex Differentiation: Analytic functions - Necessary conditions for analyticity - Cauchy- Riemann
equations in cartesian and polar coordinates - Sufficient conditions for analyticity (without proof) -
Properties of analytic functions: Harmonic functions - Orthogonal system - Construction of an analytic
function when its real or imaginary part is given - Conformal mappings -
z z z e
, cos , sin , + and
z sinh only - Bilinear Transformation. Simple Engineering applications: Complex potential functions,
Stream lines, equipotential, velocity potential and stream functions.

Unit III (15 Periods)
Complex Integration: Complex integration -Line and Surface Integrals- Cauchys integral theorem -
Integral formula - Taylors and Laurents series (without proof) - Singularities - Zeros - Poles and
residues - Cauchys residue theorem - Contour integration - evaluation of integrals of the type
( )
( )
( )
} }

u u u
cos , sin dx
x g
x f
and d f only.

Unit IV (15 Periods)
Fourier Transforms: The infinite Fourier transforms - Sine and cosine transforms - properties -
Inversion theorem - problems - Convolution theorem - Parsevals identity - Problems - Finite Fourier
transforms - Sine and cosine transforms - Evaluation of definite Integrals-problems Solving boundary
value problems using finite Fourier sine and cosine transforms.


1. Dr. M.K.Venkataraman, Engineering Mathematics, Part A, National Publishing Company, 2004.
2. P.Kandasamy, K.Thilagavathy, Engineering Mathematics, Vol. III, S.Chand & Co, 2009.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering


1. B.S.Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna publishers, 2006.
2. J.Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 8
edition, Wiley eastern Ltd., 2007.
3. Jain R.K, S.R.K. Iyengar, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Narosa Publications, 2006.


Unit I
The learner will have knowledge to use the transform techniques in various fields of
Engineering such as Signal and Image processing and also to transform functions from one
domain to another domain.
Unit II
The learner will be able to apply various concepts in Analytic Function Theory in
application areas such as heat conduction, elasticity, fluid dynamics and flow of electric
Unit III
The learner will be capable of evaluating complicated integrals using residue calculus.
Unit IV
The learner will have a strong idea of applying Fourier transform techniques in solving
boundary and initial value problems in various branches of Engineering.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Semester number: 3
Learning outcome for BCSCCS 302 R03 : THEORY OF COMPUTATION
(Common for CSE, IT and ICT)

Course Objective: To help the learners understand the basic concepts of the formal language theory, its
applications, proof strategies and use the knowledge gained for analyzing the complexity of various

3 1 0 4

Unit I (15 Periods)
Introduction: Preliminaries and notations-basic concepts-applications. Finite Automata: Deterministic
FA - non deterministic FA- Equivalence-minimization. Regular languages and regular grammars:
Relation between regular languages and regular expressions-regular grammars-construction of automata
using JFLAP.
Lex in syntaxical analysis: Declarations-regular expressions-productions-additional code-examples.
Properties of Regular Languages: Closure properties-identifying non regular languages.

Unit II (15 Periods)
Context Free Languages: Context free grammars- parsing and ambiguity-left and right recursions and its
removal-top down parsing predictive parsers-bottom up parsing using SLR(1). Syntactical analysis
using Yacc: Declaration and additional code-examples.
Simplification and Normal Forms: Transformations - two important normal forms-membership
algorithm for CFG.

Unit III (15 Periods)
Push Down Automata: Non Deterministic PDA - PDA and CFL - Deterministic PDA and deterministic
CFL-Grammars for deterministic CFL. Properties of CFL: Closure properties and decision algorithm
for CFL. Turing Machines: Standard TM - TM for complicated tasks - Turing thesis.
Other models of TM: Minor variations on TM - TM with complex storage - Non deterministic TM -
Universal TM - Linear bounded automata-construction of PDA and TM using JFLAP.

Unit IV (15 Periods)
A hierarchy of formal languages and automata: Recursive and recursive enumerable languages-
unrestricted grammars - context sensitive grammars and languages - Chomsky Hierarchy. Limits of
algorithm computation: unsolvable problems by TM - Undecidable problems for recursively
enumerable languages - post correspondence problem - undecidable problems for CFL.
Other models of computation: Recursive functions - post systems - Rewriting systems. An overview of
computational complexity.


1. Peter Linz, An Introduction to Formal Languages and Automata, 5
Edition, Jones and Bartlet
Learning International, United Kingdom, 2011.
2. Alfred V. Aho, Monica S. Lam, Ravi Sethi, Jeffrey D. Ullman, Compilers Principles, Techniques, &
Tools, Pearson Education, 2007.
3. John R. Levine, Tony Mason, Doug Brown, Lex and Yacc, Oreilly Media, 1992.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering


1. John E. Hopcroft, Rajeev Motwani, Jeffery D Ullman, Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages
and Computation, 3
Edition, Pearson Education, 2007.
2. Susan H. Rodger and Thomas W. Finley, JFLAP: An Interactive Formal Languages and Automata
Package, Jones & Bartlett Publishers, Sudbury, MA, 2006.
3. Michael Sipser, Introduction to the theory of computation, 2
Edition, Thomson Course
Technology, 2006.


Unit I The learner will be able to construct finite state machines and the equivalent regular
expressions. In addition, the learner will be able to prove the equivalence of languages
described by finite state machines and regular expressions.
Unit II The learner will be able to understand the context free languages and represent them in two
different normal forms. Further, the learner will be able to apply the knowledge to construct
various parsers.
Unit III The learner will be able to construct PDA and their equivalent context free grammars, TM
and their equivalent recursive languages. In addition, the learner will be able to prove the
relationship between various Turing machine models.
Unit IV The learner will have an understanding of the recursive enumerable languages, undecidable
problems, Post correspondence problem, rewriting systems and computational complexity.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Semester number: 3
Learning outcome for BCSCCS 303 : R03 DATA STRUCTURES
(Common for CSE, IT and ICT)

Course Objective: To help the learner understand the efficient representation and manipulations of linear
and non linear data structures.
3 1 0 4

Unit I (15 Periods)
Pseudo code & Recursion: Introduction - Pseudo code - ADT - ADT model, implementations;
Recursion - Designing recursive algorithms - Examples - GCD, factorial, fibonnaci, Prefix to Postfix
conversion, Tower of Hanoi; General linear lists - operations, implementation, algorithms

Unit II (15 Periods)
Linear Lists: Stacks - Basic Operations, Linked stack, Algorithms, Implementation, Applications - Infix
to Postfix, Evaluation of Postfix - Queues - Operations, Linked list design, algorithms, Mazing Problem,
Complex implementations - circularly linked lists, doubly linked lists - Sparse Matrices - linked
representation, input, output, erase

Unit III (15 Periods)
Non-Linear Lists: Trees - basic concepts, binary trees, traversals, expression trees; General trees -
insertion, deletion - Conversion of general to binary tree; Binary Search tree - basics, operations, ADT,
applications - Threaded trees; AVL trees - basic concepts and implementation

Unit IV (15 Periods)
Heaps & Trie Structure: Heaps - basics, implementation, algorithms; Heap applications - Priority
Queues; Multi-way Trees - B-tree implementation, algorithms, 2-3 tree, Trie structure; Searching -
sequential and binary search, hashed searches, collision resolution; Graphs - Elementary operations - BFS
- DFS - Minimum Cost Spanning Tree - Kruskals & Prims algorithms


1. Richard F. Gilberg & Behrouz A. Forouzan, Data Structures: A Pseudocode Approach with C,
Thomson Learning, 2
Edition, 2007.
2. Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahni, & Susan Anderson Freed, Fundamentals of Data Structures in C,
University Press, 2
Edition, 2008 (Sections 3.5, 4.7, 6.1, 6.2.1, 6.2.2, 6.3.1, 6.3.2)


1. J.P.Trembley, P.G. Sorenson, An Introduction to Data Structures with Applications, Tata McGraw
Hill, 2
Edition, 2002.
2. Seymour Lipschutz, G.A.Vijayalakshmi Pai, Data Structures, Tata McGraw Hill, 2005.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering


Unit I The learner will be able to write pseudo-code for basic operations along with Abstract Data
Type, recursion and its applications.
Unit II The learner will have an understanding of linear data structures like stack, queue, linked lists
and its applications.
Unit III The learner will have an understanding of non-linear tree data structure, its types, operations
and applications.
Unit IV The learner will have an understanding of heap, trie, graph and its algorithms.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Semester number: 3
Learning outcome for BCSCCS 304 R01 : DIGITAL ELECTRONICS
(Common for CSE, IT and ICT)

Course Objective: To enable the learner to analyze, design, implement logical operations in sequential
and combinational circuits.

3 1 0 4

Unit I (15 Periods)
Boolean Simplification & Logic Families
Boolean Functions: Boolean Laws - Simplifications Using Laws- Minterms - Maxterms - Sum of
Product and Product of Sum Forms - Karnaugh Map - NAND, NOR Implementation.
Digital Logic families: RTL - DTL - ECL - TTL - CMOS Logic Families - Characteristics -Comparison
of IC Families.

Unit II (15 Periods)
Logic Design, PLDS & Memories
Combinational Circuits: Adders - Subtractors- Magnitude Comparators - Multiplexer - Demultiplexer -
Encoder - Decoder.
Memories: Semiconductor Memories - Types of Memories: RAM, ROM, EPROM, EEPROM, MRAM,
CAM, CCD, Flash Memory
Programmable Devices: SPLD: PAL, PLA, GAL, PROM, CPLD, FPGA

Unit III (15 Periods)
Asynchronous Sequential Machine
ASM: Introduction - ASM Charts- Examples of Synchronous Sequential Network Design Using ASM
Charts- State Assignment - ASM Tables- ASM Realization for Traffic Control, 2 Bit Synchronous
Up/Down Counter, Automatic Bank Teller, Milk Vending Machine, Waveform Generator.

Unit IV (15 Periods)
Asynchronous & Synchronous Sequential Circuits
Sequential Circuits: Flip Flops: RS- D- JK- T and Master Slave Flip Flops.
Registers: Shift Registers- SISO, SIPO, PISO, PIPO and Bi-Directional Registers
Counters: Design of Synchronous Counters, Design of Asynchronous Counters FSM - Basic Design
Procedure - Mealy & Moore Machines - FSM realization Design of Sequential Networks - ROM, PLA,
PLDs and PGAs.


1. M.Morris Mano, Digital Design, Pearson Education, 4
Edition, 2006.
2. Donald D. Givone, Digital Principles and Designs, Tata McGraw Hill, 2003.
3. Charles H.Roth,Jr, Fundamentals of Logic Design, Thomson Learning, 5


1. R.P.Jain, Modern Digital Electronics, Tata McGraw Hill, 3
Edition, 2006.
2. Bhutiyani. R.S, Advanced digital technique & Digital system design, Everest Publishing house,
3. T.L.Floyd, Digital Fundamentals, Pearson Education, 3
Edition, 2006.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering


Unit I The learner will be able to perform simple operations using gates and formulate
mechanisms for simplifying logical circuits.
Unit II The learner will be able to design digital circuits for mathematical operations and
understand various programming devices and memories.
Unit III The learner will be able to design asynchronous sequential machine using ASM charts.
Unit IV The learner will be able to analyse sequential circuits and realise the same in terms of state

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Semester number: 3
Learning outcome for BCSCEI 305 R01 : CONTROL SYSTEMS
(Common for CSE, IT and ICT)

Course Objective: The learner will be able to understand the concepts of control systems, time &
frequency responses and different methodologies in stability analysis.

3 1 0 4

Unit I (14 periods)
Introduction: Definition of control system - linear system - open loop and closed loop systems - block
diagrams - Transfer function - signal flow graph (Masons rule) - examples and problems.
Control system components: Potentiometers - synchros - A.C. and D.C. tacho generators - transfer
functions of armature controlled and field controlled D.C. shunt motor - A.C. and D.C. servomotors for
position control - stepper motor - gear trains - analogy with transformer.

Unit II (15 periods)
Time response of linear systems: First order and second order Systems - impulse response and step
response of first and second order linear systems - time domain specifications like rise time, delay time,
overshoot and settling time of a second order system - response to ramp input - type and order of a system
- steady state error and error constants - generalized error constants - examples and problems.

Unit III (15 periods)
Frequency response: correlation between time and frequency response - polar plot - Bode plots -
magnitude plot - steps for drawing the asymptotic Bode magnitude plot - phase angle plot - gain and
phase cross-over frequencies - gain margin and phase margin their definitions and determination from
Bode plots-examples and problems.

Unit IV (16 periods)
Stability analysis: concept of stability - BIBO criterion - characteristic equation - stability definitions -
Routh-Hurwitz stability criterion - Nyquist plot - Steps for drawing the Nyquist plot - Typical Nyquist
curves - critical point - Nyquist stability criterion and its application - examples and problems.
Root locus technique: Root locus plot - rules for construction - typical root locus trajectories -
determination of critical gain.


1. I.J. Nagrath & M.Gopal, Control System Engineering, New Age International, 2001.


1. Benjamin C.Kuo, Automatic Control Systems, PHI, New Delhi, 7
Edition 2000.
2. Katsuhiko Ogata, Modern Control Engineering, PHI, New Delhi, 3
Edition 2000.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering


Unit I The learner will be able to comprehend concepts pertaining to control system and its
Unit II The learner will be able to understand the time response of linear control systems.
Unit III The learner will have an understanding of the frequency response in control systems.
Unit IV The learner will be able to perform stability analysis.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Semester number: 3
Learning outcome for BCSCCS 306 R02 : DIGITAL ELECTRONICS LAB
(Common for CSE, IT and ICT)

Course Objective: To help the learner implement the logical aspects of combinational and sequential
0 0 3 2
1. 4 Bit Adder / Subtractor
Sub Modules to be designed / constructed (Prerequisites): Basic gates, Half adder, Half subtractor, Full
Adder, Full Subtractor, 2:1 Multiplexer, 2:4 decoder, BCD to Seven Segment Decoder, Understanding
of seven segment display.

2. 4-bit Magnitude Comparator
Sub Modules to be designed / constructed (Prerequisites) : bit comparator, 4 bit comparator.

3. 4-bit Arithmetic Logic Unit
Sub Modules to be designed / constructed (Prerequisites): 8:1 Multiplexer,(4 bit comparator and 4 bit
adder have to be used here).

4. 3-bit Asynchronous Ripple Counter
Sub Modules to be designed / constructed (Prerequisites): SR Latch, JK, SR, T and D Flip - Flops.

5. Register File, Instruction and Data Memories:
Sub Modules to be designed / constructed (Prerequisites): PIPO, PISO, SIPO and PIPO Shift
Registers, 4: 1 Multiplexer

6. Assembling the Processor:
Sub Modules to be designed / constructed (Prerequisites): 3 bit asynchronous counter (PC),
(combination of all the above experiments).


Experiment 1 The learner gains the capability to perform various other mathematical operations
based on addition, subtraction, multiplexing and decoding on a trainer kit.
Experiment 2 The learner gets the knowledge of constructing higher order comparators using logic
Experiment 3 The learner develops the skill to construct ALUs for various manipulations.
Experiment 4 The learner gets to know the applications of various counters.
Experiment 5 The learner gains an understanding of the use of shift registers in data retrieval.
Experiment 6 The learner will be able to understand how to design a 4-bit processor.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Semester number: 3
Learning outcome for BCSCCS 307 R03 : DATA STRUCTURES LAB
(Common for CSE, IT and ICT)
Course Objective: To help the learner understand the concepts and techniques available for the data
structures using C / C++.
0 0 3 2
1. Create a Stack and do the following operations using arrays.
(i) Push (ii) Pop (iii) Peep (iv) Display
2. Create a Queue and do the following operations using arrays
(i) Enqueue (ii) Dequeue (iii) Search (iv) Display
3. Implement insertion, deletion and display operations on singly linked list
4. Implement conversion of infix expression to postfix using linked stack.
5. Implement insertion, deletion and display operations on doubly linked list
6. Implement insertion, deletion and display operations on circular doubly linked list.
7. Implement the following operations on a binary search tree:
(i) Insert a node (ii) Delete a node (iii) Traversals - In-order, Pre order, & Post order
8. General Tree to Binary Tree Conversion
9. Implement the following operations on B-tree:
(i) Insert a node (ii) Delete a node (iii) Display using preorder traversal
10. Implement the following operations on trie structure :
(i) Insert a node (ii) Delete a node (iii) Search for a node (iv) Display using preorder traversal
11. Sort the list of numbers using Heap sort and Merge Sorting Techniques
12. Implement the following three searching techniques for a set of numbers
(i) Linear Search (ii) Binary Search (iii) Hash Search using modulo division method (Chained
13. Traverse the nodes of the graph using BFS and DFS.
14. Minimum Cost Spanning Tree using Prims algorithm

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering


Experiment 1 The learner understands the usage of basic stack operations.
Experiment 2 The learner comprehends the usage of basic queue operations.
Experiment 3 The learner employs singly linked list operations in software applications.
Experiment 4 The learner apprehends the evaluation of expressions based on infix to postfix
Experiment 5 The learner applies doubly linked list operations in applications like memory
Experiment 6 The learner acquires knowledge on circular doubly linked list operations for the
maintenance of free list.
Experiment 7 The learner develops applications based on binary search tree operations.
Experiment 8 The learner practices the conversion of general tree to binary tree for efficient
management of data.
Experiment 9 The learner implements database retrieval algorithms using B-Tree operations.
Experiment 10 The learner constructs a dictionary with the help of trie structure.
Experiment 11 The learner practices reorganization of records using sorting techniques.
Experiment 12 The learner devises algorithms for the retrieval of records with efficient searching
Experiment 13 The learner performs networking related applications employing depth first and breadth
first traversals.
Experiment 14 The learner constructs minimum spanning tree for efficient multicast routing.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Semester number: 3
Learning outcome for BCSDCS 303 R01 : LINUX PROGRAMMING
(Common for CSE, IT and ICT)

Course Objective: To help the learner familiarise operating system features and develop applications in
Linux environment.

2 0 2 3

Unit I (15 Periods)
Introduction and Shell Programming: Basic Linux Programming Concepts - Man Pages - Redirection
and Piping - Variables - Functions - Conditionals and Loops - Shell utilities. Regular Expressions,
Emacs, Linux Data files and scripts: Introducing Regular Expressions - Understanding character classes
- using quantifiers - Introducing Alternation and Grouping - Supporting Regular Expressions in Linux -
Emacs modes and Emacs as an IDE.

Unit II (15 Periods)
File Handling: The File Mode - Basic File Operations - querying and changing I node Information -
Manipulating Directory Entries - Manipulating File Descriptors - Creating Unnamed Pipes. Advanced
File Handling: Input and Output Multiplexing - Memory Mapping - File Locking - Scatter/Gather Reads
and Writes.

Unit III (15 Periods)
Signal Processing: Signal Concepts - The Linux and POSIX signal API - Available signals - Writing
Signal Handlers - Reopening Log Files. Networking with Sockets: Protocol support - Utility Functions -
Basic Socket Operations - Unix Domain Sockets - Networking Machines with TCP/IP - Socket Errors.

Unit IV (15 Periods)
The Linux Console, String Matching: Globbing Arbitrary Strings - Regular Expressions. Terminal
Handling with S-Lang: Input Handling - Output Handling. The Database Library: Overview - Basic
Operations - Reading Records - Modifying the Database.


1. John Goerzen, Linux Programming Bible, IDG Books India (P) Ltd., 2000. (Unit I)
2. Michael K. Jhonson, Erik W. Troan, Linux Application Development, Addison Wesley, Pearson
Education, 2000. (Unit II, III & IV)


1. Richard Petersen, Linux: The Complete Reference, Tata McGraw Hill, 2
Edition, 2001.
2. Neil Mathew and Richard Stones, Professional Linux Programming, Wrox Press Ltd., 2001.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering


Unit I The learner writes shell scripts using Emacs editor and constructs regular expressions.
Unit II The learner classifies various files efficiently by applying advanced file concepts like
locking, mapping and multiplexing.
Unit III The learner develops applications for communication among processes using various signals
and sockets.
Unit IV The learner identifies the primitives for handling strings and terminals. Besides, the learner
develops an application using database utilities.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Semester number: 3
Learning outcome for BCSDCS 305 R01 : MULTIMEDIA SYSTEMS

Course Objective: To enable the learner comprehend the challenges and problems in the representation,
manipulation and delivery of multimedia content.
3 0 0 3

Unit I (11 Periods)
Overview: Introduction - Multimedia Presentation and Production - Characteristics of a Multimedia
Presentation - Hardware and Software Requirements - Uses of Multimedia - Promotion of Multimedia
Based Content -Steps for Creating a Multimedia Presentation. Digital Representation: Introduction -
Digital Representation - Need for Digital Representation -Analog to Digital and Digital to Analog
Conversions - Importance and Drawbacks of Digital Representation. Text: Introduction - Types of Text
- Unicode Standard - Font - Insertion of Text - File Formats. Image: Introduction - Image Types - Color
Models - Scanner - Digital Camera - Interface Standards - Specifications of Digital Images - Color
Management System - Device Independent Color Models - Image File Formats - Image Output on
Monitors and Printers.

Unit II (12 Periods)
Audio: Introduction - Acoustics - Nature of Sound Wave - Characteristics of Sound - Psycho Acoustics
- Elements of Audio Systems - Microphone - Amplifier - Loudspeaker - Audio Mixer - Synthesizers -
Midi , Messages, Connections, Specifications - Sound Card - Audio Recording Devices, System - Audio
File Formats and Codecs -Types of Audio in a Presentation - Voice Recognition and Response. Video:
Introduction - Video Signal Formats -Television Broadcasting Systems -Digital Video Standards - PC
Video - Video Recording Formats and Systems - Video File Systems and Codecs -Video Editing.

Unit III (11 Periods)
Animation: Introduction - Uses of Animation - Key frames and Tweening - Types of Animations -
Computer assisted Animation - Creating Movement - Principles of Animation - Some Techniques of
Animation - File Formats. Multimedia architecture: Introduction - User Interfaces - Windows
Multimedia Support - Hardware Support - Distributed Multimedia Applications - Real Time Protocols -
Playback Architectures - Streaming Technologies - Temporal Relationships - Synchronization -
Multimedia Database Systems - Feature Extraction of Images, Audio, Video - Indexing Mechanisms -
Characteristics of MMDB.

Unit IV (11 Periods)
Compression principles: Text Compression: Huffman coding- LZ and LZW coding. Image
compression: JPEG. Audio compression: Differential Pulse Code Modulation - Adaptive differential
PCM -Adaptive and linear coding - MPEG and Dolby audio coders. Video compression: H.261, DVI,
MPEG, MPEG-1, MPEG - 2, MPEG - 4, MPEG - 7. Virtual Reality: Introduction - Forms of Virtual
Reality - VR Applications - Software Requirements - Peripheral Devices - VRML.


1. Ranjan Parekh, Principles of Multimedia, Tata McGraw Hill, 2006. [Units I, II, III & IV]
2. Fred Halsall, Multimedia Communications, Pearson Education, 2001. [Unit IV]

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering


1. John Vince, Virtual Reality Systems, Pearson Education, 2001.
2. Tay Vaughan, Multimedia Making It Work, Tata McGraw Hill, 6
Edition, 2007.


Unit I The learner gains knowledge on different aspects of text and image formats along with the
digital representations of multimedia content.
Unit II The learner is able to apprehend the hardware, software and the audio-video formats.
Unit III The learner recognizes the different animation techniques, multimedia architectures and
multimedia database systems.
Unit IV The learner is able to perform text, audio and video compression.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Semester number: 3
Learning outcome for BCSDCS 301 R02 : PROGRAMMING IN C
(Common for all lateral entry students)

Course Objective: To help the learners understand the basic elements of programming languages and to
develop the problem solving skills in the C programming language.
3 1 0 4

Unit I (15 Periods)
Introduction to Computer Problem Solving: Introduction-Problem solving aspect, top down design,
implementation of algorithms, program verification, efficiency and analysis of algorithms. Designing
Programs (Illustrations must be in C language): Understanding the programs purpose, examples,
body, and testing and domain knowledge.
Variables, Data Types, and Arithmetic Expressions: Working with Variables, Understanding Data
Types and Constants, Working with Arithmetic Expressions. Program Looping: for Statement, while
Statement, do Statement. Making Decisions: if Statement, switch Statement, Boolean Variables,
Conditional Operator. Applications: counting, summing a set of numbers, finding factorial, sine function
computation, reversing the digits of an integer, base conversion, character to number conversion.

Unit II (15 Periods)
Working with Arrays: Defining an Array, Initializing Arrays, Character Arrays, Multidimensional
Arrays, Variable-Length Arrays. Working with Functions: Defining a Function, Arguments and Local
Variables, Returning Function Results, Functions Calling Functions, Functions and Arrays, Global
Variables, Automatic and Static Variables, Recursive Functions.
Applications of Arrays and Functions: removal of duplicates from an ordered array, partitioning an
array, sorting by diminishing increment, binary search, keyword searching in a text, stack operation,
computing the prime factors of an integer.

Unit III (15 Periods)
Working with Structures: A Structure for Storing the Date, Functions and Structures, Initializing
Structures, Arrays of Structures, Structures Containing Structures, Structures Containing Arrays,
Structure Variants.
Character Strings: Arrays of Characters, Variable-Length Character Strings, Escape Characters, More
on Constant Strings, Character Strings, Structures, and Arrays, Character Operations.
Pointers: Defining a Pointer Variable, Using Pointers in Expressions, Working with Pointers and
Structures, The Keyword const and Pointers, Pointers and Functions, Pointers and Arrays, Operations on
Pointers. Operations on Bits: Bit Operators, Bit Fields.
The Preprocessor: The #define Statement, The #include Statement, Conditional Compilation.
More on Data Types: Enumerated Data Types, The typedef Statement, Data Type Conversions.
Applications of structures, character strings and pointers: Left and right justification of text, text line
editing, linked list search, linked list insertion and deletion.

Unit IV (15 Periods)
Working with Larger Programs: Dividing a Program into Multiple Files, Communication between
Modules, Other Utilities for Working with Larger Programs.
Input and Output Operations in C: Character I/O: getchar and putchar, Formatted I/O: printf and
scanf, Input and Output Operations with Files, Special Functions for Working with Files. Miscellaneous
and Advanced Features: Miscellaneous Language Statements, Working with Unions, The Comma
Operator, Type Qualifiers, Command-Line Arguments, and Dynamic Memory Allocation.
Debugging Programs: Debugging with the Preprocessor, Debugging Programs with gdb. Application
of file I/O: creation and processing of text and binary files with and without command line arguments.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering


1. Stephen G. Kochan, Programming in C, CBS publishers and distributors, 3
Edition, 2001.
2. R. G. Dromey, How to solve it by Computer, Pearson Education, 2009.
3. Mathias Felleisen, Robert Bruce Findler, Matthew Flatt, Shriram Krishnamurthi, How to Design
Programs, PHI, 2004.


1. Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie, The C programming Language, 2
Edition, PHI, 1998.
2. K.N.King, C Programming - A Modern approach, W.W. Norton Company, London, 2008.


Unit I The learner will gain knowledge about the methods of problem solving, algorithm writing
and the basic elements of C language such as the data types, variables, various control
structures, statements and expressions.
Unit II The learner will be exposed to the concepts of functions and arrays along with their
syntaxes, types and various restrictions. They will also learn to write simple programs
incorporating these concepts to solve problems.
Unit III The learner will learn and understand the usage of structures, strings and pointers. They will
learn to apply those concepts into different applications.
Unit IV The learner will learn the concepts behind file management including creation and
manipulations of files with the help of different file handling functions in C. Besides, they
will also learn the miscellaneous C concepts like unions, debugging and command line

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Semester number: 3
Learning outcome for BCSDCS 304 R03 : PROGRAMMING IN C LAB
(Common for all lateral entry students)
Course Objective: To help the learners understand the C programming concepts and to write c
programming using various constructs.
0 0 3 2

1. Programs using Input, output and assignment statements
2. Programs using Branching statements
3. Programs using Looping statements
4. Programs using Functions
5. Programs using Arrays
6. Programs using Structures
7. Programs using strings
8. Programs using Pointers (both data pointers and function pointers)
9. Programs using dynamic memory allocation
10. Programs using Recursion
11. Programs using Files
12. Dividing a large program into multiple files

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering


Experiment 1 The learners will be able to write simple programs in C by using input and assignment
Experiment 2 The learners will understand how to deal with conditional statements and branching in
Experiment 3 The learners will learn to write programs that require some portion of the programs to
be executed multiple times. They achieve this by using loop statements.
Experiment 4 The learners exposed to the idea of divide-and-conquer and its benefits. They begin to
conceive and practice programs to consist of many functions.
Experiment 5 The learners will be able combine a group common variables of same type under a
single name. The concept of arrays is experimented through sample problems.
Experiment 6 The learners will get knowledge about the declaration, definition and usage of
structures and the manipulation of structure members.
Experiment 7 The learners will be able to handle strings in their programs by using character arrays.
They start using the string manipulation functions present in the library.
Experiment 8 The learners will be able develop intuitively the concepts of memory address,
variables and pointers. They will able write programs utilizing the concepts of
Experiment 9 The learners will be able to enhance their knowledge about pointers by using them for
dynamic memory allocation. They learn to use malloc and free for the creation and
release of dynamic memory.
Experiment 10 The learners will understand how to invoke a function from itself by writing recursive
Experiment 11 The learners will be able to work with files for the creation, opening, deletion, writing
and modification of file contents.
Experiment 12 The learners will gain knowledge to work with multi-file programs by dividing a
larger program into a number of smaller files.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Scheme of Study and Syllabi for IV Semester B.Tech. - Computer Science & Engineering
(For the students admitted from the year 2011-12)


Subject Code Subject Title
Periods of
BCSCMA 401 R02 Engineering Mathematics - IV 3 1 0 4
BCSCCS 402 R03 Computer Organization and Architecture 3 1 0 4
BCSCCS 403 R02 Microprocessors and Micro Controller 3 1 0 4
BCSCCS 404 R03 Java Programming 3 1 0 4
BCSCCS 405 R02 Object Oriented Analysis and Design 3 1 0 4
BCSDCS XXX DE - 2 3 1 0 4
BCSCCS 406 R02 Microprocessors and Micro Controller Lab 0 0 3 2
BCSCCS 407 R01 Java Programming Lab 0 0 3 2

TOTAL 18 6 6 28


BCSDCS 408 Computer Graphics 3 1 0 4
BCSDCS 402 Communication Engineering 3 1 0 4


BCSDCS 401 R03 Programming in C++ 3 1 0 4
BCSDCS 407 R02
Programming in C++ Lab 0 0 3 2

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Semester number: 4
Learning outcome for BCSCMA 401 R02 : ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS - IV
(Common for CSE, IT and ICT)

Course Objective: To help the learner in understanding application of Fourier series to solve wave and
heat conduction problems arising in Engineering studies and to deal with higher order Partial differential
equations in various branches of Engineering.

3 1 0 4

Unit I (15 Periods)
Fourier Series: Introduction - Dirichlets conditions - Eulers Formula - General Fourier series - Odd
and even functions - Half range series - Parsevals identity - Complex form of Fourier series - Root
Mean square (RMS) value of a function - Numerical methods of finding Fourier coefficients - Harmonic

Unit II (15 Periods)
Partial Differential Equations (PDEs): Formation of PDEs - Elimination of arbitrary constants and
functions - Complete solution - singular solution - General solution - Solution of PDE by direct
integration - First order non linear PDEs - Standard types: f(p,q) = 0; f(z,p,q) = 0; f(x,y,p,q) = 0 and
Clairauts equations - Equations reducible to standard types - Lagranges linear equations - Solution of
higher order homogeneous PDEs with constant coefficients.

Unit III (15 Periods)
One dimensional wave and heat equations: One dimensional wave equation - Assumptions - Boundary
and initial value problems - Fourier series solution - One dimensional heat equation - Assumptions-
Steady and unsteady states - Boundary and initial value problems-Fourier series solution.

Unit IV (15 Periods)
Two dimensional heat flow equations: Two dimensional heat flow equation - Assumptions- Steady
state heat flow in two dimensions - Laplace equation in Cartesian and Polar coordinates (including
annulus) - Fourier series solution.


1. Dr.P.Kandasamy et al., Engineering Mathematics, Vol. III , S.Chand & Co., 2009.


1. Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 8
edition, Wiley Eastern company, 2005.
2. T. Veerarajan, Engineering Mathematics (for semester IV), Tata McGraw Hill, 2001.
3. Dr.B.S.Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers, 2003.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering


Unit I The learner comprehends the use of Fourier series approximation for various functions and to
appreciate the use of Fourier harmonics in physical problems.
Unit II The learner understands various methods of solving partial differential equations that govern
various physical processes.
Unit III The learner solves various initial and boundary value problems that correspond to vibrations of
strings and heat conduction to provide Fourier series solution.
Unit IV The learner solves two dimensional boundary and initial value problems that correspond to
engineering phenomena.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Semester number: 4
(Common for CSE, IT and ICT)

Course Objective: To help the learner understand the concepts & techniques available for the
organization and architecture of computer.

3 1 0 4

Unit I (12 Periods)
Introduction: Organization and Architecture, Structure and Function - Computer Evolution - Brief
history of computers - Designing for performance.
Computer System: Components, Function - Interconnection Structures - Bus interconnection - PCI.

Unit II (18 Periods)
Memory: Cache memory: Memory system overview - Cache memory principles - Elements of Cache
design - Semiconductor Main Memory -Error correction- Advanced DRAM organization.
External Memory: Magnetic Disk- RAID - Optical Memory - Magnetic Tapes.
Input/Output: External Devices - I/O Modules - Programmed I/O - Interrupt Driven I/O - DMA

Unit III (15 Periods)
CPU: Computer Arithmetic: ALU - Integer Representation and Arithmetic - Floating Point
Representation and Arithmetic.
Instruction Set: Characteristics - Operand Types - Operation Types - Addressing Modes - Instruction
Processor organization - Register organization - Instruction Cycle - Instruction Pipelining

Unit IV (15 Periods)
RISC: Instruction execution characteristics - Large Register File - Compiler based Register Optimization
- Architecture - RISC Vs CISC Characteristics.
Control Unit: Micro-Operations - Control of Processors - Hardwired Implementation.
Micro Programmed Control: Basic concepts - Microinstruction Sequencing - Microinstruction


1. William Stallings, Computer Organization and Architecture - Designing for Performance, PHI, 7

Edition, 2006.

1. Patterson, D. A., Hennessy, J. L., Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software
Interface, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 4
Edition, 2008.
2. D.A.Godse, A.P.Godse, Computer Architecture & Organization, Technical Publications, 2007.
3. John P.Hayes, Computer Architecture and Organization, Tata McGraw Hill, 3
Edition, 2002.
4. Carl Hamacher, Zvonko Vranesic, Safwat Zaky, Computer Organization, Tata McGraw Hill, 5

Edition, 2002.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering


Unit I The learner knows the evolution of computers and the interconnections among computer
Unit II The learner acquires the knowledge on organization of memory systems, detection and
correction of errors using Error Correction Code.
Unit III The learner understands the arithmetic operations on integer and floating point data and
develops an insight on Instruction set.
Unit IV The learner comprehends the organization of control unit and characteristics of Instruction set.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Semester number: 4
(Common for CSE, IT and ICT)

Course Objective: To help the learner understand the architecture of x86 microprocessors and 8051
microcontroller with corresponding assembly language programming.
3 1 0 4

Unit I (15 Periods)
80386: Introduction to 80386 microprocessor - Addressing Modes - Instruction Set - Special 80386
registers - 80386 Memory Management - Moving to protected mode - Virtual 8086 mode, - Memory
Paging mechanism - Interrupts and ISR.

Unit II (15 Periods)
80486 and Pentium: Introduction to 80486 microprocessor - Introduction to Pentium Microprocessors -
Special Pentium Registers - Pentium memory management - New Pentium instructions - Introduction to
Pentium Pro Microprocessors - Special Pentium Pro features.

Unit III (15 Periods)
Embedded Platform Architecture: Overview - APIC - Device Interface - Device Interconnect -
Universal Serial Bus - INTEL ATOM Microarchitecture - INTEL ATOM E6XX Series Platform -
Architecture Overview - Components of the Intel Atom Processor E6xx Series - Platform Controller

Unit IV (15 Periods)
8051 Architecture: Introduction - hardware - Input/Output Pins, Ports, and circuits- External memory -
Counters and Timers - Serial Data Input/Output - Interrupts - 8255 programmable I/O Port - Introduction
- Functional Description - programming the 8255.


1. Barry B Brey, The Intel Microprocessors: Architecture, Programming and Interfacing, PHI, 8

Edition, 2009. (Unit I, II)
2. K.R. Venugopal, Rajkumar, Microprocessor X 86 programming, BPB Publications, 2003. (Unit I:
Interrupts and ISR]
3. AK Ray, K M Bhurchandi, Advanced Microprocessors and Peripherals: Architecture, Programming
and Interfacing, Tata McGraw Hill, 2
Edition, 2006. (Unit I: Addressing Modes, Instruction Set)
4. Peter Barry, Patrick Crowley, Modern Embedded Computing - Designing Connected, Pervasive,
Media-Rich Systems , Morgan Kaufmann, 2012. (Unit III)
5. Kenneth J.Ayala, The 8051 Microcontroller, Thomson Learning, 3
Edition, 2004. [Unit IV]


1. Intel Atom Processor E6xx Series: Datasheet - January 2011

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering


Unit I The learner understands the architecture, modes of operation and memory management
concepts in 386 processor.
Unit II The learner comprehends the architecture and advanced features of 486, Pentium & Pentium
Pro processors.
Unit III The learner gains insight on E6xx ATOM Processor and standard device interfaces.
Unit IV The learner apprehends the architecture of 8051 microcontroller and programmable peripheral

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Semester number: 4
Learning outcome for BCSCCS 404 R03 : JAVA PROGRAMMING
(Common for CSE, IT and ICT)

Course Objective: To help the learner develop Java console applications and applets using AWT controls
for front-end design & database connections for back-end access.

3 1 0 4

Unit I (15 Periods)
Introduction: Object Oriented Programming - Genesis of Java - Overview of Java - Data types,
Variables and Arrays - Operators - Control Statements - Introducing Classes - Methods and Classes -
Overloading - Understanding static, final - Nested and Inner Classes - String class - Command Line
Arguments - Inheritance - I/O Basics - - File - Byte Streams - Character Streams - Packages and
Interfaces - Exception Handling.

Unit II (15 Periods)
Multithreaded Programming: Multithreaded Programming - Java Thread Model - Creating Multiple
Threads - Thread Priorities - Synchronization - Inter thread communication - Suspending, Resuming and
Stopping threads.
Applets: Fundamentals - Applet class - Applet Skeleton - Event Handling - Event classes - Event Listener
Interfaces - Adapter Classes - Inner Classes.

Unit III (15 Periods)
AWT, RMI: AWT - Window Fundamentals - Working with Frame Windows, Graphics, colors and Fonts
- Using AWT controls, Layout managers and Menus - Control Fundamentals - Understanding Layout
Managers - Java RMI.
Networking: Basics - Networking Classes and Interfaces - InetAddress - TCP/IP Socket, ServerSocket
classes - UDP DatagramSocket, DatagramPacket classes.

Unit IV (15 Periods)
Java Database Connectivity - Database Systems - Introduction - Structured Query Language - Installing
and setting up JDBC - Basic JDBC Programming concepts - Populating a database - Executing Queries -
Scrollable and Updateable Result Sets


1. Herbert Schildt, The Complete Reference JAVA 2, Tata McGraw Hill, 5
Edition, 2002. (Unit
2. Cay S Horstmann, Gary Cornell, Core Java 2, Vol II Advanced Features, PHI, 8
Edition, 2008.
(Unit IV)


1. Harvey M. Deitel, Paul J. Deitel, JAVA: How to Program, Deitel & Associates Inc., 7
2. Peter Norton and William Stanek, Peter Nortons Guide to JAVA Programming, Techmedia, 1997.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering


Unit I The learner understands the basic syntax and structure of the Java programming and implements
the same.
Unit II The learner creates applications using multiple threads. In addition, learner understands the
structure of the applet program and event handling methods.
Unit III The learner uses AWT controls and frames to develop user interface. In addition, the learner
gains knowledge of RMI and Socket Programming.
Unit IV The learner creates and performs database operations through JDBC-ODBC connectivity.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Semester number: 4
(Common for CSE, IT and ICT)

Course Objective: To help the learners understand the underlying principles and techniques of Object
Oriented Analysis and Design.

3 1 0 4

Unit I (15 Periods)
Object basics : Overview of Object Oriented System Development - Objects - Attributes - Behaviors -
Relationship and Associations - Aggregation - Object and identity - Static and Dynamic binding -
Object persistence - OOSD Life cycle - OO Methodologies - Patterns - Frameworks --Unified

Unit II (15 Periods)
Analysis: Unified modeling language - Introduction - UML Class diagrams - Use Case Diagram -
Dynamic modeling - OO Analysis Process - Use case driven OO Analysis- Use case model -
Classification - Noun Phrase approach - Common class pattern - Identifying object relationship -
Associations - super subclass - Aggregation - Identifying Attributes and Methods - Classes,
Responsibilities and Collaborators -Object Responsibility.

Unit III (15 Periods)
Design: Object Oriented Design - Axioms and Corollaries- Designing classes - Process - Class visibility -
Refining Attributes - Designing methods and protocols - Access Layer - OODBMS - Object relational
systems - Multi database systems- Designing Access layer classes - View layer - Designing view layer

Unit IV (15 Periods)
Software Quality Assurance: Quality assurance tests - Testing strategies - Test Cases - Test Plan -
Continuous Testing - Myers debugging principles - Usability testing - User satisfaction test.

Applications: Object diagram compiler- Computer Animation.


1. Ali Bahrami, Object oriented System Development, Tata McGraw Hill, 2008. (Units I, II, III, IV)
2. James Rumbaugh, Michael Blaha, William Premerlani, Frederick Eddy, William Lorensen, Object
Oriented Modeling and Design, 2002. (Unit IV Applications)



B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering


Unit I The learner gains the understanding of the fundamentals of objects and object oriented
Unit II The learner constructs diagrams using UML and learns object oriented analysis.
Unit III The learner comprehends the object oriented design techniques and OODBMS.
Unit IV The learner knows about various strategies for software quality assurance. In addition, the
learner applies different analysis and design techniques in real-time applications

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Semester number: 4
(Common for CSE, IT and ICT)

Course Objective: To help the learner understand the concept of assembly language programming for
implementing fundamental programming constructs and interfacing programs using x86 and
0 0 3 2
1. Implementation of Arithmetic Operations using Basic Microprocessors.
2. Implementation of Searching Techniques using X86.
3. Implementations of Matrix Multiplication in protected mode using X86.
4. Implementations of Task Switching in protected mode using X86.
5. Implementations of Paging in protected mode using X86.
6. Program for Ascending and Descending order using 8051.
7. Implementations of Counters using 8051.
8. Recursion Program using 8051.
9. Traffic Light Controller using 8051.
10. Interfacing stepper motor with 8051.
11. Interfacing ADC with 8051.
12. Serial Communication using UART with 8051.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering


Experiment 1 The learner understands the basic operations with x86 assembly language
Experiment 2 The learner performs looping constructs in x86 assembly language
Experiment 3 The learner creates and manipulates 2D data in x86 assembly language
Experiment 4 The learner comprehends multitasking in protected mode of x86 architecture.
Experiment 5 The learner performs the conversion of logical address to physical address in x86
Experiment 6 The learner manipulates with the nested looping constructs in 8051 assembly language.
Experiment 7 The learner applies delay routines, counter mechanisms and display values in LCD
display with 8051microcontroller board.
Experiment 8 The learner implements recursion technique in 8051 assembly language
Experiment 9 The learner configures 8255 interfacing with 8051 assembly language.
Experiment 10 The learner develops application based on the working principle of stepper motor.
Experiment 11 The learner acquires knowledge on the working principle of analog to digital converter
with 8051 assembly language.
Experiment 12 The learner devises applications based on serial communication using 8051

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Semester number: 4
Learning outcome for BCSCCS407 R01: JAVA PROGRAMMING LAB
(Common for CSE, IT and ICT)

Course Objective: To help the learner develop Java Applications and Applets implementing object
oriented techniques.
0 0 3 2

1. Implementation of Polymorphism in java.
2. Using Inheritances in Java.
3. Implement the Interfaces in Java.
4. Implement the usage of Packages in java.
5. Programs to create multiple threads in JAVA.
6. Develop a simple applet using labels, text fields and buttons.
7. Develop a simple applet using list box, choice box, scroll bar and check box.
8. Develop standalone GUI interface using frames.
9. Develop an applet for demonstrating the font features.
10. Develop an applet using panels and layout manager.
11. Develop an applet for demonstrating graphics features - using brush styles, colors, etc.,
12. Library management using JDBC.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering


Experiment 1 The learner implements the concept of runtime polymorphism in Java.
Experiment 2 The learner understands the applications of inheritance.
Experiment 3 The learner apprehends the creation of interfaces and its implementations.
Experiment 4 The learner understands the creation of packages and implementations.
Experiment 5 The learner develops applications based on the concept of multithreading.
Experiment 6 The learner implements the designing of applications using AWT controls.
Experiment 7 The learner develops applet based applications using GUI components.
Experiment 8 The learner devises standalone applications using frames.
Experiment 9 The learner knows about the different font classes and develops applications using the
Experiment 10 The learner applies layout managers to create applications.
Experiment 11 The learner implements graphical features for graphical based applications development.
Experiment 12 The learner will be able to develop an application with JDBC connectivity and perform
different operations on the database.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Semester number: 4
Learning outcome for BCSDCS 408 : COMPUTER GRAPHICS

Course Objective: To help the learner understand the concepts and algorithms of computer graphics for
2D and 3D objects.
3 1 0 4

Unit I (15 Periods)
Introduction: A Survey of Computer Graphics, Overview of graphics systems - Raster and Random Scan
displays, Raster and random scan systems.
Output primitives: Points and lines, Line Drawing Algorithms, Circle and Ellipse Generating
algorithms, Pixel addressing, Scan line polygon fill algorithm, boundary fill and flood-fill algorithms.
Attributes of Output Primitives - Curve attributes, Color and grayscale levels, Area fill and bundled

Unit II (15 Periods)
2-D Geometric transformations: Translation, scaling, rotation, reflection and shearing transformations,
matrix representations and homogeneous coordinates, composite transformations.
2-D Viewing and Clipping: The viewing pipeline, viewing coordinate reference frame, window to view-
port coordinate transformation, Point clipping, Line clipping - Cohen-Sutherland, Liang-Barsky and NLN
line clipping algorithms, Sutherland-Hodgeman and Weiler-Atherton polygon clipping algorithms, Text
Clipping, Exterior Clipping.
Transform Techniques - acceptance rejection technique - special properties.

Unit III (18 Periods)
3-D object representation: 3-D concepts, Polygon surfaces, quadric surfaces, Bezier curve and B-Spline
curves, Bezier and B-Spline surfaces, CSG, Octrees.
3-D Geometric transformations: Translation, rotation, scaling, reflection and shearing transformations,
composite transformations.
3-D viewing: Viewing pipeline, viewing coordinates, Parallel and Perspective projections and clipping.

Unit IV (12 Periods)
Hidden Surface Elimination: Back Face Detection - Z Buffer Algorithm-A Buffer algorithm-Scan Line
Algorithm-Painters Algorithm.
Surface-Rendering Methods: Light Sources, Polygon-rendering methods.
Computer animation: Design of animation sequence, general computer animation functions, raster
animation, computer animation languages, key frame systems, motion specifications.


1. Donald Hearn, Pauline Baker Computer Graphics C version, Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd,
Edition, 2009.


1. Zhigand Xiang, Roy Plastock, Computer Graphics, Tata McGraw Hill, 2
Edition, 2000.
2. Foley, VanDam, Feiner and Hughes, Computer Graphics Principles & Practice, Addison Wesley
Professional, 2
Edition, 1995.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering


Unit I The learner understands the algorithms of output primitives and knowledge of graphics I/O
Unit II The learner acquires knowledge of transformations, viewing and clipping on 2D objects.
Unit III The learner classifies different 3D object representations and will be able to apply the
transformations, viewing and clipping on 3D objects.
Unit IV The learner understands Hidden Surface Elimination and Surface-Rendering Methods. Besides,
the learner develops the knowledge of animation techniques.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Semester number: 4
(Common for CSE and ICT)

Course Objective: To help the learner familiarize with the techniques involved in the transfer of
information in the field of Radio communication system.

3 1 0 4

Unit I (15 Periods)
Amplitude Modulation: Transmission And Reception: Electromagnetic spectrum - Need for
modulation - Principles of amplitude modulation - AM envelope, frequency spectrum and bandwidth,
modulation index, AM power distribution - SSB, DSBSC and VSB systems. AM modulator circuits -
linear and non linear modulators - Envelope detector - AM transmitters - Low and high level transmitters,
receiver parameters -AM receivers - choice of IF - TRF, super heterodyne receiver.

Unit II (15 Periods)
Angle Modulation: Transmission And Reception : Angle modulation - FM and PM waveforms, phase
deviation and modulation index, frequency deviation, Bandwidth requirements for Angle - modulated
waves - direct and indirect method of FM generation - slope, balanced slope, ratio detector and Foster
Seely FM discriminators. Direct and indirect FM transmitters, Comparison of AM, FM and PM

Unit III (15 Periods)
Digital Communication: Introduction, Sampling Theorem, pulse modulation, PCM - PCM sampling,
sampling rate, signal to quantization noise rate, companding - percentage error, delta modulation, pulse
transmission - PAM, PDM and PPM - modulation and demodulation techniques Introduction, Shannon
limit for information capacity - OOK, ASK, FSK, PSK systems - Bit rate and baud rate consideration,
comparison - QPSK, Quadrature Amplitude modulation - constellation diagram

Unit IV (15 Periods)
Communication Systems: Introduction t o sat el l i t e communi cat i on - types of Sat el l i t es , orbi t s,
earth station, components of communication satellite. Introduction to optical communication system -
advantages - Principle of light transmission, types of fiber - transmitter and receiver block - fiber losses -
Introduction to RADAR system - principle - range equation - PRF - pulsed Radar and CW Radar -Radar


1. Kennedy and Davis, Electronic Communication Systems, Tata McGraw Hill, 4
Edition 1999. [Unit
I & II]
2. Wayne Tomasi, Electronic Communication Systems: Fundamentals Through Advanced, Pearson
Education, 2001. [Unit III & IV]


1. Simon Haykin, Communication Systems, John Wiley & Sons, 4
Edition, 2001.
2. Behrouz Forouzan, Introduction to data communications and Networking, Tata McGraw Hill, 2004.
3. Roddy D and Coolen J, Electronic Communications, PHI, 4
Edition, 2007.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering


Unit I The learner will have an understanding of the primary ideas and modulation involved in Radio
Unit II The learner examines various modulation and demodulation techniques and be able to fix
connection technology issues theoretically and practically.
Unit III The learner will be able to evaluate Digital Communication and incorporate different schemes.
Unit IV The learner gains knowledge of basic concepts in satellite communication and RADAR system
in line of sight.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Semester number: 4
Learning outcome for BCSDCS 401 R03 : PROGRAMMING IN C++
(Common for lateral entry students)

Course Objective: To assist the learner to understand the C++ programming language and develop the
ability to solve any type of problems by mapping with real world environment.

3 1 0 4

Unit I (15 Periods)
Introduction: Fundamentals of object oriented programming - procedure oriented programming Vs.
object oriented programming (OOP), Object oriented programming concepts - Classes, reusability,
encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, dynamic binding, message passing.
C++ Programming Basics: Output Using cout, directives, input with cin, type bool, setw Manipulator,
type Conversions. Functions: returning values from functions, reference arguments, overloaded function,
inline function, default arguments, returning by reference.

Unit II (15 Periods)
Object And Classes: Implementation of Class in C++, C++ Objects As Physical Object, C++ Object As
Data Types, Constructor, Object As Function Arguments, the Default Copy Constructor, returning Object
From Function, Structures And Classes, Classes Objects And Memory Static Class Data, Const Data and
Arrays and String Arrays Fundamentals: Arrays as Class Member Data, Arrays of Object, String, the
standard C++ String Class. Operator Overloading: Overloading Unary Operators, Overloading of
Binary Operators, Data Conversion, Pitfalls of Operators Overloading and Conversion, Keywords
Explicit And Mutable.

Unit III (15 Periods)
Inheritance: Concept of Inheritance, Derived Class And Base Class, Derived Class Constructors,
Overriding Member Function, Inheritance In The English Distance Class, Class Hierarchies, Inheritance
And Graphics Shapes, Public And Private Inheritance, Levels Of Inheritance, Multiple Inheritance,
Ambiguity In Multiply Inheritance, Aggregation: Classes Within Classes, Inheritance And program
Development. Pointers: Addresses and pointer, The Address-Of Operator &, Pointer and Arrays, Pointer
and Fraction, Pointer and C- Types String.
Memory Management: New And Delete, Pointers to Objects, Debugging pointers.
Virtual Function: Virtual Function, Friend Function, Static Function, Assignment and Copy
Initialization, This Pointer, Dynamic Type Information.

Unit IV (15 Periods)
Streams and Files: Streams Classes, Stream Errors. Disk File I/O with Streams, File Pointers, Error
Handling in File I/O, File I/O with Member Function, Overloading the Extraction and Insertion
Operators, Memory as a Stream Object, Command line Arguments, and Printer Output. Templates and
Exceptions: Function Templates, Class Templates Exceptions. Multi file Programming: Reasons for
multi-file programming, creating multi-file program, A very long number class, A high rise elevator


1. Robert Lafore, Object oriented programming in C++ , Galgotia publishers Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, 3

Edition, 2009.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering


1. KR Venugopal, Rajkumar, T Ravishankar; Mastering C++, Tata McGraw Hill Ltd., New Delhi,
2. Jense Liberty, Tim Keogh, C++: An introduction to programming, BPB Publications, New Delhi,
3. Stephen Parata, C++ Primer, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2000.


Unit I The learner will get knowledge with basics of object oriented concepts.
Unit II The learner will get exposed to core concepts like classes and objects.
Unit III The learner will understand the purpose of inheritance and pointers.
Unit IV The learner will get knowledge about file and streams with exception handling.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Semester number: 4
Learning outcome for BCSDCS 407 R02 : PROGRAMMING IN C++ LAB
(Common for lateral entry students)

Course Objective: To help the learner understand OOPs and C++ concepts and enable them to write
programs for any problem that arises in real world.

0 0 3 2
1. Programs using branching
2. Programs using multidimensional arrays
3. Programs using function overloading, inline functions
4. Programs using classes and objects (array as data members, array objects)
5. Programs using constructors and destructors
6. Programs using String class
7. Programs using operator overloading
8. Programs for data conversion using overloading
9. Programs using inheritance
10. Programs using virtual functions, friend functions
11. Programs using templates
12. Programs using files
13. Dividing a large program into multiple files

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Experiment 1 The learner gains knowledge on the usage of branching statements by implementing
sample programs.
Experiment 2 The learner will be able to work with multidimensional arrays with various applications.
Experiment 3 The learner will get exposed to function overloading by differing number and types of
parameters. They also learn to make program work faster by using inline functions.
Experiment 4 The learner experiments with classes and objects through simple applications.
Experiment 5 The learner will be able to do various programs using constructors and destructors.
Experiment 6 The learner will get knowledge about how to work with string data types and manipulations
of strings.
Experiment 7 The learner will get exposed to core concepts of OOPs like operator overloading.
Experiment 8 The learner will be able to convert one class type to another i.e. user defined to basic and
Experiment 9 The learner will gain an insight on inheritance and its application.
Experiment 10 The learner will get knowledge about the usage of virtual function and friend function.
Experiment 11 The learner will be able to work with templates.
Experiment 12 The learner will get knowledge to work with file systems.
Experiment 13 The learner will get to work with larger programs using multifile system.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Scheme of Study and Syllabi for V Semester B.Tech. - Computer Science & Engineering
(For the students admitted from the year 2011-12)


Subject Code Subject Title
Periods of
BCSCCS 501 R02 Design & Analysis of Algorithms 3 1 0 4
BCSCCS 502 R02 Data Base Management Systems 3 0 2 4
BCSCCS 503 R02 Operating Systems 3 1 0 4
BCSCCS 504 R02 Computer Networks 3 1 0 4
BCSDCS XXX DE - 3 3 1 0 4
BCSDCS XXX DE - 4 3 1 0 4
BCSCCS 505 R02 Operating Systems Lab 0 0 3 2
BCSCCS 506 R02 Computer Networks Lab 0 0 3 2
BCSCTP 507 R02 HR Skills - I 0 0 3 2
TOTAL 18 5 11 30


BCSDMA 501 Engineering Mathematics - V 3 1 0 4
BCSDCS 503 Natural Language Processing 3 1 0 4
BCSDCS 505 Real Time Systems 3 1 0 4
Digital Image Processing 3 1 0 4
Advanced Computer Architecture 3 1 0 4
System Modeling and Simulation 3 1 0 4

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Semester Number: 5
(Common for CSE, IT and ICT)

Course Objective: To help the learner understand the techniques for designing and analyzing the

3 1 0 4

Unit I (15 Periods)
Introduction: Role of algorithms in computing - Analyzing algorithms - Designing algorithms - Divide
and conquer: maximum subarray problem - Strassens algorithm for matrix multiplication - Substitution
method for solving recurrences - Recursion tree method for solving recurrences - Master method for
solving recurrences - Proof of the master theorem.

Unit II (15 Periods)
Sorting: Heapsort: Heaps - Maintaining the heap property - Building a heap-heap sort algorithm -
Priority queues Quick sort: Description of Quicksort - Performance of Quicksort - A randomized
version of Quicksort - Analysis of Quicksort Sorting in Linear Time: Lower bounds for sorting -
Counting sort -Radix sort - Bucket sort.

Unit III (15 Periods)
Dynamic Programming & Greedy Algorithms: Rod cutting - Matrix Chain Multiplication -
Longest common subsequence - An activity selection problem - Elements of the greedy strategy -
Huffman codes - Matroids and greedy methods.

Unit IV (15 Periods)
Graph Algorithms: Breadth first search - Depth first search - Topological sort - The algorithms of
Kruskal and Prim. Approximation algorithms: Vertex cover problem - Traveling salesman problem.


1. T.H. Cormen, C.E. Leiserson, R.L. Rivest, C. Stein, Introduction to Algorithms, PHI, 3


1. Anany Levitin, Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithm, Pearson Education, 3

Edition, 2012.
2. Knuth, Art of Computer Programming, Vol.I Fundamental Algorithms, Addison Wesley, 3

Edition, 1998.
3. Sara Baase, Allen Van Gelder, Computer Algorithms - Introduction to Design and Analysis,
Pearson Education, 3
Edition, 2008.
4. A.V.Aho, J.E. Hopcroft, J.D.Ullman, The Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms, Pearson
Education, 2003.
5. S.K. Basu, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, PHI, 2
Edition, 2005.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering


Unit I The learner understands the fundamental concepts of designing & analyzing algorithms and
various methods for solving recurrences.
Unit II The learner analyzes various sorting algorithms like merge sort, quick sort, bucket sort, heap
sort, count sort, and radix sort.
Unit III The learner designs and analyzes algorithms using dynamic programming and greedy
Unit IV The learner analyzes various graph algorithms such as BFS, DFS, MST and the
approximation algorithms for vertex cover and TSP.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Semester Number: 5
(Common for CSE, IT and ICT)

Course Objective: To help the learner understand the concepts, techniques, Query Languages used in
Database Management Systems.

3 0 2 4

Unit I (19 Periods)
Introduction: Data-Database - Characteristics of the Database Approach - Actors on the scene -
Advantages - Data models, Schemas and Instances - Three Schema Architecture and Data Independence -
Database Languages and Interfaces - Database System Environment - Classification of DBMS.
Data Modeling: Data modeling using the ER model - Enhanced ER modeling - UML Class diagrams.

Unit II (19 Periods)
SQL: Introduction - Creating Tables and Inserting Rows, Selection, Update and Delete - Operations -
Projection - Joins - Sub queries, nesting and correlated Sub queries - Grouping - Sorting Set operations-
Aggregation and Built-In-Functions - Working with Date Data type, Synonyms, Views, Sequences,
PL/SQL: General Structure, Control statements, Simple Programs, Cursors, Procedures and Functions,
Triggers, Exception Handling.

Unit III (18 Periods)
Relational Database Design: Functional Dependency - First, Second and Third Normal Forms - BCNF -
Multi valued Dependency and Fourth Normal Form - Join Dependency and Fifth Normal Form.
Transaction Processing Concepts: Introduction to Transaction Processing -Transaction and System
Concepts - Characterizing schedules - Concurrency Control Techniques.

Unit IV (19 Periods)
Introduction to Non-Relational Databases: CouchDB: Different Data model - Replication - Eventual
consistency - Data: Local, Remote, Everywhere - Deployment and Performance. CouchDB Basics: Futon
- Populating a Simple Database - HTTP Operations - Errors - HTTP Headers - HTTP URL Paths - JSON
- Documents. Design Documents - Creating Design documents - Shows - Views - Lists.


1. R.Elmasri, S.B.Navathe, Fundamentals of Database Systems, Addison Wesley, 6
Edition, 2010.
(Unit I,II, III)
2. MC Brown, Getting Started with CouchDB: Extreme Scalability at Your Fingertips, O'Reilly
Publications, 2012. (Unit IV)


1. Henry F.Korth, Abraham Silberschatz, Sudarshan, Database System Concepts, McGraw Hill, 6

Edition, 2010.
2. S.K.Singh, Database Systems Concepts, Design and Applications, PHI, 1
Edition, 2009.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering


Unit I The learner understands fundamental concepts and data models of DBMS.
Unit II The learner acquires basic knowledge on Structured Query Languages and PL/SQL.
Unit III The learner uses normalization techniques and performs transactions using concurrency
control techniques.
Unit IV The learner creates and updates a Non-Relational Databases using CouchDB Software.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Semester Number: 5
Learning Outcome for BCSCCS 503 R02 : OPERATING SYSTEMS
(Common for CSE, IT and ICT)

Course Objective: To help the learner understands the features of operating system and its role in
managing various system resources.

3 1 0 4

Unit I (15 Periods)
Operating system overview: Objectives and functions - Evolution of Operating systems - Major
achievements - Developments leading to modern operating systems - Virtual Machines - OS Design
Considerations for Multiprocessor and Multi-core.
Computer system overview: Basic elements - Processor registers - Instruction execution - Interrupts -
Memory hierarchy - Cache memory - I/O communication techniques.
Processes: Process - Process States - Process Description - Process Control - Execution of the Operating
System - Security Issues.
Threads: Processes and threads - Types of Threads - Multi-core and Multithreading.

Unit II (15 Periods)
Scheduling: Uniprocessor scheduling - Types of processor scheduling - Scheduling algorithms -
Multiprocessor scheduling - Real Time scheduling - Characteristics of Real-Time Operating Systems.
Concurrency: Principles of Concurrency - Mutual exclusion - Semaphores - Monitors - Message
passing - Readers/Writers problem.

Unit III (15 Periods)
Deadlock and Starvation: Principles of deadlock - Deadlock Prevention - Deadlock Avoidance -
Deadlock Detection - Integrated deadlock strategy - Dinning philosophers problem.
Memory Management: Address binding - logical verses physical address space -Dynamic loading -
Dynamic linking and shared libraries - Overlays - Swapping - Contiguous memory allocation - Paging -
Segmentation - Segmentation with paging.

Unit IV (15 Periods)
Virtual Memory: Background - Demand paging - Process creation - Page replacement - Allocation of
frames - Thrashing.
I/O Management and disk scheduling: I/O devices - Organization of the I/O function - OS design
issues - I/O buffering - Disk scheduling.
File management: Overview - Organization and access - File directories - File sharing - Record blocking
- Secondary storage managements.


1. William Stallings, Operating Systems Internals and Design Principles, Pearson Education, 7

Edition, 2011. (Unit I,II,III: Deadlock and Starvation, Unit IV: I/O Management and disk scheduling,
File management)
2. SilberSchatz, J. Peterson, P. Galvin, Operating System concepts, John Wiley, 8
Edition, 2009.
(Unit III: Memory Management, Unit IV: Virtual Memory)

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering


1. Tanenbaum, Andrew S, Modern Operating Systems, PHI, 3
Edition, 2007.
2. Milenkovic, M, Operating Systems: Concepts and design, Tata McGraw Hill, 2
Edition, 1997.
3. J. Archer Harris, Schaum's Outline of Operating Systems, McGraw Hill, 2012.


Unit I The learner gains an overview of operating systems and the management of processes &
Unit II The learner comprehends the concepts of scheduling in uni-processor, multi-processor and
real time systems. Besides, the learner grasps the synchronization mechanisms.
Unit III The learner acquires deadlock detection and prevention strategies. Further, the learner
describes the role of operating system in memory management.
Unit IV The learner understands the concepts of virtual memory and thrashing. Besides, the
learner comprehends the concepts of disk scheduling, I/O and file management.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Semester Number: 5
Learning Outcome for BCSCCS 504 R02 : COMPUTER NETWORKS
(Common for CSE, IT and ICT)

Course Objective: To help the learner understand the networking principles and protocols.
3 1 0 4

Unit I (15 Periods)
Introduction: Uses of computer networks - Transmission Modes: Serial and Parallel - Synchronous,
Asynchronous and Isochronous - Simplex, Half duplex and full duplex - Network Hardware - Network
Software - Reference models - Example networks:- X.25 - Frame Relay - ATM - Wireless LANS.
Physical layer: Guided transmission media - Wireless transmission - Digital modulation and

Unit II (15 Periods)
Data Link Layer: Design Issues - Error Detection and Correction- Elementary Data Link Protocols -
Sliding Windows Protocols. The Medium Access Control Sub-layer: Channel allocation problem -
Multiple Access Protocols: - ALOHA - CSMA - CSMA/CD - Collision free protocols - Limited
contention protocols - Wireless LAN protocols - Ethernet:- Encoding - Ethernet MAC Sub layer Protocol
- Binary exponential back off algorithm - Bluetooth - Data link layer switching:- Bridges -
Internetworking - Spanning tree bridges - Remote bridges - Repeater, Hub, Switch, Router and Gate

Unit III (15 Periods)
Network Layer: - Design issues - Routing algorithms - Shortest path - Flooding - Distance vector - Link
state - Hierarchical - Broadcast - Multicast - Routing for mobile hosts - Routing in Ad-hoc networks -
Congestion control algorithms- Quality of Service: - Requirements - Techniques - IP Protocol. - IP

Unit IV (15 Periods)
Transport Layer: The Transport Service - Elements of transport protocol - UDP and TCP - Delay
Tolerant Networking. Application Layer: DNS. Network Management: - Configuration - Fault -
Performance - Security - Accounting - SNMP. Next generation IP: IPV6 - Packet format - IPV6
Addressing - Transition from IPV4 to IPV6.


1. Andrew S Tanenbaum, David J. Wetherall, Computer Networks, Pearson Education, 5
2. Behrouz A Forouzan, Firouz Mosharraf, Computer Networks - A Top-Down Approach, Tata
McGraw Hill, Special Indian Edition 2012. (Unit I: Digital modulation and multiplexing, Unit II:
Spanning tree bridges - Remote bridges, Unit IV: Network Management)


1. Larry L Peterson, Bruce S. Davie, Computer Networks: A systematic Approach, Elsevier, 5

Edition, 2011.
2. William Stallings, Data and Computer Communications, PHI, 9
Edition, 2010.
4. - contents/IIT%20Kharagpur/Computer%20networks/

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering


Unit I The learner understands the basic concepts of networking and physical layer functionalities.
Unit II The learner appreciates the principles and protocols of the data link layer.
Unit III The learner gains the knowledge of various routing protocols with QoS support.
Unit IV The learner comprehends both reliable and unreliable transport protocol, DNS & SNMP

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Semester Number: 5
Learning Outcome for BCSCCS 505 R02 : OPERATING SYSTEMS LAB
(Common for CSE, IT and ICT)

Course Objective: To help the learner understand and illustrate various operating system concepts.

0 0 3 2

1. Creation of a child process using fork system call.
2. Implementing Producer-Consumer system.
3. Implementing Reader-Writer problem.
4. Implementing Dining Philosopher problem.
5. Inter-process communication using Shared Memory System Call.
6. Working with Message Queues.
7. Simulate CPU Scheduling algorithms.
8. Simulate File Allocation strategies.
9. Simulate MVT and MFT.
10. Simulate Bankers Algorithm for Dead Lock Avoidance.
11. Disk Scheduling Techniques.
12. Simulate Page Replacement algorithms.
13. Simulate Paging technique of Memory Management.
14. Adding a new system call to Linux Kernel.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering


Experiment 1 The learner is able to create multiple instances of processes using fork system call.
Experiment 2 The learner solves synchronization problems using semaphore under multitasking
Experiment 3 The learner demonstrates the handling of concurrency problems.
Experiment 4 The learner resolves synchronization problems using mutex.
Experiment 5 The learner achieves inter-process communication between concurrent processes using
shared memory concept.
Experiment 6 The learner accomplishes inter-process communication using message queues
Experiment 7 The learner is able to simulate and analyze the various CPU Scheduling algorithms.
Experiment 8 The learner applies linked and sequential file allocation techniques.
Experiment 9 The learner simulates multiprogramming environment with variable and fixed number
of tasks.
Experiment 10 The learner implements deadlock detection algorithms.
Experiment 11 The learner employs various disk scheduling algorithms and analyses their
Experiment 12 The learner demonstrates various page replacement algorithms and analyses their
Experiment 13 The learner implements pages with varying sizes and learn the mapping between
logical and physical memory space.
Experiment 14 The learner adds a new system call to the kernel.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Semester Number: 5
Learning Outcome for BCSCCS 506 R02 : COMPUTER NETWORKS LAB
(Common for CSE and IT)

Course Objective: To help the learner to understand the underlying concepts of networked systems and
to be able to develop networking programs using Java.

0 0 3 2
1. Simple network programs
a) Program to find IP address of a computer.
b) Program for using Ping command.
c) Program to send messages to other users in a network.
2. Programs for information exchange between client and server using TCP and UDP.
3. Secured communication through encryption and decryption of messages.
4. Program for remote procedure call under client server environment (RMI).
5. Implement data link layer framing method bit stuffing.
6. a) Program for error correction using CRC.
b) Program for error detection using Hamming Code.
7. Serial Communication between PCs (Character Transfer) - Communication via RS 232.
8. Implementation of Sliding window protocols - go back n and selective repeat.
9. Take a sample subnet graph with weights indicating delay between nodes. Now obtain the routing
table at each node using distance vector routing.
10. a) Tuning the TCP Kernel: Use the sysctl command to read and manipulate the various TCP
parameters. e.g sysctl -a , sysctl -p and sysctl -w.
b)TCP Keep alive time: Display the current TCP keepalive time value using the sysctl
command and change that using echo command - e.g echo 3600 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp keepalive
11. Simulation of wired and wireless networks.
12. Network performance evaluation using simulator.
13. Study of SASTRA network infrastructure.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering


Experiment 1 The learner comprehends the network layer addressing based on IP address and
communication between nodes.
Experiment 2 The learner understands the principles of reliable and unreliable communication based
on TCP and UDP protocols.
Experiment 3 The learner applies encryption and decryption for secured communication.
Experiment 4 The learner implements remote procedure call using RMI.
Experiment 5 The learner employs various bit stuffing methods for frames implementation.
Experiment 6 The learner performs error detection and correction using CRC and hamming code .
Experiment 7 The learner carries out serial data transfer between nodes using the RS-232 standard.
Experiment 8 The learner implements flow control using the sliding window protocol.
Experiment 9 The learner constructs routing table using distance vector routing algorithm
Experiment 10 The learner implements kernel level programs.
Experiment 11 The learner simulates wired and wireless networks using NS2
Experiment 12 The learner analyses the performance of network management protocol.
Experiment 13 The learner studies the SASTRA network infrastructure.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Semester Number: 5
Learning Outcome for BCSCTP 507 R02 : HR SKILLS - I
(Common for CSE, IT and ICT)

Course Objective: To emphasize, impart and improve soft skills of the learner.

0 0 2 2

S.No. Topics No. of
1 Self Introduction 2
2 Impromptu 3
3 Role Play 2
4 SWOT Analysis 2
5 Body Language 1
6 Product Launch 3
7 Person I admire / Book I Like / If I were 2
8 Self Confidence (Infosys Exercise) 1
9 Mock Press 2
10 Lost at Sea 1
11 Out of Box Thinking (Creativity &
Innovative Thinking)
12 Debate on Current Affairs 3
13 General Quiz 1
14 Quiz on C / C++/ IT Concepts 2
15 Semester Practical 3
16 Semester Theory Exam 1
Total 30


1. Dr.Shalini Verma, Body Language - Your Success Mantra
2. R.M.Omkar, Managing Career by Discovering your personality
3. Barun K Mitra, Personality development & Soft skills

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering


Self Introduction The learner will be able to successfully introduce himself before others
Impromptu The learner realizes the importance of presence of mind and react sharply and swiftly
Role Play The learner will understand the importance of communication skill and presence of
SWOT Analysis

Students are encouraged to do a self introspection of their strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities and threats
Body Language

The learner realizes the importance of body language in the day to day communication
Product Launch The learner understands the importance of marketing skills and the need for sharpening
the skill
Person I
admire/Book I
like/If I were
This inculcates the habit of reading and know about the greatness of great people
Self confidence Students will get to know the importance of self confidence and the ways to improve it
Mock Press The learner will enhance the answering skills and the ability to articulate his thoughts
Lost at sea The learner will understand the importance of team skills and problem solving skills
Out of Box
The learner will develop lateral thinking and encouraged to think differently
Debate on
Current Affairs
The learner will be exposed to the happenings around the globe through a debate
Quiz on C, C++ The learner will become familiar with the basics of C and C++ programming to face
job interview

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Semester number: 5
Learning outcome for BCSDMA 501 R02 : ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS - V
(Common for CSE, IT and ICT)

Course Objective: To help the learner in understanding various procedure for solving different kinds of
problems that occur in engineering numerically and the concept of probability theory by simple set
theoretic approach , simple and special probability models for characterizing random signal.

3 1 0 4

Unit I (15 Periods)
Interpolation and Numerical Differentiation and Integration: Numerical differentiation Methods
based Newtons interpolation formula. Numerical integration: Trapezoidal rule, Simpsons 1/3 rule -
Power series approximation: Solution by Taylor series - Runge Kutta IV order method - Milnes
Predictor- corrector method. Solutions of partial differential equations- Classification of partial
differential equations of the second order-Laplace equation and its solution by Liebmanns process -
Finite difference solution of Poisson equation - solution of parabolic PDEs by Bender Schmidt and Crank
Nicolsons schemes - solution of hyperbolic PDEs by finite difference methods.

Unit II (15 Periods)
Probability and Distributions: Basic concept of probability - Conditional probability and Bayes
Theorem - Concept of a Random variable - Transformation of random variables - Cumulative
Distribution Function ( CDF ) - Probability Density Function - Basic Statistical Properties of a Random
variable and Expected Values - Moments - Binomial , Poisson , Normal , Weibull Distributions -
Moment Generating Functions - Addition Theorem - Recurrence relations. Linear correlation - Rank
correlation - Regression analysis - Problems.

Unit III (15 Periods)
Random Process: Classification of random processes - Methods of description of a random process -
Special classes of random processes - Average values of random processes - Stationarity - Examples of
wide sense stationary process and strict sense stationary process - Analytical representation of a random
process - Ergodic process - Autocorrelation function and its properties - Cross correlation function and its
properties - Weiner Khinchins Theorem - Power Spectral density - Problems.

Unit IV (15 Periods)
Special Classes of Random Processes: Introduction - Bernoulli Random Process - Poisson Process -
Birth and Death Process - Difference - Differential Equations - Pure Birth process - Yule - Furry Process -
Renewal Process - Discrete state - Discrete Time renewal process - Discrete state continuous parameter
Renewal Process - Solution to Renewal equations.


1. M.K.Jain, S.R.K.Iyengar, R.K. Jain, Numerical Methods for Scientific and Engineering
Computation, Wiley Eastern Limited, 2007.(Unit I, II)
2. T.Veerarajan, Probability, Statistics and Random Processes, Tata McGraw Hill, 2007. (Unit III,

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering


1. Dr. Sastri S.S, Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysis, PHI, 2005.
2. S.C.Gupta, V.K.Kapoor, Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics, Sultan Chand & Sons
Publications, 10
Revised Edition, 2007.
3. George R. Cooper, Clare D. McGillem, Probabilistic Methods of Signal & System Analysis,
Oxford Press, 3
Edition, 2007.
4. Peebles. P.Z, Probability, Random Variables and Random Signal Principles, McGraw Hill, New
York, 2005.
5. Papoulis. A, Probability, Random Variables and Stochastic Processes, McGraw Hill, New York,


Unit I The learner will be able to characterize non linear ODE or PDE and also able to find the
solution of ODE and PDE which will be useful in solving any engineering problem.
Unit II The learner will have a fundamental knowledge of the basic probability concepts and standard
distributions which can describe real time phenomena.
Unit III The learner will be able to understand and characterize a few Engineering concepts which
evolve with respect to time in probabilistic manner.
Unit IV The learner will have an understanding of special classes of random processes occurring in
Engineering studies.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Semester Number: 5
(Common for CSE and IT)

Course Objective: To help the students comprehend the various techniques of natural language
processing and apply them for extracting information from structured data.
3 1 0 4

Unit I (15 Periods)
Language Processing and Python: Texts, Words and List of Words - Simple Statistics - Decisions and
Control - Automatic Natural Language Understanding. Accessing Text Corpora and Lexical
Resources: Accessing Text Corpora, Conditional Frequency Distributions, Reusing Code, Lexical
Resources. Processing Raw Text: Accessing Text from the Web and from Disk, Strings - Text
Processing with Unicode - Regular Expressions for Detecting Word Patterns - Useful Applications of
Regular Expressions - Normalizing Text - Regular Expressions for Tokenizing Text - Segmentation

Unit II (15 Periods)
Writing Structured Programs: Sequences - functions - Program Development - Algorithm Design -
Libraries. Categorizing and Tagged Words: Tagger - Tagged Corpora - Word to properties mapping -
automatic, n-gram tagging and transformation based tagging - Finding the category of a word. Text
Classification: Supervised Classification - Evaluation - Decision Trees - Naive Bayes Classifier -
Maximum Entropy Classifiers - Linguistic pattern modeling.

Unit III (15 Periods)
Extracting Information from Text: Information extraction - chunking - chunk evaluation and
development - Recursion in linguistic structure - Named entity recognition - Extracting relation.
Sentence Structure Analysis: Context Free Grammar - Parsing - Dependencies - Development.
Building Feature Based Grammars: Grammatical Features - Processing and extension.

Unit IV (15 Periods)
Analyzing the meaning of the sentences: Natural Language understanding - Propositional logic - First
order logic - Semantics - Discourse semantics. Managing Linguistic Data: Corpus Structure - Life cycle
of corpus - Acquiring data - Working with XML and tool box data - Using OLAC meta data.


1. Steven Bird, Ewan Klein, Edward Loper, Natural Language Processing with Python, OReilly
Publications, 2009.


1. Anne Kao, Stephen R. Poteet, Natural Language Processing and Text Mining, Springer-Verlag
London, 2007.
2. Peter Jackson, Isabelle Moulinier, Natural Language Processing for Online Applications Text
Retrieval, Extraction and Categorization, John Benjamins Publishing Company, 1984.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering


Unit I The learner understands the basics of string and text processing with regular expressions
using python.
Unit II The learner acquires knowledge on techniques like n-gram tagging, POS tagging and apply
them for parsing structured programs.
Unit III The learner apprehends the semantic analysis and the structure of various grammars.
Unit IV The learner understands the importance of mathematical logic in inferring the meaning of
natural language constructs.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Semester Number: 5
Learning outcome for BCSDCS 505 : REAL TIME SYSTEMS
(Common for CSE, IT and ICT)

Course Objective: To help the learner understand the scheduling, communication and fault tolerant
techniques in real time systems. Learner also acquires the knowledge of real time programming

3 1 0 4

Unit I (15 Periods)
Introduction: Issues in Real-Time computing - structure of a Real-time system - task classes -
Characterization of Real-Time systems and tasks: Performance measures - Estimating Program Run
Times - Classical Uniprocessor scheduling Algorithms.

Unit II (15 Periods)
Task Assignment: Utilization-Balancing Algorithm - A Next-Fit Algorithm for RM Scheduling- A Bin-
Packing Assignment algorithm for EDF - MOS Algorithm - FAB Algorithm - The Buddy Strategy- Mode
Changes - Fault Tolerant Scheduling.
Real Time Databases: Basic definitions - Real Time vs General Purpose Database - Main memory
Databases - Transaction Priorities and Aborts - Concurrency control Issue - Disk Scheduling Algorithms -
Two-phase approach to improve predictability - Serialization consistency - Databases for Hard Real -
Time systems.

Unit III (15 Periods)
Real-Time Communication: Network topologies - Protocols: Contention Based Protocols - Token Based
Protocols - Fault Tolerant Routing.
Fault-tolerance techniques: Introduction - Causes of failures - Fault types - Fault detection - Fault and
error containment - Redundancy - Data diversity - Reversal checks - Integrated failure handling.

Unit IV (15 Periods)
Reliability: Reliability models for hardware redundancy - Software error models.
Programming Languages and Tools: Desired language characteristics - Data typing - control structures
- Hierarchical decomposition - Packages - Run-Time error handling - Overloading and generics Multi-
tasking - Task scheduling - Timing specification - Run-time support.


1. C. M. Krishna, K. G. Shin, Real Time Systems, McGraw Hill, 1997.


1. Philip A. Laplante, Real Time system Design and Analysis - An Engineers Handbook, IEEE Press
Ltd., 2
Edition, 2002.
2. Alan Burns, Andy Wellings, Real Time systems and their programming languages, Addison
Wesley, 2
Edition, 1996.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Unit I The learner understands the general characteristics of real time systems and their scheduling
in uni-processor systems
Unit II The learner gains the knowledge of scheduling of multi-processor systems and the issues
related to real time databases
Unit III The learner comprehends the communication and fault tolerance techniques in real time
Unit IV The learner grasps the knowledge of real time programming languages.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Semester Number: 5
Learning outcome for BCSDCS 506 : DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING
(Common for CSE, IT and ICT)

Course Objective: To help the learner understand the principles, concepts and various techniques for the
processing & analysing of images.
3 1 0 4

Unit I (15 Periods)
Fundamentals of Image Processing: Digital image fundamentals - Elements of visual perception -
Image model - Sampling and Quantization matrix - Vector representation of discrete images - Fourier
transform and its properties - Discrete Fourier transform - Discrete cosine transform - Radon Transform -
Wavelet transform.

Unit II (15 Periods)
Image Enhancement: Point operations - Basic intensity transformation functions - Histogram
modification techniques - Image smoothening: Linear and nonlinear filters, Frequency domain filters -
Image sharpening: Foundation, Laplacian filter, Unsharp masking and Highboost filtering, Gradient
Operators, selective filtering - Pseudo and colour processing - Image restoration model - Noise models -
Mean filters - Order statistic filters - Adaptive filters - Least mean square filter - Restoration in spatial

Unit III (15 Periods)
Image segmentation: Point, line, edge detection - Basic global Thresholding - Otsus Thresholding -
Region based segmentation - Motion in segmentation.
Image representation and description: Boundary following - Chain codes - Boundary descriptors -
Regional descriptors - Simple Descriptors - Texture - Moment Invariants.

Unit IV (15 Periods)
Image Compression Standards: Image data compression models - Error free compression -
Fundamental coding theorems - Error free coding - Pixel coding - Predictive techniques - Transform
coding - Threshold coding - Image compression standards - Joint Picture Expert Group (JPEG) and
Motion Picture Expert Group (MPEG).


1. R.C. Gonzalez and R.E. Woods, Digital Image Processing, Addison Wesley, 3
Edition, 2007.


1. William K. Pratt, Digital Image Processing, John Wiley & Sons, 3
Edition, 2001.
2. Anil K. Jain, Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing, PHI, 9
Edition, Indian Reprint, 2002.
3. Gregory A. Baxes, Digital Image Processing Principles and Applications, John Wiley & Sons,
4. - 41

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering


Unit I
The learner understands the fundamental concepts on representations, transformations and
applications of images.
Unit II The learner applies the various image enhancement and restoration techniques.
Unit III The learner employs image segmentation and representation methods.
Unit IV
The learner applies the various compression standards and coding techniques on images and

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Semester Number: 5
Learning Outcome for BCSDCS 507 : ADVANCED COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE (System z)


Course Objective: To help the learner understand the principles, functionalities and working of various
applications on the recent processors.

3 1 0 4

Unit I (15 Periods)
System z Architecture overview: Computer architecture overview - Concept of a process - Process
states and attributes - System components - Processing Units (PUs) - z/Architecture enhancements - 64-
bit address space map - Addressing mode - 64-bit dynamic address translation - CP registers (general) -
Floating point registers - Current program-status word (PSW) - Next sequential instruction address -
Program-status-word format - Prefixed save area (PSA) - Several instruction formats-Microcode concepts
- z/Architecture components - z/Architecture data formats - Interrupts - Interrupt processing - types -
z/Architecture address size - Storage addressing - Real storage locations - CSS elements - Multiple CSS
structure - control Unit - Map device number to device address. Instruction set: General instructions
(some examples) - Control instructions (some examples).

Unit II (15 Periods)
Introduction to zEC12: Of technology, information, architectures and success - zEC12 technical
description - zEnterprise BladeCenter Extension - Unified Resource Manager - Ensembles. Hardware
overview: Hardware Overview - zEC12 highlights and models - The frames - zEC12 processor cage,
books, and MCM - Processor chip-Processor Unit - Memory-I/O system structure - I/O feature-Coupling
and clustering - Time functions - HMC and SE - Power and cooling - zEnterprise BladeCenter Extension.
RAID: Redundant array of independent disks (RAID) - DS8000 types of RAID - Logical subsystem
(LSS). Virtualization and Logical Partition (LPAR): definitions - concepts - physical resources -
hypervisor types and technologies - z/VM - virtualization in zBX blades - PowerVM virtual servers -
CPC in LPAR mode - LPAR event-driven dispatching, time slice interval, weights - Types of capping-
LPAR capping - LPAR capped versus uncapped - soft capping.

Unit III (15 Periods)
Organization: Main Storage - Expanded Storage - CPU-External Time Reference - I/O-Operator
Facilities - Storage layers - z196 cache design (I) - z196 cache design (II) - I/O overview: Input/Output
(I/O) - The Channel Subsystem - Attachment of Input/Output Devices - I/O Addressing Subchannel -
Execution of I/O functions- Control of Basic I/O Functions - Clear, Halt, Start and Resume functions. I/O
Instructions: I/O-Instruction Formats - I/O-Instruction Execution - Instruction - I/O Interruptions:
Interruption Conditions - Priority of Interruptions -Interruption Action - Subchannel - Status Word -
Extended-Status Word - Extended-Control Word -Extended-Measurement Word.

Unit IV (15 Periods)
Storage and Memory organization: Storage Addressing - Address Types and Formats - storage keys-
protection-reference recording- change recording- prefixing -Address spaces-ASN Translation-ASN
Authorization. Dynamic Address Translation - Translation Tables - Translation Process - Translation -
Look-aside Buffer - Address summary - Assigned storage Location. RAS: Reliability, availability, and
serviceability (RAS) - High availability technology for zEC12 - Time measurement TOD - Time
measurement (CP timer) - Sysplex Timer expanded availability configuration - Server Time Protocol.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering


1. IBM zEnterprise EC12 Technical Introduction:(Unit II,IV)
2. ABCs of z/OS System Programming Volume 10, (Unit I,II,III,IV)
3. z/Architecture - Principles of Operation (Unit I,III,IV)


Unit I The learner gains an understanding of the concepts, features, working capabilities and
functionalities of z processor.
Unit II The learner comprehends the zEC12 features and its working capabilities. The learner also
applies the principles of virtualization in real life applications.
Unit III The learner analyses the instructions, interrupts and the organization of the processor.
Unit IV The learner acquires knowledge on the storage and memory management of the z
processor. The learner is also exposed to the RAS concepts.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Semester Number: 5
(Common for CSE, IT and ICT)

Course Objective: To help the learner understand the simulation of different systems on different types of
environments possessing a significant amount of uncertainty.
3 1 0 4

Unit I (15 Periods)
Introduction: Appropriateness - Merits and demerits - Applications - System concepts - Modeling -
Steps in a simulation study. Examples: Queuing - Inventory. General principles: Discrete event
simulation concepts - Event scheduling algorithm - Manual simulation - List processing - Arrays for list
processing - Dynamic allocation and linked lists - Advanced techniques.

Unit II (15 Periods)
Statistical models in simulation: Discrete and continuous distributions - Stationary and non stationary
Poisson process - Empirical distribution. Random number generation: Properties of random numbers -
Pseudo random number generation - Techniques for random number generation. Random variate
Generation: Inverse Transform Technique - Acceptance rejection technique - Special properties.

Unit III (15 Periods)
Input Modeling: Data collection - Identifying the distribution - Parameter estimation - Goodness of fit
tests - Fitting non stationary poisson process - Selecting input models - Multivariate and time series input
models. Verification and validation of simulation models: Verification - Calibration and validation of
models. Output analysis for a single model: Types of simulation with respect to output analysis -
Stochastic nature of output data - Performance measures and estimation - Output analysis of terminating
simulations - Output analysis of steady state simulation.

Unit IV (15 Periods)
Comparison and evaluation of alternative system designs: Comparison of two or more system
designs-meta modeling - Optimization via simulation. Simulation of Computer Systems: Introduction -
Simulation tools - Model Input - High level Computer System Simulation - CPU simulation - Memory
simulation. Simulation of Computer Networks: Introduction - Traffic modeling - Media access control
-Data link layer - TCP - Model construction.


1. Jerry Banks, John S. Carson, Barry L. Nelson, David M. Nicol, Discrete-Event System Simulation,
PHI, 5
Edition, 2010.


1. Averill M. Law, W. David Kelton, Simulation Modeling and Analysis, McGraw Hill, 3
2. Narasingh Deo, Millican Charles, System Simulation with Digital Computer, PHI, 2000.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering


Unit I The learner gains knowledge on the concepts of simulation & modeling and their
applications in problems like queuing theory and inventory.
Unit II The learner is able to understand the technique for generating random numbers the testing of
their randomness.
Unit III The learner acquires knowledge on distributions and the suitability of these distributions for
different types of problems.
Unit IV The learner designs simulation models for case studies like Ethernet, Memory and Traffic
flow in networks.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Scheme of Study and Syllabi for VI Semester B.Tech. - Computer Science & Engineering
(For the students admitted from the year 2011-12)

Subject Code Subject Title
Periods of
BCSCCS 601 R02 Cryptography & Network security 3 1 0 4
BCSCCS 602 R02 Software Engineering 3 1 0 4
BCSCCS 603 R02 Compiler Engineering 3 1 0 4
BCSCCS 604 R02 System Software 3 1 0 4
BCSDCS XXX DE - 5 3 1 0 4
BCSDCS XXX DE - 6 3 1 0 4
BCSCCS 605 R02 Compiler Engineering Lab 0 0 3 2
BCSCCS 606 R02 Software Engineering Lab 0 0 3 2
BCSCTP 607 R02 HR Skills - II 0 0 3 2

Total 18 6 9 30


BCSDCS 601 Service Oriented Architecture 3 1 0 4
BCSDCS 602 R02 Data Warehousing and Data Mining 3 1 0 4
BCSDCS 603 Pervasive Computing 3 1 0 4
BCSDCS 605 R02 Mobile Computing 3 0 2 4
Advanced Operating Systems
3 1 0 4
BCSDCS 610 Soft Computing Techniques 3 1 0 4

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Semester Number: 6
(Common for CSE, IT and ICT)

Course Objective: The learner understands the fundamental principles, algorithms of cryptographic
techniques and exposes them to various scenarios of cyber crime with an introduction to cyber law along
with a thrust on security on the internet.
3 1 0 4

Unit I (15 Periods)
Overview: Computer Security Concepts - OSI Security Architecture - Security Attacks - Security
Services -Security Mechanisms - Model for Network Security. Classical Encryption Techniques:
Symmetric cipher model-Substitution Techniques - Transposition Techniques - Rotor Machines -
Steganography. Block Ciphers and DES: Block cipher principles - DES - Example - Strength of DES -
Differential and Linear Cryptanalysis - Block Cipher Design Principles -implementation of cryptographic
algorithms in network processor.

Unit II (15 Periods)
Basic Concepts in Number Theory and Finite Fields: Divisibility and Division Algorithm - Euclidean
Algorithm - Modular Arithmetic - Groups, Rings and Fields - Finite Fields of the form GF(p) -
Polynomial Arithmetic - Finite Fields of the form GF(2
). Advanced Encryption Standard: Origin of
AES - AES Structure - AES Round Function - AES Key Expansion - Example - AES Implementation.
Block Cipher Operation: Multiple Encryption and Triple DES - ECB - CBC - CFM - OFM - Counter
Mode - XTS mode.

Unit III (15 Periods)
Public-Key Cryptography: Principles of Public Key Cryptosystem - RSA Algorithm. Other Public Key
Cryptosystem: Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange - ElGamal Cryptosystem - Elliptic curve arithmetic -
Elliptic curve cryptography. System Security: Basics of hacking - intruders - viruses - worms - Firewall
design and its types -Trusted Systems - Antivirus techniques.
Cyber Law and Security: Laws, Investigation and Ethics: Cyber Crime, Information Security and Law,
Types & overview of Cyber Crimes, Cyber Law Issues in E-Business Management Overview of Indian IT
Act, Ethical Issues in Intellectual property rights, Copy Right, Patents, Data privacy and protection,
Domain Name, Software piracy, Plagiarism, Issues in ethical hacking

Unit IV (15 Periods)
Cryptographic Hash Functions: Applications - Two Simple Hash functions - Requirements and
Security - Hash functions based on CBC - SHA - SHA-3. Message Authentication Codes: Message
Authentication Requirements, functions - Message Authentication Codes - Security of MACs - MACs
based on Hash functions and Block Ciphers - CCM and GCM. Digital Signatures: ElGamal Digital
Signature Scheme - Schnorr Digital Signature Scheme - DSS. Transport level Security: Web Security
issues - SSL - TLS - HTTPS - SSH. Electronic Mail Security: Pretty Good Privacy - S/MIME - Domain
Keys Identified Mail. IP Security: Overview - IP Security Policy - Encapsulating Security pay load -
Combining Security Associations - Internet key exchange.


1. William Stallings, Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice, Pearson Education,
Edition, 2011.
2. Vivek Sood, Cyber Laws Simplified, Tata McGraw Hill, 2001.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering


1. Bruce Schneier, Applied Cryptography: Protocols, Algorithms, and Source Code in C, John Wiley
& Sons, 2
Edition, 1996.
2. Alfred J. Menezes, Paul C.Van OorSchot, Scott A. Van Stone, Handbook of Applied Cryptography,
CRC Press, 1996.


Unit I The learner understands concepts of security services and algorithms.
Unit II The learner comprehends the importance of Number Theory and Finite Fields which forms
basis for the study of cryptography
Unit III The learner identifies the importance of public key cryptography along with Cyber Laws,
crimes, investigations and ethics related to the Indian scenario.
Unit IV The learner gains an understanding of the security principles, IP Security, systems along with
authentication and authorization techniques.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Semester Number: 6
Learning outcome for BCSCCS 602 R02 : SOFTWARE ENGINEERING
(Common for CSE, IT and ICT)

Course Objective: To help the learner in designing a real world project in a systematic manner and also
assess possible problems involved during System Design.
3 1 0 4

Unit I (15 Periods)
Software Engineering: The Nature of Software - Software Engineering - Software process - Generic
process model. Case study: Pass on the secret session. Case study: Waterfall model session. Process
Assessment and Improvement - Prescriptive process models-Specialized process models - Unified process
- Personal and Team process models - CMMI - Agility and the cost of change - Agile process - Extreme
programming - Other Agile process models. Case study: Agile manifesto.

Unit II (15 Periods)
Requirement Engineering: Estimation - Project Planning Process - Resources -Decomposition
techniques - Empirical Estimation Models - Case study: Cause Effect session. Estimation for OO
Projects - Requirements engineering - Case study: Speed Boat session - Tasks - Process - Case study:
Project inception - Eliciting Requirements - Developing Use cases and building the model - Negotiating
and validating requirements - Case study: Customer collaboration - Building the Analysis Model -
Requirement analysis - Approaches - Data modeling concepts - OOA - Scenario, flow oriented and class
based modeling - Creating a behavioral model.

Unit III (15 Periods)
Design Engineering: Design Concepts - Design model - Software architecture - Architectural styles -
Architectural design - Assessing alternative architectural designs - Architectural mapping using Data
flow-component level design - Designing class based components - Conducting component level design-
designing traditional components - User interface design - The golden rules - User Interface analysis and
design - Interface analysis - Interface design steps - Design evaluation.

Unit IV (15 Periods)
Testing: Testing Strategies - Strategic approach to software testing - Strategic issues - Test strategies for
conventional and OO software - Validation testing - System testing - Art of debugging - White Box
testing - Basis path testing - Black Box testing -Testing OOA and OOD models - Object Oriented Testing
Methods - Testing methods applicable at Class level - Interclass Test Case design.


1. Roger S Pressman, Software Engineering - A Practitioners approach, McGraw Hill, 7


1. Rajib Mall, Fundamentals of Software Engineering, PHI, 3
Edition, 2009.
2. Pankaj Jalote, An Integrated Approach to Software Engineering, Narosa Publishing House, 3

Edition, 2011.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering


Unit I The learner gains the ability to choose an appropriate process model for designing a project.
Unit II The learner analyses the stakeholders requirements and develops suitable models.
Unit III The learner demonstrates the knowledge of technologies and standards for designing a
suitable project
Unit IV The learner tests the functional and nonfunctional aspects of the project.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Semester Number: 6
Learning Outcomes for BCSCCS 603 R02 : COMPILER ENGINEERING

Course Objective: To help the learner understand the various phases of the compiler to convert the
source language to target language.
3 1 0 4

Unit I (15 Periods)
Overview: Introduction - Compiler structure -Overview of translation Scanners: Introduction -
Recognizing words - Regular expressions - Regular expressions to scanners - Implementing scanners -
DFA to regular expression - Alternate approach to DFA minimization - Closure free regular expressions.
Parsers: Introduction - Expressing syntax - Review of top down parsing - Bottom up parsing - Practical
issues - Optimizing a grammar - Reducing the size of LR(1) tables.

Unit II (15 Periods)
Context Sensitive Analysis: Introduction to type systems - Attribute grammar framework - Adhoc syntax
directed translation - Harder problems in type inference - Changing associativity Intermediate
Representations: Introduction - Graphical IRs - Linear IRs - Mapping values to names - Symbol tables.

Unit III (15 Periods)
Procedure abstraction: Introduction - Procedure calls-name spaces - Communicating values between
procedures - Standardized linkages - Explicit heap management - Implicit deallocation. Code shape:
Introduction - Assigning storage locations - Arithmetic operators - Boolean and relational operators -
Storing and accessing arrays - Characters strings - Structure references - Control flow constructs-
Procedure calls.

Unit IV (15 Periods)
Introduction to optimization: Introduction - Background - Scope of optimization - Local optimization-
Regional optimization - Global optimization - Inter procedural optimization. Data flow analysis:
Introduction - Iterative data flow analysis - SSA form - Inter procedural analysis - Structural data flow
algorithms and reducibility - Speeding up the iterative dominance framework.


1. Keith D.Cooper, Linda Torczon, Engineering a Compiler, Morgan Kauffman Publishers, 2

Edition, 2012.


1. Dick Grune, Kees van Reewijk, Henry E.Bal, C. J.H. Jacobs, Koen G. Langendoen, Modern
Compiler Design, Springer, 2
Edition, 2012.
2. Alfred V.Aho, Ravi Sethi, Jeffrey D. Ullman, Monica S. Lam, Compilers: Principles, Techniques
and Tools, Pearson Education, 2
Edition, 2006.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering


Unit I The learner comprehends the compiler phases and gains an insight on scanning and parsing.
Unit II The learner perceives the significance of context sensitive analysis and to generate
intermediate representation.
Unit III The learner knows handling procedure calls and explores various implementation strategies
for different programming constructs.
Unit IV The learner acquires knowledge on various code optimization strategies and understands the
concepts in data flow analysis.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Semester Number: 6
Learning outcome for BCSCCS604 R02 : SYSTEM SOFTWARE

Course Objective: To help the learner generate an executable program from a given SIC source
3 1 0 4

Unit I (15 Periods)
Introduction to Components and Tools: System Software - components - Evolution - Model of a
computer system - Translators - Spectrum of software tools - Text editors - Interpreters - Program
generators - Debug monitors - Introduction to SIC.

Unit II (15 Periods)
Assemblers: Basic assembler functions - A simple SIC Assembler - Assembler algorithm and data
structures - Machine dependent assembler features - Instruction formats and addressing modes - Program
relocation - Machine independent assembler features - Literals - Symbol-defining statements -
Expressions - One pass assemblers and multi pass assemblers - Implementation example - MASM

Unit III (15 Periods)
Loaders and Linkers: Basic Loader functions - Design of an Absolute loader - A simple Bootstrap
loader - Machine dependent loader features - Relocation - Program linking - Algorithm and data
structures for linking loader - Machine-independent loader features - Automatic library search - Loader
options - Loader design options - Linkage editors - Dynamic linking - Bootstrap loaders - Implementation
example - MS DOS linker.

Unit IV (15 Periods)
Macro Processors: Basic Macro processor functions - Macro definition and expansion - Macro processor
algorithm and data structures - Machine-independent macro processor features - Concatenation of macro
parameters - Generation of unique labels - Conditional macro expansion - Keyword macro parameters -
Macro within macro-implementation example - MASM Macro processor - ANSI C macro language.


1. D. M. Dhamdhere, Systems Programming and Operating Systems, 2
Revised Edition, Tata
McGraw Hill, 35
Reprint, 2011. (Unit I)
2. Leland L. Beck, Manjula D, System Software - An Introduction to Systems Programming, 3

Edition, Pearson Education Asia, 2011. (Unit II, III, IV)


1. John J. Donovan, Systems Programming, Tata McGraw Hill, 46
Reprint, 2009.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering


Unit I The learner understands the relationship between system software and machine architecture
apart from acquiring knowledge on system software tools.
Unit II The learner converts a source assembly level language program into an object program.
Unit III The learner represents the object program in memory and combines related object programs.
Unit IV The learner uses different macro features in the source program and incorporates the same
for a few select languages.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Semester Number: 6
Learning outcome for BCS CCS 605 R02 : COMPILER ENGINEERING LAB

Course Objective: To help the learner implement few phases of compilation and make them understand
Lex & Yacc tools for scanning and parsing.

0 0 3 2

1. Write a regular expression that recognizes a C identifier. Write a C or Java program to construct an
NFA for this expression using Thomsons algorithm, convert the NFA to a DFA using subset
construction and minimize the DFA.

2. Write a grammar that recognizes a simple palindrome made up of digits. Each digit must appear
twice and the center of the palindrome should be marked with a | character. Write a C or Java
program that uses a Push Down Automaton to recognize such palindromes.

3. Write a C or Java program to convert a right linear grammar into a state machine grammar.

4. Write a C or Java program to check whether a grammar is left recursive and remove left recursion.

5. Write a LR(1) parser program in C or Java. Try to parse input expressions scanned by a lexical
analyzer. The output of the parser should be SUCCESS or FAILURE depending on the input. In case
of FAILURE the parser should indicate the incorrect token in the input.

6. Modify the above exercise such that along with the reduce actions, the parser invokes routines
associated with the particular grammar rule.

7. Generate a parser for some simple C or Java programming constructs using YACC.

8. Use LEX and YACC to create a translator that would translate a given input into three-address
intermediate code. The output of the translator should be a file.

9. Modify the translator in the previous exercise to generate a postfix intermediate language.

10. Write an optimizer pass that does common-sub expression elimination on the postfix intermediate
code generated in the previous exercise.

11. Write a back end that traverses the syntax tree created by the common-sub expression optimizer and
generates SIC/XE code.

12. Write a C or Java program to create memory management functions for a symbol table.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering


Experiment 1 The learner understands the efficiency in developing a scanner using minimized finite
state machine rather a regular expression.
Experiment 2 The learner constructs a push down automata according to given Context Free Grammar
and implements its transition table.
Experiment 3 The learner develops a data structure to right linear grammar and convert into finite
state machine.
Experiment 4 The learner recognize left recursion in Grammar, converts indirect LR into direct LR to
remove LR.
Experiment 5 The learner constructs the action and Goto tables for any given grammar to implement a
table driven LR (1) parser.
Experiment 6 The learner understands Attribute Grammar and associate rules for each production to
evaluate input expression.
Experiment 7 The learner develops a parser for a programming constructs using lex and yacc.
Experiment 8 The learner creates the translator for generating three-address code using lex and yacc.
Experiment 9 The learner designs a Grammar to implement a translator for generating postfix
intermediate code using lex and yacc.
Experiment 10 The learner recognizes Common Sub Expression and eliminates the same.
Experiment 11 The learner implements simple tree walk algorithm for converting AST to SIC /XE.
Experiment 12 The learner creates a symbol table and develop routines to manage the table

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Semester Number: 6
Learning Outcome for BCSCCS 606 R02 : SOFTWARE ENGINEERING LAB
(Common for CSE, IT and ICT)

Course Objective: To help the learner to understand the steps and utilities of various tools available on
I BM-Rational Suitefor the Software Engineering Process.

0 0 3 2

1. CASE Tools Study: Study of Rational Unified Process.
2. Prepare SRS using Rational Requisite Pro.
3. Generate the Use Case and Activity Diagrams using Rational Rose.
4. Generate the Sequence, Collaboration and Class Diagram using Rational Rose.
5. Develop the Forward Engineering and Reverse Engineering using JAVA.
6. Memory leak testing with Rational Purify.
7. Code coverage testing with Rational Pure Coverage.
8. Management of Test Planning using Rational Test Manager.
9. Develop a manual Test Script using Rational Robot.
10. Develop a test script for Object insertions and Alphanumeric Verification Points.
11. Develop a test script with External Data Source using Rational Robot.
12. Develop a test script with Data Pools using Rational Robot and Rational test manager.
13. Develop a test script for Object Scripting using Rational Robot.
14. Create a test script for Website Testing Using Rational Robot.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering


Experiment 1 The learner understands the concepts and various tools involved in RUP such as
Rational Requisite Pro, Rose, Test Manager, Test Purify and Robot.
Experiment 2 The learner prepares an SRS for the Sample project.
Experiment 3 The learner draws Use Case and Activity Diagrams using Rational Rose.
Experiment 4 The learner generates Sequence, Collaboration and Class Diagram using Rational
Experiment 5 The learner will able to perform Forward Engineering and Reverse Engineering in
JAVA using Rational Rose.
Experiment 6 The learner will able to check Memory leak testing using Rational Purify.
Experiment 7 The learner will able to perform Code coverage testing using Rational Pure
Experiment 8 The learner will able to do Test Planning using Rational Test Manager
Experiment 9 The learner can develop a manual Test Script using Rational Robot.
Experiment 10 The learner will able to develop a test script for Object insertions and Alphanumeric
Verification Points.
Experiment 11 The learner can develop a test script with External Data Source using Rational
Experiment 12 The learner will able to develop a test script with Data Pools using Rational Robot
and Rational test manager.
Experiment 13 The learner can develop a test script for Object Scripting using Rational Robot.
Experiment 14 The learner will able to create a test script for Website Testing Using Rational

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Semester Number: 6
Learning Outcome for BCSCTP 607 R02 HR SKILLS - II
(Common for CSE, IT, ICT)

Course Objective: To make the learner understand the employer expectations and help them to equip and
face the job interviews successfully.
0 0 2 2

S.No. Topics No. of
1 Employers Expectation 1
2 Selection Process 1
3 Resume Writing & Presentation 2
Aptitude Test
5 Getting ready for Interview 1
6 Technical Quiz (Core Subject) 3
7 Technical Interview (Core & Programming) 2
8 General Quiz 2
9 Quiz on Current Affairs 2
10 Debate on Current Affairs 2
11 Mock GD 3
12 Mock Interview 3
13 Semester Practical 3
14 Semester Theory Exam 1
Total 30


1. Dr.Shalini Verma, Body Language - Your Success Mantra
2. R.M.Omkar, Managing Career by Discovering your personality

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering


The learner get to know the expectations of employer from the prospective
future employees
Selection Process The learner becomes familiar with the selection process involved in the job
Resume Preparation The learner learns the art of writing a successful resume
Getting ready for an
The learner comes to know the ways to equip himself to face a job interview
Mock GD The learner understands the Dos and Donts of a group discussion
Mock Interview The learner evaluates his personal preparedness for the future job interview
Technical Quiz &
Technical Interview
The learner will understand the importance of domain knowledge to face the
technical round in job interview
Aptitude Test The learner understands the significance of Logical, verbal, analytical and
numerical reasoning
Quiz and Debate on
current Affairs
The learner realizes the importance of General knowledge and knowledge on
current affairs
The learner get to know the expectations of employer from the prospective
future employees
Selection Process The learner becomes familiar with the selection process involved in the job
Resume Preparation The learner learns the art of writing a successful resume.
Getting ready for an
The learner comes to know the ways to equip himself to face a job interview.
Mock GD The learner understands the Dos and Donts of a group discussion.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Semester Number : 6
(Common for CSE, IT and ICT)

Course Objective: To help the students understand and make use of Service Oriented Architecture.

3 1 0 4

Unit I (15 periods)
SOA Fundamentals: Concepts of SOA - Service Oriented Enterprise - Service Oriented Architecture
(SOA) - SOA and Web Services - Multi-Channel Access - Business Process Management - Extended
Web Services Specifications - Overview of SOA - Concepts - Key Service Characteristics - Technical
Benefits - Business Benefits.

Unit II (15 periods)
SOA and Web Services: Web Services Platform - Service Contracts - Service-Level Data Model -
Service Discovery - Service-Level Security - Service-Level Interaction Patterns - Atomic Services and
Composite Services - Proxies and Skeletons - Communication - Integration Overview - XML and Web
Services - .NET and J2EE Interoperability - Service-Enabling Legacy Systems - Enterprise Service Bus

Unit III (15 periods)
Applications and Practical Considerations: Multi-Channel Access - Business Benefits - SOA for
Multi-Channel Access - Tiers - Business Process Management - Concepts - BPM, SOA and Web Services
- WS- BPEL - Web Services Composition.

Unit IV (15 periods)
JAVA Implementation Standards and Tools, Management and Security: Java Web Services - JAX
APIs - JAXP - JAX-RPC - JAXM - JAXR - JAXB. Metadata Management - Web Services Security -
Advanced Messaging - Transaction Management.


1. Eric Newcomer and Greg Lomow, Understanding SOA with Web Services, Pearson Education, 3

Impression, 2009. (Unit I,II,III)
2. James McGovern, Sameer Tyagi, Michael E Stevens and Sunil Mathew, Java Web Services
Architecture, Elsevier, 2003. (Unit IV)
3. Matjaz B. Juric , Marcel Krizevnik, WS-BPEL 2. 0 for SOA Composite Applications with Oracle
SOA Suite 11g, Packt Publishing, 2010. (Chapters 1,2: WS- BPEL, Web Services Composition)


1. Thomas Erl, Service Oriented Architecture, Pearson Education, 2005.
2. Frank Cohen, Fast SOA, Elsevier, 2007.
3. Scott Campbell, Vamsi Mohun, Mastering Enterprise SOA, Wiley, 2007.
4. Eric Pulier, Hugh Taylor, Understanding Enterprise SOA, Dreamtech Press, 2007.
5. Jeff Davies, The Definitive Guide to SOA, Apress, 2007.
6. Sandeep Chatterjee, James Webber, Developing Enterprise Web Services, Pearson Education,

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering


Unit I The learner will have an understanding of concepts of service oriented architecture and its
Unit II The learner will realize web services, atomic services and relationship between XML and
web service
Unit III The learner will come to know how web services are applied in business context and the
business benefits.
Unit IV The learner will come to know the implementation of web service through JAX and JAX

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Semester Number: 6
(Common for CSE, IT and ICT)

Course Objective: The learner understands the concepts, principles and techniques of data warehousing
and data mining.
3 1 0 4

Unit I (15 Periods)
Data Warehouse and OLAP Technology: Data Warehouse - A Multidimensional Data Model - Data
Warehouse Architecture - Data Warehouse Implementation - From Data Warehousing to Data Mining.
Data Mining: Data Mining Functionalities - Classification of Data Mining Systems - Major Issues in data

Unit II (15 Periods)
Data preprocessing: Data cleaning - Data Integration and Transformation - Data Reduction: Data
Discretization and Concept Hierarchy Generation.
Cluster Analysis: What is cluster analysis - Types of data in cluster analysis - A categorization of major
clustering methods - Partitioning Methods: k-mean and k-mediods. Hierarchical Methods: BIRCH -
ROCK - Chameleon.

Unit III (15 Periods)
Association Rules: Basic Concepts -Efficient and Scalable Frequent Item set Mining Methods - Mining
Various Kinds of Association Rules
Classification: Decision tree induction - Bayesian classification.
Prediction: Linear Regression - Nonlinear Regression - Other Regression-Based methods.

Unit IV (15 Periods)
Web Mining: Introduction - Web Content Mining - Web Structure Mining - Web Usage Mining. Spatial
Mining: Introduction - spatial data overview - spatial data mining primitives - Generalization and
Specialization - Spatial Rules - Spatial Classification Algorithms - Spatial Clustering Algorithms


1. Jiawei Han, Micheline Kamber, Jian Pei, Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques, Morgan
Kaufman, 3
Edition, 2012. (Unit I,II,III)
2. Margaret H. Dunham, Data Mining: Introductory and Advanced Topics, Pearson Education, 6

Impression, 2009. (Unit IV)


1. Vikram Pudi and P.Radhakrishna,Data Mining, Oxford University Press, 2009.
2. Alex Berson, Stephen J. Smith, Data Warehousing, Data Mining and OLAP, Tata McGraw Hill,
3. - 83

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Unit I The learner cite why there is a need for data warehouse in addition to traditional operational
database systems and understand a typical knowledge discovery process.
Unit II The learner recognizes the specific need of data mining and data warehousing tools over
traditional statistical techniques along with their differences for solving real-world problems
in business.
Unit III The learner prepares to design a data-mining application using sample, realistic data sets
and modern tools.
Unit IV The learner extends to understand the web mining concepts and spatial algorithms.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Semester Number: 6
Learning outcome for BCSDCS 603 : PERVASIVE COMPUTING
(Common for CSE, IT and ICT)

Course Objective: The learner familiarizes with functioning of devices, architecture, technologies and
application scenarios of Pervasive Computing.

3 1 0 4

Unit I (15 periods)
Introduction: Pervasive computing - Pervasive computing market - m-Business - Application examples
Device Technology: Hardware- Human-machine interfaces - Biometrics- Operating Systems.
Device Connectivity: Protocols - Security - Device Management.

Unit II (15 periods)
WAP and Beyond: Introduction - Components of WAP architecture - WAP infrastructure - WAP
security issues - WML - WAP push - Products - i-Mode - Outlook.
Voice Technology: Basics of speech recognition - Voice standards - Speech applications - Speech and
pervasive computing - Security.

Unit III (15 Periods)
Pervasive Web Application Architecture: Background - Scalability and availability - Development of
pervasive computing web applications - Pervasive application architecture.
Example application - Access from PCs: Smart card based authentication via the Internet. Access via
WAP: WAP Functionality. Access from PDAs: Extending the application to Personal Digital Assistants.
Access via voice: Extending the application to voice access.

Unit IV (15 periods)
Mobile Adaptive Computing: Mobile computing - Adaptability - Mechanisms for Adaptation -
Incorporation of adaptations in applications - Support for building adaptive mobile applications.
Context Aware Computing: Ubiquitous or pervasive computing - Various definitions and types of
contexts - Context aware computing and applications - Middleware support.
Adhoc and Sensor Networks: Overview - Properties of an Ad hoc network - Unique features of sensor
networks - Proposed applications.


1. Jochen Burkhardt, Dr.Horst Henn, Stefan Hepper, Klaus Rintdorff, Thomas Schack, Pervasive
Computing Technology and Architecture of Mobile Internet Applications, Pearson Education, 6

Impression, 2009. (Unit I,II,III)
2. Frank Adelstein, Sandeep K.S.Gupta, Golden G.Richard III, Loren Schwiebert, Fundamentals of
Mobile and Pervasive Computing, Tata McGraw Hill, 2005.(Unit IV)


1. Uwe Hansmann, Lother Mark, Martin S.Nicklous, Thomas Stober, Pervasive Computing
Handbook, Springer-Verlag, 2001.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering


Unit I The learner discovers the concepts of pervasive system, operating systems and analyzes the
strengths and limitations of the tools and devices for the development of applications.
Unit II The learner develops pervasive computing web applications with voice and WAP
Unit III The learner accesses pervasive web applications using suitable devices.
Unit IV The learner identifies context aware computing and characteristics of different types of
mobile networks over the performance of a pervasive system.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Semester Number: 6
Learning outcome for BCSDCS 605 R02 : MOBILE COMPUTING
(Common for CSE, IT and ICT)

Course Objective: To help the learners understand the working of wireless telecommunication systems
and programming in different mobile platforms.
3 0 2 4

Unit I (19 Periods)
Wireless Communication Technology: Antennas - Propagation Modes - Line-of-Sight Transmission -
Fading in the Mobile Environment - Signal Encoding Criteria - Digital Data, Analog Signals - Analog
Data, Analog Signals - Analog Data, Digital Signals - The Concept of Spread Spectrum - Frequency
Hopping Spread Spectrum - Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum - Code Division Multiple Access -
Generation of Spreading Sequences.

Unit II (19 Periods)
Wireless Communication Systems: Infrared LANs - Spread Spectrum LANs - Narrowband Microwave
LANs - IEEE 802 Protocol Architecture - IEEE 802.11 Architecture and Services - IEEE 802.11 Medium
Access Control - IEEE 802.11 Physical Layer - Other IEEE 802.11 Standards Bluetooth and IEEE
802.15-Overview - Radio Specification - Baseband Specification - Link Manager Protocol - Logical Link
Control and Adaptation Protocol - IEEE 802.15 - GSM and DECT architecture.

Unit III (18 Periods)
Network and Transport Layers: Mobile Network layer - Mobile IP, DHCP, Ad hoc networks - Mobile
transport layer - Traditional TCP, Indirect TCP, Snooping TCP, Mobile TCP.

Unit IV (19 Periods)
Application Layer & Mobile Applications: WAP-architecture - Wireless datagram protocol - Wireless
transport layer security - Wireless transaction protocol - Wireless session protocol - Wireless application
environment - Mobile Application Development environments - Android - Windows phone 7 - Working
of Android tablet - Windows Phone 7 - Getting oriented.


1. William Stallings, Wireless Communications and Networks, Pearson Education, 2
Edition, 2005.
(Unit I, II)
2. Jochen H. Schiller, Mobile Communications, Pearson Education, 2
Edition, 2008. (Unit III, IV)
3. Robbie Mathews, Beginning Android Tablet Programming, Apress, 2011. (Unit IV)
4. Charles Petzold, Programming Windows Phone 7, Microsoft Press, 2010. (Unit IV)


1. Asoke K Talukder & Roopa R Yavagal, Mobile Computing - Technology, Applications and Service
Creation, Tata McGraw Hill, 2007.
2. W.C.Y.Lee, Mobile Communication Engineering: Theory and Applications, Tata McGraw Hill,

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Unit I The learner understands the difficulties in wireless communication and various modulation
techniques for signal generation.
Unit II The learner comprehends the working principles of different types of wireless LANs, IEEE
and Bluetooth standards.
Unit III The learner analyses difficulties in routing of packets, usage of traditional TCP protocol and
the necessary adaptations required for supporting mobility.
Unit IV The learner understands the protocol architecture for wireless communication and writes
programs for deployment in Android and Windows Phone 7 devices.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Semester Number: 6


Course Objective: To help the learner understand the underlying principles, functioning and working of
the z/OS that drives the z processors.
3 1 0 4

Unit I (15 Periods)
Introduction to the new mainframe: The new mainframe - The System/360: A turning point in
mainframe history - An evolving architecture - Mainframes in our midst - Mainframe Computer users -
Factors contributing to mainframe use - Typical mainframe workloads - Roles in the mainframe world -
z/OS and other mainframe operating systems
Mainframe hardware systems and high availability: Introduction to mainframe hardware systems -
Early system design - Current design - Processing Units - Multiprocessors - Disk devices - Clustering -
Basic shared DASD - Sysplex - Intelligent Resource Director - Platform Performance Management with
zEnterprise - Typical mainframe system growth - Continuous availability of mainframes.

Unit II (15 Periods)
z/OS overview: z/OS - Overview of z/OS facilities - Virtual storage and other mainframe concepts -
Workload management - I/O and data management - Supervising the execution of work in the system -
Cross-memory services - Defining characteristics of z/OS - Understanding system and product messages
- Predictive failure analysis - z/OS and other mainframe operating systems - Additional software products
for z/OS - Middleware for z/OS - The new face of z/OS - Performance monitoring and business
management - HTH.

Unit III (15 Periods)
TSO/E, ISPF, and UNIX: Interactive facilities of z/OS - Interact with z/OS - Time Sharing
Option/Extensions overview - ISPF overview - z/OS UNIX interactive interfaces - Working with data
sets: Data set - data sets: storage, Access methods, DASD volumes - Allocating a data set - Naming of
data sets - Allocating space on DASD volumes through JCL - Data set record formats - Types of data sets
- Virtual Storage Access Method - Catalogs and volume table of contents - Role of DFSMS in managing
space - z/OS UNIX file systems - Using Job Control Language and System Display and Search
Facility - Job Control Language - JOB, EXEC, and DD - Data set disposition and the DISP parameter -
Continuation and concatenation - Symbolic file names - Reserved DDNAMES - JCL procedures

Unit IV (15 Periods)
Batch processing and the job entry subsystem: Batch - Job entry subsystem - Initiator Job - Job and
output management with job entry subsystem and initiators - Job flow through the system - JES2
compared to JES3 - Designing and developing applications for z/OS: Application designers and
programmers - Designing an application for z/OS - Application development life cycle: An overview -
Developing an application on the mainframe - Using programming languages on z/OS - Overview of
programming - Choosing a programming language for z/OS - Using Assembler language on z/OS -
Using COBOL on z/OS - HLL relationship between JCL and program files - Using PL/I, C/C++, Java,
CLIST, REXX on z/OS - Customer Information Control System (CICS) - Information Management
System (IMS) - Database management systems for the mainframe.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering


1. Introduction to the New Mainframe z/OS Basics,
2. (Unit II: HTH)


1. ABCs of z/OS System Programming Volume 10,


Unit I The learner understands the working concepts of mainframes, Hardware availability and
the mechanism of coordination with OS.
Unit II The learner applies the principles, facilities, workload management, services and
supervisory rights of the z/OS and appreciates other software products that work on the
Unit III The learner uses Job Control Language to analyse various interfaces available with the
Unit IV The learner understands the principles involved in batch processing system and writes
programs in mainframe languages available on the z/OS.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Semester Number: 6
(Common for CSE, IT and ICT)

Course Objective: To help the learners utilize a variety of soft computing techniques for solving real time
3 1 0 4

Unit I (15 periods)
Fuzzy Logic: Introduction to fuzzy sets - Fuzzy Relations - properties - operations - Features of
membership functions - Fuzzification and De-fuzzification methods - Extension Principles - Functions of
Fuzzy Sets - Fuzzy Transform (Mapping) - Practical Considerations - Fuzzy arithmetic - Interval Analysis
in Arithmetic - Approximate methods of Extension - Vertex Method - DSW Algorithm - Restricted DSW

Unit II (15 periods)
ANN and BPN: Basics of artificial neural networks: Characteristics of Neural Networks -Historical
development of neural network principles -terminology -models in neural networks -topology -basic
learning laws -Activation and Synoptic dynamics: Activation dynamic models -synoptic dynamic models
-learning methods -stability and convergence - Back Propagation Network -Approach -Operation -
Generalized Delta Rule -Update of output -Layer weights -Updates of hidden layer weights -Training data
-Network sizing -Weights and Learning Parameters -BPN Applications -Data compression.

Unit III (15 periods)
BAM and CPN: Associative Memory definitions -Hamming Distance -Linear Associator -BAM
Architecture -BAM Processing -BAM Mathematics -BAM Energy Function -Discrete Hopfield Memory -
Counter Propagation Network -CPN Building Blocks -Input Layer -Instar -Competitive Networks -
Outstar -CPN data processing.

Unit IV (15 periods)
Genetic Algorithm: Introduction to Genetic Algorithms - Mathematical foundations -Computer
implementation of GA: data structures - reproduction, crossover and mutation - A time to reproduce, A
time to cross - Mapping objective functions to fitness form - Fitness scaling-crossover schema theorem -
codings - A multi-parameter mapped fixed-point coding - Discretization - constraints.


1. Timothy J. Ross, Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications, John Wiley, 2
Edition, 2004.(Unit I)
2. B.Yegnanarayana, Artificial Neural Networks, PHI, 2004. (Unit II)
3. James A Freeman, David M Skapura, Neural Networks, Addison Wesley, 1991. (Units II, III)
4. David E. Goldberg, Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization, and Machine Learning, Addison
Wesley, 2001. (Unit IV)


1. Jyh-shing Roger Jang, Chnesy-Tsai sur, Eiji Miziltazi, Neuro Fuzzy and Soft computing: A
Computational approach to learning and machine intelligence, Pearson Education, 2004.
2. Jacek M.Zurada, Introduction to Artificial Neural Systems, West Publishing Company, USA, 2004
(Indian edition: Jaico Publishing house).
3. Melanie Mitchell, Introduction to Genetic Algorithms, PHI, 2004.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering


Unit I The learner handles concepts of Uncertainty by constructing suitable fuzzy membership
Unit II The learner incorporates the architecture and designs the algorithm for Back Propagation
Neural Networks.
Unit III The learner constructs the Architecture and designs the Algorithm for BAM, Hopfield
Memory and CPN.
Unit IV The learner performs optimization by implementing suitable genetic algorithms.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Scheme of Study and Syllabi for VII Semester B.Tech. - Computer Science & Engineering
(For the students admitted from the year 2011-12)


Subject Code Subject Title
Periods of
BCSCCS 701 R02
High Performance Communication
3 1 0 4
BCSCCS 702 R01
Artificial Intelligence and Expert
3 1 0 4
BCSCCS 703 R02 Parallel and Distributed Systems 3 1 0 4
BCSCCS 704 R01 Embedded Systems 3 1 0 4
BCSDCS XXX DE - 7 3 1 0 4
BCSDCS XXX DE - 8 3 1 0 4
BCSCCS 705 R01 Parallel and Distributed Systems Lab 0 0 3 2
BCSCCS 706 R02 Embedded Systems Lab 0 0 3 2

Total 18 6 6 28


BCSDMA 701 Resource Management Techniques 3 1 0 4
BCSDCS 702 R01 Grid Computing 3 1 0 4
BCSDCS 705 R01 Software Testing 3 1 0 4
BCSDCS 708 Cloud Computing 3 1 0 4
BCSDCS 709 Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks 3 1 0 4
BCSDCS 710 Green Technology 3 1 0 4

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Semester Number: 7

Course Objective: To help the learner understand principles of network architectures and carry out
internet programming.

3 1 0 4

Unit I (15 Periods)
Introduction: Networking Principles-Future Networks-Traffic Characterization and Quality of Service-
Network Services-High Performance Networks-Layered Architecture-Frame Relay-Asynchronous
Transfer Mode-Main Features of ATM-Addressing, Signaling and Routing-ATM Header Structure

Unit II (15 Periods)
Performance Modeling and Estimation: Overview of probability and stochastic process: Probability-
Random variables-Stochastic processes-Queuing Analysis-Queuing Models-Single-Server Queues-Multi
server Queues-Queues with priorities-Networks and Queues-Other Queuing models-Estimating Model

Unit III (15 Periods)
Congestion and Traffic Management: Congestion control in Data Networks and Internets-Effects of
congestion-Congestion and control-Traffic Management-Congestion control in packet switching
networks-Frame Relay Congestion Control- Link-Level flow and error control-The need for Flow and
Error control-Link control mechanism-ARQ performance -TCP Traffic control-TCP Flow Control-TCP
Congestion Control-Performance of TCP over ATM.

Unit IV (15 Periods)
Internet Routing: Internet Routing Protocols-Internet Routing Principles-Distance-Vector Protocol: RIP-
Link-State Protocol Path-Vector Protocols: BGP and IDRP Quality of service in IP Networks: Integrated
and Differentiated services-Integrated Services Architecture-Queuing Discipline-Random Early
Detection-Differentiated services Protocols for QoS Support: Resource Reservation RSVP-Real Time
Transport Protocol (RTP).


1. Jean Walrand, Pravin Varaiya, High Performance Communication Networks, Harcourt Asia
publication, 2
Edition, 2000.(Unit I)
2. William Stallings, High Speed Networks and Internets performance and Quality of Service, 2

Edition, 2002. (Unit II,III,IV)


1. James F.Kurose, Keith W.Ross, Computer Networks, Pearson Education, 3
Edition, 2005.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering


Unit I Learner understands principles, traffic characterization, and quality of services of narrow
band as well as high performance networks like Frame relay and ATM.
Unit II Learner understands the overview of probability, stochastic process, queuing analysis and
queuing model.
Unit III Learner understands the concept of congestion control, traffic management, TCP flow
control, TCP congestion control and link-level error control.
Unit IV Learner understands Internet routing protocol and its types likes distance vector routing,
link state routing, inter-domain routing and intra-domain routing protocols.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Semester Number: 7
(Common for CSE, IT and ICT)

Course Objective: To help the learner in designing an intelligent agent that can solve ontological
3 1 0 4

Unit I (15 Periods)
Introduction: Intelligent Agents - Agents and environments - Good behavior - Nature of environments -
Structure of agents - Problem Solving - Problem solving agents - Example problems - Searching for
solutions - Uniformed search strategies - Avoiding Repeated States - Searching with Partial information.

Unit II (16 Periods)
Searching Techniques: Informed search and Exploration - Informed search strategies - Heuristic
Function - Local Search algorithms and Optimistic problems - Local search in Continuous spaces - Online
search agents and Unknown Environments - Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSP) - Backtracking
search and Local search for CSP - Structure of problems - Adversarial Search - Games - Optimal
decisions in games - Alpha - Beta Pruning - Imperfect real-time decision - Games that include an element
of chance.

Unit III (17 Periods)
Knowledge Representation: First Order Logic - Representation Revisited - Syntax and Semantics for
first order logic - Using First Order Logic - Knowledge Engineering in First Order logic - Inference in
First Order Logic - Propositional versus First Order Logic - Unification and Lifting - Forward chaining -
Backward chaining - Resolution - Knowledge Representation - Ontological Engineering - Categories and
objects - Actions - Simulation and events - Mental events and Mental objects.

Unit IV (12 Periods)
Expert Systems: Basic Definition - Organization and Representation of Knowledge - Basic
Characteristics and activities of an Expert System - Knowledge Representation using Rules, Semantic
Nets and Frames - Nature of Expert System Tools - Examples - EMYCIN - OPS5.


1. Stuart Russell, Peter Norvig, Artificial Intelligence - A Modern Approach, Pearson Education /
PHI, 2
Edition, 2004. (Unit I,II,III)
2. Donald A Waterman, A Guide to expert systems, Pearson Education, 3
Impression, 2009. (Unit


1. Patterson D W, Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems, PHI, 1990.
2. Nils J. Nilsson, Artificial Intelligence: A new Synthesis, Harcourt Asia Pvt. Ltd., 2000.
3. Elaine Rich and Kevin Knight, Artificial Intelligence, Tata McGraw Hill, 2
Edition, 2003.
4. George F. Luger, Artificial Intelligence-Structures and Strategies for Complex Problem Solving,
Pearson Education / PHI, 2002.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering


Unit I The learner understands the characteristics of a wide range of agents and their behavior in a
variety of environments which in turn would help in problem solving.
Unit II The learner acquires knowledge on a wide range of searching techniques and be able to
determine the optimal search technique for a given problem.
Unit III The learner represents and uses knowledge in various ontological problems.
Unit IV The learner understands, designs an expert system and makes use of a few expert system

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Semester number: 7

Course Objective: To help the learners to understand various parallel and Distributed algorithms and its

3 1 0 4

UNIT - I (15 Periods)
Cuda Development Environment-Introduction to Cuda C: Kernel call-Passing parameters-Querying
devices-Using Device Properties. Parallel Programming in Cuda C: Cuda Parallel Programming.
Thread Cooperation: Splitting parallel blocks-Shared memory and Synchronization. Constant Memory
and Events: Constant Memory-Measuring Performance with Events. Texture Memory: Overview-
Simulating Heat Transfer.

UNIT II (15 Periods)
Graphics Interoperability: Objectives-Graphics Interoperation - GPU Ripple with graphics
interoperability-Heat Transfer with Graphics Interoperability - DirectX Interoperability. Atomics:
Compute Capability -Atomic operations overview-Computing Histograms. Streams: Paged locked Host
Memory-Cuda Streams-Single and multiple streams-GPU work scheduling-Using multiple Cuda Streams.
Cuda on Multiple GPU's: Zero copy host memory-Using multiple GPU's-Portable pinned memory.

UNIT III (15 Periods)
Introduction and Communication: Goals of Distributed systems-Hardware Concepts- Software
Concepts-The client Server model-Remote Procedure Call-Message Oriented Communication - Stream
Oriented Communication.

UNIT IV (15 Periods)
Synchronization & Fault Tolerance: Clock Synchronization-Logical clocks-Election Algorithms-
Mutual Exclusion-Distributed Transactions-Reliable Group Communication-Distributed Commit-
Recovery-Sun Network File System.

Text Books:
1. Jason Sanders, Edward Kandrot, CUDA by Example: An Introduction to General Purpose GPU
Programming, Addison-Wesley, 2011. (Unit I,II)
2. Andrew.S.Tanenbaum, Maarten van Steen, Distributed Systems Principles and Paradigms, PHI,
2007. (Units III, IV)
3. Marc Snir, Steve Otto, Steven Huss-Lederman, David Walker, Jack Dongarra, MPI - The
Complete Reference Volume I : The MPI Core, MIT Press, 2
Edition, 1998. (Unit III)

1. Ananth Grama, Anshul Gupta, George Karypis, Vipin Kumar, Introduction to Parallel
Computing, Pearson Education, 2
Edition, 2003.
2. Andrew.S.Tanenbaum, Distributed Operating System, PHI, 2006.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering


Unit I The learner will have an understanding of the development of CUDA environment,
implementing parallel programming and thread synchronization.
Unit II The learner will have knowledge about graphics interoperability, atomics, streams and
CUDA in multiple GPUs.
Unit III The learner will have an understanding of goals, software concepts, hardware concepts of
distributed environment and different communication methods.
Unit IV The learner will have an understanding of synchronization Algorithms like leaders
algorithm, clock synchronization etc and fault tolerance technique for reliable

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Semester Number: 7
Learning outcome for BCSCCS 704 R01: EMBEDDED SYSTEMS
(Common for CSE, IT and ICT)

Course Objective: To help the learner understand the concepts, devices & software design to build an
embedded system.
3 1 0 4

Unit I (15 Periods)
Introduction to Embedded systems: Embedded system - Processor in embedded systems - Embedded
hardware Units and Devices in a system- Embedded Software in a system - Examples of Embedded
systems - Embedded system on-chip(Soc) and VLSI circuit design technology - Design process in
embedded system - Formalization of system design - Design process and design examples - Classification
of embedded systems - Skills required for an embedded system designer.

Unit II (15 Periods)
Devices and Communication Buses for Devices Network: Serial communication devices - Parallel
devices ports - Wireless devices - Networked embedded systems - Serial bus communication protocols -
Parallel bus devices protocols - Programmed I/O busy wait approach without interrupt service mechanism
- ISR concept - Interrupt sources - Interrupt servicing mechanism - Multiple Interrupts.

Unit III (15 Periods)
ARM Architecture and Instruction Set: ARM Design Philosophy - Embedded System Hardware -
Embedded System Software - Registers - Current Program Status Register - Pipeline - Exceptions -
Interrupts and the Vector Table - Core Extensions - Architecture Revisions - ARM Processor Families
- Data Processing Instructions - Branch Instructions - Load - Store Instructions - Software Interrupt
Instruction - Program Status Register Instructions - Loading Constants - ARMv5E Extensions -
Conditional Execution.

Unit IV (15 Periods)
Real Time Operating Systems: Basic Design using RTOS - RTOS Task Scheduling Models - Interrupt
Latency and Response of the Tasks as Performance Metrics - Basic function and types of RTOS - COSII
- Vx Works - Windows CE - Case study of Mobile Phone Software for Key Inputs.


1. Raj Kamal, Embedded systems - Architecture, Programming and design, Tata McGraw Hill, 5

Reprint, 2010. (Unit I,II,IV)
2. Andrew N Sloss, Dominic Symes, Chris Wright ARM System Developers Guide: Designing
and optimizing system software, Morgan Kaufmann, 2004. (Unit III)


1. Wayne Wolf, Computers as Components - Principles of Embedded Computing System Design,
Elsevier, 2
Edition, 2008.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering


Unit I The learner understands the hardware components and design process involved in embedded
Unit II The learner comprehends the I/O communication devices and interrupts in embedded systems.
Unit III The learner acquires knowledge of architecture, instruction set and advanced features of ARM
Unit IV The learner grasps the knowledge of Real Time Operating Systems and its features.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Semester number: 7

Course Objective: To help the learner implement parallel algorithms using GPU programming and also
develop applications in a Distributed Computing Environment.

0 0 3 2

Parallel Computing Exercises (GPU Programming)

1. Find all occurrences of a particular string in another string.
2. Compute the dot product of two vectors.
3. Compute the product of two matrices. Propose two different kernels, "matmul" and "block_matmul"
to illustrate how performance enhancement can be undertaken.
4. Implement quick sort algorithm.
5. Implement Gauss Elimination method.
6. Find the k-th largest element in an unsorted list of n elements initially distributed among p

Distributed Computing Exercises

7. Implement a chat server.
8. Implement RPC.
9. Implement Clock synchronization.
10. Implement a Leader Election algorithm in a ring network.
11. Implement Group Communication.
12. Implement Byzantine Agreement.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering


Experiment 1 The learner implements all the occurrences of a particular string in another string using
multiple processors.
Experiment 2 The learner implements dot product of two vectors in parallel environment.
Experiment 3 The learner realizes product of two matrices using multiple processors.
Experiment 4 The learner applies quick sort algorithm using more processors.
Experiment 5 The learner carries out Gauss Elimination method using multiple processors.
Experiment 6 The learner implements a parallel program for finding k
largest element from an
unsorted list which is distributed to multiple processors.
Experiment 7 The learner develops a chat server application in distributed environment.
Experiment 8 The learner acquires knowledge about the implementation of Remote procedure call.
Experiment 9 The learner implements clock synchronization Algorithm in distributed systems.
Experiment 10 The learner enhances knowledge on ring networks using leaders election algorithms.
Experiment 11 The learner understands the implementation of group communication in a distributed
Experiment 12 The learner gains skill on Byzantine Agreement in a distributed environment.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Semester number: 7
Learner Outcome for BCSCCS 706 R02: EMBEDDED SYSTEMS LAB

Course Objective: To help the learner demonstrates advanced interfacing mechanisms in 8051 and
illustrations of operating system concepts in ARM core.
0 0 3 2

1. Verification of on-chip (Timer, Counter) peripherals using 8051.
2. Event driven programming with External Interrupts of 8051.
3. Interfacing DC Motor with 8051.
4. Interfacing PC with 8051 using UART.
5. Interfacing LCD with 8051.

ARM CORE (LPC 2148, MSP430, LPC2378, LPC2129 & SAM9263)

6. GPIO module of ARM.
7. Data Acquisition and Control using LM35.
8. Interfacing with external peripherals using I2C.
9. Message Queue Implementation.
10. Mutual exclusion Implementation.
11. Implementation of Scheduling Algorithm.
12. Interfacing processors with PC using Wireless Interface Card.

Additional Experiments

13. Programming with on-chip ADC of AVR.
14. Capture Compare PWM using PIC.
15. Programming with ULK Trainer Kit.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering


Experiment 1 The learner understands evaluation mechanisms of Timers and Counters in 8051.
Experiment 2 The learner implements event driven programming using external interrupts in 8051
Experiment 3 The learner acquires the knowledge of interfacing DC Motor with 8051.
Experiment 4 The learner develops applications based on interfacing PC with 8051 using UART.
Experiment 5 The learner knows the concept of interfacing LCD with 8051
Experiment 6 The learner is able to interface any general purpose peripherals with ARM.
Experiment 7 The learner develops applications for data acquisition and control using LM35
Experiment 8 The learner performs interfacing with external peripherals using I
Experiment 9 The learner employs message queue implementation in embedded applications
Experiment 10 The learner demonstrates mutual exclusion implementation in embedded applications.
Experiment 11 The learner is able to illustrate scheduling algorithm.
Experiment 12 The learner implements interfacing processors with PC using Wireless Interface Card
Experiment 13 The learner develops basic programming in AVR.
Experiment 14 The learner comprehends how to capture and compare PWM using PIC
Experiment 15 The learner implements programming with ULK trainer kit

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Semester Number: 7
(Common for CSE and ICT)

Course Objective: To help the learner in understanding and incorporating a wide variety of optimization
3 1 0 4

Unit I (15 periods)
Linear Programming Problem (LPP): Formulation of LPP -Standard form of LPP Basic and feasible
solutions to LPP- Graphical method- Simplex Method - Slack, Surplus and Artificial variables - Big-M
(Charnes Penalty) method - Dual Simplex method - Primal Dual problems- Merits and limitations of all
these methods - Simple applications.

Unit II (15 periods)
Transportation Model: Formulation- Balanced and Unbalanced transportation problems - Initial basic
feasible solution - NWCR - Least cost method - Vogel's approximation method - Degeneracy and Non
degeneracy conditions -Optimum feasible solution - MODI algorithm. Assignment problems - Balanced
and Unbalanced Assignment problems - Degeneracy - Non degeneracy - Minimization and Maximization
models - Travelling salesman problem.

Unit III (15 periods)
Network: activity - event - node - Fulkerson's rule - Earliest , Latest - start and end times - Network
diagram - dummy activities - Critical path - Floats - Different types of floats - Project Evaluation
Review Technique - Different time estimates - Use of Normal distribution in PERT-Direct and indirect
costs - Cost slope - Crashing - Parallel Crashing.

Unit IV (15 periods)
Unconstrained one dimensional Optimization Techniques: Necessary and sufficient conditions -
Unrestricted search with fixed and accelerated step size method - Quadratic interpolation-Cubic
interpolation and Direct root methods.- Unconstrained n - dimensional Optimization Techniques -
Decent methods : Steepest descent method - Fletcher - Reeves method, Newton method.


1. Kanti Swarup, Gupta, P. K., Manmohan, Operations Research, Sultan Chand & Sons, 11
2. Rao, S. S, Optimization: Theory & Application, Wiley Eastern Press, 2005.
3. Fox, R. L., Optimization Methods for Engineering Design, Addition Wesley, 1999.


1. Taha, H. A., Operations Research - An Introduction, PHI, 2007.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering


Unit I The learner frames methods for solving linear programming problems and providing
optimized solutions.
Unit II The learner incorporates methods for handling transportation problems and also finds suitable
assignments to machines.
Unit III The learner identifies the shortest possible path and also determines the critical path in a
Unit IV The learner understands and uses number of one and multi dimensional optimization
techniques for a specific set of problems.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Semester number: 7
Learning outcome for: BCSDCS702 R01: GRID COMPUTING

Course Objective: To help the learner understand the architecture, components and applications of grid
3 1 0 4

Unit I (15 Periods)
Grid Computing: Introduction: Overview - Grid applications - Grid Infrastructure - Grid Computing
Organizations and their roles: organizations developing grid standards and best practice Guidelines-
organizations developing grid computing Toolkits and Framework - organizations Building and using
grid-based solution to solve Computing - Grid Computing anatomy - Grid Computing road map.

Unit II (15 Periods)
Grid Computing Applications: Merging the Grid services Architecture with the Web services
Architecture: services Oriented Architecture - Web services Architecture - XML - Service message
description mechanisms - Relationship between web service and Grid Service - web Service
Interoperability - OGSA -Introduction - Goals.
SOAP: Introduction, SOAP message exchange model, relation to XML, SOAP envelope, SOAP
Encoding, using SOAP in Http, Simple encoding of call requests and response.

Unit III (15 Periods)
WSDL: Introduction, Service definition, SOAP Binding, Http Get & Post Binding, wire format for
WSDL examples
Technologies: OGSA platform components - OGSA Hosting Environment - Core Networking Services
Transport and Security - OGSA Infrastructure - OGSI - OGSA Basic Services.

Unit IV (15 Periods)
Grid Computing Tool Kits: Procedure for downloading Globus tool kit, Globus GT 3 Toolkit
Architecture - GT3 Software architecture Model - GT3 Tool Kit Service Programming model, GT3 Tool
Kit High level services.
Application Case Study
Examples of Research and Industry Grid Implementations - GlobeXplorer - Houston University Campus
Grid for Environmental Modeling and Seismic Imaging - Ontario HPC Virtual Laboratory - Canada
NRC-CBR BioGrid - White Rose Grid - TELCOS as Users - TELCOS as Providers


1. Joshy Joseph, Craig Fellenstein, Grid Computing, Pearson Education, 1
Edition, 2004.
2. Aarone E.Walsh, UDDI ,SOAP and WSDL, Pearson Education Asia, 2002.
3. Barry Wilkinson, Grid Computing Techniques and Applications, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2009.


1. Ahmar Abbas, Grid Computing: Practical Guide to Technology and Applications, Firewall Media,
2. Fran Bermn, Geoffrey Fox, Anthony Hey J.G., Grid Computing: Making the Global Infrastructure -
A Reality, Wiley, 2003.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering


Unit I The learner understands the basic working of the applications, standards and organizations
involved in grid computing.
Unit II The learner applies the SOAP protocol in grid service development using web services.
Unit III The learner acquires knowledge about grid technologies like OGSA and its services
Unit IV The learner develops grid applications using GT3 toolkit and researches various grids.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Semester Number: 7
Learning outcome for BCSDCS 705 R01: SOFTWARE TESTING
(Common for CSE, IT and ICT)

Course Objective: To help the learner acquire information on the foundations, techniques and tools in
the area of software testing and its practice in the industry.
3 1 0 4

Unit I (15 Periods)
Introduction: Purpose of Testing - Some dichotomies - Model for testing - Consequences of bugs -
Taxonomy for bugs - Flow graph for path testing - Path testing basics - Predicates, path predicates and
achievable paths - Path sensitizing - Path instrumentation - Implementation and application of path
testing- testability tips.

Unit II (15 Periods)
Transaction Flow, Data Flow And Domain Testing: Transaction flows - Testing techniques-
implementation; Data flow testing basics - strategy, applications, tools and effectiveness; Domain testing
- Domains and paths - Nice domains and ugly domains - Domains and interface testing - Domains and

Unit III (15 Periods)
Syntax And Logic Based Testing: Syntax testing - A grammar for format - Test Case generation -
Implementation and Application - Motivational Overview of logic based testing - Decision table - Path
expressions - KV Charts - Specifications State, State Graphs and Transition testing: State graphs, good
& bad state graphs, state testing.

Unit IV (15 Periods)
Graph Matrices and Application: Motivational overview, matrix of graph, relations, power of a matrix,
node reduction algorithm, building tools.
(Exposure to tools like JMeter or Winrunner)


1. Boris Beizer, Software Testing Techniques, Dream Tech Press, 2
Edition, 2003.


1. Srinivasan Desikan, Gopalaswamy Ramesh, Software Testing - Principles and Practice, Pearson
Education, 1
Edition, 2006.
2. William E Perry, Effective Methods for Software Testing, John Wiley & Sons, 2nd Edition, 2000.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering


Unit I The learner implements Projects involving software testing process ranging from unit
testing to system testing
Unit II The learner designs and applies test cases for both white and black box testing of software.
Unit III The learner describes and evaluates approaches for integrating software testing with the
software development process.
Unit IV The learner detects faults and also deals with correction and removal of the same.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Semester number: 7
Learning outcome for BCSDCS 708: CLOUD COMPUTING
(Common for CSE, IT and ICT)

Course Objective: To help the learner understand current cloud computing technologies, its applications
and layers for different solutions.

3 1 0 4

Unit I (15 Periods)
Cloud Computing: Cloud Components - Infrastructure - Applications - Benefits - Limitations - Cloud
Deployment Model - Cloud Technologies - IaaS: Storage as a Service: S3 - Compute as a Service : EC2 -
PaaS: Windows Azure - Google App Engine - Storage Aspects - Apache Hadoop - SaaS : CRM as a
Service - Social Computing Services - Document Services.

Unit II (15 Periods)
Virtualization: Server Virtualization - Hypervisor: VMware - XenServer - Storage virtualization -
Hardware and Infrastructure: Clients - Network - Services - Accessing the Cloud: Web Applications -
Web API - Web Browsers - Cloud Storage.

Unit III (15 Periods)
Developing Cloud Applications: Introduction - Scalable data storage techniques - Map reduce Revisited:
Fundamental Concepts - Amazon EMR - Overview - Concepts - Designing Cloud Security: Requirements
- Risk Management - Security Design pattern.

Unit IV (15 Periods)
Cloud Challenges: Introduction - Scaling computations - Scaling Storage - Availability - Cloud Services
for individuals - Cloud Services for Enterprises - Migration - Cloud Best Practices - Future of Cloud


1. Anthony T. Velte, Toby J. Velte, Robert Elsenpeter, Cloud Computing: A Practical Approach,
McGraw Hill, 2010.
2. Dinkar Sitaram, Geetha Manjunat, Moving to the Cloud: Developing Apps in the New World of
Cloud Computing, Elsevier, 2012.
3. Amazon Elastic MapReduce Developer Guide API Version, 2012. (Unit III)


1. M.S.V Janakiram, Demystifying the cloud - An Introduction to Cloud Computing, Version 1.1,
2. Chuck Lam, Hadoop in Action, Manning Publications, 2011.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering


Unit I The learner understands the basics of cloud computing with special emphasis on Cloud
Unit II The learner understands virtualization techniques, cloud computing technologies like
hardware, architecture, storage, access and standards.
Unit III The learner develops cloud applications using different development platforms and
understands issues and management of security designs.
Unit IV The learner acquires knowledge on scaling of resources, services, migration tools and
formulates strategies for people at different levels.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Semester Number: 7
Learning outcome for BCSDCS 709: AD HOC AND SENSOR NETWORKS
(Common for CSE, IT and ICT)
Course Objective: To help the learner understand the working of protocols and designing Ad Hoc and
sensor networks.
3 1 0 4

Unit I (15 Periods)
Ad Hoc Networks: Introduction - Issues in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks - MAC Protocols - Issues,
Classifications of MAC protocols, Multi channel MAC & Power control MAC protocol.

Unit II (15 Periods)
Wireless Sensor Networks: Sensor Node Technology - Fundamentals of MAC Protocols - MAC
Protocols for WSNs - Routing Challenges and Design Issues in Wireless Sensor Networks - Routing
Strategies in Wireless Sensor Networks.

Unit III (15 Periods)
WSN Transport Layer: Challenges for Transport Layer - Reliable Multi-Segment Transport (RMST)
Protocol - Congestion Detection and Avoidance (CODA) Protocol - Event-to-Sink Reliable Transport
(ESRT) Protocol - Real-Time and Reliable Transport (RT)2 Protocol - Operating Systems for Wireless
Sensor Networks .

Unit IV (15 Periods)
Actor, Multimedia Sensor Networks: Wireless Sensor and Actor Networks - Characteristics of WSANs
- Sensor-Actor Coordination - Actor-Actor Coordination - WSAN Protocol Stack - Wireless Multimedia
Sensor Networks - Design Challenges - Network Architecture - Multimedia Sensor Hardware.


1. C.Siva Ram Murthy, B.S.Manoj, Ad Hoc Wireless Networks - Architectures and Protocols,
Pearson Education, 2004. (Unit I)
2. Kazemsohraby, Daniel Minoli, Taiebznati, Wireless Sensor Networks Technology, Protocols, and
Applications, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2007.(Unit II,III)
3. Ian F. Akyildiz, Mehmet Can Vuran, Wireless Sensor Networks, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2010.
(Unit III,IV)


1. C.K.Toh, Ad Hoc Mobile Wireless Networks, Pearson Education, 2002.
2. Anna Hac, Wireless Sensor Network Design, John Wiley and Sons Ltd, 2003.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Unit I The learner understands the various types of MAC Protocols for ad hoc networks.
Unit II The learner demonstrates the working of various MAC protocols and routing protocols for
Wireless Sensor Networks.
Unit III The learner applies the working of various Transport Layer protocols for mobility, QoS and in
Real Time applications.
Unit IV The learner understands the concepts of Wireless Sensor, Actor Networks and Multimedia
Sensor Hardware.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Semester Number: 7
Learning outcome for BCSDCS710: GREEN TECHNOLOGY
(Common for CSE, IT and ICT)

Course Objective: To help the learner understand the concepts of Green Computing, Framework and its
applications in IT Industry
3 1 0 4

Unit I (15 Periods)
Introduction: Green IT Fundamentals: Business, IT and the Environment - Green computing: carbon
foot print, scoop on power - Green IT Strategies: Drivers, Dimensions, and Goals - Environmentally
Responsible Business: Policies, Practices and Metrics.

Unit II (15 Periods)
Green Assets and Modeling: Green Assets: Buildings, Data Centers, Networks, and Devices - Green
Business Process Management: Modeling, Optimization, and Collaboration - Green Enterprise
Architecture - Environmental Intelligence - Green Supply Chains - Green Information Systems: Design
and Development Models.

Unit III (15 Periods)
Grid Framework: Virtualizing of IT systems - Role of electric utilities, Telecommuting,
teleconferencing and teleporting - Materials recycling - Best ways for Green PC - Green Data center -
Green Grid framework.

Unit IV (15 Periods)
Green Compliance: Socio-cultural aspects of Green IT - Green Enterprise Transformation Roadmap -
Green Compliance: Protocols, Standards, and Audits - Emergent Carbon Issues: Technologies and Future.
Case Studies: Applying Green IT Strategies and Applications to a Home


1. Bhuvan Unhelkar, Green IT Strategies and Applications: Using Environmental Intelligence, CRC
Press, 2011. (Unit I, II, IV)
2. Woody Leonhard, Katherrine Murray, Green Home computing for dummies, Wiley Publisher,
2009. (Unit III)


1. Alin Gales, Michael Schaefer, Mike Ebbers, Green Data Center: steps for the Journey, IBM
Redbook, 2011.
2. John Lamb, The Greening of IT, Pearson Education, 2009.
3. Jason Harris, Green Computing and Green IT - Best Practices on regulations & industry,,
4. Carl speshocky, Empowering Green Initiatives with IT, John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
5. Wu Chun Feng, Green computing: Large Scale energy efficiency, CRC Press, 2012.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering


Unit I Learner gets wide knowledge about Green Technology, its impact in the environment and
Unit II Learner develops basic understanding about Green Assets, Modeling and its Enterprise
Unit III Learner gains knowledge on Grid Framework and its utilities.
Unit IV Learner understands the socio-cultural aspects of Green IT and designs strategies in
overcoming problems in environmental applications.

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Scheme of Study and Syllabi for VIII Semester B.Tech. - Computer Science & Engineering
(For the students admitted from the year 2011-12)


Subject Code Subject Title
Period of
BCSCCS 801 Project Work 0 0 18 9
BCSOXX XXX Open Elective - I 3 0 0 3
BCSOXX XXX Open Elective - II 3 0 0 3
BCSOXX XXX Open Elective - III 3 0 0 3
BCSOXX XXX Open Elective - IV 3 0 0 3
TOTAL 12 0 18 21


Subject Code Subject Title
Period of
BCSOCS801 E Commerce 3 0 0 3
BCSOCS802 Software Project Management 3 0 0 3
BCSOCS803 Web Technology 3 0 0 3
BCSOCS804 Management Information Systems 3 0 0 3
BCSOCS805 Information Storage and Management 3 0 0 3
BCSOCS807 IT Essentials (only non-soc students) 3 0 0 3
BCSOTC802 Principles of Programming and Design 3 0 0 3
BCSOLS801 Cyber Law and Security Policies 3 0 0 3
BCSOCS809 Animation techniques 3 0 0 3


Semester Regular Lateral Entry
Semester -I 30 ---
Semester - II 31 ---
Semester - III 27 27+6
Semester - IV 28 28+6
Semester - V 30 30
Semester - VI 30 30
Semester - VII 28 28
Semester - VIII 21 21
TOTAL 225 164+12=176

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