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"Guerilla Tactics in Passing the Bar"

Submitted by: Atty Liza Alferol:

I came across this booklet hile I as re!ieing for the Bar in "#P#
$iliman# The author is a graduate of the "P %ollege of La# If I can still
remember right& he graduated in '(()# *e did not mention if he had
honors hen he graduated but he did mention that he as a member of
the "P %ollege of La $ebating Team# *e did not immediately take the
bar# Instead he orked as a car sales man for fi!e years before taking
the bar in '((+#
,hen he a--lied for a lea!e he as gi!en only a month before he as
going to take the Bar# *e had less than a month to -re-are and realizing
this he formulated strategies to aid him in his re!ie# This is the birth of
his "Guerilla Tactics in Passing the Bar" .I might not be accurate about
the title but e lo!ingly /ust call it Guerilla Tactics0# This guy did not only
-ass the bar& he ranked ''th# Pro!ing that ith hard ork and
determination& there is alays ho-e#
1yson says that one should ha!e a systematic and organized game-lan
in re!ieing for the bar# *e also said that -rayers are !ery im-ortant# I
agree& I -rayed a lot not only during the -re2bar re!ie but during my
la shool days# *e enumerates the folloing ti-s in the first cha-ter of
his book:
'# T*3 34A5I633 5"ST *A73 A "SI6GL325I6$3$
$3T385I6ATI16 T1 TA93 T*3 BA8 34A5S 61 5ATT38 ,*AT"
)# P1"8 ALL T*3 3::18TS ;1" %1"L$ %155A6$ I6T1 T*3
B"SI63SS 1: P83PA8I6G :18 T*3 BA8 34A5S# ;1" 5"ST B3
P83PA83$ T1 SA%8I:I%3#
<# IT ALL B1ILS $1,6 T1 PS;%*1L1GI%AL P83PA83$63SS#
=# 83S1L73 63738 T1 >"IT& 61, 18 LAT38#
$uring the )??' Bar& I almost @uit after the eAam on Labor La# I
decided not to hen I realized that I can still -ull u- my grades if I do
good in other Bar sub/ects# I as so glad that I did not @uit# I ouldnBt
ha!e -assed the bar if I did so#
C# $1 61T AI5 :18 P38:3%TI16 18 5AST38; 1: T*3 LA,
IBd like to remind you friends that our author only had a month to re!ie#
It ould ha!e been im-ractical for him to master the la# It as
-ractically im-ossible to do that# I did not aim for -erfection myself# I
as !ery -rotecti!e of my self confidence during the re!ie that I had
!ery attainable goals# I did not ant to disa--oint myself and end u-
entering the bar eAam room in -ieces#
D# LI5IT ;1"8S3L: T1 BA8 34A5 837I3,38S 18 T*3 %1$AL
P817ISI16S T*35S3L73S
6o& this is something that -ro!incial la students are good at# The
trend no is to study codal -ro!isions during the -re2bar re!ie
because I tell you& there ill not be enough time to read C !olumes of
Paras& ) !olumes of 8eyes& se!eral books in TaAation etc## etc## so limit
yoursel!es to the codal and if you ha!e time& the re!ieers# 1ur author
recommended AlbanoBs re!ieer in %i!il La and also BalbastroBs in
%ommercial La#
+# %*11S3 T*3 B3ST BA8 34A5 837I3,38 I6 T*3 5A893T
E# 5A6AG3 ;1"8 TI53 P81P38L;#
'# Political La 2 1utline 8e!ieer in Political La by %ong# 6achura
2 this oneBs really good# 5y highest grade in the Bar as in Political La
and TaAation so I kno this book orks# I read the cha-ter on
constitutional la tice#
)# Labor La 2 3!eryoneBs Labor %ode by Azucena
2 this oneBs great also# It orked ell for me because Azucena as our
-re2bar re!ieer# ItBs easy to read and !ery brief# All the essentials are
<# %i!il La 2 %odal Pro!isions
2 I think there is no other ay to tackle %i!il La eAce-t by reading the
-ro!isions# I used the %odal Pro!isions in =th year la re!ie classes
so I ha!e some reminders and notes ritten on the margins already so it
as easy for me to re!ie# ;ou should buy the one -rinted by %entral
Bookstore& but if you ha!e one no& itBs okay# $onBt buy a ne one#
=# TaAation 2 TaA 8e!ieer by :rancis Sababan and %om-rehensi!e TaA
8e!ieer by $e Leon -lus a %odal Pro!ision& I used the one by $ascil#
2 SababanBs re!ieer is a!ailable at 8eA Bookstore#
C# %ommercial La 2 %ommercial La 8e!ieer by 5ira!ite and %odal
Pro!isions by Agbayani .its this blue book hich is a com-ilation of all
commercial las& banking& cor-oration etc###0
D# %riminal La 2 %om-endium by 8egalado and Pointers in %riminal
La by Sando!al& codal -ro!isions
2 If youBre doing great ith your FBL 8eyes book then stick ith it# The
%om-endium is -retty eA-ensi!e# I /ust bought it because my FBL
8eyes book is circa '((< so it doesnnBt ha!e all the ne ammendments
to the las#
+# 8emedial La 2 Get hold of the %odal Pro!isions### 8e!ised 8ules of
%ourt### I used both !olumes of 8egaladoBs Book because that as hat
I used hen I as a student#
E# Legal 3thics 2 no this is free for all### but I suggest you /ust
memorize the AttorneyBs 1ath& 8ead and -ut to heart the %anons of
Professional 3thics and Fudicial 3thics too# :or the :orms& I ha!e to
admit I did not study for this& but I -aid attention to the hand outs gi!en
to us during the re!ie#
So& that& in a ca-sule is the list# I ho-e it could hel- you in formulating
your game-lan for your re!ie# The most im-ortant thing is that you
kno yourself& you kno your eaknesses& your strengths and
formulate your -lan according to hat you kno#

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