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Alcohol & Drug Awareness Week November 17

Invitation to egister An !vent
"his event is coor#inate# b$ the %i# West egional Drug & Alcohol
&orum in collaboration with the '(!) %ar$ Immaculate) *+!",)
*(%" an# Northstar-
The MWRDAF would like to invite you to hold an event over Alcohol &
Drug Awareness Week in keeping with the broad theme !tay Alcohol
& Drug Aware"#
The theme is intended to be a positive one o$ building awareness on
two main counts%
&# !tay Alcohol & Drug Aware by keeping in$ormed o$ current issues
in your community' including some o$ the ma(or issues o$ the day
)more suggestions below*+' and also including updates on help
and supports available locally#
,# !tay Alcohol & Drug Aware- by challenging ourselves to identi$y
and e.plore alternative social outlets )$or young people' adults or
older adults' depending on your remit+ which are less likely to
revolve around or involve alcohol or drug consumption#
Alcohol & Drug Awareness Week %i#west is sche#ule#
to take .lace /rom November 17
(uggestions /or how to organise an event0
!et up a small planning group0
1onsider what might be the most important alcohol or drug
issues $or your target audience0 seek advice $rom local services i$
you are unsure0
2lan an event that 3ts into your usual schedule o$ classes4groups
i$ relevant' or plan a special one o5 event that targets a speci3c
group )eg older people' people living alone4parenting alone'
parents' unemployed young men4women' etc# depending on
your remit and priorities+0
Register your event with us to help with promotion by &
,7&8 using the Registration Form attached#
1 *urrent alcohol & #rug issues which will be raised in press
releases' and which may assist with your planning%
!tronger cannabis% relative strength o$ cannabis today compared
to ,7794:' herbal cannabis pre$erred instead o$ hash resin0
resulting impact on behaviour' mental health#
Alcohol &&4&:% ;ow risk alcohol consumption limits changed to &&
and &:' what is a standard drink )<1=24Royal college o$
physicians measuring glasses+0
Medication matters% >en?odia?epines are the particular $ocus
here' while being mind$ul o$ the an.iety this may raise among
those who have been on prescribed ben?os $or long periods#
@eed $or medical supervision4regular review4importance o$ never
sharing prescribed medication#
/elp at hand% many local services to help $rom basic in$ormation
to treatment' promoting national helpline number &A77 8BC 8BC'
website www#drugs#ie )in$ormation $or parents' substance users'
local services' prevention' problem use' live helper available
online also+#
Register your Dvent
>rie$ Description o$ event%
Target Audience
When Where

1ontact person
1ontact e-mail
1ontact Mobile
2lease $orward completed $orm relevant people below listed $or
your county4city%
;imerick 1ity% Anita Mc@amara
Mary Ryan Rose
Trisha Whelan
1o ;imerick% @ina !myth ninaasmythEhse#ie
David Mc2hillips
@th Tipperary% Rionach 2ower rpowerEmwrdt$#ie
!ancha 2ower
1lare% Anna 6"@eill aoneillEhse#ie
!eamus >ane sbaneElcaes#ie

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