Fast Controlled: Optimum Regulation Converters

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Fast Response and Optimum Regulation in

Digitally Controlled Thyristor Converters

Abstract-Ideally, in discrete-data control systems the output parame- the first step theorem. Iffo is zero, this becomes
ter must follow the input reference with minimum delay, preferably
within one sampling interval. The fast response and optimum regulation lim [Z F(Z)].
fi= z-,
methodology described finds such an ideal response for linear discrete-
data systems. It is found that the completed feedback loop is significant in
determining the influence of the distribution parameters to the response, If fl, the output in the time domain, is unityi, the system will
with the first step response considerably improved by using a variable- have a fast response characteristic.
gain control. Theoretical calculations, using Z transform theory, and Optimum regulation implies that the system output should
experimental results are in agreement and confirm the applicability of the
accurately follow the input reference after any change in the
reference, such as the application of a unit step function. The
I. INTRODUCTION conditions of optimum regulation, therefore, comprise both
OPTIMUM regulation and accurate control in discrete-data those for the fast response, and also
control systems may be achieved only if the output f =I (i=l to oo). (4)
parameter is able to follow the input reference with minimum
delay or within one sampling interval [1]. In this paper, the Usually, (4) is not satisfied completely and can only be
term fast response is used for the case where the system approximated. This paper presents a technique for minimizing
output can reach its new steady state during the first sampling the difference in (4) between actual and ideal values, in order
interval after the establishment of the new reference signal to achieve optimum regulation. Because fast response is
value, such as a unit step function. included in optimum regulation, the technique also determines
From Z transform theory it follows that the value of the the fast response.
zeroth step of the output is zero, and the output value of the
first step may be obtained from the initial value theorem. Fast II. FAST RESPONSE
response, therefore, implies the value of output the parameter Closed-loop control with negative feedback is frequently
at the first step is unity. used in automatic control systems. For discrete-data control
From Z transform theory [2], the transfer function of the systems, the output may be described by combining the
system output in the Z domain is closed-loop transfer function of the system with the reference
signal transfer function in the Z domain. Taking a unit step
F(Z)=f +fiZ- 1+ fz2+* 1 function as the reference, the transfer function is then
As Z -x o, IIZ 0, so every term except the first tends to z
zero. The result is the initial value theorem: R(Z) = (5)
Z- 1 ,
fo=lim [F(Z)] Z (2) If the closed-loop transfer function of the system is
z -00

Additional initial values can be determined successively.

*C(Z) = M(Z) (6)
Z(F(Z) -fo) = fi + f2Z- I + f3Z-2+ *** where M(Z) and N(Z) are polynomials in Z, with the
further application of the initial value theorem yields highest degree m for M(Z) and n for N(Z) so that
f1=lim [Z F(Z)-fo], (3) M(Z) =AmZm +Am_ Zm- I+ * * +Ao -
Paper IPCSD 84-32, approved by the Static Power Converter Committee of
the IEEE Industry Applications Society for publication in this TRANSAC- N(Z)=BnZ±+Bn_ Zn-l'+** +Bo, (8)
TIONS. Manuscript released for publication August 1, 1985. This work was
supported in part by the Chinese Government. then the expression for the system output 1(Z) is
The authors are with the University Engineering Department, University of
Cambridge, Trumpington Street, Cambridge, CB2 IPZ, England. F. L. Luo I(Z) = R (Z)C(Z)
is on leave from the Automation Research Institute of the Ministry of
Metallurgical Industry, Beijing, China. Z AmZm+ *m+ACd
IEEE Log Number 8405825. (9)
Z-1 BnZn+ - +Bo
0093-9994/86/0100-0010$01.00 © 1986 IEEE

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Applying the initial value theorem, ate choice of the system configuration (Section II). Condition
(15), however, is a set of equations which effectively
Am zm-n+...
determines the regulatable parameters Kp (proportional gain)
Z--*O Bn and Ki (integral gain). From (1 1) and (15) it can be seen that,
after satisfying the fast response condition, optimum regula-
Since n > m, io = 0. Applying the first step theorem, tion requires a further n conditions. Normally, the number of
il= lim [Z I(Z)] equations in (15) is greater than the number of the regulatable
parameters, so that an overdetermined equations system exists
for Kp and Ki. In this case, the least square method can be
used for their evaluation.
Solution of an overdetermined equations system by the least
For il to be unity, the conditions square method usually requires a rearrangement of the
equations system. In such a rearrangement, certain operations
m+l-n=0 or n=m+l (10) do not violate the solution. Examples of permitted operations
and used in the following theory are
-=1 or Bn=Am (11) a) shifting a term from side to side in any equation;
Bn, b) multiplying any equation by - 1;
must be satisfied. Necessary and sufficient conditions then c) multiplying all equations by the same real number.
exist for fast response. Condition (10) shows that in the case of
digitally implemented proportional plus integral (PI) control, Following manipulation and application of the least square
the system may be satisfied with a sampling switch and a zero- method, (15) becomes the overdetermined equations system
order-hold (ZOH) and only one integral element in the main D1Kp +Dl2Ki = di
path of the control system. Satisfying (11), however, is
dependent on the choice of the value of the regulatable D21Kp + D22Ki = d2
parameters (the proportional and integral gains), so this
represents a restrictive condition on the fast response. In (16)
practical control systems, there is normally more than one
regulatable parameter, so the restriction does not represent a This system can be expressed as a vector equation
unique situation. Dx=d (17)
III. OPTIMUM REGULATION where D is a matrix with (n + 1) rows and two columns:
For optimum regulation with a unit step input function, Z
transform theory gives, for (4), D11 D12
1 D= D21 D22 (18)
I(Z) = , (12)
Z- 1
Dfz+l,l Dn+,1,2
Comparing with (9), the optimum regulation condition is then
and x and d are the vectors:
Z C(Z) =I
or X =Kp
|K (19)
z AmZm+ * * * +Ao 1. (13)
BnZn+ * +Bo - -

d d2 (20)
Further conditions can then be obtained: =

n=m+ l (14) dn+lI

and Taking the transposed matrix of D (DT), it follows that
(DTD) must be a square matrix with a nonzero inverse
(DTD) - 1. Using the least square method for vector equation
Bn IAm 1 (17), the least square solution of the system can, therefore, be
DTDx = DTd. (21)
Bo=O (15) Hence
Condition (14), identical to (10), may be satisfied by appropri- X=(DTD)-'(DTd). (22)

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Normally, no equation in (16) can be satisfied for the least functions are
square solution (22), although sometimes all equations can be
satisfied (Section V). Consequently, restriction (11) of the fast 1
Go(S) = Kp + Ki -
response is not usually satisfied. From the final value theorem, S
the value of the new steady state for a stable control system
should be unity. Therefore, it is desirable that the output 1 -e TS
GI(S) = S
parameter at the first step should be as near to unity as
possible. A simple method of achieving this is to weight the and
equation which represents the fast response condition. If the
weight is w, the vector equation therefore becomes 1
GA(S) =+
I+ S
D'x =d' (23)
where In the Z domain [5],
Dl'l D'21 z
D22 Go(Z)=Kp+ Z-1 Ki (25)
DI'= D21
* . .
Dn+ 1,l Dn +1,2
1 -a
with D'l = wDIl and D1' = wD12. Also, GlG2(Z) =Za (26)

dtI with a = e-T/r.

dl'= d2 . The system output is then

dn+ I
I(Z) = R(Z)C(Z) = R(Z)Go(Z)G1 G2(Z) (27)
1 + Go(Z)GIG2(Z)
with d' = wd1 where w > 1.
The least square solution of the weighted vector equation Substituting (5), (25), and (26) into (27),
(23), therefore, has the form
x =(D ' D')- (D "d'). (24)
Z[Kp(Z- 1) + K,Z](1 --a)+)KZ]I
(Z 1){(Z 1)(Z a) + [Kp(Z

In the general case, a total of n weights can be used in the (28)
In general, optimum regulation calculations require compu- The closed-loop transfer function C (Z) is then
tational techniques. However, for very simple examples the
calculation is straightforward. C(Z) =G0o(Z)GI G2(Z)
1 + Go(Z)GI G2(Z)
(Z 1)(Z a) + [Kp(Z 1) + KjZ](l a)
- - - -
System stability is always of greater importance than either
fast response or optimum regulation. The design process for The characteristic equation is
automatic control systems is, therefore, determine system
configuration, find stability boundary, and adjust regulatable F(Z) = (Z- a)(Z- 1) + [Kp(Z- 1) +KiZ](1 - a) =O. (30)
parameters for fast response and optimum regulation. Fast The stability boundary of the digital control system may be
response and optimum regulation are significant, therefore,
obtained by Jury's stability criterion:
only when the regulatable parameters determined by (11) and
(22) or (24) locate in the stability area. F(I) Ki(I a) > 0

V. FAST RESPONSE AND OPTIMUM REGULATION IN A F(- 1) 2(l + a) (2Kp + Ki)(I a) > 0

The discrete-data system of Fig. 1 represents an ac-dc F(O) = a Kp(l a) > 1. (33)
thyristor converter with direct digital control which has been Because (31) is always satisfied and (33) is included in (32),
implemented experimentally using an M6809 mnicroprocessor. the stability boundary is determined only by (32) as
The thyristor bridge is emulated by a ZOH without consider-
ing the influence of firing angle on system response [3], [4], 1 +a

and the load is first order with time constant r. The transfer
2Kp+Ki= . (34)
1 -a

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so that
DT= 1
1 (38)
Fig. 1. Digitally controlled thyristor current source.
( Trv)- 1 _ 31 -3
2 -3
Comparing (9) and (29),
n =2
m= 1
Ki (40)
B2= 1

B0 = (1- a)(Kp + Ka) - (I + a) or

Bo = - (1- a)Kp + a
A I = (I - a)(Kp + Kj) p l-a
AO = - (I a)Kp
According to (11) the restriction of the fast response is then Ki= 1.
The least square solution (40) represents the condition of
Kp 1 -a
optimum regulation and defines a point on the AK - Ki plane
as depicted in Fig. 2. Substituting (40) into (28) and (29),
Both the stability boundary and the restriction of the fast
response are shown in Fig. 2. 1
From (11), the overdetermined equations system is I(Z) =
1-il It
~ (41)

(1 - a)(Kp + K) = 1 and
(I - a)(Kp + Ki)(a
- + a) = - (I - a)Kp (36)
-(I -a)Kp+a=O C(Z) =- .
The results given in Fig. 2 show that the three lines from the
1 overdetermined equations system (37) are linear dependent
1 -a
and pass through the point (1, a/[I - a]). In reality, only two
out of the three equations are independent, so that the
l+a equations system (37) is not, therefore, overdetermined: the
2Kp + Ki =- rank of the enlargement matrix (Dld) is two and not three.
It follows that since the three equations can be simultane-
a ously satisfied, optimum regulation has been implemented.
Kp =p1-a Because of (42),
C(S) = e-TS, (43)
D= 2 1 the control system being represented as a pure delay element
1 0 with delay Tequal to the sampling interval. The system output
will then follow the input within one interval.
In the supporting experimental work, the time constant of r

K, the first-order load is 3.7 ms and the sampling interval T is

3.33 ms, so
a=e-TTr = 0.4.

d= +a , The restriction of the fast response then becomes


Kp +Ki= 1.67 (44)

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K this case, the element transfer functions are

1 +a
1-a GO(S)=Kp+Ki-1
1 -e TS
0 ",-I GA(S)= I+S
2 I1 -a
+a and
Fig. 2. a: Stability boundary. b: Restriction of fast response. c: Optimum
regulation. I
1()=+ Su
which, for convenience of programming, is taken to be In the Z domain,
Kp+Ki= 1.75. (45) I-e-Ts I I
The result of optimum regulation is obtained from (40):
GIG2H(Z)= Z[S l2+S l2+Sj
Kp =0.67) I -e-Ts( A B
Ki 1.0
= (46)
Again, for convenience, the values 1-b
=A 1-a -+B (48)
Z-a Z-b
Kp =0.75
K= 1.0 ) (47) where
have been taken. The resulting waveforms of output current A= B= -
are shown in Fig. 3. Data for both theoretical calculations, Ir- o aU-

using computation techniques, and experimental results are so

presented in Table I.
From Fig. 3 (a)-(d) and Table I, it is clear that the first pulse A+B=l
of each waveform is slightly less that the value obtained by a = e- T/r
theoretical calculation. This is an effect of the distribution and
elements in the actual circuit. b=e- .


DISCRETE-DATA SYSTEM WITH FEEDBACK FILTER For the system with feedback filter, the system output is
A feedback filter is often used in closed-loop control
systems to provide additional signal processing (Fig. 4). In I(Z) = R}(Z) C(Z) = R(Z)Go(Z)GI G2(Z) (49)
1 + Go(Z)Gl(j2H(Z)

Substituting (5), (25), (26), and (48) in (49),

-((K KpK)+ ZK aZ1 )

I(Z) =G2(Z)
C + (Z+) Ki (z +B

Z (1 - a) bKpZ[a)(Z-
b)[+p(+ K-Z]
Z I (Z 1 )(Z a)(Z b) + [Kp(Z - 1 ) + KjZ] [A( 1 a)(Z - b) + B(Z - a)(I - b)]
- - - - (50)
The closed-loop transfer function C (Z ) is

C()-GO(Z) GI G2(Z)
I + GO(Z) GI G2H(Z)
(I - a)(Z - b)[Kp(Z - 1) + KjZ]
(Z 1)(Z a)(Z b) + [Kp(Z - 1) + KjZ] [A(l -a)(Z - b) + B(Z - a)(I - b)]
- - - (51)

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The stability boundary of this system is obtained using Routh's

stability criterion. After manipulation, the stability area is
determined by the following equations:
Ki>O (53)
2K +Kl>2 (I +a)(1 +b)
1 -(A - B)(a - b) - ab

I I' (c'
4(1 - ab)(Kp + 1)(1 - a)(l - b)
+ 2(1 - ab)Ki[l - (A - B)(a - b) - ab]
- Ki(Kp + 1)(1 -a) 2(l - b)2

+ 4Kp(Kp + 1)(1-a)(I - b)[Ab +Ba -ab]

+ KpKi[l - (A - B)(a - b) - ab] 2
- Ki(l -a2)(1 - b2) >O. (55)
The stability boundaries with variable delay time constant a of
the feedback filters are shown in Figs. 2 and 5. When a = 0,
9 X ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(d)
(53) and (54) are identical to (31) and (32), respectively, and
(55) becomes
Kp - 1,
which is generally satisfied. The stability boundary corres-
ponding to a = 0 is shown in Figs. 2 and 5(a).
Comparing (9) and (51),
Fig. 3. Output current waveforms for fast response and optimum regula- m=2
tion. (a) Kp 0.25, Ki 1.5. (b) Kp 0.75, Ki 1.0. (c) Kp

1.0, Ki 0.75. (d) Kp 1.5, Kj 0.25.

= =
= =
B3 =1 =

B2 =(Kp + K,)qj - (I + a + b)
Series 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Bo = Kpq2
A2=(l -a)(Kp+ K,)
Kp = 0.25 T 1.05 1.27 1.08 0.96 0.97 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Ki = 1.50 E 0.94 1.24 1.20 1.02 0.98 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 A I = - (I - a)[b(Kp + Kj) + Kp]
Kp = 0.75 T 1.05 0.98 0.99 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Ao=(I -a)bKp
K, = 1.00 E 0.92 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.98 1.02 1.00 1.00 1.00
where q1 = 1 - Aa - Bb and q2 = Ab + Ba - ab. The
Kp = 1.00 T 1.05 0.82 0.94 0.95 0.97 0.98 0.99 0.99 0.99 restriction of the fast response from B3 = A2 is identical to
Ki = 0.75 E 0.94 0.94 0.98 0.98 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
(35) and is shown in Figs. 2 and 5.
Kp = 1.50 T 1.05 0.52 0.86 0.71 0.83 0.79 0.84 0.86 0.87 Condition (15) gives, for the overdetermined equations
Ki = 0.25 E 0.90 0.70 0.92 0.76 0.94 0.82 0.96 0.90 0.96
aT = theoretical, E = experimental.
(1 - a)(Kp + Kj) = 1
G0(S) G1 (S) G2(S)
(Kp + Kj)qj - (I + a + b) =-(I - a)[b(Kp + Kj) + Kp]
R(S) K e-TS If+St (a + b + ab) - Kpql - (Kp + Kj)q2 = (1 - a)bKp
-| T T
The weighted overdetermined equations system (24) with
I +So,
weight w = 1/(I - a) gives
Fig. 4. Discrete-data system with feedback filter. 1
Kp +Ki='1-a
The characteristic equation is
F(Z) = (Z- 1)(Z- a)(Z- b) [ql+(1-a)(1 +b)]Kp+[ql+(1-a)b]Ki=l+a+b . (56)
+ [Kp(Z- 1)+KiZ] [q, +q2+ (1 -a)b]Kp+q2Ki=a+b+ab
* [A (I a)(Z b) + B(Z- a)(l
- - -
b)] =O. (52) q2Kp+O=ab

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1 1
DI= q1+(I -a)(1 +b) q1 + (I -- a)b
d q1+ q2 + (1 - a)b q2
3. 0
a b
1 e ~~~K
0 1 3 5 7 x = KpKi
Fig. 5. Stability boundary for variable feedback filter time constant a and
restriction of fast response. a: a = 0. b: 0.5 ms. c: 1.0 ms. d: 1.5 and
ms. e: 2.0 ms. f: Restriction of fast response.
TABLE II d l= +a+b
a (ms) Kp K,
0.0 0.68512 1.00000
0.5 0.91039 0.76206 D'x= d'.
1.0 1.17120 0.48318 Solution by the least square method is difficult to achieve
1.5 1.39833 0.23894
2.0 1.58100 0.04319 except by computational techniques. For known sampling
interval and time constants T, r and a. the solution for
optimum regulation has thus been obtained. Table II gives
typical results for the range a = 0 - 2.0 ms. The
TABLE III corresponding computational results are given in Table III,
THEORETICAL VALUES OF OUTPUT PARAMETER ik FOR VARIABLE Kp, Ki, with the relevant experimental waveforms of output current in
Fig. 6 (a)-(d). From these figures it can be seen that the first
Group 1 2 3 4 5 pulses of the experimental waveforms are lower than the
Kp 0.685 0.910 1.171 1.398 1.581 corresponding theoretical values.
Ki 1.0 0.762 0.483 0.239 0.043
a (ms) 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 Although the closed-loop control system with feedback
filter has a larger stability area than that of the system without
k= 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 the feedback filter, its optimum regulation is poorer. Optimum
I 1.0 0.993 0.982 0.972 0.964
2 1.0 0.968 0.927 0.887 0.852 regulation is most easily obtained from the discrete-data
3 1.0 0.926 0.801 0.670 0.555 control system with unity feedback.
4 1.0 0.962 0.869 0.732 0.578
5 1.0 0.981 0.923 0.817 0.679 VII. A VARIABLE-GAIN CONTROLLER
6 1.0 0.978 0.931 0.826 0.685
7 1.0 0.992 0.942 0.828 0.662 Using the technique of fast response and optimum regula-
8 1.0 0.995 0.956 0.847 0.665 tion, the output may reach its new steady state in the first step
9 1.0 0.997 0.966 0.866 0.680
10 1.0 0.998 0.973 0.879 0.686 following a step change in input, provided the models of every
11 1.0 0.999 0.979 0.889 0.689 system element are accurately known. A practical system,
12 1.0 0.999 0.983 0.900 0.694 however, could include factors that have not been fully
13 1.0 0.999 0.987 0.910 0.699
14 1.0 1.000 0.990 0.919 0.705 included in the system model. In this case, there will be small
15 1.0 1.0 0.992 0.927 0.709 deviations in the system response that are usually negligible.
16 1.0 1.0 0.994 0.934 0.714 It has been shown that the experimental output waveform
17 1.0 1.0 0.995 0.941 0.719
18 1.0 1.0 0.996 0.946 0.724 for the first step after a new reference signal shows a lower
19 1.0 1.0 0.997 0.952 0.728 response compared with the theoretical value. The main
20 1.0 1.0 0.998 0.956 0.733 reason is the influence of the distribution parameters on the
21 1.0 1.0 0.998 0.961 0.737
22 1.0 1.0 0.999 0.965 0.742 system response. To improve the first step response (optimum
23 1.0 1.0 0.999 0.968 0.746 regulation), an adaptive variable-gain controller can be used.
24 1.0 1.0 0.999 0.971 0.750
25 1.0 1.0 0.999 0.974 0.754
The adaptive variable-gain controller proposed here is imple-
26 1.0 1.0 0.999 0.976 0.759 mented in software with two pairs of proportional and integral
27 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.979 0.763 gains [1]. The output current waveforms using the adaptive
28 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.981 0.767
29 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.983 0.770 variable-gain controller are shown in Fig. 7(a)-(e).
30 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.984 0.773
The fast response and optimum regulation techniques
described in this paper quickly obtain the approximate ideal

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&ffPWffi11W(-) VMff"Y"V_ (d)

Fig. 7. Output current waveforms for adaptive variable-gain controller.

(a) = 0. Ki, = 1, Ki, = I andK,,2 = 0.75, Ki2 1.0. (b) a 0.5
a = =

Fig. 6. Output current waveforms for optimum regulation for variable a, ms, Ki, = 1, Kil = I andK12 = 1.0, Ki2 0.75. (c) a
= 1.0 ms, K,, =

= 1, Kil = I and K,2 = 1.125, Ki2 = 0.5. (d) a 1.5 ms, K,,
K,, and Ki. (a) a = 0.5 ms, K, 1.0, Ki 0.75. (b)
= = 1.0 ms, K,
a =
= 1, =

= 1.25,
Ki = 0.5. (c) a = 1.5 ms, K, 1.5, K, 0.25. (d)
= = 2.0 a =
Ki, = Iand K,2 = 1.375, Ki2 = 0.25. (e) 2.0 ms, K,1= 1, K,; =

= land K,2 = 1.75, Ki2 = 0.125.

ms, K, = 1.625, Ki 0.125.

response for closed-loop linear discrete-data control systems. Fang L. Luo (M'84) graduated with honors from
By applying fast response and optimum regulation algorithms the Radio-Electronics Department of Sichuan Uni-
versity, Chengdu, China, in 1965 and is currently
to such control systems, the real and ideal response may be studying for the Ph.D. degree in engineering at
obtained for a variety of reference input signals (such as X Cambridge Univers.;y, Cambridge, England.
impulse, step and ramp functions). As an example of the He is employed at the Automation Research
Institute of the Ministry of Metallurgical Industry
technique, an adapative variable-gain controller has been (ARIMMI), Beijing, China, as a Research Engi-
demonstrated. This improves the first interval response. neer, where he has worked on various projects
concerned with electrical drive systems. His current
research interests concern microprocessor-based
REFERENCES controllers in power semiconductor converters.
[1] F. L. Luo, R. D. Jackson, and R. J. Hill, "Digital controller for
thyristor current source," Proc. Inst. Elec. Eng., vol. 132, Pt. B, pp. Roland J. Hill received the B.Eng. degree in
46-52, Jan. 1985. electronics in 1969 and the Ph.D. degree in power
[2] E. J. Muth, Transform Method with Applications to Engineering electricalengineering in 1973 at the University of
and Operation Research. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Liverpool, England.
1977. After two years as a Research Assistant at

[3] G. Olivier, R. Stefanovic, and A. Jamil, "Digitally controlled thyristor Cambridge University Engineering Department, he
current source," IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. Contr. Instrum., vol. joined the Signal Engineering Department of Lon-
IECI-26, pp. 185-191, Aug. 1979. don Transport Railways, where he was involved in
[4] F. L. Luo and R. J. Hill, "Influence of firing angle on system stability development of train control systems for auto-
area in thyristor bridge converters," in Trans. IECON'84, pp. 773- matic railways. In 1981, he was appointed lecturer
738. in Engineering at Cambridge University. His re-
[5] B. C. Kuo, Digital Control Systems. New York: Holt, Rinehart search interests concern microprocessor applications in power electronics and
and Winston, 1980. electrical drives and railway control and communication systems.

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