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Definition of Computer Software

Computer software, or just software, is any set of machine-readable instructions that directs
a computer's processor to perform specific operations. The term is used to contrast with computer
hardware, the physical objects (processor and related devices) that carry out the instructions.
Computer hardware and software require each other and neither can be realistically used without
the other.
Types of Computer Software
System software is computer software designed to operate the computer hardware, to
provide basic functionality, and to provide a platform for running application
System software includes device drivers, operating systems, servers, utilities,
and window systems.
System software also includes the boot firmware, which loads (or in some cases
constitutes) the operating system. Firmware is software that has been permanently stored
in hardware (specifically, in non-volatile memory). Thus, it has qualities of both software
and hardware, but it is still software.
Application software and scripts were historically defined as all the software that uses the
computer system to perform useful work (or entertainment functions) beyond the basic
operation of the computer itself. However, in practice the distinction between system software
and application software is often blurred due to bundling of useful applications with the
operating system.
Application software includes desktop applications such as web browsers and Microsoft
Office, as well as smartphone and tablet applications (called "apps").
Javascript scripts are pieces of software traditionally embedded in web pages that are run
directly inside the web browser when a web page is loaded, without the need for a web
browser plugin. Software written in other programming languages can also be run within
the web browser if the software is either translated into Javascript, or if a web browser
plugin that supports that language is installed; the most common example of the latter
is ActionScript scripts, which are supported by the Adobe Flash plugin.
Web applications usually run on the web server and output dynamically-generated web
pages to web browsers, using e.g. PHP, Java orASP.NET, or even Javascript that runs on the
server; in modern times they commonly include some Javascript to be run in the web
browser as well, in which case they typically run partly on the server, partly in the web
Plugins and extensions are software that extends or modifies the functionality of another piece
of software, and require that software be used in order to function;
Embedded software resides as firmware within embedded systems, devices dedicated to a
single use or a few uses such as cars and televisions (although some embedded devices such as
wireless chipsets can themselves be part of an ordinary, non-embedded computer system such
as a PC or smartphone).
In the embedded system context there is sometimes no clear
distinction between the system software and the application software. However, some
embedded systems run embedded operating systems, and these systems do retain the
distinction between system software and application software (although typically there will
only be one, fixed, application which is always ran).
Microcode is a special, relatively obscure type of embedded software which tells the
processor itself how to execute machine code, so it is actually a lower level than machine
It is typically proprietary to the processor manufacturer, and any necessary correctional
microcode software updates are supplied by them to users (which is much cheaper than
shipping replacement processor hardware). Thus an ordinary programmer would not expect to
ever have to deal with it.

What is Programming?
Computer programming (often shortened to programming) is the comprehensive process that
leads from an original formulation of a computing problem to executable programs. It involves
activities such as analysis, understanding, and generically solving such problems resulting in
analgorithm, verification of requirements of the algorithm including its correctness and its resource
consumption, implementation (or coding) of the algorithm in a target programming
language, testing, debugging, and maintaining the source code, implementation of the build system
and management of derived artefacts such as machine code of computer programs. The algorithm is
often only represented in human-parseable form and reasoned about using logic.
What is digital, analog, & binary system?

Convertion of Decimal to Binary
set up the problem. For this example, let's convert the decimal number 156
to binary.
Write the decimal number as the dividend inside an upside-down "long division" symbol.
Write the base of the destination system (in our case, "2" for binary) as the divisor
outside the curve of the division symbol.
Write the integer answer (quotient) under the long division symbol, and write the
remainder (0 or 1) to the right of the dividend.
Basically, if the dividend is even, the binary remainder will be 0; if the dividend is
odd, the binary remainder will be 1.

Continue downwards, dividing each new quotient by two and writing the remainders to
the right of each dividend. Stop when the quotient is 0.
Starting with the bottom remainder, read the sequence of remainders upwards to
the top. For this example, you should have 10011100. This is the binary equivalent of
the decimal number 156. Or, written with base subscripts: 156
= 10011100

This method can be modified to convert from decimal to any base. The divisor is
2 because the desired destination is base 2. If the desired destination is a
different base, replace the 2 in the method with the desired base. For example, if
the desired destination is base 9, replace the 2 with 9. The final result will then be
in the desired base.

Convertion of Decimal to Octal System
Write down the decimal number you want to convert to octal.
Divide that number by 8. Treat the division as an integer division, that is, do not
calculate the quotient in decimals - stop once a remainder is obtained.
Note down the remainder separately.
Divide the quotient obtained by 8 and again note down the remainder separately.
Repeat the process described above until a quotient less than 8 is obtained.During the
process every time note down the remainder separately. Please note that we also need to
separately note down the last quotient (the one which is less than 8) of the process.

Arrange the remainders and the last quotient from Right to Left in order they were
obtained, thus keeping the last quotient in the first place.
The desired octal value of the given decimal number is simply this sequence read
normally (Left to Right).

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