Sap SD Question

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1. What do you mean by drop shipment?

A drop shipment is based on an order from a customer to a Distributor. The distributor
initiates the shipment by Informing the wholesaler.
2. What is the use of sales area?
Sales area is the geographical aspect of that particular ompany code! from there we can
generate the reports.
". #ow does the rule $A%A decide the pic&ing location?
1. S#I''I() '*I(T
2. '%A(T
". ST*+A), *(DITI*(
-. ST*+A), %*ATI*(
-. What is the di.erence between customi/ation and
ustomi/ation word used for $aster Data maintenance. And
on0guration word used for pricing 'rocedure Determination.
1. Is it possible to do deli2ery without shipping point?
(o. Shipping point is the destination of the goods! how we can
ship the goods. It is li&e mailing letter without T* address.
3. ,4plain about smart forms?
Smart form 5 it is a form. 6asically it is using in output.
7. #ow sales document is structured?
#eader responsible for all the documents
Item for materials
Schedule line for 8uantity and deli2ery
9. In sales order how system does pic&s up plant?
We assign particular material master to particular
'lant it pic&s up from there.
:. Without deli2ery can you do billing?
Without deli2ery in2oice is not possible.
1;. What is the use of pricing date in condition type?
It shows date of calculation of pricing procedure for that 'articular document. So that in
future you can see the date *n which pricing calculated for that particular doc.
11. W#AT D*,S A< )+*=' *(T+*% =ST*$,+?
Account )roup is li&e a control 'arameter for the customer master. $ost of the 0elds in the
customer master are controlled =sing >ield Selection! which is internal function ofAccount
12. an you e4plain about #igher5le2el item category and item
Sales Document Type ?*+@
Item ategory )roup ?(*+$@
Item =sage ?>+,,@
#igher %e2el Item ategory ?TA(@
Item ategory of >ree )oods ?TA((@
1". #ow we assigned sales organi/ation to deli2ering plant?
'athB S'+*5I$)5,nterprise Structure5Assignment5SD5Assign
'lant to Sales *rgani/ation<Dist.hannel
T.odeB *CD3
1-. #ow to e4tend material and customer to other sales areas?
Sales area is a combination of! dist channel E
Di2ision. Di2ision is a logical grouping of products. So u
annot e4tend material to other sales areas. 6ut u can
,4tend customer to other sales areas through common
Distribution channel E di2ision.
11. #ow can we process out bound deli2eries without shipping point?
Shipping point is a mandatory *rgani/ational unit for outbound
deli2ery process.
13.While I am creating a customer in ship to party account group you ha2e shipping and billing partner
function tab pages! client wants to shift all important 0elds in billing li&e payment terms! incoterms !
and ta4 classi0cation into shipping tab page. #e wants only shipping partner function only! how does
you customi/e?
>ield Selection will help you maintain the 0elds rele2ant
To Shipping! Ship to party function will be able to see only
shipping related 0elds.
17. #ow to stop ')I?
I( +,DIT $A(A),$,(T W, ST*' T#, ')I 6F T#+*=)# +,DIT %I$IT *+
T#+*=)# =ST*$IGATI*(.
19. an we assign multi distribution channel to a single customer in sap SD sales process.
If yes then how?
While creating customer we need to assign the customer toThe respecti2e sales area! we
should copy from pre2ious Sales area in DD;1 through reference
1:. What is the di.erence between inbound and outbound deli2ery?
*ut bound deli2ery555 is 'ost goods Issue ?')I@
In bound deli2ery555 is 'ost )oods +ecei2ed ?')+@
')I will come under Sales Area
')+ will come under $$ $odule
')I decreases physical stoc& and ')+ increases
2;. >rom Which Tcode can I 2iew customer wise bac& order ?*pen
21. What is retro acti2e billing? Who is will create this?
+etro acti2e billing means rebate process. When e2er the customer reaches the target
8uantity or 2olume in speci0ed time 'eried.we issues the credit memo for the customer.
22. Where do you assign $o2ement Type?
We assign mo2ement type in schedule line category.
2". an anyone e4plain about 'urchase *rder E 'urchase +e8uisition?
In third party if a customer places an order if the$aterial is not a2ailable in our company if
the order
Document is sa2ed automatically purchase is raised.withthe help*f this purchase group is
'urchase re8uisition555 >or production of material raw $aterials are re8uired! but materials
are not a2ailable in Stoc&s! then the production dept. re8uest send to the $$ manage
simply re8uest him to arrange $aterials for production of 0nished materials.
2-. in one sales order there are two materials can maintain two
di.erent pricing procedures for these materials?
(o! u cannot maintain 2 separate pricing procedure for same $aterial in single order. 6ut u
can change the price $anually by selecting the material and then the conditions Tab....u
can also see the changed status as manually later
21. %ist the 6asic Steps for SD con0guration.
1. ,nterprise structure
2. 'artner determination
". $aster data
-. 6usiness process customi/ation
1. 'ricing
3. *utput determination
23. #*W F*= A( ,DT,(T T#, +,6AT,? W#AT A+, T#, '+*,D=+,S! W#AT
IS T#, =ST*$ISATI*( >*+ IT?
The transaction coed for e4tend rebate is IC6 ?DI in that Fou should 0ll the 0eld li&e
recipient and rebate
Agreement. >or customi/ation same as create condition tables but Already there are
standard tables and de0ne acces se8uence And assign condition types. There are already
standards are There li&e b;;1! b;;2! b;;"! b;;- then assign pricing 'rocedure to condition
type! ne4t create account &eys and Assign to rebate process type
27. What is accounting group?
Accounting group is simply the classi0cation of customers!
Whether its sp! sh! bp! or py! and it also controls the
>ields in cmr.
29. What are the di.erences between in2oice and billing
6illing Doc is the broad 2iew
In2oice ?>2@ is one of type of billing doc.
2:. What is pricing? #ow will it a.ects the billing procedure?
'ricing has the basic price of the item. It also has the
Discounts! Ta4es! +ebates! E also the ost of the item.
";. What is act &ey? And how it wor&s? (ormally how many pricing
procedures do in implementation?
Account &ey determine a correct )<% account to be posted the datacorresponding )<%
accounts. Fou need to assign a )<% account to account &ey that is assigned to a condition
type in a pricing procedure.
"1. Tell me account &ey and accruals?
A<c &eys determine a correct g<l a<c to be posted the data corresponding g<l a<c. All
customer +ebate accounts are posted in accruals.
"2. What is the docu.Jow?
Sales *rder
Transfer *rder
'ost )oods Issue
"". What is the purpose of te4t determination! account determination! partner
determination! output determination! storage location determination
1. Te4t determinationB For transferring information from material or customer to
order/delivery or invoice (and anything in-between@
2. Account determinationB For transferring fnancial and costing information to proper
fnancial docs
". 'artner determinationB for deterring who is legally responsible for A/R, who the
goods are going to and whatever else you drive through this functionality.
-. *utput DeterminationB hat type of !utput (Fa"/#ail, etc$ is re%uired, where and in
what Format (A&A' (ustomi)ation may be re%uired in some cases especially *nvoices$.
-. Storage %ocation DeterminationB depends on 'lant, +hipping 'oint and +torage
"-. What are the 02e imp 0elds to be maintained in account determination?
+ales org., A/c ,eys, condition type, a/c group for the customer, a/c group for the
"1. What and where types of copy controls we change
opy ontrol555 is basically meant so that -ata is copied from preceding -ocument to
subse%uent one. *n general case of +tandard !rder, it will be (opy (ontrol (!rder to -elivery$
from !R to .F.
1;. #ow to and where to maintain copy controls
?+ales -ocument types and -elivery -ocument /ypes$
01. hat is purpose of maintaining common distribution channels and common division222222
(ommon -istribution (hannel and (ommon -ivision are maintained so that if any master data
li,e customer or material maintained with respect to one distribution channel can be used in other-(h.
*t prevents the multiplication of master record
12. What is client re8uirement in Schedule %ine ategory?
Schedule line category is nothing but deli2ery date and Deli2ery 8uantity is must.
1". In how many places we can bloc& the Sales Document?
Sales document can be bloc&ed at three places depending on
The customer ris& categories! they are
1. Sales order le2el ?high ris& customer@
2. Deli2ery le2el ?medium ris& customer@
". )oods issue le2el ?low ris& customer@
1". What is the Di.erence between +econciliation A< and (ormal
'osting A<c?
$anual entries can be posted in the normal )<% account and the same is not possible in the
+econciliation account! as these are automatically updated.
1-. What happens if we chec& Le4clusi2eL indication in access se8uence! and what happens
if we do not chec&?
6asically access se8uence 0nds the e4act condition record in cond.table by search statuary
with the help of e4clusi2e indication.
11. an anyone tell about types of free goods?
1@ In pasteB 21M e4tra more 5itNs inclusi2e
2@ When you buy paste you get a brush free! itNs e4clusi2e.
13. What are the 13 steps in the pricing procedure?
ondition type!
Alt condition type!
Alt condition base 2alue!
Act &ey and
13. Di.erence between plant and storage location?
A plant is a manufacturing unit and it is a place where
$aterials ha2e to be &ept.
Storage location is a place in plant! where in materials
#as to be stored
13. What is the relation between sales organi/ation and company
$any to *ne
17. What is the di.erence between cash sales and rush order?
In rush order if a customer places an order deli2ery will Ta&e place immediately billing will
be letter.
In cash sale if a customer places an order deli2ery and 6illing will be on the same day.
19. #ow system pic&s up pricing while doing billing?
>rom Sales *rder
1:. Di. between business sale cycle nd customer sale cycles?
ontract is the business sale cycle and schedule line is the cycle.
3;. #ow do we control the credit chec&s with speci0c to distribution channel and di2ision?
6y assigning credit control area to speci0c sales area
31. A( F*= *(>I)=+, TW* DI>> >+,, )**DS IT,$S >*+ *(, SI()%,
IT,$? ,DA$'%,5 *( '=+#ASI() *> IT,$ A = WA(TS T* )IC, IT,$ 6 E >+,, .IS IT
'*SSI6%,? #*W?
Fes it is possible by the e4clusi2e free goods.
32. What ma&es %isting E e4clusion Wor& di.erently than each
%isting555 only the materials which is applicable to the
,4clusion555 The materials which is not applicable to the
3". #ow to do customi/ation of rebate processing in sap SD????
15acti2ate rebate in customer master data
25selling material should be acti2ated in $$ data
"5sales org. should be acti2ated
-5billing doc should be acti2ated
3-. Which partner function realent for credit limit?
Sold to party is rele2ant for credit limit
31. (ame three areas<processes which use condition techni8ue in
$aterial determination! pricing determination! *utput determination! Account
33. ,4plain what a condition table and an access se8uence are and
the relationship between them?
ondition table defnes the combination of felds (the ,ey$ that
identi0es an indi2idual condition record.
Access se8uence is a search strategy that the system uses to 0nd
2alid data for a particular condition type.
37. an you copy condition records? If yes! are there any
3es. Field specifc.
39. Ta4 Ourisdiction processing is a close lin& between which
two modules?
F* 4 +-.
3:. an you delete an in2oice?
5o. 3ou can cancel it and create cancellation document
7;. When you create an in2oice can you carry out pricing again?
71. >rom which documents can you create a 'erforma in2oice?
+ales order or delivery.
72. an you combine orders into one in2oice?
7". an you split deli2eries into se2eral in2oices? When would you do that? 3es. *f
the data from the related reference the system will automatically split the invoice.
7-. an one business area be 2alid for se2eral company codes?
71. There is an interface between SD and >I in in2oicing. an you thin& of another
interface between SD and >I?
(redit chec,, /a" calculation, and (ost estimate. 'lant
73. an you partially settle rebate accruals?
77. What two ways of number assignment for documents or master data do you &now?
,4plain the di.erence between them.
Internal E ,4ternal.
79. (ame at least 02e features that you can control for the item category?
'ricing! +ele2ance for deli2ery! +ele2ance for billing! Incompletion log! 'artner! Ta4.
7:. (ame at least 02e features that you can control for the schedule line category?
+ele2ance for deli2ery! A2ailability chec&! Transfer of +e8uirements! )oods $o2ement!
'urchasing and Incompletion log.
9;. ,4plain how the system can automatically determine the item category in the sales
Sales document type A #igher le2el Item category A Item category group A Item =sage.
91. ,4plain how the system can automatically determine the schedule line category in the
sales order?
Item category A $+' type.
92. *nce the system determined the item le2el schedule line category automatically in the
sales order! can you still change it manually? 3es.
9". At which le2els in the sales document can you ha2e di.erent incompletion procedures?
Sales Document Type! Item ategory! Schedule %ine ategory! 'artner >unctions! Sales
9-. What is the item category group? Where do you maintain it?
*tem category group is defne the features of item and it represent the6s the function and
it how will wor, in sales process.
91. What do you control at item category le2el in the deli2ery?
Determination of 'ic&ing %ocation! $inimum Deli2ery Kuantity.
93. Do you ha2e schedule lines in the deli2ery? (o.
97. When you thin& of the 02e possible elements necessary for the account determining
during posting of a sales in2oice P where from does the system get the information?
hart of a<c group! customer a<c group! material a<c group! sales org.! and a<c &eys.
99. (ame the necessary steps to setup a route?
De0ne the transportation connection points
De0ne the modes of transport and shipping type
9:. During route determination the system also needs to &now the departure Gone of the
goods to be shipped. #ow does this information come into the sales order?
ustomer $aster.
:;. Where do you assign te4t determination procedures for customer master records and
for documents?
Account )roup! Item ategory.
:1. an you ma&e te4ts mandatory for a customer master or a sales document? Fes.
:2. )i2e e4amples for standard output types in SD.
*rder on0rmation! Deli2ery (ote! In2oice.
:" .an you specify when output should be created? If yes! what possibilities do you ha2e?
Fes. 'rint out! $ail! ,DI! >a4.
:-. What does the material type control?
Finished goods.
:1. What is the di.erence between )eneral Item ategory )roup and Item ategory )roup?
Item category group555 is used for SD to con0gure the item
ategory and how this item beha2es in sales order.
)eneral Item category group555 determines the category of the
Item li&e! trading goods! ser2ice goods! 0nished goods
,tc... about deli2ery date and deli2ery Kuantity.
:3. If you generate bill more than credit limit then what will happen?
#ow can you go for billing? System will bloc& at order le2el *r deli2ery le2el only.
:7. an one ha2e multiple pac&ing for deli2ery?
Fes we cam do multiple pac&ing for deli2ery
:9. an we rename mo2ement types?
We cannot rename mo2ement types
::. #ow we maintain one material at a time for two company
We ha2e to e4tend the material from one plant to another 'lant
1;;. 6asic elements of condition techni8ue?
There are 1 basic elements of condition techni8ueB
1. reating condition table?s@!
2. Access Se8uence!
". ondition Type!
-. 'rocedure!
1. 'lacing the ondition type in the 'rocedure.
1;1. Is it possible to automate output processing?
Fes! we can use output determination procedure to automate *utput processing. This is
based on ondition techni8ue. We #a2e to assign the output determination procedure
1;1. What are the Steps in consignment processing?
ompany 0lls the goods at customer site! Still it is the
property of company! is called as onsignment 0ll up! ?>@
When the customer consumes the material company issues the
In2oice is called as consignment issue ?I@
If the customer 0nds that he got any material defecti2e he
+eturns is called as consignment return ?+@
Which is not sold by the consumer! the company will pic&
This stoc& consignment 'ic& up ?cp@
1;2. What are the Techni8ues in deli2ery scheduling?
6ac&ward scheduling E forward Scheduling.
6ac&ward scdg55 System calculates +e8uested deli2ery date.
>orward Scheduling555 If the material is not a2l. *n that date
the system calculates the earliest possible deli2ery date based
on the material a2l. Date.
1;2. What is the di.erence between condition type ,Q;1 and ,Q;2?
,Q;1 IS A A%%AT,D *ST ,Q;2 IS ,STI$AT,D *ST
1;". #ow to stop ')I?
=se the credit management
1;-. Is it possible to create new sales order types?
Fes itNs possible to create a new sales order type but )enerally it is ad2ised to copy
standard one and proceed as It is connected in so many places
1;1. Is it possible to change e4isting standard item categories?
Fes! its is possible in SA' but u ne2er do this method 6ecause u ha2e a lot of problems
because suddenly u need for Standard functionality in this case u couldnLt remember
1;3. What are the deli2ery possibilities! when there is not enough stoc& a2ailable?
When there not enough stoc& system will gi2e the ne4t Deli2ery date by chec&ing the
a2ailability of that 8uantity of $aterial.
1;7. What is Deli2ery group and what is its purpose??????????
Deli2ery group is grouping of all sub items to be deli2ery at one
time. $ostly used in bill of materials. IT IS $*+, +,K=I+,D I( 6*$ W#,( = S',I>F T#,
D,%IC,+F *> DI>> $AT,+IA% AT T#, SA$, TI$, W#I# *$,S =(D,+ A #,AD,+ IT,$.
%,TNS SAF I> = WA(TS T* D,%IC,+ T#, $*(IT*+ *> ' T*DAF! '= T*$*+*W ,T #*W IT
W*=%D 6,? T* AC*ID T#AT W, S',I>F T#, D,%IC,+F )+*=' S* T#AT A%% T#, S=6 IT,$S
=(D,+ #,AD,+ IT,$S A+,D,%IC,+,D T*)T#,+
1;9. What is 'artner type? ,4ample it?
*ne type of 'artner55 who supplies goods is called C,(D*+.
*ne type of 'artner55 who 'urchases from you is called =ST*$,+.
*ne type of 'artner55 who wor&s for you is called ,mployee or
*ne type of 'artner55 who helps in impro2ing your business is
alled *(TAT ',+S*(.
1;:. What is ondition type? Tell me the main groups?
A condition type is one which describes the what the purpose
*f that condition types are used to de0ne how the particular
condition is going to perform.
11;. ,4plain the Steps to setup a route?
A +oute is part of shipping which is determined
1. Departure Gone
2. Shipping conditions
". Transportation )roup
-. Transportation /one
111. What is $aterial type control?
$aterial type control is similar to account group control >or customer master. The material
type and the industry Are wor&ing helps to control the data $aterial.
112. an we get deleted sales order numbers?
>irstly u cannot delete the sales orders once they are sa2ed Fou can only cancel the sale
order or reOect the sale *rder! in that case you can get the reOected sales order (umbers.
11". What is di.erence between the header le2el condition and item le2el condition?
#eader le2el conditions are for the whole document! while Item le2el condition is for the
particular item only.
11-. What is material determination? an you do two materials for
one material?
$aterial Determination is nothing but an alt. material to the original material. With 2
materials we cannot swap.
111. Where do you maintain factory calendar?
>actory calendar is maintain in plant >actory calendar is used to 04 up the wor&ing dates
113. #ow is credit control determined?
redit control is determined in the combination
*$'A(F *D, A =ST*$,+ +ISQ AT,)*+F A +,DIT )+*=' R
+,DIT *(T+*% A+,A
*ne ompany code can be assigned too many credit control areas
And multiple company codes are not assigned to one credit
ontrol area.
117. Di.erence between discount and rebate?
+ebate555 is an agreement between Sales *rg. rebates is a special discount which
occasionally gi2es. Special discount paid to a customer once he achie2es sales 2olume in a
gi2en period of time.
Discount555 is a general disc. (ormally applicapable in the business transactions in a
regular base. Discount is the one which all the customers can get
119. +elationship between company code and sales organi/ation?
*(, to $A(F
11:. #ow is pricing procedure determined?
Sales Area! ustomer pricing procedure E Document pricing 'rocedure.
12;.Third party sale?
A third5party sales process generally happens when you anNt ma&e deli2ery to the
customer due to insuScient Stoc& or some other reasons. In that situation normally you
Will go for third party sales process.
121. #ow re2enue account is determined?
1. Application
2. hart of accounts
". Sales *rg
-. ondition type
1. Account assignment group from customer
3. Account assignment group from material
7. Account &ey
122. Types of billing?
1 order related billing
2 deli2ery related billing
" 'erforma in2oice for order
- 'erforma in2oice for deli2ery
1 credit memo
3 debit memo
7 cash sale
12". #ow is access se8. controlled?
Access Se8uence is controlled by the accesses. It can also be
ontrolled by re8uirements! but re8uirements only determine
12-. Where is shipping conditions stored?
In material master data! and shipping determination
121. #ow is plant determined?
'lant is determined by material and shipping point determination
123. Why does u maintain sales oSce?
A Sales oSce establishes contact between the 0rm and the
+egional mar&et. It represents the business di.erent52 areas.
127. #ow is storage location determined?
It is determined by 'lant A Storage condition A Shipping
129. #ow is shipping point determined?
Shipping point will be determined based on the shipping
onditions! loading group and deli2ery plant.
12:. in third party how sales order changes to purchase re8. automatically??????????
In a third party in schedule category we ha2e a 0eld
alled purchasing re8uisition. Scheduling category is cs purchase
re8 is automatically generate and we want generate with
transaction code me11 to create purchase re8.
1";. what is integration between SD! $$E>I*? an any body gi2e me this is?
1. Assign our sales organi/ation and distribution channel
To plant which is the highest organi/ational element in
$aterials management and sales organi/ation highest element in
sales distribution
>or >ico 'oint
We assign our sales organi/ation to company code in order
To post all the sales transactions! as company code is the
#ighest organi/ational element in 0nancial accounting.
2. when u create sales order in SD! all the details of
The items are copied from $aterial master of $$.
". While you create inbound<outbound deli2ery with
+eference to a sales order! the shipping point determination
Ta&es place with the help of the loading group! plant data!
Shipping conditions etc. This also refers to $aterial
-. When the order is created E material entered!
The 0rst thing the system does is chec& if stoc& is
1"1. Which data is updated when you create a billing document?
1. >inancial document is going to generated
2. 6illing due list up dates
". redit management up dates
1"2. 'lease e4plainB +ebates? ontracts? redit $anagement?
+ebate is a special Discount which gi2es a special customer
2alidity period and min! and ma4imum 'urchasing 8ty.
ontract is a contractual agreement between a sales organi/ation
and customer within a certain period
1. Kuantity ontract
2. Calue ontract
". Ser2ice ontract
-. $aster ontract.
In redit management maintain total credit limit for sales area
and indi2idual sales area and when you need stopped any customer
limit then use credit management.
1"". ,4plain to me in detail Alternate condition base 2alue and alternate calculation type?
A%T,+(AT, A%=%ATI*( TF',
This function allows you use a formula 0nding the 2alue of the
condition type! instead of standard condition techni8ue.
A%T,+(AT, *(DITI*( 6AS, CA%=,
The alternati2e condition base 2alue is a formula assigned to a
condition type in order
1"-. What is an $+' type?
$+' is $aterial +esource planning which is based on
Transfer of +e8uirements while processing the Sale *rder.
1"1. If we ha2e three sales areas E single customer. #ow to
e4tend one customer to three sales areas.
Fou will go to 4d;1 transaction code and you will use
+eference data to copy another sales area
1"3. If we ha2e three plants E one material no. Then how to e4tend single material to all
three plants.
=se THode $$;1 and enter the same material with
*rgani/ation and plant as you re8uire. The message will
Appear I$aterial has been e4tendedI.
1"7. What is the purpose to di.erentiate the sales document type?
If there are di.erent business process! if you want to In that
case you can con0gure di.erent document types ?>or e4. domestic
sales you can create order type D*+
E for e4port sales you can con0gure ,*+@.
Fou can also assign di.erent number range to di.erent
Document types for di.erent business process.
1"9. #ow to con0gure partial deli2eries?
hec& the bo4 in customer master or in deli2ery type ?%>@
hec& partial deli2ery indicator.
1":. If one company can maintain one customer number for di.erent sales areas is it
possible with out any changes.
(o it is not possible because one company can ha2e only use one
customer number. ustomer (umber is a uni8ue feature in SA'.
1-;. What does u mean by accruals?
All customer +ebate accounts are posted in accruals
1-1. Do u ha2e any lin& for customer master and credit management?
In ustomer master! we maintain 'ayment terms which
Specify the time period within which the customer has to
'ay his outstanding amount. When the customer is not paying
Within his payment term! then company needs to his credit history
more closely. To manage this &ind of situations credit
We can maintain indi2idual customer credit limit in customer
$aster. And t.code ?fd"2@ we can de0ne the total credit limit
>or sales area and indi2idual sales area.
1-2. 6*$ used in which modules?
$$! ''! SD! +$
1-". 6ill of material means?
6ills of material means combining a group of materials in
Two products. In which included header le2el item and item le2el
item. When header le2el item is rele2ant for pricing then item
le2el item is not! when item le2el item is rele2ant for pricing
then header le2el item is not.
1--B We can de0ne our own e4change rate types and use them instead
of the defaulted types! T$N! T6N and T)N. #ow can we o2erwrite
default types in SD?
,4change rate gets copied from the customer master record.
,4change rate types are to be maintained for the customer in the
sales screen.
1-1B We want to e4plode 6ill of $aterial automatically at time of
*rder entry and e4plode ,8uipment 6*$ in the sales order. What
are the setting re8uired?
=se item category that is con0gured for bills of material for
ha2ing sales 6*$ to e4plode automatically.
Standard SA' item categories areB
TAK 5 'ricing and in2entory control ta&e place at the 6*$ header
TA' 5 'ricing and in2entory control ta&e place at the 6*$ item
these can be automatically deri2ed using the item category groups
,+%A and
%=$>! respecti2ely.
KB What are the highest organi/ational units in SD! $$.''! >I! *?
AB SDB Sales *rgani/ations.
$$B 'lant
''B 'lant
>IB ompany ode
*B ontrolling Area
KB an a sales organi/ation sell from a plant belonging to a di.erent company code?
A yes.
KB #ow many shipping points can you assign to a plant?
AB $any.
KB #ow many shipping points can you assign to a sales organi/ation?
AB (one.
Kuestion 1B * didn7t assign any credit control area for the payer, why the credit
control area is determined for the sales order2
AnswerB 'lease chec, steps 1-8 of note 19:1;. 3ou may have maintained credit
control area for the company code or sales area.
/he priority for credit control area determination is-<
1. =sere"it-<if not used
>. ?-@;-<if blan,
;. !AF.-<if blan,
8. !&;9

Kuestion 2B hy the sales order is not bloc,ed although * get the information
message saying BCCC credit chec,D credit limit e"ceededB2
AnswerB 'lease chec, the setting in /-code !AA9.
Field BReactionB and B+tatus/&loc,B must be set together.
*f not, the sales order won7t be bloc,ed even when the credit chec, failed.

Kuestion "B hat is the proper update group to be set in !&802
AnswerB -efault setting for update group is @@@@1> (delivery-related billing$
=pdate group @@@@10 (only +@:E will be updatedD open delivery and open billing
document value. /his update group is relevant if the customer doesn7t want sales
orders to be relevant for the update. -o not use this update group with dynamic
credit chec, since +@:: is not updated$
=pdate group @@@@19 (only +@:E will be updatedD open delivery value and open
billing document value. /his update group is relevant for business processes without
a delivery, for e"ample third-party orders, credit memos...$

Kuestion -B * have set all the settings for credit chec,, however the credit value is
not updated correctly, why2
AnswerB /he credit chec, and the update of the credit values are separate
processes which are also controlled separately by the respective customi)ingD
1$ credit chec, is controlled by transactions !AAF and !AA9. Relevant note 19:1;
>$ update of the credit values is controlled by A!AE or !AAED Bcredit acttiveB Gag.
/he 7(redit active7 setting only aHects the credit update of the +- credit values
(open orders, open delivery and open billing documents$. /his Gag has no control on
the credit chec,. +o if for an order type, there is no credit chec, in !AAF and !AA9
but the Bcredit activeB Gag is set for the item category, the order will update the
credit values even if no credit chec, is performed for the order.
*f the Gag Bcredit activeB is not set, the system will not update the open credit
values. !n the other hand, the system A.A3+ updates the F* credit value 7!pen
receivable7 when the billing document is transferred to Accounting. +o, although you
deactivated the B(redit activeB Gag in !AAE or A!AE, such an item will increase the
7!pen receivables7 and thus the credit limit used when the corresponding billing
document is posted to Accounting.

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