English XII

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Summary of the children who wait.

Traught begins her essay with an example of 5 year old black homeless girl named
Tammy who is suffering from fatal alcohol syndrome which can stop her intellectual
growth at any time. By this, Traught wants to prove that she is not dealing with fiction
but a specific case study. n the past, especially before !"#$s, the black, disabled,
handicapped and sick children were unadoptable.Tammy has recently been legally freed
for adoption which shows the changes that have taken place in the %merican adoption
scene. Before !"#$, only healthy white infants could be adopted. But now, the %merican
adoption scene has been completely changed due to different civil rights movements,
birth control, changing social values and science research. Because of civil right
movements, the attitude of %merican people towards &egro children changed. 'ue to
birth control and legali(ed abortion, fewer unwanted babies were born. )ven the
unmarried women could keep their babies with them because of the changing social
values. %s a result, healthy babies were hardly available for adoption and people turned
their attention to other children like Tammy.
Because of uncontrollably growing population, the number of homeless children between
!"#$ and !"*+ in the foster home reached nearly half a million. f such children were left
in the foster house more than !+ months, they would suffer from different kinds of
illnesses and social crimes. The politicians also wouldn,t invest any fund to begin new
programs for such children as the children have no right to vote. So, the homeless
children were neglect and uncared. The writer suggests that the social workers should
change their attitude. They should accept even disabled children for adoption. They
should open child care centers hold meetings. Thus, the child welfare specialists and the
social workers can do a lot for the children who wait for adoption.
-. summari(ed the poem /The lamentation of old pensioner/.
The poem /The lamentation of old pensioner/ is composed by rish poet and dramatist
0.b.1eats. t demonstrates the speaker,s reminiscences of this young life which become
very painful when he looks at present situation i.e. his old age.
The speaker expresses his ideas in three stages. 2irst of all he talks about present situation
which seems very miserable. 3e finds the loss of his dignity .3e says that he is bound to
shatter under a broken tree, when it is raining. t is evident that he cannot protect himself
from the rain sitting under the broken tree. &obody invite him o sit in proper place. %t
that time, he remembers his past days, when people used to come to him to talk about
love and politics. t means he was not ignored in the past. 0hen he was in power, but
unfortunately, time has changed him and he is no longer getting any respect from anyone.
n the second stage, the speaker talks about his intention in his bad situation. 3e says that
although lodes age making weapons foe conspiracy and irony rascals are busy to increase
their numbers, he is thinking only about time. 3e has no time and no intention to think
about human tyranny because time has made him very weak to do anything,
%t last, his anger becomes too much and he spits into the face of time, this is the climax
of his age. 3e does so because there is not a woman who looks at the broken tree, but he
remembers the beauties that he loved when he was young.
This is the irony that some people in the society are proud of their power and youth. They
become so blind that they cannot utili(e time properly and they are bound to use their
identify in future. n this poem, perhaps the speaker didn,t utili(e his power and time
when he was young and in his old age, he doesn,t get any respect or recognition from the
people around him. The refrains in this poem emphasi(es on the importance of time
which be properly utili(ed for happy life in any age. 4therwise, we are bound to lament
like the speaker in the poem.
-iii. Summary of the story /%bout love/
The story5 about love5 is written by a famous 6ussian dramatist and short story writer
%nton 7hekhov, who is interested in writing about ordinary people. 3e talks about
difficult situation of poor 8 downtrodden people. The present story says that there can be
love between the people even without marriage. %nton introduces the concept of love on
the around of humanity.
The story discusses about three types of love affairs9 love between &ikanor and :elagya,
love between %lyohin and a university girl 8 love between %lyohin and %nna. So for as
&ikanor and :elagya are conceded, they demonstrate violent love after. Both of them like
each other. 4n the one hand; &ikanor wants to marry her because he is a religious person.
4n the other hand, :elageya doesn,t want to marry him and desires to love with him; <ust
so; 0henever &ikanor is drunk, he swear at her and even beats her. Therefore, %lyohin
and his servants stand between them to save her.0hen.ran 8 Burkin know about the
relationship between &ikaron 8 :elageya, they get confused. Thus, %lohin tells them
other two types of love affaire that happened in his own life in the past. %ccording to
%lohin, he had fallen in love )hen he was in =oscow as a student there was a girl with
whom he loved. 3e knew that she was behind him because he would pay for her
housekeeping 8 the price of beef. %fter the study was complete, they left =oscow and
their so called love also ended. Then %lyohin talks about his relationship with %nna. 3e
says that after his graduation, he couldn>t get any <ob because he was a bookish fellow.
3is education didn,t force him for rough work t means he couldn>t utili(e his study in his
practical life. Since he was an educated person, he was elected .honorary <ustice of the
peace. Therefore, he was supposed to go to town to attend the meeting now and then
there he net ?uganovich, the assistant president of the circuit court. They became close
friends and %lyohin was taken by luganovich to his home for dinner.
0hen the time went on both %lyohin and %nna were attracted towards each other.
0henever %lyoin was away from her, he was unhappy. 3e also knew that he shouldn,t
disturb the married life of luganovich and %nna.
t is an irony that people misunderstand other help and they tend to convert it as previous
love into matrimonial relationship. t is clear that love is very precious and when it is
violated it becomes very painful. Therefore, love must exit even without marriage, in this
world when %lyohin was helped by ?uganovich family, he should have thought about his
limitations too.

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