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A Case Study ..

The study used the qualitative ase study th!"ugh na!!ative inqui!y
a##!"ah in "!de! t" e$#l"!e the "%%"n !es#i!at"!y illnesses and the h"%e
!e%edies "& the Mandaya t!i'e. (u!the!%"!e) it *ill &ailitate 'ette! unde!standing
"& the indigen"us #e"#le "& Mindana" es#eially in the a!ea "& health.
The study *as d"ne in +u#"n) Dava" O!iental. It &i!st 'ea%e a 'a!!i" "&
Pantu,an in the yea! 1-1-. A&te! t*" yea!s) it 'ea%e a %unii#ality 'y the issue
"& ."ve!n"! .ene!al (!anis /u!t"n Ha!!is"n "& E$eutive At 0". 1) se!ies "&
1-21. +u#"n is "%#!ised "& eight 'a!!i"s *hih inlude P"'lai"n +u#"n)
Su%l"g) C""!n"n) Tagug#") Pis") Ma#uti) +ang,a) and /anay'anay. It *as late!
%ade int" a !egula! Munii#ality in August 1) 1-31 'y issuane "& E$eutive
O!de! Se!ies "& 1-31. 4O&&iial +u#"n 5e'site) n.d.6
+i,e a!eas all "ve! Mindana") +u#"n) is inha'ited 'y the Mandaya)
Mansa,a) the native 7alagans) and s"%e l"al i%%ig!ants &!"% the 8isayas)
+u9"n) and als" "the! #a!ts in Mindana". Mi$tu!e "& 'elie&s and #!aties *as a
!esult "& i%%ig!ants staying in the %unii#ality. 4O&&iial +u#"n 5e'site) n.d.6
A Case Study .. 1:
+u#"n is 12; ,il"%ete!s a*ay &!"% Dava" City) *hih is the !egi"nal
ente! "& S"utheaste!n Mindana" 4Regi"n <I6. It=s "nly ;6 ,il"%ete!s a*ay &!"%
the P!"vinial Ca#ital) Mati. 3> %inutes *"uld 'e the a##!"$i%ate ti%e t" get t"
the %unii#ality 'y !iding a 'us "! 'y ?ee#. 4O&&iial +u#"n 5e'site n.d.6
The t"tal land a!ea "& +u#"n is 11)6;- heta!es as #!"vided and e!ti&ied
'y The +and Manage%ent /u!eau) 0ati"nal O&&ie. O&&iial +u#"n 5e'site 4n.d.6
S#ei&ially the study *as d"ne in /a!angay Ma!agatas) +u#"n) Dava"
O!iental. Ma!agatas is a 'a!angay "& the Phili##ines %unii#ality +u#"n in the
#!"vine Dava" O!iental in Dava" Regi"n *hih is #a!t "& the Mindana" g!"u# "&
islands. Ma!agatas is "ne "& the 'a!angays *hih a!e in the "utlying a!ea "&
Munii#ality +u#"n.The %unii#ality +u#"n *ith a #"#ulati"n "& a'"ut 6@)1;; and
its 21 'a!angays 'el"ng t" the #a!tly u!'an a!eas in the Phili##ines. 5hile s"%e
"& the 'a!angays devel"#ed %"de!n u!'an st!utu!es) s"%e "the!s) es#eially
th"se *hih a!e seated in the "utlying a!eas) !e%ained !u!al. /y the end "& 2@@:
Ma!agatas had 2)::- !esidents. 4Phili##ine Islands 5e'site) n.d.6
In this study the!e *e!e ten #a!tii#ants &"! the inAde#th inte!vie* and 1@
#a!tii#ants &"! the &"us g!"u# disussi"n.
In h""sing the #a!tii#ants the!e *e!e th!ee gene!al !ite!ia. (i!st) a
#a!tii#ant %ust 'e) at least) 11 yea!s "ld. The age *as 11 yea!s "ld and a'"ve
'eause %"stly at this !ange "& age) "ne is !es#"nsi'le en"ugh t" ta,e a!e "& a
si, #e!s"n. Se"nd) a #a!tii#ant %ust have e$#e!iene and ,n"*ledge in
ta,ing a!e "& #atients *ith !es#i!at"!y illnesses. It is !eally i%#"!tant &"! a
A Case Study .. 11
#a!tii#ant t" 'e *ellA,n"*ledgea'le in the !e%edies they use &"! #atients *ith
!es#i!at"!y illness. I& s") the #a!tii#ant an give us valua'le in&"!%ati"n in
!ega!ds t" the !e%edies they use and h"* *e an a##ly this t" i%#!"ve "u!
#!"&essi"n and the quality "& "u! #atientsB lives. +astly) a #a!tii#ant %ust 'e a
#a!t "& the Mandaya "%%unity. This is t" ensu!e that the in&"!%ati"n *e "'tain
is !eally "& Mandaya t!i'e "!igin and a!e !eally #!atied 'y the t!i'e.
T" "llet data) an inAde#th inte!vie* "& #a!tii#ants *as d"ne and then
this data *as ve!i&ied *ith the &"us g!"u# disussi"n #a!tii#ants.
.uide Cuesti"nsD
1. 5hat a!e the "%%"n !es#i!at"!y illnesses y"u have e$#e!iened in y"u!
2. 5hat a!e the signs and sy%#t"%s "& these illnesses y"u have e$#e!ienedE
;. 5hat &i!st aid a!e *as d"ne 'e&"!e d"ing a t!eat%entE
3. Can y"u de%"nst!ate the ,ind "& &i!st aid d"neE
>. 5hat ,ind "& he!'al %ediine d" y"u use &"! t!eat%entE
6. 5hat a!e y"u! e$#etati"ns *hen y"u use these h"%e !e%ediesE
:. H"* did y"u dis"ve! these h"%e !e%ediesE
1. Is the d!in,ing "& *ate! inv"lved *ith these !e%ediesE
-. I& yes) h"* %uh *ate! sh"uld a #atient d!in,E
1@. Have y"u used &"!%ulated %ediine t" t!eat !es#i!at"!y illnessesE
11. I& yes) d" y"u &ind it %"!e e&&etive than y"u! h"%e !e%ediesE
12. H"* l"ng until a #atient !e"ve!s using y"u! h"%e !e%ediesE
A Case Study .. 1-
1;. I& given the h"ie t" g" t" a h"s#ital t" t!eat a #e!s"n *ith !es#i!at"!y
illness) *"uld y"u g" t" the h"s#italE
13. I& yes) *hyE
1>. I& n") *hy n"t and *hen *"uld y"u "nside! g"ing t" the h"s#ital &"!
In "!de! t" #!"vide an in de#th des!i#ti"n "& the di&&e!ent h"%e !e%edies
"& the Mandaya t!i'e) the study !equi!ed t!ans!i#ti"n "& the inte!vie*s ve!'ati%
and analysis "& the t!ans!i#ts *as a!!ied "ut *hile utili9ing C"lai99i=s seven
ste# a##!"ah t" analy9e the data.
1. Read all des!i#ti"ns t" aqui!e a &eeling &"! the%.
2. E$t!at #h!ases "! sentenes that di!etly #e!tain t" the
;. ("!%ulate the %eaning "& eah signi&iant state%ent.
3. O!gani9e the agg!egate &"!%ulated %eanings int" luste!s "&
a. 8alidate these luste!s *ith the "!iginal des!i#ti"ns.
'. 0"te dis!e#aniesF s"%e the%es %ay 'e "nt!adit"!y "!
un!elatedF #!"eed *ith the "nviti"n that *hat is ine$#lia'le
%ay 'e e$istentially !eal and valid.
>. Integ!ate the !esults in an e$haustive des!i#ti"n.
6. ("!%ulate an e$haustive des!i#ti"n that is unequiv"ally a
state%ent "& the essential st!utu!e "& the #hen"%en"n.
A Case Study .. 2@
:. In "!de! t" validate the study &u!the!) the ase studye! *ill '!ing the
state%ent and e$haustive des!i#ti"n 'a, t" the #a!tii#ants in an
inte!vie* and as, the #a!tii#ants i& this !e&lets thei! des!i#ti"n "&
thei! e$#e!ienes.
Resea!h P!"edu!e
The study *as guided *ith the &"ll"*ing ste#sD
1. A lette! *as %ade and given as,ing &"! #e!%issi"n t" "ndut "u! ase
study and "lleting "& data &!"% the Mandaya "%%unity in /a!angay
Ma!agatas) +u#"n) Dava" O!iental t" the Dean "& the Res#i!at"!y
The!a#y De#a!t%ent) the Munii#al May"! "& +u#"n) Dava" O!iental)
the Chie& "& P"lie "& +u#"n Munii#al P"lie Stati"n) the Plat""n
+eade! "& the DOPPD PPSC) 2
Plat""n in +u#"n) Dava" O!iental) the
/a!angay Ca#tain "& /a!angay Ma!agatas) +u#"n) Dava" O!iental) and
&inally t" the Indigen"us Pe"#le Chai!%an in +u#"n) Dava" O!iental.
2. One a##!"ved) the lette!s "& #e!%issi"n "& #a!tii#ati"n *as given t"
"u! #a!tii#ants u#"n a!!ival at +u#"n.
;. 5ith "u! Mandaya "%%unity #a!tii#ants= #e!%issi"n 'y signing an
in&"!%ed "nsent) an inAde#th inte!vie* "& 1@ #a!tii#ants *as d"ne
"%#!ising "& 1> guide questi"ns.
3. A&te! the inAde#th inte!vie* an"the! 1@ #a!tii#ants *e!e gathe!ed &"! a
&"us g!"u# disussi"n t" ve!i&y the ans*e!s "& the #a!tii#ants "& the
inAde#th inte!vie*s d"ne ea!lie!.
A Case Study .. 21
>. The analysis and su%%a!y *e!e %ade "& the data "lleted &!"% the
Mandaya "%%unity in +u#"n) Dava" O!iental.
6. 5!iting "& the &inal !e#"!t.

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