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Kalidasa – Samskrita – Kendram, 18, Sannathi Street, Madurantakam, India

saMskRt baalapuYpma\ 3
paz: 1 vaata-laap:

baalak: Aiya ima~ ! namaao nama: .

Boy : Dear Friend, Good morning.
kRYak: namaao nama: . kqama\
kqama\ Aist Bavaana\ ? A~ ikM kraoit ?
Farmer : Good morning. How are you? What are you doing here.
baalak: AhM xao~aiNa AiQakR%ya &atuma\ [cCaima .
tdqa- ma\ Bavata sah vaata-laapM kt-uma\ [cCaima .
Boy : I want to know about the field. So I want to talk
with you.
kRYak: Astu . AvaXyaM Bavat: p`Xnaanaama\ ]<araiNa
yaqaamait dasyaaima .
Farmer : Ok. Sure I will answer your answer as far as
baalak: Bavat: xao~sya ivastINa-M ikyat\
ikyat\ pirmaaNama\ Aist ?
Boy : What is the size of your field ?
kRYak: mama xao~sya ivastINa-M maaikM pHca ekrpirimatma\
Aist .
Farmer : The size of my field is about 5 acres.
baalak: Astu . Bavaana\ kda xao~o kaya-M kraoit ?
Boy : Ok. When do you work in the field ?
kRYak: AhM p`at: i~vaadnao xao~ma\ AagacCaima . saayaM
YaT\ vaadnaM yaavat\ kayaa-iNa kraoima .
Farmer : I come to the field at 3.00 am. I work here
till 6.00 pm in the evening
baalak: A~ Bavat: sahayak: k: Bavait ?
Boy : Who is your helper here ?
kRYak: A~ xao~o mama sahayaka: mama vaRYaBaa: eva
Farmer : Only my bulls are my helpers in the field.
baalak: Bavat: samaIpo kit vaRYaBaa: saint ?
Boy : How many bulls you have ? &

Stage 3 : lesson 1 – Conversation – Farmer
Kalidasa – Samskrita – Kendram, 18, Sannathi Street, Madurantakam, India

kRYak: mama samaIpo AYT vaRYaBaa: saint . WaO maihYaaO ca st: .

Farmer : There are 8 bulls with me. And also two buffalos.
baalak: Bavaana\ kda XasyaaNaama\ AaraopNaM kraoit ?
Boy : How do you grow crops ?
kRYak: AhM vaYaa-kalaat\ pUva-M hlakaya-M kR%vaa ek~ baIjaaraopNaM kraoima .
Farmer : I plough before rainy season and sow seeds in a corner.
baalak: ttstt: ?
Boy : Then …….?
kRYak: yada baIjaaina baalaXasyaaina Bavaint tda taina tt: saMgaR( mau#yaxao~o puna: Aaraopyaaima .
Farmer : When the seeds grow to small crops, I collect them and plant in the main field.
baalak: XasyaaNaama\ AaraopNaaya ikma\
ikma\ AtIva AavaXyakma\ ?
Boy : What is very important in farming ?
kRYak: XasyaaNaama\ AaraopNaaya p`qamaM jalama\ iWtIyaM Eama:
tRtIyaM vaRYaBaaNaaM sahayaHca AavaXyakma\.
Farmer : First water, second effort and third help of bullocks in
growing the crops.
baalak: kda etoYau XasyaoYau Qaanyaaina ]d\Bavaint ?
Boy : When do the grains develop in crops ?
kRYak: iWi~maasaat\ Anantrma\ toYau XasyaoYau Qaanyaaina ]d\Bavaint.
Farmer : After two, three months the grains grow in the crops.
baalak: Qaanyaaina kqaM kt-yait Bavaana\ ?
Boy : How do you cut the grains from the crops ?
kRYak: ima~aNaaM sahayaona Qaanyaaina kt-iya%vaa gaRhM nayaaima .
Farmer : I after cutting the crops with the help of friends, take them to home.
baalak: t~ ikM kraoit ?
Boy : What do you do there ?
kRYak: XasyaoBya: Qaanyaaina saMgaR( gaRhM nayaint .
Farmer : From there we collect the grains and take home.
baalak: kRiYakayaa-ya jalama\ AtIva mau#yaM Bavait .
Bavaana\ kut: jalama\ p`aPnaaoit ?
Boy : Water is important for cultivation. From where do you get water ?
kRYak: AhM paXva-t: jalaaXayaat\ kulyaa: Wara jalaM p`aPnaaoima .
Farmer : I get water from the nearby lakes and ponds / water-wells.
baalak: Aip ca kqaM jalaM p`aPnaaoit Bavaana\ ? &

Stage 3 : lesson 1 – Conversation – Farmer
Kalidasa – Samskrita – Kendram, 18, Sannathi Street, Madurantakam, India

Boy : Further how do you get the water ?

kRYak: yaid jalaaXayao jalaM naaist tda kUpat\ jalaM p`aPnaaoima .
Farmer : If no water in the lake I will bring water from water -well.
baalak: kUpat\ jalaM kqaM Aanayait ?
Boy : How do you get water from the water -well ?
kRYak: kUpat\ vaRYaBaaNaaM sahayaona jalama\ Aanayaaima .
Farmer : With the help of bulls I get water from the water-well.
baalak: Bavat: xao~o kaina Qaanyaaina ]%padyait ?
Boy : What are the grains that you grow in your field ?
kRYak: mama samaIpo ivapulaM xao~ma\ Aist . t~ ivaivaQaaina Qaanyaaina ]%padyaaima . yaqaa va`Iih:
gaaoQaUma: masaur: yava: [%yaaid .
Farmer : I have vast land. I grow verities of grains such as paddy, wheat, pulses, ragi etc.
baalak: Bavaana\ kqaM Qaanyaaina ]%padyait ?
Boy : How do you grow the grains ?
kRYak: p`qamaM baIjaaraopNaM kraoima . pXcaat\ xao~M hlaona kRYaaima . pXcaat\ jalasaocanaaidkM kR%vaa
baalaXasyaanaama\ AaraopNaM kraoima .
Farmer : First I grow seeds. Then I plough the field. Then I watering the field and plant the
little crops there.
baalak: Bavaana\ ekakI eva kraoit vaa ?
Boy : Are you alone working here ?
kRYak: na na . na ekakI kt-uM Xa@yato . pHca Aqavaa dXa janaa: mayaa sah sava-da kaya-M
kuva-int .
Farmer : No no. I cannot work alone. 5 or 10 people work with me always.
baalak: pXcaat\ ……………
Boy : Then further …………..
kRYak: AhM p`itidnaM mama vaRYaBaO: sah A~ Aaga%ya jalasaocanaM AnaavaXyakXasyaanaaM inaYkasanaM ca
kraoima .
Farmer : Everyday I come here with my bulls and do watering and weeding out unnecessary
crops etc.
baalak: ttstt: ……………
Boy : Then ……………….
kRYak: yada XasyaoYau Qaanyama\ ]%padyait tda ma(M Ahaora~M inad`a naaist .
Farmer : When the crops grow then there is no sleep in nights.
baalak: ikmaqa-M inad`a naaist ? tda Bavaana\ ikM kirYyait ?
Boy : Why no sleep in the night ? What will you do then ? &

Stage 3 : lesson 1 – Conversation – Farmer
Kalidasa – Samskrita – Kendram, 18, Sannathi Street, Madurantakam, India

kRYak: AhM tdanaIma\ Ahaora~M xao~o eva isqa%vaa XasyaanaaM QaanyaanaaHca pirrxaNaM Kgaat\ maRgaat\
caaOrat\ ca kraoima .
Farmer : At that time I stay in the field and protect the crops from birds, animals and thief.
baalak: kIdRXa: p`ya%na: ik/yato Bavata !
Boy : Oh ! What kind of effort you do !
kRYak: yada AhM Qaanyaaina p`aPnaaoima tda mama savaa-iNa kYTaina AhM ivasmaraima .
Farmer : When I get grains then I forget all my troubles.
baalak: Ahao! ho ! kRYaIvala ! Qanyaa|isa Bavaana\ .
Boy : Oh ! Farmer ! You are great.
kRYak: Qanyavaad: .
Farmer : Thanks.

Lessons are prepared and published on behalf of Kalidasa-Samskrita-Kendram Trust,

Madurantakam by V.C. Govindarajan. Your feedback to or

by Kalidasa-Samskrita-Kendram,

There are about 40 Sanskrit lessons are uploaded in the following sites in two stages. Kindly
follow the links given below to download them.
Previous lessons are available (word format and pdf) in the following links.
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Stage 3 : lesson 1 – Conversation – Farmer

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