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Construction/Maintenance of Flood Mitigation Structures and Drainage Systems- Dredging/!ca"ation

of Almacen #i"er$ Bataan %
&egislati"e District$ Contract ID' No' %(C)))%%'
1. The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) through the GAA-FY 2014 intends to
apply the sum of P96,611,037.30 being the !ppro"ed #udget for the $ontract (!#$) to
payments under the contract for the Construction/Maintenance of Foo! Miti"ation
#tructures an! $raina"e #%ste&s- $re!"in"/'(ca)ation of A&acen *i)er, +ataan 1
,e"isati)e $istrict, Contract -$ .o. 14C00011. #ids recei"ed in e%cess of the !#$ shall be
automatically re&ected at bid opening.
'. The Department of Public Works and Highways now in"ites bids for the
Construction/Maintenance of Foo! Miti"ation #tructures an! $raina"e #%ste&s-
$re!"in"/'(ca)ation of A&acen *i)er, +ataan 1
,e"isati)e $istrict, Contract -$ .o.
14C00011. Works includes $re!"in" /or0s. $ompletion of the Works is 300 ca. !a%s.
(. #idders should ha"e completed a single contract similar to the Pro&ect e)ui"alent to at least *fty
percent (+,-) of the !#$.
#idders will bid for the entire contract or per lot and not per item.
.. #idding will be conducted through open competiti"e bidding procedures using non/discretionary
pass0fail criterion as speci*ed in the 1mplementing 2ules and 2egulations (122) of 2epublic !ct
314. (2! 314.) otherwise known as the 56o"ernment Procurement 2eform !ct7.
#idding is restricted to 8ilipino citi9ens0sole proprietorships partnerships or organi9ations with at
least se"enty *"e percent (:+-) interest or outstanding stock belonging to citi9ens of the
+. $ontractors0applicants who are interested in the DPWH ci"il works are re)uired to register prior to
the set schedule of submission of bid while those already registered shall keep their records
current and updated. $ontractor Pro*le ;ligibility Process ($P;P) are sub&ect to further post/
)uali*cation. 1nformation on registration can be obtained at DPWH website or
$entral Procurement <=ce ($P<) +
8loor DPWH #ldg. #onifacio Dri"e Port !rea >anila from
4?,, !.>. to +?,, P.>.
-nte"rit% Pe!"e as per !nne% 5!7 of Department <rder 4@ should be complied with prior to
submission of bids.
Asing two (') forms of #id Becurity? +i! #ecurin" $ecaration an! at east one 112
ot3er for&, and incusion of -te& .o. 9 in t3e 4&ni5us #6orn #tate&ent, per
D.<. Co. +1 s/',1. dated >ay 3 ',1..
1nclusion of 7a( Cearance as one of the $lass 5!7 Documents per D.<. Co. .: dated
>ay : ',1..
@. 1nterested bidders may obtain further information from DPWH/2eg. 111 and inspect the #idding
Documents at the address gi"en below from 4?,, !.>. D +?,, P.>.. >onday to 8riday.
:. ! complete set of #idding Documents may be purchased by interested #idders from the address
below and upon payment of non/refundable fee for the #idding Documents in the amount of P
1t may also be downloaded free of charge from the website of the Philippine 6o"ernment
;lectronic Procurement Bystem (Phil6;PB) and the DPWH Website 666.!963."o).93, pro"ided
that bidders shall pay the fee for the #idding Documents not later than the submission of their
Payments can be made at any DPWH *eld o=ce. The submission of the <riginal 2eceipt (<2) for
payments of bidding documents issued by any DPWH *eld o=ce is su=cient for the #!$ of this
2egional <=ce to process the electronic eligibility e"aluation of contractors.
4. The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) will hold a Pre/#id $onference on :u% 03,
2014, 10;00 A.M. at the 7rainin" *oo&, 2
Foor, $P/<-*e"ion ---, #in!aan, Cit% of #an
Fernan!o 1P2 which shall be opened only to all interested parties who ha"e purchased the
#idding Documents.
3. #ids must be deli"ered to the address below on or before :u% 16, 2014, 10;00 A.M. at t3e
7rainin" *oo&, 2
Foor, t3is 4=ce. !ll bids must be accompanied by a bid security as
stated in -te& .o. 8.
#ids will be opened in the presence of the bidderEs representati"es who choose to attend at the
address below. Fate bids shall not be accepted.
1,. The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) D 2egion 111 reser"es the right to accept or
re&ect any bid to annul the bidding process and to re&ect all bids at any time prior to contract
award without thereby incurring any liability to the aGected bidder or bidders.
11. 8or further information please refer to?
A*7<>* ?. #A.74#
$hief H!HD
#!$/$hairman DPWH/2eg. 111 $B8P
(,.+) .++/,@.:I (,.+) .++/,@.3
$'PA*7M'.7 4F P>+,-C /4*@# A.$ <-G</AY#
2egion 111
4FF-C' 4F 7<' *'G-4.A, $-*'C74*
Bindalan $ity of Ban 8ernando Pampanga
Date Published: June 27, 2014
Newspaper (if any): Manila Standard

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