A Mélange of Biometrics With Physical Libraries and Laboratories

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A Mlange of Biometrics with Physical Libraries and Laboratories


Biometric based applications guarantee for resolving numerous security hazards. As
a method of preserving of privacy and the security of sensitive information, biometrics has
been studied and used for the past few decades. Fingerprint is one of the most widely used
biometrics.A number of fingerprint verification approaches have been proposed until now.
In a library, sometimes the students issue the books without being physically
present, i.e. by their friends & fake signature. This is an attempt to make to issue of books
only if the candidate is present.
In this paper, a biometric based authentication system is used for calculating the
attendance of computer lab. The main aim of this paper is to develop an accurate, fast and
very efficient automatic attendance system using fingerprint verification technique. We
propose a system in which fingerprint verification is done by the biometric machine and
attendance is calculated on the bases of student login into computer system.

Keywords: - Biometrics, Fingerprint, Student Attendance, etc

1. Introduction
In many institutions and organization, attendance is very important factor for various
purposes and its one of the important criteria is that students and organization employees have to
follow it. The previous approach in which manually human roll called and maintaining the
attendance records were very inconvenient task. After having these issues in mind we develop an
automatic computer lab attendance system which automates the whole process of taking
attendance and maintaining it. We already know about some commonly used biometric
techniques are used for objective identification,verification are like iris recognition, voice
identification, fingerprint identification, DNA recognition,etc.Biometrics techniques are widely
used in various areas like building security etc.
In this system we use fingerprint scanner and computer system for keeping the
attendance. A fingerprint is captured by user interface, which are likely to be an optical solid
state or an ultrasound sensor. Generally, there are two approaches are used for fingerprint
verification system among them first one is Minutiae based technique, in which minutiae is
represented by ending or termination and bifurcations. Other one is Image based method or
matching pattern. This is handled by biometric machine we take only event record which is
generated by machine. Biometric machine store all transactional information into database which
is stored in computer system. In database event record store the student login and logout
Student (MCA)
Bhilai Institute of Technology,
Durg (C.G.)

Biometric based system provide security in various area we use fingerprint scanner for
keeping computer lab attendance and also use it for identify the student in library for issuing the
book. In library this system provide security, to identify the student for accessing their library
account only registered student have permission for accessing the library.

2. State of Art
The number of organization & institute use biometrics for security and lots of works done
with biometrics fingerprint scanner and lots of technology used for library management system
which makes library secure.

In [1] Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) system is used for monitor the circulation
and collection of book in library. RFID in the library speeds up book borrowing, monitoring,
books searching processes and thus frees staff to do more user-service tasks. RFID make library

In [2] they discuss a method to classify fingerprints. The techniques that they use
the core and delta points for classification require that these singular points be present
in the image. Fingerprint classification can view as coarse level matching of fingerprints.
Since each match takes some amount of time, the maximum size of database is limited.

3. Methodology
The paper focus on biometric based fingerprint scanner and a computer system where the
application program is installed which takes information for fingerprint scanner and perform the
required operation.

Fig: - 3.1 Working of Biometric Fingerprint Scanner

3.1: - E-Secure Library:
The e-library systems maintain all the records about the student which is important for the
purpose of issuing and returning the book. In traditional library system a library card is used for
identification of particular student which is not secure because card is transferable, but in new
system by using the biometric machine we provide secure authorization to the students. In this
system, students will enroll their finger prints to access their library account and this provides
Fingerprint Enrollment Phase
Fingerprint Verification Phase
(Yes/ No)
maximum security. When students want to issue book then they will select their book and came
at counter where the library system will issue their book. The library card will be replaced by
fingerprint identification of the student.

3.2: - Attendance Monitoring System:

In this system when students will come into lab they enroll their fingerprint into the system
which will identify the students and store log record into database. The biometric machine will
match the student finger print with the stored database. When students enter inside the lab then
they login into computer system which is allotted respectively. Students enter the required
information such as name, roll no, branch,semester on the user authentication page and other
information like terminal no, date and time are automatically submitted to server database. The
information which is comes from biometric machine and lab computer systems are considered as
the final lab attendance of the student for which the criteria is explained in next section. Fig. 3.2
shows the working model of the lab attendance monitoring system.

Fig. 3.2 Working of Lab Attendance monitoring system

4. Experimental Results
We present some experimental results which are founded by this system
1: - If the student login into biometric system and after login student login into computer system
then only attendance will calculated otherwise attendance will not calculated. Login into both
biometric system and computer system is compulsory for attendance.
Biometric M/c Login Computer System Login
Student_Id Biometric
Login Status
Student_Id System
Login Status
121 1 121 1 Present
122 0 122 0 Absent

In this example, one and zero are used for show the status. Where one means Login and zero
means not login. In attendance calculation we perform logical AND operation and in result if we
find one then student is present and if it is zero then absent.

2: - We calculate the activeness of students in computer lab by using this formula.
Time Difference (Biometric M/c Login time, Computer system Login time)
Calculate the average of time difference for one month.
GOOD : Difference is < 60sec
AVERAGE : 60 sec < difference is > 120sec the
POOR : Difference is >120sec
Student_ID Biometric Login
System Login Time Difference
(Bio-metric, System)
in sec
121 11:15:00AM 11:16:50AM 00:01:50 AVERAGE
122 11:16:43AM 11:18:50AM 00:02:02 POOR
123 11:14:23AM 11:15:00AM 00:00:37 GOOD
124 11:16:56AM 11:21:04AM 00:04:08 POOR
125 11:45:34AM 11:46:34AM 00:01:00 GOOD

5. Conclusion

Many business applications (e.g. banking) shall in future rely on biometrics since using
biometrics is the only way to guarantee the presence of the customer when a transaction is made.
For instance, fingerprint-based systems have been proven to be very effective in protecting
information and resources in a large area of applications. Although institutes and organization
are using biometrics for authentication in a variety of situations, the industry is still evolving and
emerging. At present, the amount of applications employing biometric systems is quite limited,
mainly because of the crucial cost-benefit question: supposing biometrics does bring an increase
in security, will it be worth the financial cost?
We use biometric fingerprint scanner for library system and computer lab attendance
system where we found a secure and safe login and attendance. It provides an accurate, fast and
very efficient automatic attendance system. We can use biometric fingerprint scanner for security
purpose in various areas like schools, institutes, etc.

6. References
[1] RFID Based Library Management System By Dhanalakshmi M, Uppala Mamatha
[2] Fingerprint Classification by Directional Fields by Sen Wang, Wei Wei Zhang,
Yang Sheng Wang National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition Institute of Automation,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, P. O. Box 2728, Beijing,
123 1 123 1 Present
124 1 124 1 Present
125 1 125 0 Absent
[3] S. Prabhakar, S. Pankanti, A. K. Jain, "Biometric Recognition: Security and
PrivacyConcerns", IEEE Security & Privacy, March/April 2003, pp. 33-42
[4] A. K. Jain, A. Ross, "Multibiometric Systems", Appeared in Communication of
theACM, Special Issue on Multimodal Interfaces, Vol. 47, No.1, pp. 34-40, January 2004
[5] Jain, A., Hong, L., Bolle, R.: On-line Fingerprint Verification. IEEE Trans. on Pattern
Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol.19, No.4 (1997) 302313
[6] InfoTronics, Inc. 2008. Biometrics: Advantages for employee attendance verification,
Michigan: Farmington Hills. Retrieved 11th November, 2011 from
[7] Digital Fingerprinting White paper

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