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SIMTech technical reports Volume 6 Number 2 Jul-Sep 2005

Manufacturing legacy system modernisation

L. L. Aw, K. M. Goh and K. Yi

Abstract – Information systems are important assets from the legacy system. Organisations have to face
in any organisations. They support the daily opera- the problem of what and how to accommodate the
tions of the organisations. Through the years, for new business requirements on the legacy systems. To
deployed information systems to stay viable, they rewrite with another modern language or replace the
need to be replaced, rewritten or modernised to fulfil legacy application with another newer application is
new requirements. These information systems are costly and there is a high risk of failure, as the appli-
referred as legacy systems. Legacy systems refer to cation takes some time to complete and this may
mission critical software systems still in operation, become a legacy system too. To replace the legacy
but difficult to modify when the organisation has new system with modern, packaged software and hardware
requirements. Many companies are facing problems is possible but it is difficult to identify a suitable
on how to handle these legacy information systems. package. Most of the time, customisation is required
The objective of this report is to discuss and evaluate and risks are also present. New technologies have
the possibility of either upgrading or integrating the evolved very rapidly and most of the old technologies
legacy system for new requirements. The different are difficult to interface with the new technologies.
types of modernisation are introduced. This report Therefore, there is a need to decide what to do with
details the steps to develop a modernised system. A the legacy systems and methodologies to modernise
case study is presented to demonstrate how to mod- the legacy systems for new business requirements.
ernise a warehouse control system. It allows readers to
understand aforesaid issues and possible solutions to 2 OBJECTIVE
solve the modernisation problems.
The objectives are to show some ways of mod-
ernising an existing system to incorporate new re-
Keywords: Legacy systems, Integration, Modernisa-
quirements. This includes analysing the legacy system,
searching the current technologies and the available
software on handling the legacy system. This report
aims to highlight problems, considerations, method-
1 BACKGROUND ologies and approaches in modernising a legacy sys-
In organisations, there are running systems de-
veloped based on older technologies and hardware
and these systems are referred as legacy systems.
Another definition of legacy systems refers to “any
3.1 Phases to Modernise a System
existing system, regardless of how long ago it had
been built, that is still functioning and plays an im- Figure 1 shows the different phases that are re-
portant role in the organisation but it has the problem quired to modernise an existing system. The phases
of modification when organisation requires new re- involved are the Initial Phase, Analysis Phase, Soft-
quirements. The legacy system is more than the ware Development Life Cycle Phase and the Software
software that runs the system because it contains Tools Selection Phase.
knowledge of the organisations” [2-4]. These systems
continue to provide core services to organisations, 3. Software
handling the organisations’ daily operations. The 1. Analysis Phase
2. Software Tools
Selection Phase
Development Life
Cycle Phase
problem is these systems are difficult to modify, scrap
or replace. The organisations are heavily dependent - Identify list of problems and
- Select type of programming - Understand user
languages and database.
on the systems. The systems contain the knowledge of - Gather information
- As-Is Diagram
- Select the software products
- Follow and deliver the
software using the software

the organisations accumulated throughout the years. - To-Be Diagram

- Conduct feasibility test
development lifecycle
- Choose the modernization
Examples of legacy systems can be any applications
- Understand the existing
applications - Select software architecture
- Use the UML diagrams for
running on mainframes, old computers, DOS-based, understanding and
communicating with

10-based T networks, proprietary network, old type of customer

PLC and many others.

As time goes by, new business requirements are
required from the legacy systems. The legacy system Fig. 1. The different phases to modernise an existing sys-
may not be able to handle the new requirements. For tem.
example, a new system requires to access information

L. L. Aw, K. M. Goh and K. Yi

To modernise an existing system, the phases in- limitation of certain concurrent users.
volved are the Analysis Phase, Software Tools Selec- • The real-time data from the programmable
tion Phase and Software Development Life Cycle logic controllers (PLC) and updated to the
Phase. The Analysis phase, which is the most impor- WCS files. How frequent or how it is stored
tant, is to analyse the existing system. During the is unknown.
analysis, a list of problems and constraints, its envi- • The WCS is running on 24 hours non-stop.
ronment and all factors pertaining to the system are • There is the legal issue of changing the
noted. In some cases, the existing system is connected source code.
to other systems. In this phase, the possible solutions Besides identifying the problems and constraints,
are discussed and explored. the existing network architecture of the existing sys-
In the Software Tools Selection Phase, software tem has to be understood.
tools are evaluated and selected. The products for The WCS is based on a VAX system and is
implementing the possible solutions are evaluated. connected to it are two serial terminals servers. Green
The last phase is to design and implement using a screen text terminals are connected to the serial ter-
software development life cycle. This phase is similar minal servers. A few green screen text terminals are
to implementing new software applications. Different mounted on moving vehicles. The speed of the net-
types of software modelling tools are used. work is 10 Mbps.
The network connection from the VAX system to
4 CASE STUDY the text terminals uses Ethernet. A bridge is used to
connect the PLC and conveyors to the VAX. The
4.1 Warehouse Control System network protocol is Ethway. The network connec-
Company ABC manufactures goods. Once goods tivity from the text terminal in the mobile vehicle to
are manufactured, it is transferred to the warehouse. VAX is by way of microwave guides.
Goods in the warehouse are spare parts, After having some understanding of the problems
sub-assembled parts, completed products. and issues, the team identified that one of the possible
The warehouse is a building that covers 100 m x solutions is to use TCP/IP to communicate with the
100 m x 100 m. It has different types of storage areas VAX system. The current VAX system does not have
such as areas for perishable goods and areas for the TCP/IP protocol installed. The team requested the
cold-storage goods. Different vehicles are used in the customer to install TCP/IP on the VAX system.
warehouse for different goods and operations. The team was also informed that there is a limi-
Goods location information is retrieved and tation on the number of processes for the WCS system.
shown using terminals located at different locations of No one is sure about the exact number of processes
the warehouse. that the WCS can handle. It is known that when the
Company ABC requirements are given as fol- maximum number of processes was running, the
lows: whole application would crash. Therefore, tests are
performed to generate the maximum number of proc-
• Automatic goods entry information – when
esses on the existing inventory system. The amount of
goods arrived at the warehouse, goods in-
hard disk storage, the speed of the network, any
formation is automatically recorded.
problems if additional access to the existing ap-
• Goods information transfer – to allow goods
plication is allowed are recorded and noted.
information from the new warehouse to be
Once TCP/IP was installed on the server, tests are
automatically transferred to the existing
conducted to ensure it is working properly. Besides
performing different types of tests, the type of net-
• Ad-hoc goods information retrieval – any work connector required by the VAX system is iden-
users is able to request goods information at tified and purchased.
any time at any terminals of the warehouse. Tests are also conducted from the personal com-
• Data Population – to collect the goods in- puter for the connectivity to the WCS. With the tests
formation from the existing warehouse in- conducted, the team concludes that connectivity to the
formation system. server application was accomplished. For the
4.2 Analysis Phase connectivity of mobile vehicles to the VAX, wireless
connectivity was explored.
The list of problems and constraints of the During the different tests, the customer has to be
Warehouse Control System (WCS) is shown in the actively involved because the team is not familiar
following: with the existing system. Permission had to be granted
• For the source code documentation, it may to allow access to the existing system. Any interrup-
not be the same revised version as the source tions on the existing systems during testing are
code running in the system. quickly solved and interruptions to the existing sys-
• Throughout the years, the different operating tem are kept as minimal as possible.
systems are upgraded. The team members also explored the different
• The warehouse control system is written to a types of possible modernisation methodologies. The

Manufacturing legacy system modernisation

strengths and weaknesses of the different modernisa- legacy software. Screen scraping consists of wrapping
tion techniques are noted. After knowing the possible old, text-based interfaces with new graphical inter-
modernisation methods, the team chose the presenta- faces. The old interface is often a set of text screens
tion and the data modernisations. running in a terminal. The new graphical interface can
be a personal computer (PC) based, graphical user
4.3 Software Tools Selection Phase
interface (GUI), or even a hypertext markup language
In the next phase, software tools are evaluated (HTML) light client running in a Web browser. With
and selected. Software tools for the presentation screen scraping, the legacy application can be ex-
modernisations include the screen scraping software. tended easily, enabling one new User Interface (UI) to
There are many different types of screen scraping wrap a number of legacy systems.
software available, the Reflection from WRQ was Screen scraping is usually based on proprietary
selected. Initial tests are conducted on the WCS and middleware, which intercepts the front end of the
they were successful. Other software includes data- legacy system and generates a GUI on top without
base, development tools for the developed applica- touching the core modules of the legacy applications
tions. [2]. From the perspective of the legacy system, the
new graphical interface is indistinguishable from an
4.3.1 Software Development Life Cycle Phase
end user entering text in a screen. From the end user’s
The Software Development Life Cycle Phase in- point of view, the modernisation now provides a
cludes Project Planning, System Analysis, System modern, usable graphical interface.
Design, Implementation, Integration and Test. This modernisation method is a matured, low cost
Diagrams and documents are written for this and common approach. The weakness is that this
phase. Many discussions with the customer are con- approach can be slow because an application needs to
ducted. In-house discussions are also carried out so wait for the legacy application to render the required
that team members have up-to-date information. screen. In addition, any change on the legacy appli-
cation user interface necessitates change to the mod-
4.4 Related Topics
ernisation code. Besides maintenance for the existing
system, the newly developed application needs
4.4.1 Modernisation Methods
maintenance too. Therefore, this method adds more
In the data presentation methods, the database maintenance to the existing system. The current
gateway is described. A database gateway is a specific hardware is not necessary to be replaced. To mod-
type of software that translates between two or more ernise the system with any new or other systems,
data access protocols. It is required because there is a additional hardware and software are required.
need to access data in databases using one version of a The developer needs to know and navigate to the
piece of software for each different type of database. required screens and text on screens. This is done
There are many vendor-specific protocols that are using a software product. The developer is able to
used to access databases, but few are of a de-facto develop and get information without changing code.
industry standards. Screen scraping has proved to be useful for simple
Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) is Micro- task automation.
soft’s interface for accessing data in a heterogeneous
4.4.2 Reasons for Choosing the Methods
environment of relational and non-relational database
management systems [1]. The following are the reasons to modernise the
The application calls the ODBC API functions by WCS using the data and presentation methodology.
using a standard ODBC Structured Query Language The business logic of the application and the same
(SQL) syntax, and the ODBC driver makes the nec- user interface are retained. With a similar user inter-
essary translations to send the statement to the data- face, there is no need to conduct any major training
base management system (DBMS) and presents the for the end-users. A rewrite is the most costly and
results back to the application. time-consuming option, and it might pose the highest
The database gateway is free of charge as it project failure risk. Both database gateway and screen
comes together with the product or it may be scraping methodologies are able to fulfil the re-
downloaded from the Internet. Many tools have in- quirements. Company ABC is able to continue to use
cluded this in their package. It is easily understood the 3,270 terminals and printers throughout the tran-
and easily implemented. This is a matured commu- sition process. This extends the investment of the
nication method and most of the current applications legacy system and allows for a smoother, less drastic
used it. The weakness is that nothing is being done on transition. The company does not require expensive
the legacy system, so the maintainability of the legacy upgrades or re-engineering of its existing inventory
system still exists. system. Since users are familiar with the user inter-
One of the presentation methods is screen faces, there will be no change done on the graphical
scraping. This technique accesses existing applica- user interface.
tions through their user-interfaces. User keystrokes
are simulated to implement the interaction with the

L. L. Aw, K. M. Goh and K. Yi

4.4.3 Using the Two-tier Client/server Archi- and after identifying the types of modernisation to be
tecture used, the team is confident of delivering the solutions.
In the implementation, a two-tier client/server By using the screen scraping and the data mod-
architecture is used. Generally, the client handles the ernisation methodology, the team is able to leverage
presentation and some of the processing logic. Its on the same legacy code that the company has been
application transmits a request to the server. The depending on for years.
server handles the other portion of the processing Some of the issues in using the screen scraping
logic, provides the data that the clients require and methodology are:
also store data on the server. The database manage- • During the implementation and testing, there
ment server usually provides the portion of the proc- are many timing issues when using the
essing related to accessing data. Clients commonly screen-scraping methodology. New re-
communicate with the server through SQL statements sponses of the WCS were also captured and
or a call-level interface. implemented in the new application. This
The advantage of using a two-tier client/sever had to be done so that the new application is
system is that it works well in a homogeneous able to respond appropriately.
environment and it is fast to develop using proprietary • The screen behaviours of the WCS must be
rapid application development (RAD) tools. It meets examined thoroughly. For example, there
the demand of faster development time at the expense was an auto log-out feature that will show
of flexibility. the login screen after a time lapse. It was
The disadvantage is that it is more difficult to only after live testing that this symptom is
administer and maintain because when applications realised.
reside on the client, every latest release must be de- • Improper logoff of the WCS could cause the
livered, installed, and tested on each client. maximum processes to be exceeded. This is
the most difficult task, as ways of proper
4.4.4 New Network Connectivity
logoff must be ensured. The customer is ad-
New network architecture has to be included to vised to check on the number of processes at
pass information from the new warehouse system to a frequent interval. The number of processes
the WCS. For the vehicle PCs which are currently is monitored during the testing and imple-
using microwave guide, the network communication mentation stage.
link is by wireless communication. Tests were con- • Distorted screens – The screen scraping
ducted to locate the best possible location for the software is highly dependent on the screens;
access points such that the connectivity link is always if the original screens are corrupted, incor-
present. rect data may be obtained. This is overcome
The dumb terminals are replaced by workstations by refreshing the screen; that is, sending the
that are loaded with the Windows NT operating sys- command to refresh the screen. After a time
tem, the screen scraping software and the database delay, a check has to be made to see if the
client and other necessary software. The other rele- correct screen is displayed. Though the
vant software includes some protection to prevent screen scraping method had been in the
users from meddling with the workstation. matured state, it is still widely used because
The team also searched for products to convert this may be the only way to access the legacy
serial to Ethernet converters so that the newly built system.
applications are connected to the terminal server • Another issue is the availability old hardware.
through the Ethernet and the existing serial line to the The spare components for the old hardware
terminal server still remains. The serial line is still may not be easily available. In the case study,
required to run the existing applications. the required network adaptor is not widely
available, therefore time is wasted in getting
5 RESULTS & DISCUSSION the adaptor and it is not as cheap as a normal
network connector.
Initially, the problem seems difficult to handle
In modernising an existing system, all known
and the confidence level is not high. There are the
assumptions must be tested and ample time is to be
network connectivity problems of how the new net-
allocated for analysing the existing application. Every
work can interface to the WCS, the connectivity from
organisation is different, and the range of existing
the mobile vehicle to the Ethernet, the limitations of
legacy systems provides a multitude of challenges.
the number if concurrent users problem, the limita-
The modernisation effort requires careful selection of
tions of the hardware ports problem, the limitations of
an integration model for a different legacy system.
the hardware searching for the serial to Ethernet
There are cases where system or unpredictable
converter and testing it. The limitations of the
errors occur during the final stages of implementation.
maximum number of processes problem, if processes
Problems or considerations when integrating the new
exceed the maximum, the whole warehouse control
system with the legacy system must be highlighted to
system goes down. After conducting different tests
the customer. Ways, methods and a systematic ap-

Manufacturing legacy system modernisation

proach for integrating the legacy system must be The technical paper is able to identify, raise some
discussed with the customer for a better success rate. issues for the industry to understand and gauge the
The success of the project is also highly de- problems of integrating with legacy systems. The
pendent on the coordination and the relationships company is able to engage SIMTech to advise on
between the customer, users, contractors and the team. analysing their legacy systems or other similar types
All parties involved in the project have been very of problems.
cooperative. This report had demonstrated that modernising
legacy systems by using the proposed phases is fea-
6 CONCLUSION sible. It is hoped that these findings and implementa-
tion add to the understanding of how best to modern-
This report highlights problems, considerations, ise existing applications and how people facing simi-
methodologies and approaches in modernising legacy lar problems can use this as a guide.
systems. The given case study had shown that with the
right approach and chosen modernisation methods, it
is able to modernise the legacy system. Though the REFERENCES
requirements of the case study are fulfilled, there is an
[1] S. Comella-Dorda, K. Wallnau, R. Seacord and J.
increase in the maintainability of the legacy system. Robert, “Survey of legacy system modernisation ap-
The methodologies and approaches can also be proaches”, CMU/SEI-2000-TN-003, April 2000,
applied to other types of legacy systems such as
Manufacturing Execution System (MES) or Material ports/00tn003.html
Resource Planning System (MRP). [2] K. H. Bennet, “Legacy systems: Coping with success,
software”, IEEE Software Magazine, vol. 12(1), pp.
[3] M. Brodie and M. Stonebraker, Migrating legacy
The team had been uniquely able to analyse the systems, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 1995.
legacy system and solve problems without intruding [4] B. Wilson, “The economic realities of software mi-
into the system. For anyone who intends to integrate gration”, Anubex, 2004, at:
their legacy systems, they must understand that every
organisation and their range of existing legacy sys-
tems are different. A phased or modular approach is
used to ease the introduction of new concepts and


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