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Minutes of Committee Meeting held on 14
July 2014.
Present: Malcolm Alford, Brian Dennistoun, Sandy Myles, Anne
Patrick, Jennifer Robertson, Janet Pearse
Apologies: Lisa Macdonald, Kyle Bryne (Hacking and Paterson)
Malcolm opened the meeting by welcoming our two new
members, Anne and Lesley.
Minutes of last meeting and AGM:
The Minutes having been previously circulated were
Matters arising:
Malcolm will provide H & P with note to accompany the AGM
Minutes which are to be mailed to every homeowner,
thanking all who voted on the common ground issue and
advising the outcome.
Action: Malcolm
Chairman!s report:
Common Ground:
As yet, we have had no reply from the Council regarding the
Common Ground problem but we will continue to follow this
up .Action: Malcolm
. We will ask George Veitch of Sturrock, Armstrong and
Thomson, Solicitors who acted on our behalf, to let have his
account. Action: Maclolm
Building Insurance for the blocks:.
Negotiations are ongoing and H & P have promised to let us
know the outcome of these by the end of this week - Friday
. Action: Malcolm
Smaller recycling bins for landll will be distributed by the
Council in the Autumn and the large green ones will be used
for all recycling. This may prove to be a problem for the
apartment owners but we will await their delivery before
deciding on any further action on bin areas.
Factor!s report:
H & P provided a written report that indicated no cause for
concern and advised that the outcome of the Building
Insurance negotiations should be complete by the end of this
week. After the large branch which fell from a tree into the car
park at 15-23 MRD they have instructed Frontier Foresty and
Trees shape to provide a quotation for an inspection within
our Estate.
Grounds Report:
Anne suggested that we should now be undertaking the
lopping and shaping (not felllng) of all our trees young or old
to ensure healthy growth and structure in future years. She
and Jennifer offered to obtain quotations and advice on this.
Action: Anne / Lindsay.
During her inspection of the common ground, she discovered
that the play area was in need of attention and reported that
the rubber matting was lifting and the bark requires topping
up. She will ask H & P to arrange for this to be done. She
also expressed concern about the weeds around that area
and the shoulder-high nettles in the woods. Kerax should be
asked to deal with this.
Action: Anne
Buildings: Following a report about rust on the crash barriers and the
end of the cul -de-sacs, and the state of the end walls at 11,
14 and 19 MRA, Brian offered have a look at these and make
recommendations to the residents concerned..
Action Brian
Estate Agent boards will be allowed at the North side only of
15-23 MR Drive on the understanding that they will be
removed immediately after the property has been sold or let.
Following the break-on of the cycle store, and despite the
insurance company agreeing to replace the door, nothing has
been done.
Action: H & P
Re-carpeting of the common areas in the blocks is being
considered. Janet advised that the carpeting in 1MRA was
actually thread-bare in some places. Brian will liaise with
block reps on this. Action: Brian/Janet
Treasurer!s Report:
Funds are unchanged from those submitted to the AGM . An
account for 620.00 is being submitted to H & P for
reimbursement of the MROA annual fees.
A.O.C.B. None
Meeting closed 7.45pm with thanks to Sandy for hosting.
Next meeting Monday 13
October, 6.30pm at Janet!s at
1/1 Margaret Rose Avenue.

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