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"All Black Everything" lyrics


"All Black Everything"
You would never know
If you could ever be
If you never try
You would never see
Stayed in Africa
We aint never leave
So there were no slaves in our history
Were no slave ships, were no misery, call me crazy, or isnt he
See I fell asleep and I had a dream, it was all black everything
[Verse 1]
h, and we aint get e!ploited
White man aint feared so he did not destroy it
We aint work for free, see they had to employ it
"uilt it up together so we e#ually appointed
$irst %&& years, see we actually en'oyed it
(onstitution written by the W)*)") +u "ois
Were no reconstructions, (ivil War got avoided
,ittle black Sambo grows up to be a lawyer
*!tra e!tra on the news stands
"lack woman voted head of -u -lu! -lan
.alcolm ,ittle dies as a old man
.artin ,uther -ing read the eulogy for him
$ollowed by "ill /0eilly who read from the 1uran
2resident "ush sends condolences from Iran
Where $/3 4ews reports live
5hat Ahmadine'ad wins .andela peace prize
You would never know
If you could ever be
If you never try
You would never see
Stayed in Africa
We aint never leave
So there were no slaves in our history
Were no slave ships, were no misery, call me crazy, or isnt he
See I fell asleep and I had a dream, it was all black everything
[Verse 2]
h, and it aint no pro'ects
-eepin it real is not an understood concept
Yea, comple!ions not a contest
(ause racism has no conte!t
6ip hop aint got a section called conscious
*verybody rappin like crack never happened
(rips never occurred no "loods to attack them
.atter of fact no hood to attack in
Somalia is a great place to rela! in
$red Astaire was the first to do a backspin
5he 0at 2ack was cool group of black men
5hat inspired five white guys called 5he 7acksons
*minem fitted in but then again he inspired a black rapper tryin to mimic him
And thats what really rose up out of .ichigan, the sign of white rapper by the name of 8& (ent, ha9
LUPE FIASCO LYRICS - All Black Everything
1 of 2 4.8.2014. 20:53
You would never know
If you could ever be
If you never try
You would never see
Stayed in Africa
We aint never leave
So there were no slaves in our history
Were no slave ships, were no misery, call me crazy, or isnt he
See I fell asleep and I had a dream, it was all black everything
[Verse 3]
h, and I know its 'ust a fantasy
I cordially invite you to ask why cant it be:
4ow we can do nothing bout the past
"ut we can do something about the future that we have
We can make fast or we can make it last
*very woman 1ueenin and every man a -ingin
When those color lines come we cant see between
We 'ust close our eyes til its all black every;56I4<9
You would never know
If you could ever be
If you never try
You would never see
Stayed in Africa
We aint never leave
So there were no slaves in our history
Were no slave ships, were no misery, call me crazy, or isnt he
See I fell asleep and I had a dream, it was all black everything
,2* $IAS(/ lyrics are property and copyright of their owners)
=All "lack *verything= lyrics provided for educational purposes and personal use only)
Copyright !"""#!"$% A&Lyrics'co(
LUPE FIASCO LYRICS - All Black Everything
2 of 2 4.8.2014. 20:53

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