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Suggestion to prepare your center for the ONE week in September 2014

The ONE Conversations

See it. Feel it. Say it.
Many people say God is Love. What does that mean to you?
What is the diference between Gods Love and human love?
We often refer to God as the Ocean of Peace.
What is peace and in what sense is God The Ocean?
God forgives everything is that true, if so why, if not why not? What is the diference
between divine forgiveness and ordinary everyday human forgiveness?
What is purity exactly?
Why does God remain totally pure and why do we lose our purity?
If God is the source of truth what is truth? Is there a diference
between truth and God? How does truth difer from knowledge and wisdom?
God is sometimes seen as the Merciful One! Gods mercy is said to be unlimited!
What is mercy and what makes Gods mercy diferent from human mercy?
The power of God is often held up as the ultimate power.
What does it mean to say God is the most powerful? How do we know the power of God?
Bring the family together at the Center on one night
a week for seven weeks prior to the ONE week in
September and have a group meditation on the
following topics (the qualities of God) followed
by a sharing/discussion of everyones insights and
realizations from their meditation.
Use the questions below prior to the meditation
and to initiate the conversation/sharing that follows.

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