Techgoal July 2014 Issue

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1 K.J. Somaiya Institute Of Management Studies and Research

2 K.J. Somaiya Institute Of Management Studies and Research
Google I/O 2014
Did you miss some or all of the
news out of Google I/O 2014?
eres a summary of what Google
showed of, ranging from a new
version of Android to bringing its mobile
sofware to cars, televisions and your
wrist. Google unveiled everything from
Android to wearable news at its annual
developers show. Here are the develop-
ments that mater most.

Androi d versi on " L"
This year, Google decided not to ofcially launch a new version of Android, but to showcase the "L"-named preview
instead. This will give developers more tme to bring their apps up to speed before Android "L" is released. What's
new? Well, there are some design changes here and there (some minor, some more important, coming from Android
4.4 Kit Kat), the ART runtme is now set as default (bringing extra batery life and graphics performance), search is
beter, security is improved courtesy of Samsung's Knox, tweaks to notfcatons are being added, and developers .
Androi d Wear
As the name suggests, Android Wear is designed for wearable's. It works with touch-enabled devices, and was show-
cased on smart watches. It ofers Google Now with voice support and apps mirroring (install an app on your Android
smartphone or tablet and a wearable companion app is automatcally installed on Android Wear). You can already
buy two smart watches running Android Wear, from LG and Samsung (the later pictured right), with Motorola's ofer-
ing, Moto 360, coming a bit later.
Androi d TV
Android TV was a very expected announcement but it didnt disappoint. Id say Android TV looks like what Google TV
should have been: A great 10-foot user interface with voice search and Android phones or tablets as remote controls.
I was very impressed by the search feature: A request to see all of the 2001 Oscar-Nominated flms quickly returned
the right results, making it easy to watch any of the flms or see more informaton about them. Sony and Sharp have
already commited to including Android TV functonality in their upcoming 4k television lines.
3 K.J. Somaiya Institute Of Management Studies and Research
Androi d ONE
Android One is a new brand, for lack of a better word, but what is it?
Android One is a program similar to the Googles
Nexus efort; however, its aimed at a diferent
type of market. Where Nexus devices are meant
to show of the pure Android experience in rela-
tvely high-end hardware, Android One is for low-
cost devices. Google is setng hardware specifca-
tons for Android One devices, which will run
stock Android. Handset partners will produce the
phones for markets where feature phones are stll
in the majority: These are for frst-tme
smartphone buyers. That means the cost has to
stay down. Google showed of an Android One phone from Micromax that costs under $100. It stll has a 4.5-inch IPS
display though, supports two SIM cards and includes an FM radio. Since Android 4.4 was rewriten to run beter on
lesser hardware, the overall experience should stll be good for the price.
4 K.J. Somaiya Institute Of Management Studies and Research
Infosys welcomes new CEO
nfosys Ltd, India's second - largest IT services export-
er, has for the frst tme picked an outsider as chief
executve ofcer, as it seeks to boost sales of high-
margin services like cloud computng and stem a staf
Vishal Sikka, a former member of executve board at
German sofware company SAP AG has the technical sav-
vy to herald what analysts expect will be a strategy over-
haul at Infosys, which, like its compettors Tata Consul-
tancy Services Ltd and Wipro Ltd has relied on labor-
intensive, low-margin
contracts from West-
ern clients.
But it could be at least
a year before Sikka is
able to turn around a
company that was
once a poster child of
India's $100-plus bil-
lion IT services indus-
try. Some investors
say Infosys failed to move up the value-chain because of
its risk-averse management culture.
"Infosys needs some change and with his track-record in
emerging technology areas, high value services, Sikka
will be able to bring that change," said Juergen Maiar, a
Vienna-based fund manager for Raifeisen Euroasien Ak-
Being appointed by Infosys, Vishal Sikka is expected to
introduce new innovatve projects in the IT sector as well.
As Sikka lead the development of the HANA
product, that was the quickest to reach $1 billion in sales
in the company's history.
Vishal brings valuable experience as a lead
of a large, global corporaton. His illustrious
track record and value system make him an
ideal choice to lead Infosys, Murthy said.

As part of the reshufe,
N. R. Narayana Murthy
and S. Gopalakrishnan
will voluntarily step
down as executve chair-
man and executve vice
chairman of the compa-
ny, though they will
contnue on the Board
untl October in
non-executve roles for an orderly transiton.

Shares of Infosys surged as much as 3.75% on BSE follow-
ing Sikkas appointment. At 11am, however, the shares
reversed gains to trade 1.25% lower at Rs.3,138 apiece,
while the benchmark Sensex gained 0.31% to 25,553.55
5 K.J. Somaiya Institute Of Management Studies and Research
Tizen A Google free OS ?
izen is a Linux-based open-source operatng system
(kind of like Android!) that wants to be the brains
of every gadget you own. It's existed since 2012, but is
fnally startng to show up on actual gadgets you can

Tizen isn't trying to reinvent smartphones from the
botom up. Like Androidor more specifcally the An-
droid Open Source Project (ASOP)it's born out of good
old fashioned Linux. Even beter, Tizen is supposed to
have great batery life.

Samsung already controls 65% of the Android-
device market, so why should it even bother with Tizen?
Because it uses Android, Samsung's current mobile-
device strategy relies on Google. What's more, the fu-
ture directon of the platorm is shaped by Google, not
Samsung. With Tizen, Samsung has the opportunity to
build its own platorm.
Not only can Samsung customize this
platorm in ways that Google won't let it
(say, put in a diferent default mapping cli-
ent or make changes to the interface), it
also has the potental to build its own app
ecosystem one that Samsung, not
Google, can proft from it.
However, from an ofering side of things,
Samsung has a challenge ahead of them. To
get the same reach as Google, Tizen will
need to ofer or provide alternatves for all
the Google services that have become an integrated part
of Android. Otherwise, they will have a barrier that will
inhibit consumers from adaptng to this latest OS.

And so we ask you: what do you think will
happen with Tizen?
the point of Tizen isn't to steal
business from the 1.5 billion
users who already have tablets,
smartphones it's to atract the
next 2 billion smartphone users.
6 K.J. Somaiya Institute Of Management Studies and Research
Weakening Indian PC market
number of PC companies have invested in sales and marketng and manufacturing in India, citng the country as
one of the fastest growing markets. The slowdown in
the Indian PC market forecast by IDC is not likely to make
them change their plans. A Dell spokeswoman, for example,
said Thursday that the company remains commited to in-
vestng in India. The company has increased its market share
in the fourth quarter, taking second place for the frst tme.
Demand from business customers has been the worst hit in
India, with shipments to this segment shrinking sharply, said
Kapil Dev Singh, country manager of IDC India. PC sales have
fallen in recent years, hurt by surging demand for tablets and
other mobile devices. But quarterly figures released Wednesday by the research firms Gartner and International Data
Corp show the global slump is easing. Consumer demand, which had not been afected so far, is also beginning to
slow down.
Flipkart acquires Myntra
arking the biggest consolidaton in the e-commerce space in India, homegrown e-retailer Flipkart has acquired
online fashion retailer Myntra in an estmated Rs 2,000 crore deal. While the companies did not disclose the
deal size, sources suggest the deal could be worth about Rs 2,000 crores. While Flipkart is perhaps the closest compet-
tor to Amazon in India, its acquisiton of Myntra is expected to
play a major role in it gaining market share in the online fashion
retail sector. Myntra claims to be the biggest fashion portal in
Indias e-commerce industry.
"It is a 100% acquisiton and going forward, we have big plans in
this segment. Flipkart and Myntra are getng together to create
one of the largest e-commerce stories and together we will
dominate the market," Flipkart co-founder and CEO Sachin
Bansal told reporters .
7 K.J. Somaiya Institute Of Management Studies and Research
Most Tweeted Football Match
he semifnal 7-1 Germany vs Brazil World Cup match was so
painful, that you didn't even have to be watching to know Brazil
was getng destroyed on its home turf. As it turns out, you
probably didn't need to be watching to join the discussion, either.
According to Twiter, there were 35.6 million tweets about the match
at last count, making it the most-talked-about sports game on the
social network ever. And yes, that's "most-discussed sports game,
period," not just the most-discussed football match. Which makes
sense: This was no ordinary game. Germany became the frst team to
score fve goals in the frst 29 minutes of a World Cup match, and its
total of seven goals is also the most scored ever during a World Cup semi-fnals face-of. Just goes to show that the
people like goals as much as they enjoy embarrassing losses.
Unlimited Storage
lobal search engine Google is offering unlim-
ited storage, advanced audit reporting and new
security controls for businesses" through its
new Drive service at $10 per month ,the company
said. As businesses want more control, security and
visibility to check how files are shared, our new ver-
sion of 'Drive for Work' offers unlimited storage for
businesses at a nominal subscription," the company's
Indian subsidiary said in a statement here. As a cloud
storage service, Google Drive allows users to store
documents, photos, videos in one place and access
documents to create, share and collaborate from any-
where online. "Though a workplace is full of files that capture the best ideas and the most productive collaborations,
they (files) are not useful if users are unable to access or share them effectively. The new Drive keeps all users' work
safe and makes it easy to share," the statement noted.
8 K.J. Somaiya Institute Of Management Studies and Research
From Professors Diary
Impact of Social Networking in
he social networking sites are basically a soluton
for teachers to be constantly in touch with the stu-
dents. The main role of social networks is to coagulate
virtual learning communites within the scope of discus-
sions on topics such as scientfc subjects, virtual experi-
ments or other various themes as exams preparaton.
The technology has brought the informaton to such an
extent that the informaton can be retrieved from any-
where, anytme and any format. It is also provided
through the educatonal websites which can be upload-
ed and downloaded through the mobiles and various
PDA devices.
In the area of social networking, recent surveys high-
lighted that 30% of Facebook users and 37% of Twiter
are using the networks from mobile devices
Create Custom list:
The educatonal and social websites maintain the custom
list of students and mange them in related to the subjects
or topics. The students belonging to a single group can
exchange and post their ideas and the subject related
informaton within the forum.

Exchanging informaton:
The laboratory experiments, theoretcal questonnaires
can be exchanged in the form of multmedia fles which
can encompass the fgures and tables along with the

Research assistance:
The blogs and the forums can be used for conductng sur-
vey and to understand the current trends in the market
through discussions. This can also be used to collate the
related informaton in a single place from where the
diferent paterns can be retrieved and published for fur-
ther discussion.

This kind of web groups provides an easy collaboraton
among various similar web groups. For example a person
may have an account with Facebook as well twiter.
Survey report on social network usage through
mobile devices
9 K.J. Somaiya Institute Of Management Studies and Research
In both the social sites the group of user would vary. The partcipaton on both diferent groups will increase the scope
of informaton exchange and improve on the quality of informaton through more discussions.
User friendly:
Todays web media is made so simpler that the access can be made from anywhere through any devices and in any
format. Most of the sites are made in a simple way which can be accessed with minimum technical background. These
sites are informaton driven rather than technology. So anybody can easily enter and access the informaton inde-
pendently without much technical assistance.
Open access:
As the current generaton is moving towards the open source, the social websites promote the open access to the in-
formaton to all levels of users. The communites partcipatng in the forum belongs to diferent levels of understanding
and working culture. An educatonal website or the forum may have the members like the teacher, students, lab ad-
ministrators, tutors, parents etc. Every user can openly post and correct the comments.
Social cognitve theory, connectvism and open thinking were the three major philosophical infuences for the develop-
ment and facilitaton of open, connected, and social. The open connectvity provides an independent access towards
the content. It also raises the concern about the security and the accuracy. As a whole by implementng a strong secu-
rity backbone and an intellectual third party verifcaton, it can enhance the benefts of the social web applicatons to
the educatonal community. It can also bring a seamless educaton environment wherein the intellectual exchange and
enhancement would become easy.
10 K.J. Somaiya Institute Of Management Studies and Research

MCA , MCM, Pursuing PhD (networks)
Is an Assistant Professor in IT- MCA department at K. J. Somaiya Inst-
tute of Management Studies and Research. She has over 20 years of
teaching experience in the feld of sofware engineering, Sofware
Testng, sofware project Management and Informaton systems ,
Management and related subjects. She has done visitng in several edu-
catonal insttutes in Mumbai. She has writen and presented several
research papers in Natonal and Internatonal conferences. Hobbies are
reading, writng , cooking and listening music.

1.Spanish language has been introduced in 3
Semester of MCA.
2.Placement commitee for the year 2014-16 has been formed. Team Techgoal
congratulates the selected members.

The next leaf
Latest happenings in MCA @ SIMSR
11 K.J. Somaiya Institute Of Management Studies and Research
MCA 2013-16
MCA 2013-16
MCA 2013-16
MCA 2013-16

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