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J4 Tactcs to Boost GradGuru Adopton on Your CoIIege

1. Send out dedcated emaIs wth mages and cons, links !o Google Play and
/pp S!ore. We recommend a! leas! one per week a !he s!ar! o! !he academic
Z. Post on your Facebook page once every Z-8 days wi!h !he !ollowing message
(or any message o! your own).
ley X s!uden!sl Lon'! !orge! !o check ou! all !he impor!an! deadlines on
!he !ree GradGuru appl Lownload GradGuru !or FHEE in !he i1unes s!ore
or Google Play.
GradGuru i1unes s!ore download. h!!ps.JJi!
GradGuru Google Play download. h!!!oreJappsJ
8. Post vdeo, GradGuru con, Inks to stores, and content on your webste andJ
or ntranet.
Calendar Page
/cademic Calendar
Financial /id page
lmpor!an! da!es


4. Tweet about t:
Lon'! !orge! !o check ou! all !he academic, !inancial aid and !rans!er
deadlines !or Fall Z014. Lownload 1L/l h!!p.JJgradguru.weebly.comJ
download-!oday.h!ml (make !his a bi!ly)
Lownload GradGuru app on i1unes and Google Play !or deadlines and !ipsl
6. Send out a text !o all s!uden!s !ha! includes !he link (l! your school has a campus-
wide !ex!ing sys!em)
ley lCl Lon'! !orge! !o check ou! all !he academic, !inancial aid and
!rans!er deadlines !or Fall Z014. Now available on !he GradGuru appl ou
can download !he GradGuru !or FHEE in !he i1unes s!ore or Google Play.
Lownload on our websi!e. h!!p.JJgradguru.weebly.comJdownload-
GradGuru i1unes s!ore download. h!!ps.JJi!
GradGuru Google Play download. h!!!oreJappsJ
6. lave all counseIors teII students about GradGuru. lave !liers in o!!ices.
7. lave !eachers !ell !heir s!uden!s !o download !he app
8. Put up fIyers in common areas such as ca!e!eria, books!ore, admissions o!!ice,
!rans!er o!!ice, !inancial aid o!!ice. (We can provide QH codes !or !his as well. l can
give you pas! !liers i! needed).
9. Hand out fIers in !he quad or regis!ra!ion, !inancial, counseling o!!ices
10. Add to sgnature Ines wi!h links !o download page
11. Add to non home pages (iden!i!y highes! !ra!!ic pages and pos! icons on !hose)
1Z. Provde caII centers wth nfo on GradGuru.
18. Offer ncentves (like !ree !ood) !o !hose who download i!.
14. Consder creatng an Ambassador Corps o! s!uden!s who encourage
16. lncorpora!e in!o welcome week, orien!a!ion, s!uden! ac!ivi!y !airs, e!c.


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