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FreedomFreedom from Tired Irony

3. Languages have kill switches only when False.
4. They are the Nets of Consonants and Vowels.
5. Furthermore, they store all the Truth's Treasures.
6. Freedom to Live and Live Happily, Bliss.
7. Magic,, Love, Faith, take it all for nothing.
8. No word would a gun trigger nor crown king.
9. For the Language is of Love or it Isn't.
10. It ceases to be Ceremonious.
11. Yet it, too, has Defenses, the Bards these.
12. We teach Peace before War and after War.
13. Nothing as far-fetched as Death has Power.
14. Such as these, my lips that bless kiss your Eyes:
15. You are greater than any given Source.
16. For you are my Love and my Love Endures.
17. LikeLike Promote Share
Flower Grrlla likes this.

19. Ayy Edith
20. 25 minutes ago
23. As Gaza is sad what about white trash?
24. We're forced to smile by tyranny's lash.
25. The English claim our language as there's
26. THen use it to Fabricate for Bedlam.
27. THey banish the magic from their Mosses.
28. Who does that and gets away with it, Soul?
29. Makes verse of Love into verse of Bedlam,
30. Again and never tires of the Bedlam.
31. The Lamb wakened to life as a Blood spill
32. The Sheets of Othello riddled with weapons.
33. The World is a Theatre not a Louse.
34. You ask why I shout in your Idiom,
35. It belongs to the one who mastered Some.
36. Not to the Lesser companion of Beds.
37. But to its greatest quality of Flesh
38. Like
40. from Tired Irony
42. Languages have kill switches only when False.
43. They are the Nets of Consonants and Vowels.
44. Furthermore, they store all the Truth's Treasures.
45. Freedom to Live and Live Happily, Bliss.
46. Magic,, Love, Faith, take it all for nothing.
47. No word would a gun trigger nor crown king.
48. For the Language is of Love or it Isn't.
49. It ceases to be Ceremonious.
50. Yet it, too, has Defenses, the Bards these.
51. We teach Peace before War and after War.
52. Nothing as far-fetched as Death has Power.
53. Such as these, my lips that bless kiss your Eyes:
54. You are greater than any given Source.
55. For you are my Love and my Love Endures.
56. LikeLike Promote Share
Flower Grrlla likes this.

58. Ayy Edith
59. 25 minutes ago
62. As Gaza is sad what about white trash?
63. We're forced to smile by tyranny's lash.
64. The English claim our language as there's
65. THen use it to Fabricate for Bedlam.
66. THey banish the magic from their Mosses.
67. Who does that and gets away with it, Soul?
68. Makes verse of Love into verse of Bedlam,
69. Again and never tires of the Bedlam.
70. The Lamb wakened to life as a Blood spill
71. The Sheets of Othello riddled with weapons.
72. The World is a Theatre not a Louse.
73. You ask why I shout in your Idiom,
74. It belongs to the one who mastered Some.
75. Not to the Lesser companion of Beds.
76. But to its greatest quality of Flesh
77. Like

Then there was Twitter....That Blew the House down.
Like a Bad Wolf with Fangs and desires.
A Neowulf Beo couldn't imagine.
Worse yet the Jew was the stereotyped too.
Old Shakespeare created many Moslems
THough not intending to, he forsake Love
Each of his Jews is barbarian, Semitic,
Though we inherit Romeo and Juliet,
We prefer to be Denmark's ear poison.
Why I say "we" is a mystery to me.
I am not English nor speak it too great.
I did not create Shylock nor Hitler.
I'd die for my Ideals and then some.
I'd write ten thousand verses to Bedlam.

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