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a. check whether the short circuit CPU voltage
b. MOS tube 5V and 3V voltage is normal
c. check motherboard VI!"VI5 signal
d. #$V Power Management Chi% ! ohm a&&ect' MOS ca%acitor &or the wrong side o& the tube will
a&&ect the voltage
e. VI()OO signal
$. *o clock
a &irst check the clock chi% $.5V and 3.3V %ower su%%l+ is normal
b #,.3#-M./ whether the starting cr+stal oscillator' ca%acitor bad or adverse a&&ect bod+
vibration can not a&&ord to
c check the clock chi% V00(P12) 3intel chi%set4
3"d clock chi% resistor
e bad bod+ clock chi%
IMM on the clock5
6 check whether the out%ut clock &re7uenc+ chi%s to *orth 8ridge
Check the %ower su%%l+ $ IMM and $ .. 5V #.$5V is normal 3ne9t to the re&erence voltage
#.$5V *orthbridge is normal4
3. IMM clock chi% is bad
, *orth 8ridge to the clock chi% $$ ohm is normal
5. *orthbridge %oor bod+
3. CPU reset signal
a. check whether the normal voltage and &re7uenc+. 3IMM easil+ under a bad transistor4
b. clock chi% resistance' e9clusion is normal
c. *orth 8ridge to the IMM &re7uenc+ out%ut is normal. 3I*0:;. VI6. SIS chi%set' the a&oresaid
signal line is working
d. *orth 8ridge to the CPU signal lines 6 8lock
e. SIS PCI board investigation o& <26M: = and :VS:; = signal' i& the normal two signals can be
ruled out 8IOS and
1-3>?@ %ossible' the network will also a&&ect the *orth 8ridge chi% and
&. *VII6As board 8IOS and 1-3>?@ will a&&ect not reset
g. *orth 8ridge Ontolog+ bad 3*VII6 and the SIS board' 8IOS will not a&&ect the CPU reset4
,. 0he whole board without reset
a check whether basic su%%l+ voltage and &re7uenc+ o& normal
b check whether the out%ut reset signal to the Southbridge MS(50 $ &eet 33V reset voltage4
c check MS"5 3.,.5"%in voltage is normal' with or without short"circuit
d South 8ridge is %oor bod+
e check switch on the <P"2S0 signal is connected to a 3V voltage general MS"5' clock' network
chi%s' MS"3
& check MS"5 in the PO1:2 )OO ,$ &eet and P12"OB ,>"%in signal is normal
g check MS"@ in the &irst , &eet and @ &eet PO1:2)OO signals whether the out%ut signal , into
PO1:2)OO @
Out check VCC$.5V and whether the short"circuit short"circuit the *orthbridge #.$5V bad
5 reset does not boot
a. clock. reset. Southbridge voltage is normal
b. Charles P1"OB' and P12")OO signal is normal
c. 00; circuits and related com%onents' check whether the abnormal
d. check the 6 PCI signal and control signal to the South 8ridge
e. South 8ridge %oor bod+
&. South 8ridge side o& the &re7uenc+ o& the cr+stal 3$.@>-B less will a&&ect the reset does not
o%en' will also a&&ect the COM %ort test' but
g. MS"3 is normal
h. *VII6 chi%set' 8IOS is bad
@ ela+ start
a. clock &re7uenc+' voltage is normal
b. clock chi% side o& the resistance' e9clusion' with or without &re7uenc+ out%ut
c. 00; circuits and MS"5' MS"@ is related to the normal line
d. network chi% voltage is normal or %oor bod+
e. 8IOS to the South 8ridge' the signal is normal
- reset 8oot
a. check whether the bad 8IOS in&ormation
b. check reset' whether the low &re7uenc+
c. check <P"2S0 signal and related com%onents are normal
d. PCI lines are normal to the South 8ridge
e. South 8ridge Ontolog+ bad run
a. check PCI bus
b. check 8IOS 8us
c. check CPU bus
d. 8IOS %oor bod+
e. I C O chi%
&. Clock Chi%
g. MS"3
h. South 8ridge run 3
a. Clear CMOS
b. u%date 8IOS in&ormation
c. whether the connection is bad memor+
d. motherboard memor+ %ower su%%l+ is normal IMM3.3V' 2$.5V #.$5V
e. check the memor+ &re7uenc+
&. check MS.M.26S.C6S
g. check the 6 CPU signal. control line
h. check @,<$,,.@,<$,5 bu&&er board 3@!
i. check I C O chi%
D. check the memor+ to the *orth 8ridge o& the signal line' the memor+ on the ?# and ?$ &eet
o& %otential signal 3V' through live I C O clock' Southbridge best .uabu Bai machine
a. check CMOS settings are consistent with the CPU itsel&' the &re7uenc+
b. check CPU multi%lier signal 3, signals directl+ to the South 8ridge4
c. check the voltage settings are normal
d. check CPUAs control signalsE
e. check clock chi% %ower su%%l+. out%ut &re7uenc+ is normal
&. check MS"3 3ne9t to the %ower transistor' the voltage down4
Short"circuit board
#. Observation
$. 0ouch method
3. :9clusion
,. <rom small range to large"scale
5. 6 signal line *orth 8ridge voltage 5V' 3.3V' $.5V' #.-V' 2"V00' VCO2:' VCC"6)P' V00"VI
South 8ridge Voltage 3.3V' $5V' #.-V' #.5V' 3VS8
I C O 5V' 3.3V' 5VS8
8IOS 3.3V' 5V
6udio chi% 3.3V' 5V -@3- is 5V
*etwork chi% 3.3V' 3VS8
Power management chi% #$V' 5V' VCO2:
Clock 3.3V' $.5V
@5'$3$ %lus or minus #$V' 5V
South 8ridge PCI on #,PI* have 3VS8
<or the short"circuit boards to re%air
a search o& all 6 board signal lines' including 3CPU 8lock' PCI' IMM' IS64
b. other control signals and clock chi%' the clock chi% out%ut %in' all the I C O inter&ace signals
and diodes are normal 3resistance4
CPU voltage anomalies to maintenance
a. &irst check CPU voltage' %ower management ICs and MOS tube a short circuit and burn out
b. check the signal is normal VI!"VI5
Three main points of the motherboard repair
#' non-maintenane of e!etriit"
#' Southbridge 3electricit+4 #' Southbridge 3electricit+4
$' I C O 3%ower su%%l+4 $' I C O 3Power4
3' the door circuit 3VCC4 3' the door circuit 3VCC4
,' FG 3both ends voltage4 ,' FG 3both ends voltage4
5' COMS batter+ 5' COMS batter+
>' Hum% 3Dum%er ca%4 $.5V"3.3V >' Hum% 3Dum%er ca%4 $.5V"3.3V
@' Power"on is not level transistor 5V @' Power"on is not level transistor 5V
-' 5VS8 -' 5VS8
?' %ower"on ?' %ower"on
Second' no reset of maintenane #eond$ no reset of maintenane
#' check the clock chi%As %ower su%%l+ 3.3"$.5V' inductor or greater than the amount o& around
! Ohm resistor. #' check the clock chi%As %ower su%%l+ 3.3"$.5V' inductor or greater than the
amount o& around ! Ohm resistor.
$' the amount o& #,.3#- cr+stal work is normal' in turn' the amount o& two &eet' voltage #.5"
#.>V. $' the amount o& #,.3#- cr+stal work is normal' in turn' the amount o& two &eet' voltage
3' Power"ok there is no 5V voltage' i& not' check the circuit along the line. 3' Power"ok there is
no 5V voltage' i& not' check the circuit along the line.
,' the amount o& South 8ridge' the clock signal is normal' the amount o& 33!'$$!'##! ne9t to
the voltage #.>V. ,' the amount o& South 8ridge' the clock signal is normal' the amount o&
33!'$$!'##! ne9t to the voltage #.>V.
5' Southbridge %ower su%%l+ to normal' the amount o& MOS' ###@ have 3.3 or 5V su%%l+. 5'
Southbridge %ower su%%l+ to normal' the amount o& MOS' ###@ have 3.3 or 5V su%%l+.
>' the amount o& 3$.@>- cr+stal is normal intel !.5V VI6 #.5V. >' the amount o& 3$.@>- cr+stal is
normal intel !.5V VI6 #.5V.
@' the amount o& reset switch on the voltage is 3.3V or 5V' i& there is no voltage' check along
the switching line' generall+ leads to two gates' or gate leading to a &oot' another &oot leading
to gate. @' the amount o& reset switch on the voltage is 3.3V or 5V' i& there is no voltage' check
along the switching line' generall+ leads to two gates' or gate leading to a &oot' another &oot
leading to gate.
-' detection gate voltage o& 3.3V"5V. -' detection gate voltage o& 3.3V"5V.
?' the amount o& PCI' 6)8' I:' I C O reset %in to ground are not shorted. ?' the amount o& PCI'
6)8' I:' I C O reset %in to ground are not shorted.
#!' the amount o& Vcore are normal. #!' the amount o& Vcore are normal.
##' the amount o& 60F Power Su%%l+ 3.3V' #$V' 5V are normal. ##' the amount o& 60F Power
Su%%l+ 3.3V' #$V' 5V are normal.
3' %% maintenane &$ %% maintenane
#' in the voltage o& each grou% under normal circumstances' the amount o& each bus"to"ground
resistance. #' in the voltage o& each grou% under normal circumstances' the amount o& each
bus"to"ground resistance.
$' CPU to the *orth bridge 3$ address lines' >, data lines to"ground resistance 35!"@5!. $' CPU
to the *orth bridge 3$ address lines' >, data lines to"ground resistance 35!"@5!.
3' South 8ridge to the *orth 8ridge"to"ground resistance 35!"@5!. 3' South 8ridge to the *orth
8ridge"to"ground resistance 35!"@5!.
,' South 8ridge to the 6 line o& PCI"to"ground resistance should be the same. ,' South 8ridge
to the 6 line o& PCI"to"ground resistance should be the same.
5' the amount o& 8IOS' clock' reset' 6 line. 5' the amount o& 8IOS' clock' reset' 6 line.
>' brush 8IOS. >' brush 8IOS.
@' the clock IC %ower su%%l+. @' the clock IC %ower su%%l+.
-' memor+' %ower su%%l+. -' memor+' %ower su%%l+.
Motherboard fai!'re and Maintenane Basis
6 ke+ com%onent o& the motherboard is the com%uter used to connect a variet+ o& com%uter
e7ui%ment' the com%uter %la+s a vital role. I& the board &ails' +our com%uter can not %ro%erl+
used. 6t %resent more and more integrated motherboard' motherboard re%air has become
increasingl+ di&&icult' o&ten using s%ecialiIed digital testing e7ui%ment to com%lete' but the
control board and com%rehensive maintenance technolog+' the ra%id &ailure investigation board
is still ver+ necessar+.
($ a'sin) the main board fai!'re
0oda+' the integrated motherboard com%onents and circuitr+ are man+ and com%le9 reasons &or
the resulting &ailure is also relativel+ high. Common board &ailures caused b+ man+
environmental bad' but because o& 7ualit+ %roblems caused b+ the motherboardAs own &ailure
also relativel+ more' while some o& the %roblems are caused b+ human users.
($ motherboard ad*erse operatin) en*ironment
I& the board covered with dust' can cause short"circuit and other signal &ailure. I& the %ower
su%%l+ is damaged' or the %ower grid voltage transient s%ikes generated %ulses will cause the
motherboard chi% near the %ower su%%l+ %lug is damaged' causing the motherboard &ailureJ In
addition' o&ten caused b+ static electricit+ on the motherboard chi%set 3es%eciall+ CMOS chi%4
is the breakdown' causing &ailures .
+$ the motherboard itse!f$ ,'a!it" iss'es
6s the chi% on the motherboard and other com%onents o& %oor 7ualit+' the use o& aging over
time will damage the device' leading to the motherboard &ailure.
&$ h'man error
.ot"swa%%able hardware is ver+ dangerous' and man+ motherboard &ailures are caused b+ hot'
the most common is the burning o& the ke+board' mouse %ort' a serious motherboard will be
burned. Charged %luggable I C O card' board and %lug in installed when the &orceim%ro%erl+'
can result in inter&aces' chi%s damage.
+$ motherboard repair method ommon!" 'sed in
Motherboard &ault identi&ication' usuall+ through the %rogressive removal or re%lacement o&
the motherboard is connected to the board' &irst rule out the %ossible %roblems o& these
com%onents' +ou can target lock on the motherboard. 0he actual maintenance' &re7uentl+ used
re%air methods listed below.
($ obser*ation
Check &or &oreign obDects &alling into the motherboard between the com%onents. I& the
dismantling chassis' the conductive material accidentall+ &all into the motherboard com%onents
stuck in between' it could lead to K%rotection &ault.K In addition' check the motherboard and
the chassis back%lane installed between it and a small board &or the su%%ort o& small co%%er
%illarsJ whether the motherboard installed im%ro%erl+' or chassis de&ormation' leaving the
motherboard in direct contact with the chassis' so that short"circuit %rotection with automatic
%ower cut o&& %ower su%%l+.
Motherboard fai!'re and Maintenane Basis
Check the motherboard batter+5 I& the com%uter does not boot correctl+ to &ind the hard disk'
s+stem time is incorrect a&ter boot' CMOS settings can not be saved' it can &irst check the
motherboard CMOS Dum%er' the Dum%er changed to K*O2M6;K o%tion 3t+%icall+ #"$ 4 and then
re"set. CMOS Dum%er i& it is not wrong' it is likel+ because the motherboard is damaged or the
batter+ voltage o& the batter+ shortage caused' %lease tr+ &rom another motherboard batter+.
Check the motherboard *orthbridge chi%set cooling e&&ect5 some brand"name motherboard
heatsink on the *orthbridge chi%' dis%ense' and this ma+ result in chi% cooling ine&&ective'
resulting in s+stem o%eration some time a&ter the crash. :ncountered such a situation' sel&"
made heat sink can be installed' or add a cooling e&&ect o& a good chassis &an.
Check the motherboard ca%acitors5 aluminum electrol+tic ca%acitors on the motherboard
3usuall+ around the CPU socket4 internal use o& the electrol+te' due to time' tem%erature'
7ualit+ and other reasons' make it ha%%en KagingK %henomenon' which will lead to anti"
motherboard inter&ere with the decline in the im%act indicators o& machine work %ro%erl+. 1e
can bu+ with the KagingK the same siIe ca%acitor' read+ &or electric iron' solder wire' rosin' will
be KagingK can be re%laced.
ouble"check all the motherboard %lugs' sockets is skew' resistance' ca%acitance %in is
touching the sur&ace is scorched' the chi% sur&ace is cracking' co%%er &oil is blown on the
motherboardJ touch the sur&ace o& some chi%s' i& the abnormal burning can &or a chi% to tr+J
encountered areas o& doubt' with the amount o& about multimeter.
+$ d'st %rane
0he larger board is gathering dust and more %laces. ust can easil+ lead to %oor contact socket
and the board In addition' a number o& add"in cards on the motherboard' chi% %in &orm' o&ten
because o& %oor contact %in"o9idation.
Pro%osed to use wool brush to gentl+ brush the dust on the motherboard must be care&ul not to
&orce too much or move too &ast in order to avoid the sur&ace %atches Pengdiao motherboard
com%onents or loosening o& com%onents' which result in cold solder Doint. *ote clear CPU slot
is used to detect CPU tem%erature' or the motherboard inside the chassis used to monitor the
tem%erature o& the dust on the thermal resistance' otherwise it will cause the motherboard to
the tem%erature o& recognition errors' which lead to board &ault %rotection. I& it is o9idation
caused b+ %oor contact %in socket' +ou can have the hardness o& &olded white %a%er 3smooth
sur&ace' and that &or the outside4' insert the tank back and &orth %olishedJ &or the card %ins
can be used an eraser to the sur&ace o9ide la+er' and then re " %lug.
&$ he- .hether there are short-ir'it motherboard
In what should be measured %rior to %ower on the motherboard whether there is short circuit'
to avoid accidents. Hudging methods are5 measuring the %ower chi% resistor between the %in
and the ground. 0he %ower %lug is not inserted' the resistance should normall+ be to 3!!L' the
minimum should not be less than #!!L. 0est"retest about reverse resistance values' slightl+
di&&erent' but not too much di&&erence. I& the %ositive and negative or close to the resistance
o& a small turn"on' it shows a short circuit occurs the motherboard.
Motherboard short circuit reason ma+ be that the motherboard is damaged' the resistors and
ca%acitors' or have conductive debris' it could be the motherboard being the breakdown o& the
chi%. 0o &ind out the breakdown o& the chi%' +ou can %ower"measurement o& the %ower %lug.
)enerall+ measured %ower su%%l+ M5 V and M#$ V. 1hen the+ &ind out too much o& a voltage
deviation &rom the standard' +ou can cut through the se%aration or some lead' or un%lug some
chi%s test"retest voltage. 1hen cut a certain wire or un%lug a %iece o& silicon' i& the voltage
becomes normal' then this leads to the com%onent lead or %ull down the chi%' that is' &ailures.
Motherboard fai!'re and Maintenane Basis
/$ p!') e0han)e
0his method can determine the &ailure is on the motherboard' or in the I C O deviceN 0hat is'
the same t+%e %lug"in board' or chi% e9change' and then the changes in the %henomenon o&
&ailure to determine &ailures. It is mainl+ used &or eas+ %lug maintenance environment' such as
memor+' sel&"test error' e9changeable same memor+ chi% or memor+ to determine the cause o&
0o do so5 <irst o&&' and then %ull out the %lug"in board"b+"blockJ each %ulled out a sheet on the
observation o& the machine start running' once %ulled out a %iece' the board is running
normall+' then the %lug"in board is &ault+' or the corres%onding I C O bus slots and the load
circuit &aultJ i& it %ulled out all the %lug"in boards' the s+stem not boot normall+' then the &ault
is likel+ on the motherboard.
1$ stati 2 d"nami meas'rement method
Static measurement5 ;et the board be sus%ended in a close"u% mode' according to the logical
%rinci%le o& the circuit or chi% out%ut and in%ut o& the logical relationshi% between the use
multimeter or logic level %en measuring the relevant %oints to anal+Ie and Dudge the cause o&
+namic Measurement and 6nal+sis o& ;aw5 the %re%aration o& s%eci&ic %rocedures or arti&icial
assertion normal conditions' the machine is running' measured with the oscillosco%e to observe
the wave&orm com%onents' and com%ared with the normal wave&orm in order to determine
&ault location.
6s the control logic on the motherboard increasingl+ integrated' so its logical correctness' has
become ver+ di&&icult to determine b+ measuring. 2ecommend that +ou &irst determine the
relationshi% between the logic chi% and a sim%le resistance"ca%acitance com%onents' and then
&ocused on the logical relationshi% &ailure is hard to determine the large"scale integrated
circuit chi%s.
3$ pro)ram testin) method
0he 6ct is mainl+ used &or checking a variet+ o& inter&ace circuits' as well as a variet+ o& circuit
%arameters with the address whether there is &ault' its %rinci%le is to use the so&tware to send
data' commands' through reading the line status' and a chi% 3such as the register4 state' to
identi&+ the &ault site.
0o use this method' +our CPU and the bus must be running normall+' be able to run the
diagnostic so&tware that can run the installation on the I C O bus slots on the diagnosis o& cards.
Gou can use the random diagnostic %rocedures' s%ecial maintenance diagnostics card' or on the
basis o& technical %arameters 3such as inter&ace address4' s%eci&ic diagnostic %rocedures to
su%%ort sel&"com%iled hardware maintenance. .owever' +ou write the diagnostic %rocedures to
be strict' com%rehensive and &ocused' enabling emergence o& certain ke+ %arts o& a regular
signal' able to carr+ out re%eated tests occasional &ailure' it will show an error o& record.

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