Extra, Extra, Read All About It: Kenton County Recorder

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Many thanks to those of you who were able to attend my commissioning service on September 13! I
was overwhelmed by your kindness and generosity and was sent off with a heart full of gratitude
knowing that you stand with me. Although this “disturbance” was not reported in the news, you might
have felt the tremors on October 20 when I received my final clearance. The tremors were from my
jumps for joy. I had already planned to leave around the first of November, that e-mail made me
“legal”. My mom was able to move into her apartment 10 days before I left so I was able to help her
with that transition. I continue to marvel and praise God for His timing.


I left Northern Kentucky on November 1. I have to admit there were a few…ok…many tears. I was
fortunate to be able to travel with Sarah Laughlin, the daughter of my friends who are also ministering
in Dublin. We were both flying standby and realized that we weren’t going to be leaving New York as
planned when the gate attendant (who was very overwhelmed) told me to sit down because I wasn’t
getting on this plane. After the very full flight left, we went on a quest to figure out where our luggage
was (on its way to Dublin), how to rebook for the next day and where to stay. On Monday, Sarah and I
took the Hop on/Hop off tour of New York, but we did it on foot…no bus for us! I was exhausted after
having walked over 10 miles. Although Monday night was a bit calmer, the result was the same.
Imagine our delight when we got cleared to go to Dublin on Tuesday night. New York was an
unplanned interlude, but I reminded myself that God’s timing is perfect and a delay of 2 days was
nothing to fret over!

The Irish Independent

After spending a few days with the Laughlins, I moved to Finglas where Jamestown Road Baptist
Church is located. I accomplished many items of my “to do” list during that first week. I found an
apartment to let, cleared immigration, applied for my Irish equivalent of a social security number,
enquired about volunteering opportunities at a local youth centre and began formulating plans for how
I can get involved in this community and immersed in this culture. Debi, the pastor’s wife, has been so
helpful in letting me tag along to the grocery with her and answering my many questions about
products! She works part time in a shop here in Finglas that is being featured on a program on RTE,
the national television channel. I was able to help do some painting and re-organizing as the owners
and several of their friends worked hard to get the shop ready for its grand reopening. Who knew that
painting my house in KY would further the kingdom here in Ireland! The owners were very moved with
the free help that they received, not only from me, but from Rob and Debi. They were chatting with a
friend who told them that they should become Baptists! This opportunity plunged me into the midst of
their lives in a way that could have otherwise taken years and helps to strengthen the relationship that
Rob and Debi have with them already. We’re going to go out for an early bird special one night soon.

The diversity at the church is quite amazing. At a recent Tuesday night prayer meeting there were
around 21 people there and nearly 10 nationalities represented! Everyone has been so kind and I
anticipate watching these relationships with God’s people grow. I have been invited to dinner several
times and gotten a penny whistle lesson! I am going to be put on the “rota” for teaching Sunday
School and anticipate that I will be able to help with a monthly Ladies Bible Study in January.
I’ve moved into my new flat and am nearly unpacked. I successfully ran the dishwasher and
washer/dryer combo this morning. I have yet to get the setting right in the refrigerator. I had frozen
yoghurt (spelled correctly for Ireland) today! I think I turned the temperature down…we’ll see when I
return home. I’ve figured out how to lock and unlock the door and open the windows for some fresh
air. I have begun to acquaint myself with the local buses and have successfully taken several trips on
my own. I have also discovered that groceries are quite heavy when you carry them for a half a mile
=). My new water proof shoes are, indeed, waterproof. So many things that we take for granted
present a serious challenge in a new culture! There has to be lots of humor!! My new address is 16
Clearstream Court, McKee Avenue, Finglas, Dublin 11, Ireland, for those of you who have asked.

The Funnies
So in the interest of being helpful and feeling useful, I decided to do the dishes at the Laughlins. I blew
a fuse and Tim and Kathy weren’t home. I found, but couldn’t open the fuse box. I opted to try
dishwashing by candlelight. I wouldn’t recommend it! I noticed the water wasn’t very sudsy, but
attributed it to the differences between Ireland and the US. I found out later that I’d done the dishes
with something akin to Soft Scrub. Oops!

I was dismayed when I exited the immigration office to find that I’d only been approved for 6 months. I
called Deb to tell her the news and voiced my confusion over not getting permission to stay for a full
year. I read the date to her…4/11/2010 (which in reality would only be 5 months). The card really
expired on November 4, 2010. I am in Europe now…date/month/year. So much to learn…and laugh at
myself about!

I was introducing myself to a young man from Northern Ireland who was down in Dublin visiting a new
friend of mine. I was having difficulty understanding him, so I said “I’m sorry, what?” He thought my
name was Sarah White. Apparently I wasn’t the only one struggling to understand!

On a very blustery day, I decided to visit the library to check out the board of community activities and
to do a bit of reading. I found what I hoped to be an inconspicuous spot to read “The Dubliner”, an
Irish magazine. I had to chuckle when I looked up and was suddenly in the midst of a class of 12 year
old boys who were getting a lecture on how to use the library so that they could complete their
assignment on the history of Finglas. I was pulled into the lecture by the librarian as getting a “library
ticket” (card) is something that I intend to do and then I found myself inspired to pursue my own
assignment on the history of my new village. The boys were quite well behaved at the outset of the
lecture but many of them soon lost interest, until the librarian explained a magnifying machine that
was used by those with sight impairment. I could see their wheels turning. I had to smile.

Please pray for me as I set the foundation for my work here this first year! Pray that I will
make good connections with my neighbors and with other people who I will encounter on a
regular basis. Pray that I will be an encouragement to the believers here at JRBC. Thank
you for your partnership!!

by: Sue Rowland

Journalist in Ireland

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