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SuperMax V2.

0 Instruction Manual
Congratulations on your purchase of the SuperMax! You now have in your possession one
of the most powerful, compact, and technologically advanced PVs on the market today.
This manual will help you to get the best performance out of the unit, as well as answer
some questions you may have about its functions, maintenance, etc. First let's take a short
look at the basic functions of the unit.
How to Use your SuperMax
SuperMax is very easy to use. To vape with the SuperMax, there are only three parts that
you need to know about - the atomizer connector, the LED display and the main (activation)
button. These are shown in Figure 1. The display will turn on automatically when the
activation button is pressed and will show the current setting of the SuperMax and turn off
automatically after a few seconds. When not active, the unit goes into a sleep mode to
conserve power.
In addition to the LED display, there is also an audio activator inside the unit that
plays various sounds to help with its operation.

Figure 1 - The front of the SuperMax showing the indicators and controls
Vaping on the SuperMax
To vape with the SuperMax, place any atomizer, cartomizer or other compatible
topper into the 510 compatible connector, press the activation button and hold it
down. As the activation button is pressed, the audio actuator will "chirp" once to let
you know it has been pushed, and the display will show the setting of the output.
Since the SuperMax can deliver quite a bit of power to the atomizer, it is
important to keep the 510 connector clean. Any juice or other gunk on the
connector will cause a voltage drop which will degrade the performance of the
device. The best way to clean the connector is with a Q-tip and some alcohol.
Note every time the activation button is pushed for the first time the unit
measures and calibrates the output to match the setting on the LED display. Thus, if
changes are made to the output settings, it may take a fraction of a second longer
before the "Chirp" is heard. This small delay is the extra time the unit is using to
calibrate and verify the new output settings. Subsequent button pushes will not
have a delay unless further changes to the output settings are made.

Charging the SuperMax

To charge the SuperMax, plug the mini-USB charging port (shown in Figure 2) into a
compatible computer USB port or charger using the appropriate cable. While
charging, the green charging indicator light will illuminate. When the SuperMax has
completed its charging cycle, the charging indicator light will turn off. It takes about
90 minutes to complete the charge cycle.
Please note the SuperMax is designed to charge quickly and requires either a
USB standard 2.0 (or later) compatible port or a wall charger that can output at least
1000 mA. If you connect the SuperMax to an incompatible USB port or charger, it
will not damage the SuperMax but it may damage the USB port or charger.
If you plug the USB charger into the SuperMax when the battery is fully charged,
the green charge light will not illuminate. Wait until the battery has discharged a
little further (i.e. the battery display reads "-9" or less) to start the charging cycle.
This feature prevents unnecessary "shallow discharge" charges which can reduce the
life of the battery.
The SuperMax can be used as a passthrough. Simply plug in the charger into the
charging port and use the SuperMax while the charge cycle is running. The
SuperMax will typically take a little longer to complete the charge cycle when it is
being used this way, depending on how much you vape on it while it is charging. If
the battery has completely discharged it will not be possible to use SuperMax as a

Figure 2 - The side of the SuperMax showing USB charging port
Entering a Command
The SuperMax uses the same button for commands as it does for normal vaping. To execute
a command a number of button "taps" must be entered followed by a button "hold". A
button "tap" occurs when the button is held down for about a second, or long enough hear
the "chirp" sound, and then released. After a number of "taps" have been completed, the
command is executed by pressing the button one last time and holding it down for more
than 2 seconds. This is the "hold" action, like hitting the "enter" key on a computer.
As each "tap" is entered, the LED display will show a different letter for the
command which is active. This way there is no need to memorize the order of the
commands. For instance, when you "tap" the button once, a "u" is shown on the display to
indicate that one tap is the "Output Increase" or "up" command.
When entering "taps", the SuperMax will hold the tap count in its buffer for 2 seconds
before clearing it. This means that if you enter an incorrect number of taps, simply wait 2
seconds without touching the button and you can start over again. This also means that you
cannot wait longer than 2 seconds between taps or the buffer will be cleared.
One other interesting feature about entering commands is that the SuperMax will not
fire the atomizer after the first "tap" is entered. Thus while you are entering a command,
the atomizer will not be firing. As a general rule, wait at least two seconds when you enter a
command before vaping on the device normally, this is roughly the same amount of time the
display takes to turn off.

Adjusting the Settings
The SuperMax has commands which allow the user to set the unit to their preferred
operational setting. These commands are: Output Setting Up, Output Setting Down,
Lock/Unlock, Change Mode, and Audio on/off.
Output Up
To increase the output setting of the SuperMax, tap the button once - the display will
show the letter "u" (see Figure 3) - then hold. This will increment the output setting by
one step. To continue increasing, simply hold the button down and the display will
count up. Release the button when you get to the desired setting.

Figure 3 - The LED display showing the "u" (up) and "d" (down) commands

Output Down
To decrease the output setting of the SuperMax, tap the button twice - the display will
show the letter "d" (see Figure 3) - then hold. This will decrease the output by one
increment. If you wish to decrease the setting further, simply keep the button held
and the unit will count down. Release the button when you get to the desired setting.

Setting Lock/Unlock
Once the unit is set to an output level you are comfortable with, you may wish to lock
the settings. This prevents accidental or inadvertent changes to the device. It also
turns most of the audio interface off. While the unit is locked, you can still measure
the device settings, you just cannot change them except for unlocking the device.
To lock the SuperMax, enter 5 "taps" and the unit will show a small "l" on the
display (see Figure 4). Hold the button down. The display will show the letter "L" (see
Figure 5) and play the "locked" music. At this point the Increase/Decrease Output
commands, Change Mode Commands and the Mute Audio commands are deactivated.
You can still measure the battery level and resistance of the atomizer.

Figure 4 - LED display showing the "l" (lock/unlock) and "c" (change mode) commands

To unlock the SuperMax, simply repeat the command (5 "taps" followed by a
"hold") and the letter "U" will be shown on the display. The unit will also play the
"unlocked" music. The SuperMax is now unlocked and the settings can be changed as

Figure 5 - SuperMax Display showing the "L" (locked) and "U" (unlocked) functions.

Change Mode
The SuperMax can be used in either Variable Voltage (VV) or Variable Wattage (VW)
mode. In VV mode, the output is set to a constant voltage and in VW mode the output
is set to a constant power. To switch modes, enter 6 "taps" - the display will show a
small "c" (see Figure 4) - followed by a "hold". There are two different musical tones
which are played at this point, depending on whether the unit is going into VV or VW
You can tell if the unit is in VV or VW mode by the display and the actions of the
Output Up and Output Down adjustment commands. In VV mode, the adjustment will
vary from 3.0 to 6.0 in 0.1V increments. In VW mode, the adjustment will vary from
5.0 to 10 in 0.5W increments, then 10 to 82 in increments of 1W.

Figure 6 - The display difference between VV (4.2 volts) and VW mode (20 watts)

Mute Audio
Some users may wish to use the SuperMax without the audio interface. To turn the
audio off, enter 7 "taps" - the display will show a "o" for audio on/off - followed by a
"hold". When you do this, the unit will turn the audio off completely. To turn the
audio back on, enter the same command. The unit will play the Liberty Bell March
to let you know the audio is active again. See Figure 7 for what the "o" looks like on
the display.
The Mute Audio command is different from the Lock/Unlock command in the
sense that it does not effect the state of the device. When the unit is locked but the
audio is not muted, it will still play some sounds for the measurement commands such
as check battery. When the audio is muted, the unit will not emit any sounds.

Figure 7 - LED display showing the "o" (audio on/off) command.

Making Measurements

Measurement commands allow the SuperMax to measure and display certain useful
operational parameters. For instance, in normal vape mode, the display measures and
shows the voltage or power that the unit is outputting.
Battery Charge Level
To measure the charge level of the battery, enter 4 "taps" - the display will show a "b"
(see Figure 8) - followed by a "hold". When this command is entered, what is shown
on the display will represent the present charge level of the battery. It will also play a
tone which indicates a "Good Charge Level", or "Bad Charge Level".

Figure 8 - Display showing the "b" (battery) and "r" (atomizer resistance) commands.

Figure 9 shows the battery level display. A - symbol along with a number is
displayed, which corresponds to the voltage of the battery. For instance, -6 means a
battery level of 7.6 volts. -9 means a battery level of 7.9 volts. When the display
shows -H this means the battery voltage is fully charged and is above 8.0 volts.

Figure 9 Three displays showing a battery level of 7.6, 7.9 and above 8.0 volts.
One important thing to note about the battery level is that it is not linear. For
instance, about 80% of the battery capacity is gone once the display reads the -6.
The battery will discharge much more quickly from -6 to -0 than it does from -H
to -6. A general rule of thumb is that it is a good idea to recharge the unit when it
hits the -6 level or below.
Atomizer Resistance
Entering 5 "Taps" followed by a "hold" instructs the SuperMax to measure the
resistance of the atomizer. A symbol "r" is shown on the display to indicate the
resistance measurement command (Figure 8). For resistances from 1.0 to 3.0, the
display will show a number with a decimal point as in Figure 10.
For resistances less than 1.0 the display will first show a "0" followed by the
tenths of an ohms digit, then scroll left to show the hundredths of an ohm digit. Figure
11 shows the display measuring 0.72, first displaying 0.7 then scrolling to 72.
When the resistance is out of its measurable range, the display will show the
double error bars - -.

Figure 10 Display showing a resistance of 1.5.

Figure 11 Display showing a resistance of 0.72, first with 0.7, then 72.
Additional Information
In VW mode, the SuperMax controls the power going into the load by measuring the output
voltage and current and calculating the power. This is done several times a second while the
button is pushed.
When there is no load (i.e. no atomizer) attached the current (and the power) being
delivered will be zero. When the unit is in VW mode and the button is pushed with no
atomizer attached, the SuperMax will flash error bars on the display (see Figure 12) and
beep twice. The current power setting will remain until a load is connected to the device.
In VW mode there will be a range of power settings that the SuperMax can deliver for
a particular atomizer. This is set by the minimum (3.0V) and maximum (6.0V) voltages the
SuperMax regulator is set. For instance, with a 1.0 load, the power ranges are from 9
Watts (@3.0V) to about 36W (@6.0V). For a 0.4 load, for instance, the range is from 22W
(@3.0V) to 78W (@5.6V). If the output is set outside the valid range for the load, when the
button is pressed the unit will beep, display the error bars and reset the output to the
closest value it can deliver for that range.
The maximum output voltage the SuperMax can deliver depends on the load
resistance. For loads down to about 0.75, the SuperMax can deliver very close to the full
output range (3.0V to 6.0V). For lower resistances, however, the maximum voltage will drop
a little, down to about 5.5V at the lowest resistances the unit can handle. In addition, the
charge of the battery will also determine the maximum output voltage.

Figure 12 If no atomizer is attached in VW mode, when the button is pressed the unit will
display the error bars and a double beep.
During normal use the SuperMax monitors the battery voltage and will not allow the
battery voltage to drop below 7.0 volts. When this happens, the unit will play an indicator
tone and shut off completely. The SuperMax must be recharged before it can be used again.
Once the battery voltage reaches an acceptable level, the SuperMax play the Ode to Joy
and can be used as a passthrough if desired. It is best to allow it to complete the charge
cycle uninterrupted when it has completely discharged.

Audio Tones and What They Mean
The tones played by the SuperMax are unique and provide important clues as to what is
going on with the unit. This can be very helpful when a condition arises which requires the
user's attention. Below are the description of the tones and what they mean:
Ode to Joy - Indicates that the battery has a good charge.
Imperial March - Indicates when the battery has become fully discharged and the unit is
about to shut itself off.
Charge! - Indicates when the unit has been unlocked.
Football Game - Indicates that the unit has been locked.
He-Man Theme - Played when switching from VV to VW mode.
Smoke on the Water - Played when switching from VW to VV mode.
Liberty Bell March - Played when the audio is de-muted.
Double Beep - Indicates an error.

To see a video of the SuperMax firing at 20W, 40W, 60W, and 80W, check out the link:
Command Quick Reference Guide
Normal Vaping:
(no Taps) + Hold
Display shows a number

This is the main mode in which the SuperMax is used, i.e.
normal vaping with no functions entered. While the
button is pressed down for the first time, the unit samples
the atomizer current 10 times a second and keeps the
power or voltage at a constant output level. The output is
on during this operation.

Increase Setting:
1 Taps + Hold
Display shows a "u"

When this command is entered, the SuperMax increases
the Power/Voltage setting by one increment. For instance,
if the power is set at 10 Watts, entering this command will
increase it to 11 Watts. If the voltage is set to 4.2V, it will
increase to 4.3V. The output is off during this operation.

Decrease Setting:
2 Taps + Hold
Display shows a "d"

When this command is entered, the SuperMax decreases
the Power/Voltage setting by one increment. For instance,
if the power is set at 8 Watts, entering this command will
set it at 7.5 Watts. If the output is set to 5.3V, it will
decrease to 5.2V. The output is off during this operation.
Read Battery Level:
3 Taps + Hold
Display shows a "b"

When this command is entered, the SuperMax will display
the battery charge level. The output is off during this

Read Resistance:
4 Taps + Hold
Display shows an "r"
When this command is entered, the SuperMax measures
the resistance of the atomizer connected to the mod. The
SuperMax can measure resistances in the range of 0.2 to
3.0 Ohms. The output is pulsed briefly during this

Lock/Unlock Power Setting:
5 Taps + Hold
Display shows an "l"

When this command is entered the SuperMax will lock its
current settings so they cannot be inadvertently changed.
The output is off during this operation.

Change Mode Setting:
6 Taps + Hold
Display shows a "c"

When this command is entered the SuperMax will switch
from VV to VW mode or vice versa. The output is off during
this operation.

Mute/Unmute Audio Setting:
7 Taps + Hold
Display shows an "o"
When this command is entered, the SuperMax will disable
or enable its audio actuator. The output is off during this
SuperMax Specifications

Parameter Value Description
Output Voltage Range 3.0V to 5.5-6.0V Max depends on load
Output Current 16A Max Over full output range
Output Power 5.0W to 82W Range depends on load
Voltage Accuracy 0.1V
Power Accuracy 0.5W 5.0 to 10W
1.0W 10W to 82W
Output Signal Flat DC Not pulsed
Regulator Type Buck 16A switching regulator
Atomizer resistance 0.33 to 3.0
Resistance Accuracy 0.1 1.0 to 3.0
0.05 0.4 to 1.0
0.02 0.2 to 0.4

Internal Battery 2600 mAHr 2 x 3.7V LiPo Pack
User Replaceable
Charging voltage 5.0 Volts USB 2.0 compatible
Charging current 1000 mA USB 2.0 compatible
Charging connector Mini USB
Approx. Chg. Time ~90 mins Full charge cycle
Activation Button Hall Effect Anti-Vandal
Size 80 x 55 x 25 mm
Weight 175 g w/battery installed
Box Power Coated Aluminum Fingerprint-proof finish
Atomizer Connector 510 Brass plated
Puff Counter 10-1000

Ha! Fooled you! There's no puff counter, puff counters are stupid.

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