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Jared Adams

Mrs. Sease
12 November 2013
Chapter 13 IDs
Know-Nothing Party- Immigrants in the U.S. posed a threat to the natives because of
their unknown languages and cultures. Some feared that the foreigners would
outnumber them and eventually overrun the country. This brought the idea of European
religious wars, resulting in clashes between the Protestants and Catholics. Some
nativities formed this party in New York called the "Order of the Star Spangled Banner".
The members refused to identify themselves and would say they know nothing. They
were an anti-Catholic group, until it died out and slavery became the main issue.
Texas Revolution- The Texas war was the war between Texas settlers and Mexico
from 1835-1836 resulting in the formation of the Republic of Texas. Stephen Austin
became the commander of the settlers' army in the Texas Revolution. The Texas Army
defeated General Santa Anna's Mexican forces in a ght that lasted eighteen minutes.
About 700 of the Mexican soldiers were killed and 730 captured, while only nine Texans
died; one of these Texans was Davy Santa Anna was captured the next day & held as
prisoner of war.
John Tyler- 17901862, was 10th president of the US. John Tyler was a member of the
Virginia Whig party. He served as US congressman and governor of Virginia from 1825
27, US senator from 182736, and US vice president in 1841. He became president
upon the death of President William H. Harrison. John Tyler was famous for securing
the annexation of Texas in 1845. Throughout his political career he advocated states'
rights. His alliance with Southern Democrats on this issue pushed the divide between
North and South prior to the Civil War.
James K. Polk- Polk was the 11th president of the U.S. and was a Democrat that
served as the 17th Speaker of the House of Representatives and Governor of
Tennessee. Polk was the surprise candidate for president in 1844, and defeated Henry
Clay of the rival Whig Party by promising to invade and annex Texas. Polk was a leader
of Jacksonian Democracy during the Second Party System and hes also known for
invading and annexing half of the Mexican Republic.
John O Sullivan and Manifest Destiny- He was an inuential Democratic editor who
coined the phrase "manifest destiny" and justied the American claims to new territory.
He claimed that " by the right of our manifest destiny to overspread and to possess
the whole of the continent which Providence has given us for the development of the
great experiment of liberty and federative self government entrusted to us."
Zachary Taylor- Taylor was a general that was the military leader in Mexican-American
War and 12th president of the United States. Zachary Taylor was a supporter of the
Whig Party and was sent by president Polk to lead the American Army against Mexico
at Rio Grande, but was defeated.
Bear Flag Republic- Mariano Guadalupe Vallejo, began inciting the people of California
to revolt against Mexico. When U.S. Army Major John C. Frmont arrived in California
claiming to be on a mission to nd a route to the Pacic, he began encouraging a
parallel rebellion among the Anglo-American settlers. As a result, settlers in Sonoma
assisted by volunteers from among the American settlers and Vacqueros from the many
haciendas, in the Sacramento River valley, captured the Mexican garrison of Sonoma
and raised a homemade ag with a bear and star (the "Bear Flag") to symbolize their
taking control. The words "California Republic" appeared on the ag but were never
ofcially used by them.
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo- This was the treaty negotiated between Mexico and the
United States during the Mexican War and signed on February 2, 1848. In attempt to
secure territorial gains by the end of the war, President James Polk sent Nicholas P.
Trist, to negotiate a treaty with Santa Anna. The terms of this treaty conrmed the
American title to Texas and yielded the area stretching westward to Oregon and the
Pacic Ocean. This treaty had Mexico to cede about half of its land to the United States,
but America agreed to pay $15 million for the territory and to assume the claims of its
citizens against Mexico for $3.25 million.
Wilmot Proviso- The The Wilmot Proviso was a major event that lead to the American
Civil War. It would have banned slavery in any territory to be acquired from Mexico in
the Mexican War or in the future, including the Mexican Cession, but which some
advocates agreed to also include the disputed lands in south Texas and New Mexico
east of the Rio Grande.
Popular Sovereignty- The sovereignty of the people is the idea that the authority of the
government is created and sustained by the consent of its people, or their elected
representatives, who are the source of all political power. Popular sovereignty
expresses a concept and does not necessarily reect or describe a political reality. It is
usually compared with the concept of parliamentary sovereignty and with individual

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