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Ways To Prevent Drug Abuse

1) Avoid addicting substances.

The only way to keep away from the scary, uncontrollable drug cravings is to never experiment
with substances in the first place. Without that first feeling of euphoria, we dont really know
what were missing. Or, maybe we do know what we are missing: the pain, the struggle and the
feeling of hopelessness once a drug takes over our lives.

2) Spend time with your family and friends.
Those with parents, families and good friends who are involved in their lives are more likely to
avoid drugs and alcohol. Families that spend time together, hang out and eat meals together
have more opportunities for insightful and/or continued conversation.

3) Get involved with a team or organization.
Find a healthy activity, group or sport your enjoy. Art, choir, 4H, animal tech, theater, music,
sport and spiritual or neighborhood-based groups can keep you busy, interacting with positive
peers and more likely to stay away from drugs and alcohol. Most sports teams apply strict
sobriety rules, creating an incentive to stay clean.

4) Use medications only as prescribed.
Trouble starts when people start increasing their dosage, taking medicine when they dont
really need it or self-medicating for their emotions more than their physical pain. Countless
individuals are prescribed medication for legitimate pain, only to wind up addicted to the
medication that was supposed to help, not hurt.

5) Effectively deal with peer pressure.
Whether youre a teen or not, no one likes to be left out. Everyone finds himself or herself
doing things they normally wouldnt do, just to fit in. In these cases, you need to either find a
better group of friends that wont pressure you into doing harmful things, or you need to find a
good way to say no. Prepare a good excuse or plan ahead of time to keep from giving into
tempting situations.

6) Learn about the drugs and the risks
Many people are unaware of the side effects of the drugs they take, or how addicting they can
truly be. All patients that are put on prescription drugs should be warned about misusing the
pills, and be taught how to avoid addiction. Special care should be taken for people at a higher
risk for addiction.
7) Develop a healthy mindset.
Society has a way of making us think were too rushed, too pressured, too burdened, and that
we need to do something to reward ourselves or make ourselves feel better. Drugs may help us
feel in control at first, along with addicting behaviors like shopping, binge eating and purging,
but these are, ultimately, unhealthy and ineffective ways to escape.
8) Take time for you.
Sometimes a little alone time to think, take a walk or rejuvenate helps keep drug abuse away.

9) Seek help for mental illness.
Mental illness and substance abuse often go hand-in-hand. Those with a mental illness may
turn to drugs as a way to ease the pain. Those suffering from some form of mental illness, such
as anxiety, depression or post-traumatic stress disorder should seek the help of a trained
professional for treatment, before it leads to substance abuse.

10) Talk to someone.
For those who see the dangers and potential for drug abuse looming ahead, speaking with a
counselor can be very beneficial.

Agencies Responsible for Drug Abuse
Drug Abuse Rehabilitation Network (DARN). It provides a comprehensive rehabilitation and
educational program for drug victims in order to prevent and control drug abuse in the country.
DARN provides integrated medical, psychological, occupational, and spiritual services.
National Bureau of Investigation (NBI). This law-enforcement agency was the first to establish
a treatment and rehabilitation center for drug dependents in the Philippines. Established in
1965, the NBI Treatment and Rehabilitation Centers (TRC) in Tagaytay, Cagayan de Oro, and
Cebu provide a safe haven for drug dependents.
Dangerous Drug Board (DBB). This agency was created under the office of the President
through R.A. No. 9165 known as the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002. It
establishes policies and programs on drug prevention and control throughout the country.
Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA). The PDEA is the implementing arm of DDB. It is
responsible for the efficient and effective enforcement of the provisions on any dangerous drug
and/or other known harmful substances that were mentioned in R.A. No. 9165.
Department of Health (DOH). R.A. No.9165 commissioned the Department of Health to
monitor the coordination and supervision of all drug rehabilitation programs, interventions,
projects, and activities, as well as the establishment, accreditation, maintenance, and
management of privately-owned drug rehabilitation centers. It functions in coordination with
other concerned agencies such as the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD),
National Bureau of Investigation (NBI), and the Philippines National
Non-Governmental Organizations Involved in Drug Rehabilitation LOGO
SHALOM House, Inc. The Shalom House is a non-government organization located in Baguio
City. Not only does it provide rehabilitation, but it also supports researchers, training, and
seminars in order to educate the public about drug dependence.
Drug Abuse Research Foundation Inc. (DARFI) This NGO was organized in the 1970s to
rehabilitate drug abusers, alcoholics, and people with behavioral disorders. They provide
discussions and activities that will help the drug victims change their maladaptive behaviors and
prepare them to re-enter society as productive members.
Narcotic Foundation of the Philippines (NFPI). This Foundation serves as a halfway house (a
house and rehabilitation center) for drug addicts. The residents in this foundation go through a
three-stage program to overcome drug dependence: physical cure, emotional therapy, and
occupational therapy.
ANG TAHANAN This semi-government rehabilitation center in Quezon City provides
comprehensive and adequate treatment and rehabilitation for drug dependents.

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