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Brief Description:

FlipSnack Edu allows students and teachers alike to create publications that take the form of digital
books with limitless content to share and view with one another online. These books are interactive
in the sense that the pages actually turn and have other various features such as sound effects,
images, videos, and web links that can be embedded into its digital content.
FlipSnack Edu
FlipSnack Edu is a technological tool that students and teachers can use to create customized content in
a unique format. This technology allows for the creation of digital books that appear similar in nature to
that of a traditional print book or magazine. Once created, the pages of this book are actually able to
flip or turn in an animated sense so it seems as if the user is turning the page. Additionally, there are
various features that can be embedded into these books. These features include options such as
adding text, hyperlinks or web links, audio, voice overs, images, and videos. These books can be even
more highly customized to the users preferences. Background colors can be changed as well as the text
itself. Different layouts for the book are available, such as a one or two-page design option. There is
even an option to show thumbnail navigation for the books. Additionally, there are various ways that
the books can be created. Preexisting PDF files can be uploaded to instantly create the content of the
book and modify it from there or a user can begin with blank pages and tailor it to the individuals
needs. This technological tool has been recognized as a best website for teaching and learning in 2013
by the American Association of School Librarians.
Many options for how the books display are available to the user. FlipSnack Edu functions well on
many different platforms from desktops to mobile devices such as phones and tablets. The technology
is also able to be utilized with wireless presenters.
In order for students to be able to utilize this technology, teachers need to set up an online classroom
environment that requires a secure login. Teachers can create student accounts, and the teacher alone
has authority over students share settings. Teachers can also create groups within the environment,
assign and grade work, and even modify the homepage to meet the needs of the class. These books
can also be added to blogs, and other social platforms, such as websites, by the teacher only.
Possibilities for implementation of the technology can be found on the homepage of the website for
FlipSnack Edu. They include three opportunities: blended learning, flipped classrooms, and distance
education. In the blended learning environment, these flip books are part of the traditional model of
classroom instruction. The flipped classroom idea changes the content delivery model. In this
environment, the lessons and content are done at home, while the coursework that goes along with the
content is done in the physical classroom. With distance education, these books are just another
unique way to engage students and provide meaningful and fun content for online classes.
There are many limitless ways that FlipSnack Edu can be used in the classroom. One idea would be to
compile student work into a book in order to share with parents at conferences or other times
throughout the school year. Another option is to turn a class assignment of poetry or other short story
writing into an anthology of their work, which could in turn be centered on a theme. These flip books
could also be used as a lesson in layout and design for higher level students in a
marketing/art/communications class. These books could also be used in order to compile different
styles and techniques of art into separate books, which could be shared with students as examples in
order for them to learn the differences.

Brief Description:
Glogster EDU is a creation technology tool that allows students to create Glogs, which are online
multimedia presentations that incorporate text, audio, video, images, graphics, drawings, data
attachments, etc. so that students can demonstrate their knowledge and abilities in a visual, spatial, and
engaging way.
Glogster EDU
Glogster EDU is an online technology that allows students to create posters or digital papers for
classroom assignments. These digital papers allow the user to employ various media formats
including text, audio, video, images, graphics, drawings, and data. It is simply another way for students
to showcase what they have learned about a particular subject or area. Currently, this online platform
serves over 14 million students and 1.5 million teachers throughout the world.
This tool has another important feature called Glogpedia. This is a compilation of various glogs created
by various users for inspiration and use purposes; after all, most teachers are too busy to reinvent the
wheel. These glogs are separated into different categories for users to be able to browse through as
examples and to get ideas from. Additionally, templates are available for use by teachers and students
alike to help them get started.
The website expresses that having students create these poster-like glogs helps engage them and
produces eagerness and interest in researching content. It also encourages them to be creative in
displaying and disseminating that content, not to mention the fact that students seem to have fun using
the technology. Additionally, another benefit of using this technological tool is the fact that students
are not only engaging with technology but are becoming better digital citizens as a result.
Glogster EDU can be incorporated into the classroom in many ways. Students can conduct research on
various topics and then compile that research into a glog page (e.g. poster) that highlights the most
relevant pieces of information and gives a quick but general overview of the topic, which teaches them
to be able to concisely state important information for others to use. Another way that Glogster can be
used in the classroom is by teachers creating one in order to give a high level broad introduction to a
topic, which then students would have to fill in the blanks on. Additionally, these posters could be
made into eye-catching flashcards for younger students highlighting shapes, colors, and numbers.
These are only a few of the ways that this technology could be effective and useful in the classroom, but
the possibilities are endless.

Brief Description:
PowToon allows students to easily create videos and presentations for classroom use that include
features such as animation.
PowToon EDU
PowToon is a web tool that allows students to easily create unique, interesting, and engaging
presentations that have a professional look. The mission of the creators in devising this technological
tool was to provide an alternative to the problems inherent in other presentation software like
PowerPoint and Keynote. They state the importance of its user-friendly design is that advanced
technological skills are not necessary in order to use the tool to develop presentations that look
professional in nature. The idea being that it is no longer just a presentation, but that presentations are
in combination with animations like cartoons.
The main audience for this technological tool seems to be businesses and organizations. In marketing
themselves to businesses, PowToon states that all businesses/organizations need to be able to captivate
their audience, whoever that might be. With the PowToon presentation software that allows for
animation to be present, the non-personalized faceless animations allow the consumer to identify and
experience whatever it is the business or organization is trying to sell or promote.
While PowToon has been mainly for businesses and organizations, they have also made strides into the
educational sector as well. This version of PowToon is known as PowToon 4Edu. The idea being that
this software is another way for students to create content in a fun, easy, and engaging way.
Additionally, the website touts a teaching method called "flipping the classroom." In this practice,
students learn through direct digital instruction on their own time at home and spend their in class time
doing their "homework" as opposed to instruction in the classroom and homework at home. This allows
teachers to spend more time working with students on the problems they encounter. PowToon can be
used to create the lecture/content that teachers need to present. The following link connects to this
idea of the flipped classroom:
Many different options for incorporating this technology into the classroom can be devised. Examples
are numerous; for example, students could re-enact or recreate a historical event using the animations,
or have two famous/historical characters converse over a subject/topic. Students could also create a
comic to explain a vocabulary word or concept from class (e.g. the water cycle). They could also use the
technology to create a "commercial" meant to persuade an audience after discussing marketing
concepts in class. These are only a few of the various ways this technology could be used, but the
options are endless and up to the creative development of the user.

Brief Description:
Kidblog allows students the opportunity to write and publish their thoughts, ideas, and responses to
classroom assignments, as well as create multimedia content, such as slideshows, videos, podcasts,
artwork, google docs, and other Web 2.0 tools from wherever they happen to be.
Kidblog is a blogging site specifically geared toward K-12 educators and their students. It was created by
educators who felt they knew what was important and necessary in terms of features for a blog that
would be solely utilized by students. The vision for this product is to support teachers in an electronic
environment by creating a space for students to safely and appropriately create content and help
teachers facilitate discussion and be content curators in the classroom.
With kidblog, the online safety of students seems to be of utmost importance. This tool is for teachers
that want their students to have an individual voice via an individual blog. Students are able to write
and post ideas, content, and participate in class-wide discussions all within a secure environment so as
to not let sensitive information out into cyberspace. Control remains in the teachers hands with almost
all aspects of the site. The site is essentially private; only those allowed access by the teacher are able
to access the content of the site. Overall, teachers have administrative power over the entire site thus
eliminating some of the immediate security threats. The blogs default to a private setting, meaning that
only peer students and the teacher can view what has been written, but the option to make posts public
is available at the teachers discretion. While the posts are private, teachers can create accounts for
others who they feel comfortable in sharing content with, such as parents or other school
administrators, like a principal, although some sensitive information is required in order to set up these
accounts, like e-mail addresses. The site also has in place comment privacy settings, which do not
allow for outside comments to enter the classroom environment.
Kidblogs uses are numerous. The website describes using Kidblog to give students a new format for
class discussions, which can facilitate their learning and practicing ethical and responsible digital
citizenship principles, both in using a cyber-environment and in learning to respond and conduct
discussion in a manner appropriate to the virtual world. Most importantly, students are able to practice
their writing skills in a different way other than what the traditional method allows. The fact that this
technology can go anywhere means that students are no longer limited by the physical classroom. It
also allows the teacher to access the content from anywhere instead of needing to stay in the classroom
or having to take home papers to grade every night.
Since students are very peer-driven, this technology provides an authentic audience for students with
their own peer group and allows for them to see one anothers writing, comment, and discuss it, which
as a result may motivate them to improve their communication skills with more enthusiasm. However,
with this comes the risk that students would not practice morality in their comments and discussions.
With that said, Kidblog has already thought of that and does not allow anything to go live until the
teacher approves the content.
This technology can also be incorporated into instruction in various ways. It can be used as a reflection
on reading topics, such as student responses to the themes of books or to comment on up-to-date news
articles about current events happening around the world today. Another way Kidblog can be used is
for essay exams. Instead of the traditional method of using paper and pencil, students can write their
essay answers on the Kidblog site. Book reports can also be accomplished using Kidblog in the digital
age. Also, teaching how to give constructive criticism to others can be difficult, but with Kidblog,
accessing each others work is not as difficult anymore. In this sense, Kidblog can be the base from
which these skills are taught.

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