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Online Application for Licensure Examination

Documentary Requirements
1. Original and photocopies of Transcript of Records with pecial Order and Date of
!raduation" with scanned pictures and with remar#s $%OR &OARD E'A()*AT)O*
+,R+OE O*L-.. !raduates of go/ernment schools and institutions0programs accredited
1y recogni2ed accredited agencies under the %AA+ are exempted from O. !raduates of
*ew chools0Degree +rograms must su1mit chool Recognition and0or +ermit to Operate.
3. Original and photocopy of *O4issued &irth 5erti6cate 7if *O copy is not clear"
1ring copy from the Local 5i/il Registrar8
9. %or married females" original and photocopies of *O4issued (arriage 5ontract 7if
*O copy is not clear" 1ring copy from Local 5i/il Registrar8
:. Two 738 passport4si2e colored pictures with white 1ac#ground and complete name
;. 5urrent 5ommunity Tax 5erti6cate 75edula8
<. Other speci6c requirements as required 1y the 5ommission or the +rofessional
Regulatory &oard.
5lic# =ERE for the Documentary Requirements to the Respiratory Therapists Licensure
=ow to Apply
&efore 6lling out your application form" please ta#e time to read the following instructions
and tips>
1. Accomplish the one4page application form 1y 6lling out all of the 1lan# 6elds in
the application form. %ields mar#ed with a red asteris# 7?8 are required. u1mission will
not 1e successful until all required 6elds are properly accomplished.
o ,se the scroll1ar to select the desired option 7ex. name of examination"
date" place" etc.8
o 5lic# the magni6er to search for speci6c information such as
city0municipality" school name and degree0course. @hen the search result is shown" clic#
on the desired information to select the same. ,se simple #eywords when searching 7ex.
to seach for Don (ariano (arcos tate ,ni/ersity4&am1ang 5ampus"
type "mariano" or "bambang"8.
o Dates are entered in a speci6c format "mm/dd/yyyy" 7ex. date of
1irth "01/30/1980"8
o %or applicants without a middle name" Aust #ey in a period 7.8
o %or +L&E applicants without 5edula" you may use your passport num1er.
2. @hen the encoding is completed" clic# the a/e 1utton" and then OB. A
noti6cation message will appear on screen con6rming that you ha/e successfully
su1mitted your application. A similar noti6cation will 1e sent to your email 7if you
pro/ided your email address8.
3. +roceed to the nearest +R5 OCce and present all the documentary requirements
for assessment" payment of prescri1ed fees and issuance of *otice of Admission 7*OA8"
&E%ORE the deadline for application.

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